TCL remove an element from a list - list

How te remove an element from TCL list say:
which has index = 4
which has value = "aa"
I have Googled and have not found any built-in function yet.

set mylist {a b c}
puts $mylist
a b c
Remove by index
set mylist [lreplace $mylist 2 2]
puts $mylist
a b
Remove by value
set idx [lsearch $mylist "b"]
set mylist [lreplace $mylist $idx $idx]
puts $mylist

The other way to remove an element is to filter it out. This Tcl 8.5 technique differs from the lsearch&lreplace method mentioned elsewhere in that it removes all of a given element from the list.
set stripped [lsearch -inline -all -not -exact $inputList $elemToRemove]
What it doesn't do is search through nested lists. That's a consequence of Tcl not putting effort into understanding your data structures too deeply. (You can tell it to search by comparing specific elements of the sublists though, via the -index option.)

Lets say you want to replace element "b":
% set L {a b c d}
a b c d
You replace the first element 1 and last element 1 by nothing:
% lreplace $L 1 1
a c d

regsub may also be suitable to remove a value from a list.
set mylist {a b c}
puts $mylist
a b c
regsub b $mylist "" mylist
puts $mylist
a c
llength $mylist

Just wrapped up what others have done
proc _lremove {listName val {byval false}} {
upvar $listName list
if {$byval} {
set list [lsearch -all -inline -not $list $val]
} else {
set list [lreplace $list $val $val]
return $list
Then call with
Inline edit, list lappend
set output [list 1 2 3 20]
_lremove output 0
echo $output
>> 2 3 20
Set output like lreplace/lsearch
set output [list 1 2 3 20]
echo [_lremove output 0]
>> 2 3 20
Remove by value
set output [list 1 2 3 20]
echo [_lremove output 3 true]
>> 1 2 20
Remove by value with wildcar
set output [list 1 2 3 20]
echo [_lremove output "2*" true]
>> 1 3

You can also try like this :
set i 0
set myl [list a b c d e f]
foreach el $myl {
if {$el in {a b e f}} {
set myl [lreplace $myl $i $i]
} else {
incr i
set myl

There are 2 easy ways.
# index
set mylist "a c b"
set mylist [lreplace $mylist 2 2]
puts $mylist
a b
# value
set idx [lsearch $mylist "b"]
set mylist [lreplace $mylist $idx $idx]
puts $mylist


Split a list of numbers into smaller list based on a range in TCL

I have a sorted list of numbers and I am trying to split the list into smaller lists based on range of 50 and find the average in TCL.
For eg: set xlist {1 2 3 4 5 ...50 51 52 ... 100 ... 101 102}
split lists: {1 ... 50} { 51 .. 100} {101 102}
result: sum(1:50)/50; sum(51:100)/50; sum(101:102)/2
The lrange command is the core of what you need here. Combined with a for loop, that'll give you the splitting that you're after.
proc splitByCount {list count} {
set result {}
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $list]} {incr i $count} {
lappend result [lrange $list $i [expr {$i + $count - 1}]]
return $result
Testing that interactively (with a smaller input dataset) looks good to me:
% splitByCount {a b c d e f g h i j k l} 5
{a b c d e} {f g h i j} {k l}
The rest of what you want is a trivial application of lmap and tcl::mathop::+ (the command form of the + expression operator).
set sums [lmap sublist [splitByCount $inputList 50] {
expr {[tcl::mathop::+ {*}$sublist] / double([llength $sublist])}
We can make that slightly neater by defining a custom function:
proc tcl::mathfunc::average {list} {expr {
[tcl::mathop::+ 0.0 {*}$list] / [llength $list]
set sums [lmap sublist [splitByCount $inputList 50] {expr {
(I've moved the expr command to the previous line in the two cases so that I can pretend that the body of the procedure/lmap is an expression instead of a script.)

remove an element from a tcl list of lists by value

I looked at TCL remove an element from a list, and it doesn't seem to work for me. Some code for example:
set mylist [list {a b c} {d e f} {g h i}]
This is what I want to happen:
set idx [lsearch $mylist "a"]; # or if "d", it should take out {d e f} instead. Likewise, if "g" it should take out {g h i}
set mylist [lreplace $mylist $idx $idx]
puts "$mylist"
{d e f} {g h i}
This is what actually happens:
{a b c} {d e f} {g h i}
When I puts $idx, it comes out with "-1" no matter what I search. I know it's easy to remove the elements with a firm index, but I need the program to be able to search the elements of a list to remove it. Basically, how do I find the index of the element that I want to remove by only searching for one part of it?
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured out that you need to use * in your search. Since I haven't seen it anywhere else here, I'll leave my original question, and the solution I found:
set label "a"
set idx [lsearch $mylist $label*]
set mylist [lreplace $mylist $idx $idx]
{d e f} {g h i}
Are you always looking for the search term in the first element of each sublist? If so, you can use lsearch's -index option, which specifies which part of each element is to be examined:
set mylist [list {a b c} {d e f} {g h i}]
set label "a"
set idx [lsearch -index 0 -exact $mylist $label]
set mylist [lreplace $mylist $idx $idx]

Most efficient way to search a tcl list

i have a tcl list as below.
set mylist [list a b c d e]; # could be more
Now i am doing some processing if the list contains the items "c", "d", "e". But i need to skip that processing if and only if the list has either of the below values:
set mylist [list a];
set mylist [list b];
set mylist [list a b];
So if mylist is any of the above three, i skip the processing. But lets say if the list has any values other than the above three combinations, i do the processing.
What is the most efficient way of searching if the list has any of the three combinations.
I have the basic code which is fulfilling my requirement, but i was looking for more efficient way as i am not much familiar with tcl containers.
set mylist [list a];
if {[llength $mylist] == 2 && ([lindex $mylist 0] eq "a" || [lindex $mylist 0] eq "b") && ([lindex $mylist 1] eq "a" || [lindex $mylist 1] eq "b")} {
puts "1. skip the processing"
} elseif {[llength $mylist] == 1 && ([lindex $mylist 0] eq "a" || [lindex $mylist 0] eq "b")} {
puts "2. skip the processing"
} else {
puts "Do the processing"
I was wondering if there is any other efficient way to perform the same.
if {$mylist in {a b {a b}}} {
puts "skip the processing"
A list isn't a string, but we can usually compare lists to strings for equality and order. A list with a single element "a" is comparable to the string "a". If you want to know if a given string is equal to any of the lists in the question, the easiest way is to check if the value of the list is a member of the list {a b {a b}}.
Note: This particular solution does not solve all aspects of list equality in general. It works in those cases where it works.
Is it really efficient to compare a list to a string when this will cause automatic, repeated reconstruction of the internal representation of the data ("shimmering"). Actually, it is. If one compares the procedures
proc foo1 mylist {
set a 0
if {$mylist in {a b {a b}}} {set a 92}
return $a
proc foo2 mylist {
set a 0
if {$mylist in [list [list a] [list b] [list a b]]} {set a 92}
return $a
then foo1 seems to be faster than foo2 (different machines may produce different results).
Constructing a list inside the condition evaluation code does not seem to add very much time. This procedure
proc foo3 mylist {
set a 0
set x [list [list a] [list b] [list a b]]
if {$mylist in $x} {set a 92}
return $a
is somewhere in between foo1 and foo2 in speed, but not significantly faster than foo2.
One can also do this by invoking lsearch:
proc foo4 mylist {
set a 0
set x [list [list a] [list b] [list a b]]
if {[lsearch $x $mylist] >= 0} {set a 92}
return $a
proc foo5 mylist {
set a 0
set x [list [list a] [list b] [list a b]]
set i [lsearch $x $mylist]
if {$i >= 0} {set a 92}
return $a
which is comparable to foo2 and foo3.
(In case it needs to be said, lsearch is more versatile than the in operator, offering e.g. case insensitive lookup, regex lookup, etc. If you need such things, lsearch is the best option.)
I've deleted most of my observations and theories on speed after timing the procedures on another machine, which showed quite different results. foo1 was consistently faster on both machines, though. Since that code is simpler than the other alternatives, I would say this is the way to do it. But to be sure, one needs to time the procedure with one's own machine, whitelist, and code to be performed.
Finally, none of this really matters if I/O occurs inside the procedures, since the I/O will be so much slower than anything else.
Documentation: if, list, lsearch, proc, puts, return, set

How to "zip" lists in tcl

I have three lists :
set l1 {1 2 3}
set l2 {'one' 'two' 'three'}
set l3 {'uno' 'dos' 'tres'}
and I would like to build this list :
{{1 'one' 'uno'} {2 'two' 'dos'} {3 'three' 'tres'}}
In python, I would use something like the built-in function zip. What should I do in tcl ? I have looked in the documentation of 'concat', but
haven't find a priori relevant commands.
If you're not yet on Tcl 8.6 (where you can use lmap) you need this:
set zipped {}
foreach a $l1 b $l2 c $l3 {
lappend zipped [list $a $b $c]
That's effectively what lmap does for you, but it was a new feature in 8.6.
lmap a $l1 b $l2 c $l3 {list $a $b $c}
List map, lmap, is a mapping command that takes elements from one or more lists and executes a script. It creates a new list where each element is the result of one execution of the script.
Documentation: list, lmap
This command was added in Tcl 8.6, but can easily be added to earlier versions.
Getting lmap for Tcl 8.5 and earlier
Here's a version that takes an arbitrary number of list names:
set l1 {a b c}
set l2 {d e f}
set l3 {g h i j}
proc zip args {
foreach l $args {
upvar 1 $l $l
lappend vars [incr n]
lappend foreach_args $n [set $l]
foreach {*}$foreach_args {
set elem [list]
foreach v $vars {
lappend elem [set $v]
lappend result $elem
return $result
zip l1 l2 l3
{a d g} {b e h} {c f i} {{} {} j}
Requires Tcl 8.5 for the {*} argument expansion.
An 8.6 version
proc zip args {
foreach l $args {
upvar 1 $l $l
lappend vars [incr n]
lappend lmap_args $n [set $l]
lmap {*}$lmap_args {lmap v $vars {set $v}}

Get items in specific index list of lists

I have a key-value list such as:
set x {{a 1} {b 2} {c 3}}
I need to extract all the items in index=1 in all sub-lists to get:
{1 2 3}
You can use this:
$ set y {}
$ foreach sublist $x { lappend y [lindex $sublist 1]}
$ puts $y
1 2 3
A solution for TCL 8.6 or newer:
Use lmap to iterate through x without saving value anywhere ,in one-line:
$ lmap sublist $x {lindex $sublist 1}
I've used the following function:
proc MapList {Var List Script} {
if {![llength $List]} {return $List}
upvar 1 $Var Item
foreach Item $List {lappend Res [uplevel 1 $Script]}
return $Res
And used it like this:
MapList Arg $x {lindex $Arg 1}
One solution is to conscript the dict values command:
dict values [concat {*}{{a 1} {b 2} {c 3}}]
How this works: the dict values collects a list consisting of every other item (starting from the second) in another list. This is intended to be used on dictionaries, but since dictionaries are basically just even-sized lists, it works on any even-sized list, with one caveat: if any key appears more than once, the result of dict values will only contain the last value associated with that key.
A list consisting of two-item sublists can easily be transformed into an even-sized list by passing the sublists individually as arguments to concat.
Another way is to traverse the list using one of the methods mentioned in the other answers, or maybe like this:
set res {}
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $x]} {incr i} {
lappend res [lindex $x $i 1]
set res
This is similar to
set res {}
foreach item $x {
lappend res [lindex $item 1]
set res
(or the corresponding lmap item $x {lindex $item 1})
but does provide the option to 1) start at an index ≠ 0, 2) end before the end of the list, and 3) traverse the list by two (or more) item steps.
Documentation: concat, dict, for, foreach, incr, lappend, lindex, llength, lmap, set