Deploy application on IIS windows server 2008 - web-services

I have created a webservice and I want to deploy it on my local machine. I am using Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise edition. Till now I have done following things:
Copied compiled file to the folder in WWWROOT folder [MyApp]
Shared the folder to all available role in the computer
I have checked in the IIS and I can see the folder here
But when I tried to browse it from IIS I am getting this error:
Please help me.

If you look in your error screen you will see it say to enable directory browsing in your IIS :)
I think this should do the trick.

Simple, you forgot to write Service asmx :)
this should work


Django Deployment on windows

I am learning python and Django now. I have a question related to deploying Django project on windows 7. I know how to start the test server in django and see the project. But I have to do start the server manually every time I restart the PC. Also I have to keep the terminal window open.
Consider the below scenario for php projects.
We copy and paste the php files in htdocs or www folder in apache server and access them using the respected url. Web Server is running in the background. We dont have to start the server on windows restart.
Is something similar possible with Django on apache or any other server?
If yes, how should I go about it?
Thanks in advance.
For anyone stumbling around for an answer to a similar problem with deploying Django on a Windows server, here is a guide
Deploy Django with Apache and mod_wsgi on Windows Server 2019
To have Apache24 service automatically run on startup, make the changes in Windows Services dialog.

Railo web.cfm showing IIS 404

I recently did a full 64 bit install of Railo on my Windows 8.1 machine hooking it up to IIS. The code for the site is in a location outside the c:\railo directory and when I boot it up it did put the WEB-INF folder in the application root like it was supposed to. When I start the Railo server from the command prompt I am seeing the correct path to the WEB-INF\railo folder for that web context in the start up. So the code runs and all is good except that I can't get into the admins with IIS throwing a 404. Anybody have any ideas?
Bypass IIS and hit tomcat directly. IE, from the local machine:

WAMP server directories within web directory(www) are not accessible

The problem I am facing is that I just upgraded to Win 7 64-bit and installed Wamp server with VC++ and it works fine.
But I can't access subdirectories in the web directory (C:\wamp\www), I can access the files although.
Please guide me through.
It is now strongly advised that you create Virtual Hosts for all your project, even those that you store in the \wamp\www\project1 folder structure.
WampServer now assumes that you have done this, and that is why you get this issue.
Here is a previous answer Project Links do not work on Wamp Server

Has VS 2010 SP1 changed where the .config file is picked up from in VSTO add ins?

I have an outlook 2010 add-in that has a service reference to a simple web service we have set up.
The config for the service is in the app.config file.
This add-in is deployed using windows installer into the program files folder.
This has been working without a problem until yesterday.
Yesterday I installed VS 2010 SP1 and now when the add-in tries to access the web service it has the error "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract in the ServiceModel client configuration section."
Does anyone know what has changed and what is causing this problem?
If I open the project in VS, build and then run from within VS the config is picked up fine.
The actual solution is more simple. There was a breaking change made to VSTO 4 sp1 in that the manifest has to be a fully qualified URI. So when building your setup project, you must prefix the path to the manifest with file:/// and everything works as you'd expect again. They didn't get the documentation and tutorial pages updated in time for the release. I'm not sure that they have been yet.
Perhaps you're hitting a problem with extensionless services after installing SP1? - Issue 16?
I had this exact same problem. After installing Visual Studio sp1 (which installs VSTO 4 sp1), my Outlook addin could no longer find its config file for service endpoints. The only solution I've found so far is to run the VSTO setup (the new one) and choose uninstall, then run the old version that was previously installed and rebuild the setup package. If the new version is installed on the client machine, that machine will have this issue. Your setup may not detect it because typically you specify a minimum version for it to look for. I haven't found any other info about others having this problem besides yourself or anything official from MS about the problem.

where to place clientaccesspolicy.xml file into the apache tomcat server deployed in eclipse IDE

I have a silverlight application and i want to call a apache cxf web service written in java in my eclipse and published on apache tomcat 7.0 through eclipse.
so now when i call this web service from my silverlight application from visual studio 2010 i get follwing error:
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhost:8080/complesxtypeWebService/services/CompanyServicePort'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services
when i search for this on web i found that i need to place clientaccesspolicy.xml file in the root directory of domain service.
so my problem is where to place this xml file . can it be placed somewhere in eclipse project folder or somewhere in apache tomcat folder. please let me know where to actually place this file.
my all development are done locally and everything is being tested locally.
I placed the clientaccesspolicy.xml file in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\ROOT and it works for me.
Please note that this is Windows 7 PC and if I remove the file, I get the dreaded cross domain error.