I was wondering if there's some way to prevent make clean in cmake from re-building external dependencies. I'm using ExternalProject to build third party c++ libraries, and they do not have to be rebuilt even if I do make clean.
On the other hand, I might want to create a new rule, say, make really-clean, which even clears the dependencies. is there a good way to do this?
I assume you use ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND, or ADD_LIBRARY or other ADD_* to create the dependency files.
If your ExternalProject has it's own directory and you can put CMakeLists.txt in that directory, you can easy put following in that CMakeLists.txt:
So those dependency files won't get cleaned.
If not, you may need to avoid to put the external dependencies as the output files.
For example, if you use
COMMAND dep_gen_cmd
DEPENDS libdep
then you need to change it to:
COMMAND dep_gen_cmd
COMMAND test -e libdep || make libdep_gen
I have an application and a library that I build with CMake and I would like to make the build process easier if possible. As it stands, if there is a change to the library and I rebuild the application, CMake doesn't rebuild the modified library files. Similarly, if I rebuild the library and then run make on the application, it will say there is nothing to do. My current workaround is to use bash scripts to rebuild everything, but that unnecessarily re-compiles a lot of files and I would like to handle it all within the build directory for the application if possible.
Update with simple example:
There are 3 folders: app, lib, and include. include contains test_program.h, lib contains test_program.cpp, and app contains test.cpp which includes test_program.h.
Here is the CMakeLists.txt for lib:
add_library (test_lib STATIC
Here is the CMakeLists.txt for app:
I would like to make it so that if I make a change to test_program.cpp, I can simply run cmake ../ and then make in app/build and it will use the updated version of test_program.cpp.
I have added a top level CMakeLists.txt and a build to the top level of the project. The file is very simple and seems to do what I was wanting from the beginning:
I would be happy to take suggestions if there are any improvements to be made here.
I have a directory with c++ source and header files. I want to create a CMakeLists.txt to build this as a library for use in other CMake projects that include it as a sub directory.
The problem I run into is CMake doesn't seem to put foo.h anywhere, so getting the parent CMake to know how to find the header file is beguiling me.
Here's my current CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)
# add library target foo
add_library(foo STATIC foo.cpp)
# tell cmake where to find headers for it
target_include_directories(foo PUBLIC .)
# sad attempt to get it to output the header
set_target_properties(foo PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER foo.h)
I DON'T want to have to do install. The idea here is that the library would be used by other CMake projects, not by the entire system.
Ideally, the foo.h would show up next to libfoo.a in the build directory.
I've tried calling it a "FRAMEWORK", no luck; that only makes is a macOs framework.
I believe I can jury rig this, but methinks there's a best practice out there.
Open to an answer that says "here's a better way", too...
It might help to clarify how I think I want to pull this project into another. I've seen other projects use something like this:
add_subdirectory(<path_to_foo>/foo foo_build)
which causes the foo build to happen in a subdirectory. This allows me to refer to the library using 'foo_build', which is nice and clean. However, I still have to point at the original include directory to get the .h file, which makes me feel like I'm missing something.
It seems like cmake would have a clean solution for this.
I am fairly new to CMake but what I think you want is a 'add_custom_command'.
That might work.
What you are looking for is the following structure:
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/
- main.c
- sub/
- foo/
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/
- foo/
- foo.c
- foo.h
Your CMakeLists will look like the following
# use modern target-based cmake features
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0)
# projectname
project (ff1_selfcheck)
add_subdirectory (sub/foo)
# executable to create
# link libraries
foo # imported target
# use modern target-based cmake features
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0)
# projectname
project (foo)
# executable to create
# directories where to search for header files
source # the headerfiles in source are the includes
By using the project name foo in target_link_libraries(...) you refer to the foo library target
Furthermore, by using the PUBLIC keyword in the foo library, your headers (your include directory) is automatically propagated to every CMake project that adds this library via add_subdirectory(...).
Therefore you don't need to copy your headers! CMake >= 2.8.12 is beautiful, isn't it?
If you really want to copy files via CMake, the following would work:
file(COPY srcDir
Take a look here: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.2/command/file.html
As a general rule for CMake, sources are kept in the source directory and binaries and other generated files are within the build directory. So you wish is not very CMake-ish.
CMake would put headers and libraries according to your wishes when you install the project. Then you can specify what to copy where.
As you don't want to install this module, the best way is to create a package by providing a CMake config file for your project. This means that your project Foo would generate a file FooConfig.cmake which contains the paths to includes and libraries. The other CMake project would use find_package(Foo) to look for the file. By adding a hint to Foo_DIR you can make CMake find your project in a non-standard directory.
Further reading:
CMake documentation about packages
About how to use your library
Note, that configure_file is unrelated to what you wish, the confusing name has historic reasons. You can use this command, but per se it is unrelated.
UPDATE: after the update, I think that you want to use an external project. Behaves like an internal library, but pretty separated. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/ExternalProject.html
you should use generator expression for your "foo" include directory:
target_include_directories(foo PUBLIC
And since you don't want install rules not need to also add a $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>...
BTW you should don't care to copy the include file in the build directory (supposing you are building out of the source).
ps: if you also generate headers files simply add $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}>
I'm building Google's FlatBuffers as a dependency for my own project and I need to compile a schema at build-time. I don't want to use BuildFlatBuffers.cmake or FindFlatBuffers.cmake because I'm using a specific version and I can't rely on it being locally installed.
This is a simplified version of my CMakeLists.txt:
ExternalProject_Add (
URL "https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/archive/v1.8.0.tar.gz"
add_custom_target (
DEPENDS flatbuf
COMMAND ${FLATBUF_PREFIX}/src/flatbuf-build/flatc --cpp ${FLATBUF_SCHEMA}
It works fine for Make and Ninja but fails in Xcode, which builds flatc in the Debug directory.
I thought about these possible solutions:
use add_subdirectory instead of ExternalProject_Add so that I can use ${FLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE} or $<TARGET_FILE:flatc>;
manually assign a RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY for flatbuf;
search for flatc in multiple paths (not portable; I also don't know how to make it happen at build-time).
I tried (2) and (3) but without success. As for (1), I'm not sure it's a good idea. How can I build schemas in a portable manner?
You can use ExternalProject_Get_Property, something like this...
note: I suppose you don't even need to install flatbuf, just build it and use it.
ExternalProject_Add (
URL "https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/archive/v1.8.0.tar.gz"
ExternalProject_Get_Property(flatbuf_project source_dir)
ExternalProject_Get_Property(flatbuf_project binary_dir)
# Export flatbuf executable to consume schema file during build
add_executable(flatbuf::flatbuf IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(flatbuf::flatbuf PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION
add_dependencies(flatbuf::flatbuf flatbuf_project)
COMMAND flatbuf::flatbuff --cpp ${FLATBUF_SCHEMA}
If COMMAND specifies an executable target name (created by the add_executable() command) it will automatically be replaced by the location of the executable created at build time. If set, the CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR executable target property will also be prepended to the command to allow the executable to run on the host. Additionally a target-level dependency will be added so that the executable target will be built before this custom target.
target ALIAS are not working on IMPORTED target unfortunately...
Apparently CMake provides a variable to solve this exact problem, i.e. CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR (docs). The path to the flatc executable should then be
ExternalProject_Get_Property(flatbuf BINARY_DIR)
TLDR: I would like to ask CMake to wait for ExternalProject_Add to complete before it attempts to move on to the next subdirectory and build a library that happens to use one of the files of the external project. In other words, I like to declare an external project as a dependency for a shared library.
More Description:
Suppose that my CMake project has two directories: thirdparty and src. My top-level CMakeLists.txt file has:
thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt contains multiple ExternalProject_Add commands. My original intention was to pull and build all these external projects and then move on to building my own libraries and executables in src. Unfortunately, this didn't go as I planned:
One of my external projects is called libsvm. And my src/CMakeLists.txt has the following:
Now the problem I am facing with is that CMake is unable to find ${Libsvm_SOURCE_FILES}, apparently because this step is being executed before the ExternalProject_Add in my thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt file is executed.
I would like to declare this external project as a dependency for this library.
Broader Question:
Is there a clean way to force CMake to finish everything in first subdirectory before moving on to the next? If not, do you recommend that I make any change in the hierarchy and organization of my CMakeLists files?
CMake expects every source file, passed to add_library or add_executable, to be existed unless it is marked as GENERATED. This property is automatically set for files listed as OUTPUT for add_custom_command. In other cases one need to set this property explicitly:
set_source_files_properties(${Libsvm_SOURCE_FILES} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE)
I'd like to add an external dependency to my project. The one I'm trying to add is the Leptonica library as a submodule.
My project has the following directory structure:
In my root CMakeLists.txt file I added ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(${ROOT_DIR}/leptonica)
Unfortunately, CMake is not searching for Configure.cmake in the proper directory:
CMake Error at leptonica/CMakeLists.txt:107 (include):
include could not find load file:
CMake Error: File
<root>/cmake/templates/LeptonicaConfig-version.cmake.in does not exist.
CMake Error at leptonica/CMakeLists.txt:113 (configure_file):
configure_file Problem configuring file
When I build the project by myself, everything goes fine. In my opinion, the problem is with CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR. When using add_subdirectory it has the value of ROOT CMake instead ROOT/leptonica, so it's searching the wrong paths - as you can see in Leptonica CMake, it's used to determinate paths of its files.
What should be the proper way to fix this - should I set CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to ROOT/leptonica just before calling add_subdirectory and set it back when it's finished, or does some other, more elegant solutions exist?
Not every CMake project is suitable for inclusion via add_subdirectory.
Among those are projects which uses CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR or CMAKE_BINARY_DIR variables.
However, inclusion via ExternalProject_Add (optionally wrapped with execute_process) always works.
Modifying variable CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR (and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR too) is a bad idea: this variable should be changed only by CMake itself. Otherwise you may get weird errors.
Instead, you may replace (automatically, with some script) all references to the variable with another variable, which is not used in the project. This new variable you may safely set before stepping into the subproject.
${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} and ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} are set relative to the top-level CMakeLists.txt. If you need something relative to your current CMakeLists.txt (leptonica), use ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} and ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}.
If you're having trouble finding a cmake file like LeptonicaConfig-version.cmake.in, try appending the appropriate directory to ${CMAKE_MODULE_DIR}.
I prefer to use ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} over ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} any day because using the latter will break your build if you try to integrate it into a super-build later. If I need to pass my current top-level directory to subdirectories, then I do the following and use that later down the chain.