Why field inside a local class cannot be static? - c++

void foo (int x)
struct A { static const int d = 0; }; // error
Other than the reference from standard, is there any motivation behind this to disallow static field inside an inner class ?
error: field `foo(int)::A::d' in local class cannot be static
Edit: However, static member functions are allowed. I have one use case for such scenario. Suppose I want foo() to be called only for PODs then I can implement it like,
template<typename T>
void foo (T x)
struct A { static const T d = 0; }; // many compilers allow double, float etc.
foo() should pass for PODs only (if static is allowed) and not for other data types. This is just one use case which comes to my mind.

Because, static members of a class need to be defined in global a scope, e.g.
class A {
static int dude;
int A::dude = 314;
Since the scope inside void foo(int x) is local to that function, there is no scope to define its static member[s].

Magnus Skog has given the real answer: a static data member is just a declaration; the object must be defined elsewhere, at namespace scope, and the class definition isn't visible at namespace scope.
Note that this restriction only applies to static data members. Which means that there is a simple work-around:
class Local
static int& static_i()
static int value;
return value;
This provides you with exactly the same functionality, at the cost of
using the function syntax to access it.

Because nobody saw any need for it ?
[edit]: static variables need be defined only once, generally outside of the class (except for built-ins). Allowing them within a local class would require designing a way to define them also. [/edit]
Any feature added to a language has a cost:
it must be implemented by the compiler
it must be maintained in the compiler (and may introduce bugs, even in other features)
it lives in the compiler (and thus may cause some slow down even when unused)
Sometimes, not implementing a feature is the right decision.
Local functions, and classes, add difficulty already to the language, for little gain: they can be avoided with static functions and unnamed namespaces.
Frankly, if I had to make the decision, I'd remove them entirely: they just clutter the grammar.
A single example: The Most Vexing Parse.

I think this is the same naming problem that has prevented us from using local types in template instantiations.
The name foo()::A::d is not a good name for the linker to resolve, so how should it find the definition of the static member? What if there is another struct A in function baz()?

Interesting question, but I have difficulty understanding why you'd want a static member in a local class. Statics are typically used to maintain state across program flow, but in this case wouldn't it be better to use a static variable whose scope was foo()?
If I had to guess why the restriction exists, I'd say it was something to do with the difficulty for the compiler in knowing when to perform the static initialisation. The C++ standards docs might provide a more formal justification.

Just because.
One annoying thing about C++ is that there's a strong dependence on a "global context" concept where everything must be uniquely named. Even the nested namespaces machinery is just string trickery.
I suppose (just a wild guess) that one serious technical issue is working with linkers that were designed for C and that just got some tweak to get them working with C++ (and C++ code needs C interoperability).
It would be nice to be able to get any C++ code and "wrap it" to be able to use it without conflicts in a larger project, but this is not the case because of linkage problems. I don't think there is any reasonable philosophical reason for forbidding statics or non-inline methods (or even nested functions) at the function level but this is what we got (for now).
Even the declaration/definition duality with all its annoying verbosity and implications is just about implementation problems (and to give the ability to sell usable object code without providing the source, something that is now a lot less popular for good reasons).


How can I prevent static class member variables from needing two definitions/declarations?

I don't think this is a duplicate because other questions ask why it's necessary, not how I can avoid writing it twice.
Often with classes I'll introduce member variables and then, for whatever reason, remove them shortly after if I don't like them.
With a non-static member variable I can simply add a member to the header file and use it in my code immediately. With a static member variable I have to do the following:
Add the new member to the class definition, e.g. static int a;.
Copy the new member declaration.
Go to a .cpp file (any .cpp file will do if I understand right).
Paste the variable in the file.
Remove the static keyword.
Add the class namespace/scope after the type and before the variable name.
All of this makes me want to just make all of my classes instantiable and do everything through an object, even if it wouldn't make sense.
So even if this is just a requirement of the language and there is no way around it, is there a way to cut back on the repetition by using macros in some way?
Also I was thinking if maybe it mightn't be simpler to just have one .cpp file containing all of these static member variable definitions. Seeing as though (I've heard) static member variables are basically global variables accessed through a class namespace, is this a better idea than doing it in each corresponding .cpp file?
I'm going to provide a solution for integral types (since you highlight those types in your question):
struct Foo
enum {Value = 123;}
Value can be used as an integral constant, is the same for all instances of Foo (rather like a static) and does not require definition in a source file. Note though that &Value makes no sense, i.e. there's no such thing as a pointer to an enumeration value.
You can do things with constexpr in later C++ standards (C++11 onwards), but my way is arguably simpler and is also an important metaprogramming technique.
(If this is not sufficient for what you want then please downvote and I'll remove.)
A possibility is too use static in function scope, something like:
struct C {
static int& a() {
static int a_instance = 42;
return a_instance;

What are the rules regarding initialization of non-local statics?

Suppose I have a class whose only purpose is the side-effects caused during construction of its objects (e.g., registering a class with a factory):
class SideEffectCauser {
SideEffectCauser() { /* code causing side-effects */ }
Also suppose I'd like to have an object create such side-effects once for each of several translation units. For each such translation unit, I'd like to be able to just put an a SideEffectCauser object at namespace scope in the .cpp file, e.g.,
SideEffectCauser dummyGlobal;
but 3.6.2/3 of the C++03 standard suggests that this object need not be constructed at all unless an object or function in the .cpp file is used, and articles such as this and online discussions such as this suggest that such objects are sometimes not initialized.
On the other hand, Is there a way to instantiate objects from a string holding their class name? has a solution that is claimed to work, and I note that it's based on using an object of a type like SideEffectCauser as a static data member, not as a global, e.g.,
class Holder {
static SideEffectHolder dummyInClass;
SideEffectHolder Holder::dummyInClass;
Both dummyGlobal and dummyInClass are non-local statics, but a closer look at 3.6.2/3 of the C++03 standard shows that that passage applies only to objects at namespace scope. I can't actually find anything in the C++03 standard that says when non-local statics at class scope are dynamically initialized, though 9.4.2/7 suggests that the same rules apply to them as to non-local statics at namespace scope.
Question 1: In C++03, is there any reason to believe that dummyInClass is any more likely to be initialized than dummyGlobal? Or may both go uninitialized if no functions or objects in the same translation unit are used?
Question 2: Does anything change in C++11? The wording in 3.6.2 and 9.4.2 is not the same as the C++03 versions, but, from what I can tell, there is no behavioral difference specified for the scenarios I describe above.
Question 3: Is there a reliable way to use objects of a class like SideEffectHolder outside a function body to force side-effects to take place?
I think the only reliable solution is to design this for specific compiler(s) and runtime. No standard covers the initialization of globals in a shared library which I think is the most intricate case, as this is much dependent on the loader and thus OS dependent.
Q1: No
Q2: Not in any practical sense
Q3: Not in a standard way
I'm using something similar with g++ / C++11 under Linux and get my factories registered as expected. I'm not sure why you wouldn't get the functions called. If what you describes is to be implemented it will mean that every single function in that unit has to call the initialization function. I'm not too sure how that could be done. My factories are also inside namespaces, although it is named namespaces. But I don't see why it wouldn't be called.
namespace snap {
namespace plugin_name {
class plugin_name_factory {
plugin_name_factory() { plugin_register(this, name); }
} g_plugin_name_factory;
Note that the static keyword should not be used anymore in C++ anyway. It is often slower to have a static definition than a global.

C++ Warning if re-declaring member variable in function

Given a structure such as below
class A {
int test;
void f() { int test; }
I just had a curious case in which the code in f(), when referring to test, compiled under VS2010, correctly referred to the function local variable, however, when compiled under gcc, incorrectly referred to the member variable. Took me quite a while to track down.
Anyway, question is, is there an option in gcc or VS to enable compiler warnings every time a member variable is re-declared in a local function scope?
In GCC, -Wshadow. From the documentation:
Warn whenever a local variable or type declaration shadows another
variable, parameter, type, or class member (in C++), or whenever a
built-in function is shadowed. Note that in C++, the compiler will not
warn if a local variable shadows a struct/class/enum, but will warn if
it shadows an explicit typedef.
I don't know if any such option exists.
But if it doesn't exist, then you can do the following. In fact, the naming convention is preferred even if there exists some compiler option to avoid the problem in the question, for it covers broader area of concerns:
class A {
int m_test; //use some naming conventions!
void f() { int test; }
That is, use some rules in naming the member variables, such as, prefix each with m_ as in m_test, Or use suffix as in test_. This is the usual approach adopted by many programmers, and in many companies, there is similar rules which they impose when coding.
Such naming conventions not only help avoiding the problem you came across, it also increases readability and maintainability, as the name test suggests nothing as to whether it is local variable or member variable in the absence of naming conventions. But once you adopt some naming conventions, such things become clear.

Why doesn't C++ need forward declarations for class members?

I was under the impression that everything in C++ must be declared before being used.
In fact, I remember reading that this is the reason why the use of auto in return types is not valid C++0x without something like decltype: the compiler must know the declared type before evaluating the function body.
Imagine my surprise when I noticed (after a long time) that the following code is in fact perfectly legal:
[Edit: Changed example.]
class Foo
Foo(int x = y);
static const int y = 5;
So now I don't understand:
Why doesn't the compiler require a forward declaration inside classes, when it requires them in other places?
The standard says (section 3.3.7):
The potential scope of a name declared in a class consists not only of the declarative region following the name’s point of declaration, but also of all function bodies, brace-or-equal-initializers of non-static data members, and default arguments in that class (including such things in nested classes).
This is probably accomplished by delaying processing bodies of inline member functions until after parsing the entire class definition.
Function definitions within the class body are treated as if they were actually defined after the class has been defined. So your code is equivalent to:
class Foo
int x, *p;
inline Foo::Foo() { p = &x; }
Actually, I think you need to reverse the question to understand it.
Why does C++ require forward declaration ?
Because of the way C++ works (include files, not modules), it would otherwise need to wait for the whole Translation Unit before being able to assess, for sure, what the functions are. There are several downsides here:
compilation time would take yet another hit
it would be nigh impossible to provide any guarantee for code in headers, since any introduction of a later function could invalidate it all
Why is a class different ?
A class is by definition contained. It's a small unit (or should be...). Therefore:
there is little compilation time issue, you can wait until the class end to start analyzing
there is no risk of dependency hell, since all dependencies are clearly identified and isolated
Therefore we can eschew this annoying forward-declaration rule for classes.
Just guessing: the compiler saves the body of the function and doesn't actually process it until the class declaration is complete.
unlike a namespace, a class' scope cannot be reopened. it is bound.
imagine implementing a class in a header if everything needed to be declared in advance. i presume that since it is bound, it was more logical to write the language as it is, rather than requiring the user to write forwards in the class (or requiring definitions separate from declarations).

Is there any reason to use this->

I am programming in C++ for many years, still I have doubt about one thing. In many places in other people code I see something like:
void Classx::memberfunction()
If I need to import/use that code, I simply remove the this-> part, and I have never seen anything broken or having some side-effects.
void Classx::memberfunction()
So, do you know of any reason to use such construct?
EDIT: Please note that I'm talking about member functions here, not variables. I understand it can be used when you want to make a distinction between a member variable and function parameter.
EDIT: apparent duplicate:
Are there any reasons not to use "this" ("Self", "Me", ...)?
The only place where it really makes a difference is in templates in derived classes:
template<typename T>
class A {
T x;
template<typename T>
class B : A<T> {
T get() {
return this->x;
Due to details in the name lookup in C++ compilers, it has to be made explicitly clear that x is a (inherited) member of the class, most easily done with this->x. But this is a rather esoteric case, if you don't have templated class hierarchies you don't really need to explicitly use this to access members of a class.
If there is another variable in the same scope with the same name, the this-> will remove the ambiguity.
void Bar::setFoo(int foo)
this->foo = foo;
Also it makes it clear that you're refering to a member variable / function.
To guarantee you trigger compiler errors if there is a macro that might be defined with the same name as your member function and you're not certain if it has been reliably undefined.
No kidding, I'm pretty sure I've had to do exactly this for that reason!
As "code reason", to distinguish a local parameter or value (that takes precedence) from a member:
class Foo
int member;
void SetMember(int member)
this->member = member;
However, that's bad practive to begin with, and usually can be solved locally.
The second reason is more "environment": it sometimes helps Intellisense to filter what I am really looking for. However, I also thing when I use this to find the member I am looking for I should also remove this.
So yes, there are good reasons, but they are all temporary (and bad on the long run).
I can think of readability like when you use additional parenthesis to make things clear.
I think it is mainly as an aid to the reader. It makes it explicit that what is being called is a method on the object, and not an ordinary function. When reading code, it can be helpful to know that the called function can change fields in the current object, for instance.
It's your own choice. I find it more clear when you use this. But if you don't like it, you can ommit it.
This is done to be explicit about the fact that the variable being used is a member variable as opposed to a local or global variable. It's not necessary in most cases, but being explicit about the scope could be helpful if you've trumped the variable with a declaration of the same name in a tighter scope.
At companies I've worked at, we just prepended "m_" to member variables. It can be helpful sometimes, and I much prefer it to using "this->".
Adding a link to the GCC docs, which explain a case where using this-> is necessary to get a non-dependent lookup to work correctly.
This is really a matter of style and applies to many other languages such as Java and C#. Some people prefer to see the explicit this (or self, or Me, or whatever) and others do not. Just go with whatever is in your style guidelines, and if it's your project, you get to decide the guidelines.
There are many good answers, but none of them mention that using this-> in source code makes it easier to read, especially when you are reading a code of some long function, but even a short function, imagine a code:
bool Class::Foo()
return SomeValue;
from looking on this code, you can't clearly know what SomeValue is. It could be even some #define, or static variable, but if you write
bool Class::Foo()
return this->SomeValue;
you clearly know that SomeValue is a non-static member variable of the same class.
So it doesn't just help you to ensure that name of your functions or variables wouldn't conflict with some other names, but it also makes it easier for others to read and understand the source code, writing a self documenting source code is sometimes very important as well.
Another case, that has arrived on the scenes after C++11 is in lambdas where this is captured.
You may have something like:
class Example
int x;
std::function<void()> getIncrementor()
return [this] () -> void
Although your lambda is generated within a class, it will only have access to local variables by capturing them (if your compiler does C++14) or capturing this. In the second case, inside the body of lambda, there simply is not x, but only this->x.
I don't think it makes a difference to the compiler, but I always write this-> because I believe it makes the code self-documenting.
Disambiguation: in case you have another similar naming function/variable in the same namespace? I've never seen usage for any other reason.
I prefer it without the explicit this pointer as well. For method calls it doesn't add a lot of value, but it helps distinguish local variables from member variables.
I can't quite remember the exact circumstances, but I've seen (very rare) instances where I had to write "this->membername" to successfully compile the code with GCC. All that I remember is that it was not in relation to ambiguity and therefore took me a while to figure out the solution. The same code compiled fine without using this-> in Visual Studio.
I will use it to call operators implicitly (the return and parameter types below are just dummies for making up the code).
struct F {
void operator[](int);
void operator()();
void f() {
void g() {
I do like the *this syntax more. It has a slightly different semantic, in that using *this will not hide non-member operator functions with the same name as a member, though.