c:\ınetpub\wwwroot\mysite\website\sitecore\shell\override is invalid - sitecore

I install sitecore 6.4 but after login i take this error
The directory name c:\ınetpub\wwwroot\mysite\website\sitecore\shell\override is invalid.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
I uninstall sitecore and install again but result same. Someone can help me pls.

By default this folder is not created when you create a fresh install of Sitecore. Have had this many times, and essentially you must manually create the folder, and also ensure the app pool identity has write permissions to this folder. If you have your Visual Studio solution open, also close and reopen as the change will not be picked up if you are running webdev.

I ran into this problem as well. My problem was i had my project committed on Git and I was trying to pull files from GIT to my local to setup the project.
The problem with GIT is that it doesnt commit empty folders so \website\sitecore\shell\override was not committed to the repo, and when i pulled, the folder didnt existed on my local as well.
Creating the folder manually resolved the issue.

As mentioned by #pranav-shah, git doesn't support adding empty folders so if you are using git and you are doing clean builds it is likely you are running into this problem.
To get around it you can just create an empty file in the override folder. I recommend following the suggestion in this answer and call it .keep

Whenever I run into this, it's the app pool identity missing write permissions to the folder. Often applies to following folders too, under the sitecore directory:
* shell\controls\debug
* shell\applications\debug
(I think there's one more but too tired to remember right now).
If you run the installer it normally takes care of these issues. Also be sure to read the manual installation steps in the Sitecore documentation, available on the Sitecore Developer Network.


After editing a locally installed package in Heroku it resets

I've noticed that after the packages required written in "requirements.txt" were installed they are not installed anymore every time I push changes into the Heroku application I'm working, so I was assuming that those files were not modified anymore.
I then changed a file in /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/target_library/target_file but when I do git push the file goes back to its original state, although the library is not being installed again.
Is there a way to avoid libraries to be reseted or any workaround?
Based on the last answer.
or fork the library on GitHub and install the forked version.
Here are the few steps I've tested and it worked for me:
1- Fork the package repo on GitHub.
2- Edit it and change whatever you need.
3- Now remove the original package name from your requirments.txt and replace it with git+https://github.com/you-github-username/forked-edited-package.git
Now it should simply install the edited package to your Heroku dyno when you deploy the project
No this can't possibly work. Heroku will always install the packages directly from PyPI and won't know anything about your modifications. I don't know why you say they aren't installed again - on the contrary, they are.
Are you sure you really need to do this? It's a fairly unusual thing to do. If you are sure you do, then the only thing to do is to either for the files into your own project, or fork the library on GitHub and install the forked version.

Ember CLI ember new fails on ember-cli-qunit

I've been trying to use Ember CLI to set up a new ember install, but the process keeps dying when trying to install ember-cli-qunit. I'm relatively new to using npm, bower, and ember so maybe this could just be an issue with me being dumb. Here is the dump I get when running
ember new webapp
I've been working on this for a few hours and can't really figure out how to fix the issue.
Thanks in advance
You must have ran bower as root at some point, and that would've changed the permissions of bower's cache files in your home directory (as per the error in the EACCESS line). Simply changing the permissions back to your own user (as root of course) should fix the problem.
Because of similar sudo problems driving me crazy (and the system's nodejs package being dated) I switched my setup to nvm: node version manager which installs everything to my own home directory instead and I never need to use root again for node-related installations.

Sitecore Package upload error

I am trying to install a Sitecore package from dev to staging environment, i have used package designer to create this package, but when i try to upload this package on the staging site it results in the following error:
The File exists.<br>
I have also tried uploading the package created using the Sitecore Rocks plugin which also results in the same error.
I am installing the package using installation wizard and uploading the package and i am not overwriting the existing files.
Kindly, help!
This error occurs if the windows temp has more than 65K files. When we cleared those files the issue got resolved.
Maybe there is package with the same name as your new package. Try to rename you package zip file and then upload.
make sure you are installing in the right environment
make sure the file doesnt not already exists (you can look it under the packages folder)
restart app pool and try again. Maybe overwrite the installation file.
there was a issue with sitecore on the staging environment(probably corrupted install). so we took a risk and installed it on live..! It works fine! Thank you all for the help. Much appreciated.

Team Build ignores MSBuild arguments

I have created a new team build definition. On every checkin, the build happens on a TFS server (another build controller). After the build completes, I want to publish the files. The MSBuild input arguments used are /p:DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=QADeploy. QADeploy is the publishing profile created.
I expect the team build to succeed which happens. But the successful build does not publish or attempt to publish the files to the destination folder. Any ideas why, the publish via publish profile is not triggered?
Weird, but adding the Visual Studio Version resolved the problem:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=QADeploy /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0
I had the same issue and was pulling my hair out. Check out this Similar Problem, it helped me.
I fixed it via copying both WEB and WEB APPLICATION web build targets from this path on a PC with VS installed into the matching path on the build server:
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0
(path for VS 2012)
I am not sure if their suggestion of using the full installer for web deploy helps. I tried both suggestions at the same time and it worked there after.
Also it only works on a Web Project

How do clone a Mercurial repository into a directory that already exists?

I have a client's Django project that I'm developing locally, using Mercurial for version control. I push my local repository to my personal remote server (where I keep all my projects) and then when I come to deploy it (on whichever web server) I clone that respository there from my personal server.
This works fine on most servers (where I have total control) but I have a few projects where I'm deploying on to WebFaction. WebFaction is great, but a little unusual with it's setup, as I need to first declare the Django project as an 'application' through their control panel. This creates a few things automatically, such as an 'apache2', 'myproject', etc folder. It's this same folder though where I want to clone the repository from my personal remote server. Doing the usual hg clone command just doesn't work though as it says the destination folder already exists. There isn't much I can do about the contents of this folder really, so I need to work around this.
I'm not an expert at Mercurial and the only way I could seem to work it out is clone it to another folder and then moving all the contents (including the .hg) into the actual folder I want. This seems silly though...
I'm using Mercurial v1.6.2 (installed through easy_install). Could anyone share some light on this?
Many thanks.
Copying just the .hg dir definitely works, but you could also do a hg init and then hg pull http://remote/repo. A repo that has just been initalized has only the 000000000000000 changeset, so you can pull from any repo without getting the "unrelated repos" warning. This is essentially the same as hg clone --pull with a manual init.
You can copy just the .hg folder, then revert or update to tip. E.g.:
cp -a src/.hg dest/
cd dest
hg up -C
you can either move the folder after the fact, or you can just make a symlink to it. my webfaction directory is actually symlinked, so i know it works fine.
In the main, it looks like you might be trying to use Mercurial as an installation manager which is certainly not its design goal.
If I am reading you correctly, part of your source repository should be something like make deploy which puts the files into their proper places. Put another way, having a repository clone (in .hg) in your deployment directory seems odd and trouble-prone.