Upload txt file to server - oracle-apex

I want create a form to upload files (txt, xls) to the server, not the database.
Does anyone kown any example showing how I can do this?

In order to get the file on to the database server's file system, you would first have to upload the file to the database which it sounds like you are already familiar with. From there, you can use the UTL_FILE package to write the BLOB to the database server's file system.


Azure Data Factory HDFS dataset preview error

I'm trying to connect to the HDFS from the ADF. I created a folder and sample file (orc format) and put it in the newly created folder.
Then in ADF I created successfully linked service for HDFS using my Windows credentials (the same user which was used for creating sample file):
But when trying to browse the data through dataset:
I'm getting an error: The response content from the data store is not expected, and cannot be parsed.:
Is there something I'm doing wrongly or it is kind of permissions issue?
Please advise
This appears to be a generic issue, you need to point to a file with appropriate extension rather than a folder itself. Also make sure you are using a supported data store activity.
You can follow this official MS doc to use HDFS server with Azure Data Factory

Sitecore - How to load images on CD server from CM server?

I have two separated servers: one is CD server and one is CM Server. I upload images on CM server and publish them. On the web database, although I saw the the images under Media Library item
But they aren't displayed on CD server (e.g on website), it indicates that the images not found. Please help me to know how I can solve that problem or I do need some configuration for that.
Many thanks.
Sitecore media items can carry actual media file either as:
Blob in the database - everything works automatically OOB
Files on the file system - one needs to configure either WebDeploy, or DFS
Database resources are costly, you might not want to waste them on something that can be achieved by free tools.
Since WebDeploy by default locates modified files by comparing file hashes between source, and target, it will become slower after a while.
You might have uploaded image in media library as a file. As such, image is stored as a File on file system. To verify this, your image item in media library will have a path value set in 'File Path' field of your image item. Such files have to be moved to file system of CD server as well.
If you uploaded your images in bulk, you can store them as blob in DB by default rather than as a File in file system using following setting-
<setting name="Media.UploadAsFiles" value="false">

Changing File to Upload With Variables

I am able to create a test to send a file to my API as expected. This works.
File Upload Works
What I need to do now is change the file sent to my API based on data in the JSON data file used for collection runs. How would you accomplish this?

.csv upload not working in Amazon Web Services Machine Learning - AWS

I have uploaded a simple 10 row csv file (S3) into AWS ML website. It keeps giving me the error,
"We cannot find any valid records for this datasource."
There are records there and Y variable is continuous (not binary). I am pretty much stuck at this point because there is only 1 button to move forward to build Machine Learning. Does any one know what should I do to fix it? Thanks!
The only way I have been able to upload .csv files to S3 created on my own is by downloading an existing .csv file from my S3 server, modifying the data, uploading it then changing the name in the S3 console.
Could you post the first few lines of contents of the .csv file? I am able to upload my own .csv file along with a schema that I have created and it is working. However, I did have issues in that Amazon ML was unable to create the schema for me.
Also, did you try to save the data in something like Sublime, Notepad++, etc. in order to get a different format? On my mac with Microsoft Excel, the CSV did not work, but when I tried LibreOffice on my Windows, the same file worked perfectly.

Upload txt file from c++ console application

I crated a console application that stores all user inputs into a .txt file.
Now I want to upload this txt file to somethig like Dropbox or it could be something else.
Would you give me some tipps how to do this? What should I look for in order to do this?
I found this link to MS page that could be the solution for my problem: MS-LINK
In this case I need an ASP.NET Webseite where I have to upload the file to.
Is there another possibility? Like uploading this directly to Dropbox for example?
This should be a comment, but my rep seems to be too low. Why dont you just save the file to the folder, which dropbox/Google drive checks for files to sync with the cloud?