Tell SAS not to add newly generated tables on the Process Flow - sas

I have a SAS code that creates a lot of intermediary tables for my calculations. Thing is, I don't really care about this tables after the job is done, I only care to the finals results.
But, everytime I run this code, SAS add all the generated tables do my process flow, turning it into a huge mess (I am talking here of 40+ intermediary tables).
Is there a way to tell SAS not to add some tables to the process flow? Or at least to tell it not to add any tables at all? I am using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1
Thanks in advance

Under SAS 9.1.x and 9.2.x (for Windows), it's possible to suppress the display of datasets in SAS client environments by prefixing the dataset name with "_TO". So in your code and/or tasks, you could call all your intemediate datasets _TO<DataSetName>, and they won't clutter up your process flow. But they will still be there and can be referenced in code and tasks.
If you do this and you're using tasks, note that it might be tricky to work out how to use the output data from a task as the input for another, if you can't see the dataset to select it. If you have trouble with this, comment on this post and we can address that.
Note that this "_TO" prefix thing is an undocumented, "hidden" feature that is to be deprecated in 9.3 - see this blog for details.

If you set the option "Maximum Number of output data sets to add to the project" (under Results General) to zero, it will not add any datasets to the project, but they'll still be available to view from the Server -> Library view (they'll be added to the flow at the point you request them).

I know this question is a year and a half old now, but if you are working with intermediate tables that can be deleted after you get the final results, SAS EG has a built in macro you can use for deleting these tables:
%_eg_conditional_dropds([table1], [table2], ... ,[table-n]);


Identifying needed statistics - Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Is there any hint or directive that can be used with EXPLAIN of a query on Azure SQL Data Warehouse that would return recommended statistics that were not available for the optimizer? Alternatively is there a tool that can analyze a workload and make any recommendation.
Today, no. Right now the recommendation is to create statistics on every column as these are needed to create an optimal parallel query plan (I.e. how to move data around between nodes to return a result since it's a MPP architecture).
An example of how to script this out can be found here as well (example H).
As you know, statistics should be created (according to this article):
on columns involved in JOINs, GROUP BY, HAVING and WHERE clauses.
There are no tools to do this (yet), but if you have access to the EXPLAIN plans they give you certain information. For example the shuffle_columns element lists all columns involved in a SHUFFLE_MOVE:
as well as myriad other information. Review the annotation I did of an Azure SQL Data Warehouse plan here.
Lastly, (and I haven't actually done this, I've only been thinking about doing it), you could set up a copy of your database on SQL Server 2016, bearing in mind the syntax differences (eg distribution, lack of unique indexes etc). this would give you access to certain useful resources like execution plans, including index suggestions, and certain trace flags which tell you what stats were used. I mean the database engines and indexing are really different so I don't know how worthwhile this might be. I'll post back if I progress my thinking on this. I do find the question "Why is this query going slow?" much harder to answer on this platform that ordinary "box product" SQL Server because the tools aren't as mature yet.

MySQL check if table has correct schema

I am currently developing server software in C++ with a MySQL data backend. I am using the official MySQL/connector library from Oracle to work with MySQL. The connection itself is working and I'm not having any issues with that.
My problem is that the database and the table schemas tend to change every once in a while because new tables and columns keep getting added. Also exiting column may be changed for the same reason. To make sure I recognize outdated server software quickly I wanted to add a warning when the database has changed.
My first idea was to hardcode how the database (and tables and such) should look and then check whether the current database matches the hardcoded data. But I have no clue how to achive that.
In summary I want to be able to detect whether
A table has been added or removed
A column in a table has been altered
A column in a table has been added or removed
with as little C++ code as possible. Also it should be quite easy to maintain.
Additional information will be added when required.
I would suggest the following approach:
1) fork and execute the mysql command line client. Set up a pair of pipes, to mysql's standard input and output.
2) At this point you should be able to execute simple commands by piping them to mysql via the standard input pipe, and read the output from the standard output pipe.
You will need to make careful notes as to the output format of each mysql command, so that you know when you finished reading its output, and you can send the next command.
3) As the first order of being, execute:
show tables;
The output that comes back will list all tables in the database. Parsing the output into a list of table names is trival. Then execute for each table:
show create table <tablename>;
The resulting output shows all fields in the table, its keys, and constraints. Pretty much all of this table's schema. Lather, rinse, repeat, for every table.
4) In this manner you can capture a basic schema of the entire database, for comparison purposes. If necessary, use the same approach to capture the triggers, and other objects. You'll likely need to do some minor massaging of the data, and exclude a few bits. "show create table", for example, will include the current AUTO_INCREMENT values, which you can ignore.
This general approach, of driving a mysql process via its standard input and output, is bit wobbly, of course. With a little bit of work, you can use mysql's native client library, and execute all of these commands, and capture their results, directly. This should be more reliable.

create a stored procedure within SAS

I have 100 insert statements like these ones
INSERT INTO table_A (col1,col2col3) VALUES ('ab','jerry',123);
INSERT INTO table_A (col1,col2col3) SELECT col1,col2,col3 FROM Test WHERE col1='ab';
INSERT INTO table_B (col1,col2col3) SELECT loc1,loc2,loc3 FROM Test_v2 WHERE loc2='ab';
I'm running the queries every 2 months. The WHERE clauses are not changing and the recipient table is being deleted every 2 months too, making it clean slate.
I've been looking the internet but it does not seem possible to create the equivalent of a SQL stored procedure and be able to run it , once it in a while .
Or is it ...?
If it doesn't exist, I'm willing to rewrite it but I want to make sure that it does not exist before doing so.
This depends on your setup. If you have a SAS Server (including a metadata server), you can create stored processes, which is a direct analogue. See this paper or the documentation.
If your main concern is repeatability, you should just use a macro. If, on the other hand, you're interested in scheduling, you have two major options.
First, a .sas program can be scheduled in batch mode very easily; see Batch processing under Windows or look for a similar article for your operating system of choice. This entails simply setting up a .bat program that will execute your .sas program, and then asking the Windows scheduler to run it however often you need.
Second, an Enterprise Guide process flow can be scheduled via a handy tool built into the program. Go to File -> Schedule , or right click on a process flow and select Schedule . This will create a .vbs and register it with the Windows scheduler.

How do I manage SAS formats from various sources?

I am wondering how I can efficiently manage formats in SAS for a reporting office that takes in data from various sources, some with proper lookup tables / metadata, and some without.
For data sources that have proper metadata, joining tables for value descriptions works fine, but when metadata doesn't exist and needs to be maintained separately, how should that be done? Some straightforward examples/ideas:
Plain .sas files with a native PROC FORMAT step that is maintained separately.
External files (e.g., Excel, CSV) that are maintained separately and imported into SAS to create a format library.
Database tables maintained separately that can be read from to create a format library.
In addition to just the formatted values, managing value changes (i.e., effective dates for certian values) is also a concern.
Any help in conventions or standards that work well for this type of task is greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure there's a single best solution here - it depends largely on your environment, your users, etc.
If you have fairly naive users, then I'd definitely recommend a single complete repository if possible; whether that is a .sas7bcat file if you are using a single SAS version/OS/bitness, or a ready-made table/dataset to input into PROC FORMAT (and a .sas file included in their autoexec to do the importing). The biggest drawbacks to this are that you have to manage it actively (you cannot allow users to write their own formats to the master format dataset, for example, as they may overwrite other ones), and that there will be additional work to ensure format names do not conflict - YNF. might be 1=YES 2=NO or 1=YES 0=NO or something else. This also doesn't allow you to very easily handle effective dates; but it's possible this is better for your users (and then just handle the documentation separately).
If you have more advanced users, then you might consider a table/dataset that is more relational in nature. A hybrid approach might include a dataset with columns:
Dataset Name (qualified as needed to ensure uniqueness)
Format Name
Other elements (Type, HLO, etc.)
Effective date
That would allow users to make their own modifications (assuming you trust them enough to add dataset name properly, anyway - or set up a stored proc to do the adding from a temp table that checked for conflicts) and allow you to handle format names that conflicted. You'd still have to have a way for the user to handle using multiple datasets, if that's necessary (such as by adding some unique element to the format name by default, like 'dataset ID').
In my mind, however, the best option is using a data dictionary to handle the metadata, which combines self-documentation with metadata management. Similar to above, you have a table with dataset and format elements, but add columns for descriptive text (question description, for example) and other useful information, depending on your use cases. This can be maintained in a database table or dataset, or perhaps more usefully in an excel or similar document that can be shared with non-programmers and easily edited. I use this method for several projects, and it has paid off by allowing my users to help write the documentation for my code, keeping my programs accurate and up to date, while minimizing back-and-forth discussions of updates. I just import the spreadsheet and run a proc format each time I run my data.
You can then have one spreadsheet per dataset, one tab, or one full spreadsheet with all datasets in them - whichever is easiest to use. This easily handles 'effective date' type issues as well - or even versioning, as that can be handled in the spreadsheet.

In enterprise guide, how do you re open a previous data steps output to view it?

I'm using enterprise guide 4.3.
When you run a data step the resulting output opens in a spreadsheet like table.
Then when you run a proc tabulate or similar, the spreadsheet like view of the data disappears and the table comes up in SAS Report or HTML form etc.
You can then run further commands on that dataset that was created in the data step.
Q. How can you get that spreadsheet like view of the dataset back? (assuming it's possible)
I know you can run the data step again and it will display it but that seems really inefficient, especially if the data step had lots of computations involved. The data is obviously 'sitting there' given you can still interact with it (with proc tabulate etc). I was really surprised to see that it drops off from the process flow view.
Apologises if I've name things poorly above, I'm an R beginning to dabble in SAS.
If I understood you correctly you run some code and the result comes up. Then you run some other piece of code, from the same Code node and the initial result gets removed from the process flow.
You can always find your dataset in the Server List. You can enable it by clicking View -> Server List.
There is also a trick that you can do. When you run your code and the dataset node is created in the process flow, you can do a simple query on it. Just do Right click -> Filter and query and make it do something simple that won't take too long.
Now, when you run your next piece of code, this node will not be replaced (at least this is what happens in EG 4.1).
If you mean viewing the resulting data set from a DATA STEP, choose View/Process Flow and double click on the data set you want to view. Also, within your program, log, data or result view, there should be tabs across the top that allow you to bring up the other items of the process flow.