processing multiline pattern in perl - regex

i am working on adding new languages support for my mobile platform.I have to add entry for each language in several files,so i thought to do it using perl.To automate this process,i am feeling problem in how to match multi-line patterns in perl.
Here is my scenario :
const mmi_imeres_mode_details_struct g_ime_mode_array_int[] =
First i had problem because in perl file is read one line at a i first converted my file stream in to single variable.
my $newstr = '';
open (FH, "$filename") || die "Could not open file.\n";
$newstr = $newstr.$_;
No can someone help me how to search for text within { } , if it is a multi-line pattern.please reply soon...:)

First, there's a better idiom for slurping a file:
my $newstr;
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Could not open file $filename.\n$!\n";
local $/ = undef;
$newstr = <$fh>;
Next, you can set the /s modifier on your regexp, which treats the string as a single line by allowing '.' (dot) to match anything including newlines. But even that's not really necessary since you won't be using 'dot' in your regexp anyway.....
$newstr =~ m/
{ # Match the opening bracket.
([^}]*) # Capture any number of characters that exclude '}'
} # Match the closing bracket.
/gx # Use /g for multiple matches, and /x for readability.
) {
print "$1\n";
Another solution would be to set your input record separator, $/, to '}'. That way you're reading the file in as chunks that end with a closing bracket. Nifty trick.


How can I properly stop and start metacharacter interpolation in regexp in Perl

Editing to be more concise, pardon.
I need to be able to grep from an array using a string that may contain one of the following characters: '.', '+', '/', '-'. The string will be captured via from the user. The array contains each line of the file I'm searching through (I'm chomping the file into the array to avoid keeping it open while the user is interfacing with the program because it is on a cron and I do not want to have it open when the cron runs), and each line has a unique identifier within it which is the basis for the search string used in the regexp. The code below shows the grep statement I am using, and I use OUR and MY in my programs to make the variables I want access to in all namespaces available, and the ones I use only in subroutines not. If you do want to try and replicate the issue
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Switch;
use Data::Dumper;
our $pgm_path = "/tmp/";
our $device_info = "";
our #new_filetype1 = ();
our #new_filetype2 = ();
our #dev_info = ();
our #pgm_files = ();
our %arch_rtgs = ();
our $file = "/path/file.csv";
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Couldn't open $file!\n";
chomp(our #source_file = <$fh>);
close $fh;
print "Please enter the device name:\n";
chomp(our $dev = <STDIN>);
while ($device_info eq "") {
# Grep the device info from the sms file
my #sms_device = grep(/\Q$dev\E/, #source_file);
if (scalar(#sms_device) > 1) {
my $which_dup = find_the_duplicate(\#sms_device);
if ($which_dup eq "program") {
print "\n-> $sms_dev <- must be a program name instead of a device name." .
"\nChoose the device from the list you are working on, specifically.\n";
foreach my $fix(#sms_device) {
my #fix_array = split(',', $fix);
print "$fix_array[1]\n";
undef #fix_array;
chomp($sms_dev = <STDIN>);
} else { $device_info = $which_dup; }
} elsif (scalar(#sms_device) == 1) {
($device_info) = #sms_device;
#sms_device = ();
When I try the code with an anchor:
my #sms_device = grep(/\Q$dev\E^/, #source_file);
No more activity from the program is noticed. It just sits there like it's waiting on some more input from the user. This is not what I expected to happen. The reason I would like to anchor the search pattern is because there are many, many examples of similarly named devices that have the same character order as the search pattern, but also include additional characters that are ignored in the regexp evaluation. I don't want them to be ignored, in the sense that they are included in matches. I want to force an exact match of the string in the variable.
Thanks in advance for wading through my terribly inexperienced code and communication attempts at detailing my problem.
The device id followed by the start of the string? /\Q$dev\E^/ makes no sense. You want the device id to be preceded by the start of the string and followed by the end of the string.
grep { /^\Q$dev\E\z/ }
Better yet, let's avoid spinning up the regex engine for nothing.
grep { $_ eq $dev }
For example,
$ perl -e'my $dev = "ccc"; CORE::say for grep { /^\Q$dev\E\z/ } qw( accc ccc ccce );'
$ perl -e'my $dev = "ccc"; CORE::say for grep { $_ eq $dev } qw( accc ccc ccce );'
I would use quotemeta. Here is an example of how it compares:
my $regexp = '\t';
my $metaxp = quotemeta ($regexp);
while (<DATA>) {
print "match \$regexp - $_" if /$regexp/;
print "match \$metaxp - $_" if /$metaxp/;
This \t is not a tab
This is a tab
(there is literally a tab in the second line)
The meta version will match line 1, as it turned "\t" into essentially "\t," and the non-meta (original) version will match line 2, which assumes you are looking for a tab.
match $metaxp - This \t is not a tab
match $regexp - This is a tab
Hopefully you get my meaning.
I think adding $regexp = quotemeta ($regexp) (or doing it when you capture the standard input) should meet your need.

Dynamic regular expression for Nesting brackets failed due to unknow bugs

rencently I have met a strange bug when use a dynamic regular expressions in perl for Nesting brackets' match. The origin string is " {...test{...}...} ", I want to grep the pair brace begain with test, "test{...}". actually there are probably many pairs of brace before and end this group , I don't really know the deepth of them.
Following is my match scripts:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
my %args = #ARGV;
if(exists$args{'-help'}) {printhelp();}
unless ($args{'-file'}) {printhelp();}
unless ($args{'-regex'}) {printhelp();}
my $OpenParents;
my $counts;
my $NestedGuts = qr {
(?{$OpenParents = 0})
| \{ (?{$OpenParents++;$counts++; print "\nLeft:".$OpenParents." ;"})
| \} (?(?{$OpenParents ne 0; $counts++}) (?{$OpenParents--;print "Right: ".$OpenParents." ;"})) (?(?{$OpenParents eq 0}) (?!))
my $string = `cat $args{'-file'}`;
my $partten = $args{'-regex'} ;
print "####################################################\n";
print "Grep [$partten\{...\}] from $args{'-file'}\n";
print "####################################################\n";
while ($string =~ /($partten$NestedGuts)/xmgs){
print $1."}\n";
print $2."####\n";
print "Regex has seen $counts brackts\n";
sub printhelp{
print "Usage:\n";
print "\t./ -file [file] -regex '[regex expression]'\n";
print "\t[file] : file path\n";
print "\t[regex] : regex string\n";
Actually my regex is:
our $OpenParents;
our $NestedGuts = qr {
(?{$OpenParents = 0})
| \{ (?{$OpenParents++;})
| \} (?(?{$OpenParents ne 0}) (?{$OpenParents--})) (?(?{$OpenParents eq 0} (?!))
I have add brace counts in
I also write a string generator for debug:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $buffer = "{{{test{";
unless ($ARGV[0]) {print "Please specify the nest pair number!\n"; exit}
for (1..$ARGV[0]){
$buffer.= "\n\{\{\{\{$_\}\}\}\}";
#$buffer.= "\n\{\{\{\{\{\{\{\{\{$_\}\}\}\}\}\}\}\}\}";
$buffer .= "\n\}}}}";
open TEXT, ">log_$ARGV[0]";
print TEXT $buffer;
close TEXT;
You can generate a test file by
./ 1000
It will create a log file named log_1000, which include 1000 lines brace pairs
Now we test our match scripts:
./ -file log_1000 -regex "test" > debug_1000
debug_1000 looks like a great perfect result, matched successfully! But when I gen a 4000 lines test log file and match it again, it seem crashed:
./ 4000
./ -file log_4000 -regex "test" > debug_4000
The end of debug_4000 shows
Regex has seen 26213 brackts
I don't know what's wrong with the regex expresions, mostly it works well for paired brackets, untill recently I found it crashed when I try to match a text file more than 600,000 lines.
I'm really confused by this problems,
I really hope to solve this problem.
thank you all!
First for matching nested brackets I normally use Regexp::Common.
Next, I'm guessing that your problem is that Perl's regular expression engine breaks after matching 32767 groups. You can verify this by turning on warnings and looking for a message like Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (32766) exceeded.
If so, you can rewrite your code using /g and \G and pos. The idea being that you match the brackets in a loop like this untested code:
my $start = pos($string);
my $open_brackets = 0;
my $failed;
while (0 < $open_brackets or $start == pos($string)) {
if ($string =~ m/\G[^{}]*(\{|\})/g) {
if ($1 eq '{') {
else {
else {
$failed = 1;
if (not $failed and 0 == $open_brackets) {
my $matched = substr($string, $start, pos($string));

perl regex multiline

I am trying to write a perl script that replaces a few lines of text with a few other lines, I am a perl newbie, appreciate any help.
Need to replace
I am unable to do so, especially the regex part. I tried many things, but the script currently stands at:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my ($lopen_fh, $lwrite_fh);
# my $l_reg_evs = qq{
my $l_reg_evs = qr/(\'ENTITLEMENT_EVS_V\',
my $l_evs=qq{
open ($lopen_fh, '<', "/home/cbdev2/imp/dev/src/deli/entfreeunits/config/entfreeunits/stubs/DirectVariables_evEntlCategory.exp") or die $!;
open ($lwrite_fh, '>', "/home/cbdev2/imp/dev/src/deli/entfreeunits/config/entfreeunits/stubs/") or die $!;
while(<$lopen_fh>) {
$_ =~ s/$l_reg_evs/$l_evs/m;
print $lwrite_fh $_;
close $lopen_fh;
close $lwrite_fh;
I am not quite clear what you are trying to do, but I tried to distill the essence of your problem into a self-contained script. In a real program, you'd be reading and parsing the mapping of variable names to categories and codes, but here, I am just going to read from strings. The purpose of that is to show that the task can be accomplished without slurping files.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $entitlement_map_file = <<EOF_MAP_FILE;
my $entitlement_input_file = <<EOF_INPUT_FILE;
# read and parse the file containing mapping of
# variables to category names and codes
open my $map_fh, '<', \$entitlement_map_file
or die $!;
my %map;
while (my $var = <$map_fh>) {
chomp $var;
chomp( my $mnemonic = <$map_fh> );
chomp( my $code = <$map_fh>);
#{ $map{$var} }{qw(mnemonic code)} = ($mnemonic, $code);
close $map_fh;
# read the input file, look up variable name in the map
# if there, follow with category name and code
# skip two lines from input, continue where you left off
open my $in, '<', \$entitlement_input_file
or die $!;
while (my $var = <$in>) {
$var =~ s/,\s+\z//;
next unless exists $map{ $var };
for (1 .. 2) {
die unless <$in> =~ /^NULL/;
print join(",\n", $var, #{ $map{$var} }{qw(mnemonic code)}), "\n";
close $in;
Generalizing this is left as an exercise to the reader.
I think I'd write something like this. It expects the path to the input file as a parameter on the command line and prints the result to STDOUT
It requires all of the following to be true
The first line of the block to search for and the block to be replaced are always identical
The number of lines in the block to search for and the block to be replaced are always the same
The input file always contains the first line of the block to search for exactly once
There is no need to check that the lines in the file after the first one in the block are NULL,, and it is sufficient to locate just the first line and remove the following lines whatever they contain
It works by reading the input file and copying it to STDOUT. If it encounters a line that contains the first line of the replacement block, then it reads and it discards lines until the number of lines read is equal to the size of the replacement block. Then the text in the replacement block is printed to STDOUT and the copying continues
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
no warnings 'qw'; # avoid warning about commas in qw//
my #replacement = qw/
open my $fh, '<', $ARGV[0];
while ( <$fh> ) {
if ( /$replacement[0]/ ) {
<$fh> for 1 .. $#replacement;
print "$_\n" for #replacement;
else {
This works fine with some sample data that I created, but I have no way of knowing whether the stipulations listed above apply to your actual data. I'm sure you will let me know if something needs adjusting
Here's what I did:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my ($lopen_fh, $lwrite_fh);
my $l_stub_dir = "/home/cbdev2/imp/dev/src/deli/entfreeunits/config/entfreeunits/stubs";
my $l_stub = "DirectVariables_evEntlCategory.exp";
my $l_filename = "$l_stub_dir/$l_stub";
my $search_evs = 'ENTITLEMENT_EVS_V';
my $search_tre = 'ENTITLEMENT_TRE_V';
my #replacement_evs = qw/
my #replacement_tre = qw/
open ($lopen_fh, "<$l_filename") or die $!;
open ($lwrite_fh, ">$") or die $!;
while(<$lopen_fh>) {
if ( /'ENTITLEMENT_EVS_V'/ ) {
<$lopen_fh> for 1 .. $#replacement_evs;
print $lwrite_fh " $_\n" for #replacement_evs;
elsif ( /'ENTITLEMENT_TRE_V'/ ) {
<$lopen_fh> for 1 .. $#replacement_tre;
print $lwrite_fh " $_\n" for #replacement_tre;
else {
print $lwrite_fh $_;
close $lopen_fh;
close $lwrite_fh;
unlink($l_filename) or die "Failed to delete $l_filename: $!";
link("$", $l_filename) or die "Failed to copy $l_filename";
unlink("$") or die "Failed to delete $ $!";

Perl6: Capturing Windows newline in a string with regex

Disclaimer: I've cross-posted this over at PerlMonks.
In Perl5, I can quickly and easily print out the hex representation of the \r\n Windows-style line ending:
perl -nE '/([\r\n]{1,2})/; print(unpack("H*",$1))' in.txt
To create a Windows-ending file on Unix if you want to test, create a in.txt file with a single line and line ending. Then: perl -ni -e 's/\n/\r\n/g;print' in.txt. (or in vi/vim, create the file and just do :set ff=dos).
I have tried many things in Perl6 to do the same thing, but I can't get it to work no matter what I do. Here's my most recent test:
use v6;
use experimental :pack;
my $fn = 'in.txt';
my $fh = open $fn, chomp => False; # I've also tried :bin
for $fh.lines -> $line {
if $line ~~ /(<[\r\n]>**1..2)/ {
Outputs 0a, as do:
First, I don't even know if I'm using unpack() or the regex properly. Second, how do I capture both elements (\r\n) of the newline in P6?
Perl 6 automatically chomps the line separator off for you. Which means it isn't there when you try to do a substitution.
Perl 6 also creates synthetic characters if there are combining characters. so if you want a base 16 representation of your input, use the encoding 'latin1' or use methods on $*IN that return a Buf.
This example just appends CRLF to the end of every line.
( The last line will always end with 0D 0A even if it didn't have a line terminator )
perl6 -ne 'BEGIN $*IN.encoding("latin1"); #`( basically ASCII )
$_ ~= "\r\n"; #`( append CRLF )
put .ords>>.fmt("%02X");'
You could also turn off the autochomp behaviour.
perl6 -ne 'BEGIN {
$*IN.chomp = False;
put .ords>>.fmt("%02X");'
Ok, so what my goal was (I'm sorry I didn't make that clear when I posted the question) was I want to read a file, capture the line endings, and write the file back out using the original line endings (and not the endings for the current platform).
I got a proof of concept working now. I'm very new to Perl 6, so the code probably isn't very p6-ish, but it does do what I needed it to.
Code tested on FreeBSD:
use v6;
use experimental :pack;
my $fn = 'in.txt';
my $outfile = 'out.txt';
# write something with a windows line ending to a new file
my $fh = open $fn, :w;
# re-open the file
$fh = open $fn, :bin;
my $eol_found = False;
my Str $recsep = '';
# read one byte at a time, or else we'd have to slurp the whole
# file, as I can't find a way to differentiate EOL from EOF
while $ -> $buf {
my $hex = $buf.unpack("H*");
if $hex ~~ /(0d|0a)/ {
$eol_found = True;
$recsep = $recsep ~ $hex;
if $eol_found {
if $hex !~~ /(0d|0a)/ {
my %recseps = (
'0d0a' => "\r\n",
'0d' => "\r",
'0a' => "\n",
my $nl = %recseps<<$recsep>>;
# write a new file with the saved record separator
$fh = open $outfile, :w;
$fh.print('a' ~ $nl);
# re-read file to see if our newline stuck
$fh = open $outfile, :bin;
my $buf = $;
say $buf;
Buf[uint8]:0x<61 0d 0a>

Find and get the location of a list of words in a text

I'm sure this is simple but I just can't figure out what to do...
I have a text file with a bunch of words in it (let's call it "wordlist") organized in a single column. Then I have a big text file (let's call it "essay"). What I want to do is to look in the "essay" file for the words in my "wordlist".
The trick is that I want to know the position of the matched word in the "essay" (meaning, match found after X characters).
I'm actually able to do it when I look for a single word (so wordlist containing just 1 word) but I can't get it to work when working with a list of words...
Any advice ?
thanks a lot
Ok so I just realized it would just tell me "no match found" anyway...Here is the code
use strict;
use warnings;
open (my $wordlist, "<", "/wordlist.txt")
or die "cannot open < wordlist.txt $!";
open (my $essay, "<", "/essay.txt")
or die "cannot open < essay.txt $!";
while (<$essay>) { print "match found\n" if ($essay =~ m/$wordlist/) ; }
{ print "no match found\n" if ($essay !~ m/$wordlist/) ; }
Help please...?
perl index function basically matches substring which does not ensure the match of a full string. A regular expression based match is more useful here imho.
Read whole text of essay in a string. => $essay
For each word from wordlist.txt => $_
-- Keep matching $_ within $essay with proper regex. The one used here is b$_\b
-- For each match, collect the value of #-[0]
\b: is the word boundary character here which ensures that it only matches with complete words not substrings.
#-: is a special variable that contains the start position of the last regex match.
Here is a sample code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
my $wordlist_file = 'wordlist.txt';
open my $wordlist_fh, '<', $wordlist_file or die "Failed to open '$wordlist_file': $!";
my %pos;
my $essay_file = 'essay.txt';
my $essay = do {
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, "<", $essay_file
or die "could not open $essay_file: $!";
while (<$wordlist_fh>) {
$pos{$_} = [] unless $pos{$_};
while($essay =~ m/\b$_\b/g){
push #{$pos{$_}}, #-;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%pos);
the wordlist file and essay files are similar as mentioned by ThisSuitIsBlackNot.
I want to be just another Perl hacker when I grow up
I want to be just another Perl hacker when I grow up
The %pos hash now contains all the positions of your each word. I just showed them through dumper
$VAR1 = {
'hacker' => [
'Perl' => [
'I' => [
Note that the counts are including the newline characters at the end of each line.
Maybe you can use index() function.
Here is the link: Using the Perl index() function
This is my sample. The performance may be not too well. Hope it helps~:)
open (my $wordlist, "<", "files/wordlist.txt")
or die "cannot open < wordlist.txt $!";
open (my $essay, "<", "files/essay.txt")
or die "cannot open < essay.txt $!";
my $words = {};
while (<$wordlist>) {
$words->{$_} = 1;
my $row_count = 0;
while (<$essay>) {
foreach my $word (keys %{$words}) {
my $offset = 0;
my $r = index($_, $word, $offset);
while ($r != -1) {
print "Found [$word] in line $row_count at $r\n";
$offset = $r + 1;
$r = index($_, $word, $offset);
In your code, $essay and $wordlist are both filehandles. When you say
print "match found\n" if ($essay =~ m/$wordlist/);
You're trying to match the stringification of one filehandle to the stringification of another filehandle. When a filehandle is stringified, it looks something like this:
So your code actually does something like:
print "match found\n" if ('GLOB(0x9a26c38)' =~ m/GLOB(0x94bbc38)/);
This is not what you want. You need to read the contents of your files and compare those, not the filehandles themselves.
Essay words each on their own line
The following code assumes that your "essay" consists of one word per line. We read the contents of the essay file into a hash of arrays, with the lines as keys and an array of positions as values. We use an array in case the same word appears multiple times in the file. The position of the first word is zero. We then loop through the word list file, printing the word and the first matching position, if there is one.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
my $essay_file = 'files/essay.txt';
open my $essay_fh, '<', $essay_file or die "Failed to open '$essay_file': $!";
my $pos = 0;
my %essay;
while (<$essay_fh>) {
push #{ $essay{$_} }, $pos;
$pos += length $_;
my $wordlist_file = 'files/wordlist.txt';
open my $wordlist_fh, '<', $wordlist_file or die "Failed to open '$wordlist_file': $!";
while (<$wordlist_fh>) {
say "$_: $essay{$_}[0]" if exists $essay{$_};
I: 0
Perl: 20
hacker: 24
Note that I'm ignoring newline characters when computing the position values. You can adjust this as necessary.
Essay words more than one per line
If your essay file can have more than one word per line, we can use a regex to check for matches:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
# Slurp entire essay file into a variable
my $essay = do {
local $/;
my $essay_file = 'files/essay.txt';
open my $essay_fh, '<', $essay_file or die "Failed to open '$essay_file': $!";
my $wordlist_file = 'files/wordlist.txt';
open my $wordlist_fh, '<', $wordlist_file or die "Failed to open '$wordlist_file': $!";
while (<$wordlist_fh>) {
say "$_: ", pos($essay) - length($_) if $essay =~ /\b$_\b/g;
I want to be just another Perl hacker when I grow up
I: 0
Perl: 26
hacker: 31
Note that the results are a little bit different from our other program, because now there are spaces between words. Also note that there is no output for the word hack, since we're only checking for whole word matches.