pthread - How to start running a new thread without calling join? - c++

I want to start a new thread from the main thread. I can't use join since I don't want to wait for the thread to exit and than resume execution.
Basically what I need is something like pthread_start(...), can't find it though.
As all of the answers suggested create_thread should start thread the problem is that in the simple code below it doesn't work. The output of the program below is "main thread". It seems like the sub thread never executed. Any idea where I'm wrong?
compiled and run on Fedora 14 GCC version 4.5.1
void *thread_proc(void* x)
printf ("sub thread.\n");
int main()
pthread_t t1;
int res = pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_proc, NULL);
if (res)
printf ("error %d\n", res);
printf("main thread\n");
return 0;

The function to start the thread is pthread_create, not
pthread_join. You only use pthread_join when you are ready to wait,
and resynchronize, and if you detach the thread, there's no need to use
it at all. You can also join from a different thread.
Before exiting (either by calling exit or by returning from main),
you have to ensure that no other thread is running. One way (but not
the only) to do this is by joining with all of the threads you've

the behaviour of your code depends on the scheduler; probably the main program exits before printf in the created thread has been executed. I hope simple sleep(some_seconds) at the end of the main() will cause the thread output to appear :)

the join call waits for the thread to terminate and exit.
if you want your main thread to continue its execution while the child thread is executing, don't call join: the child thread will execute concurrently with the main thread...

Just create the thread with the detached attribute set to on. To achieve this, you can either call pthread_detach after the thread has been created or pthread_attr_setdetachstate prior to its creation.
When a thread is detached, the parent thread does not have to wait for it and cannot fetch its return value.

you need to call pthread_exit in the end of man(), which will cause main to wait other thread to start and exit.
Or you can explicitly call pthread_join to wait the newly created thread
Otherwise, when main returns, the process is killed and all thread it create will be killed.

The thread starts automatically when you create it.

Don't you just need to call pthread_create?
static void *thread_body(void *argument) { /* ... */ }
int main(void) {
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, thread_body, NULL);
/* ... */


Why does my thread not run in background?

In the listing bellow, I expect that as I call t.detach() right after the line when the thread is created, the thread t will run in background while the printf("quit the main function now \n") will called and thenmain will exit.
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
void hello3(int* i)
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
*i = *i + 1;
printf("From new thread %d \n", *i);
char c = getchar();
int main()
int i;
i = 0;
std::thread t(hello3, &i);
printf("quit the main function now \n");
return 0;
However from what it prints out on the screen it is not the case. It prints
From new thread 1
From new thread 2
From new thread 99
quit the main function now.
It looks like the main function waits until the thread finishes before it executes the commandprintf("quit the main function now \n"); and exits.
Can you please explain why it is? What I am missing here?
The problem is that your thread is too fast.
It's able to print all 100 strings before main gets a chance to continue.
Try making the thread slower and you'll see the main printf before that of the thread.
It happens, based on your OS scheduling. Moreover the speed of your thread affects the output too. If you stall the thread (change 100 to 500 for example), you will see the message first.
I just executed the code and the "quit the main function now." message appeared first, like this:
quit the main function now
From new thread 1
From new thread 2
From new thread 3
From new thread 4
You are right about detach:
Detaches the thread represented by the object from the calling thread, allowing them to execute independently from each other.
but this does not guarantee that the message "quit the main function now" will appear first, although it's very likely.
It looks like the main function waits until the thread finishes before it executes the command printf("quit the main function now \n"); and exits.
That's because when you create a thread, it gets scheduled for execution, but the order of events across threads is no longer sequential, ordered, or deterministic. In some runs of your program, the output of hello3 will occur before quit the main function now, in some runs it'll print afterwards, and in some runs, the output will be interleaved. This is a form of Undefined Behavior normally referred to as a "Race Condition". In most (but not all) cases, the output of hello3 prints last because there's some overhead (varies by the OS and processor) in setting up a thread, so the several microseconds it takes to properly build the thread and ready it for execution takes so long that the printf statement in your main function already had time to execute and flush before the thread was ready to run.
If you want explicit evidence that things are running concurrently, you should add more work into the main thread before the quit statement so that it becomes unlikely that the main function will finish before the thread is ready to start executing.
There are two major problems with your code:
As soon the main function exits, you will have undefined behaviour because the variable i, referenced by the detached thread, no longer exists.
As soon the whole process ends after the main function returns, the detached thread will also die.

Use same boost:thread variable to create multiple threads

In the following example(not all the code included just the necessary portions):
class A
void FlushToDisk(char* pData, unsigned int uiSize)
char* pTmp = new char[uiSize];
memcpy(pTmp, pData, uiSize);
m_Thread = boost::thread(&CSimSwcFastsimExporter::WriteToDisk, this, pTmp, uiSize);
void WriteToDisk(char* pData, unsigned int uiSize)
m_ExportFile.write(pData, uiSize);
delete[] pData;
boost::thread m_Thread;
boost::mutex m_Mtx
is it safe to use the m_Thread that way since the FlushToDisk method can be called while the created thread is executing the WriteToDisk method.
Or should I do something like:
m_Thread = boost::thread(&CSimSwcFastsimExporter::WriteToDisk, this, pTmp, uiSize);
Would this second solution be slower than the first?
From what i saw at
"When the boost::thread object that represents a thread of execution is destroyed the thread becomes detached. Once a thread is detached, it will continue executing until the invocation of the function or callable object supplied on construction has completed, or the program is terminated".
So in my case the threads should not be interrupted or?
Thanks in advance.
The second solution will pause the main thread to wait until the writer thread completes. You would be able to remove mutex if you go this way. You are guaranteed to have one file writing thread.
The first solution is going to allow main thread to continue, and will create an uncontrolled writing thread - serialized on the mutex. While you might believe this is better (main thread will not wait) I do not like this solution for several reasons.
First, you do not have any control over the number of created threads. If the function is called often, and the operation is slow, you can easily run out of threads! Second, and much more important, you will accumulate a backlog of detached threads waiting on mutex. If your main application decides to exit, all those threads will be silently killed and the updates will be lost.

How to delete pthreads?

I want use 5 threads on C++ program. I want create new thread when old ends working. How to implement it? How delete old threads?
You can use pthread_join for this purpose:
The pthread_join() function shall suspend execution of the calling
thread until the target thread terminates, unless the target thread
has already terminated. On return from a successful pthread_join()
call with a non-NULL value_ptr argument, the value passed to
pthread_exit() by the terminating thread shall be made available in
the location referenced by value_ptr. When a pthread_join() returns
successfully, the target thread has been terminated. The results of
multiple simultaneous calls to pthread_join() specifying the same
target thread are undefined. If the thread calling pthread_join() is
canceled, then the target thread shall not be detached.
You can do something of this sort,
In main, create 5 threads (detached ones possibly).
When a thread is about to terminate create a new detached thread
(and use a variable protected by a lock which indicates number of threads running
currently, if its less than 5 create thread else exit) within the
thread before exiting.
That way you will continuously create new threads.
Detached threads run detached from other threads(main included), no one waits for them to complete their execution (They don't make a thread to stop executing). Whereas, when you use pthread_join(threadName,NULL) the thread calling this function has to wait until threadName has terminated. [Both, pthread_detach and pthread_join ensure the threads resources are released]
There is nothing like deleting pthreads.
Something this way,
static int count = 5;
pthread_mutex_t mutexForCount = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_attr_t attr;
void* tFn(void* arg)
std::cout<<"\nI am "<<pthread_self();
pthread_t temp;
int main()
pthread_t threadArray[5];
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
for(int i = 0;i<5;i++)
for(int i = 0;i<5;i++)
Note: The attribute and the mutex variables should be destroyed at the end of the program. I have assumed this program runs continuosly.
The thread ends when the thread function exits.

pthreads - force thread to run

I have a function that is invoked from the main thread:
void create_thread() {
pthread_t bg_thread;
pthread_create(&bg_thread, NULL, run_in_background, NULL);
//wait here
pthread_cond_wait(&wakeUpMainThread, &MAIN_MUTEX);
Here is the short version of the function that runs in background thread:
void* run_in_background(void* v) {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL);
//NOTE: wakeUpBgThread == cond
save_condition_and_mutex(&cond, &mutex);
while( run_condition ) {
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
So the goal is:
1. Create a thread in the main one.
2. Make the main thread sleep until the signal from that thread.
3. Make the background thread sleep until the signal from the main thread.
4. Invoke the background thread from the main one.
The problem is: sometimes after the
scheduler switches to the main thread immediately and fires the wake up signal for the background thread. After this scheduler switches back to the background thread and it starts waiting for the signal that has already been fired, so it sleeps forever.
Question: is there any way to force background thread to execute the code until the
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
Your call to pthread_mutex_lock in create_thread needs to take place before pthread_create, not after it. Otherwise you have a race condition.
Use a semaphore? Semaphore signals are not lost - they just increment the count & so the background thread will run agan after the semaphore is signaled, even if it has not actually got around to waiting on it yet.
It sounds like your best bet is to use a condition. Have a mutex and a condition. Main initializes both, grabs the mutex, creates the thread, then goes to sleep on the condition. Child grabs the lock (after main waits on the condition) does the work (or alternatively does the work then grab the lock), and then signals the condition (you can decide whether to release the lock before or after the signal--important bit is that you grabbed it). Main then wakes up and continues processing.
pthread_cond_wait() and friends is what you look at.
You don't lock the mutex before your signal on main thread. If you want predictable behavior - you should lock the same mutex both before wait call and signal call.

WaitForSingleObject problem

Read the problem carefully first.
There is a worker thread which gets spawned from a CreateInstance of CTest class. Here is the prototype of the class. hThread is the handle to thread and hEventShutdown is the event used to shutdown thread when program exits. WaitForShutdown is the public function which is used to signal hEventShutdown and wait on handle to thread till thread exits gracefully. WaitForShutdown is invoked from Exit of Application.
CTest* CreateInstance();
static threadproc(void *pv);
void WaitForShutdown();
HANDLE hThread;
HANDLE hEventShutdown;
void CTest::CTest* CreateInstance()
// spawn a thread, pass 'this' pointer to thread , use beginthreadex
hThread = beginthreadex ( threadproc, this );
unsigned int CTest::threadproc( void *pv)
Ctest *ptest = (Ctest*)pv;
HANDLES hArray[2] = { pv->hEventShutdown, someotherhandle }
dwResult = Waitformultipleobjects( hArrary , 2);
if ( dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
delete pTest; // since it is allocated dynamically ( This is required due to some known reasons in my code)
if(dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
Doprocessing(); //DoProcessing when other thread signal someotherhandle
}while (1)
void CTest::WaitForShutdown()
SetEvent ( hEventShutdown);
WaitForSingleObject ( hThread,INFINITE);
void CTest::~CTest()
Now if you look at the code carefully, you will find that event is signaled from WaitForShutdown function, thread comes out of WaitForMultipleOjbects and deletes pointer of CTest. It means destructor of CTest is invoked which will obviously close thread handle ( hThread). But WaitForSingleObject from WaitForShutdown is actually waiting on thread handle. So here behavior will be undefined ( I think so, you can correct me if I am wrong). Another problem is destructor of Ctest is invoked when WaitForSingleObject is waiting on its member hThread which is not correct. I can not remove delete pTest from thread since it has to be there due to some reasons.
How will you suggest the solution to the above ?
Couple of Solution which I can think of :
I can keep thread handle in another map but I dont want to do it.
I can copy thread handle to some local variable before WaitForSingleObject in WaitForShutdown and will wait on it. Don;t know is it right ? you tell me.
Or I will use Duplicatehandle API to get reference of existing thread handle before WaitForSingleObject and wait on it. Dont know is it correct. Dont know if will the duplicate handle be alive after CloseHandle on original.
I will keep thread ID, get thread handle from thread ID and keep waiting on thread handle in WaitForShutdown. This looks more elegant but I do not know is there any way to get handle from thread id.
Correct me.
Your feedback appreciated.
The simplest way to handle this would be to simply delete the thread from WaitForShutdown, after WaitForSingleObject returns. This ensures all the handles you need - and more importantly, the object itself - remain alive to the end.
I have run this piece as is. Seems it works, and it doesn't crash.
Strangely that we can call CloseHandle(hthread), before we go out of WaitforSingleObject(hThread,INFINITE).
Of course, "academic" way to join thread is firstly WaitForSingleObject(hThread,INFINITE) than CloseHandle(hThread). So that is my suggestion - do in this way.
I don't have to add anymore.