Coldfusion 8 Cookies disappearing mid-session with IE8 - cookies

I am dealing with a ticketing system that was written about 10 years ago using Coldfusion 8. When a user is authenticated and logins, the user's information about his ID is saved in CF cookies, and the site uses those cookies to fill it the user's ID, name, etc. when the user is filling out tickets.
This application works fine in Internet Explorer 6.0 However we are slowly migrating to Internet Explorer 8, so there are some users here that already started using IE8 fulltime. We've been getting complaints from some of these IE8 users, in which mid-session, the cookies are lost/become null, and the user can't complete the tickets. Users are able to login just fine, but sometimes in mid-session, errors like "NAME UNDEFINED" appear. They don't seem to be isolated to particular tickets because I've looked at all the complaints we have, and they're discovered in all sorts of tickets. I check the logs/screenshots and sure enough, the cookie for the employee ID is null. I've searched all over the web and I can't find good fixes for this.
I thought about converting cookies to session variables, but that would be a massive undertaking and require a lot of testing.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Any chance the domain is changing? You could be switching between and Unless you were writing domain cookies a change in the domain would cause the written for one domain cookies to be unaccessible from another. You can enable domain cookies in your Application.cfm or Application.cfc file. Either set <cfset this.setDomainCookies = true /> in Application.cfc or set the setDomainCookies="true" attribute on your <cfapplication /> tag. This will write cookies accessible from any subdomain.
Have the cookies expired? You can set an expiration date for the cookie. Perhaps it is expiring before the user's session expires?
Have you tried using the IE development toolbar to track the cookies? You can use it to view cookies set for your site.

In one of my application , our users are facing the same issue.It started all of sudden without any change in code.We suggest them to clear cache and tr-try and it works.But i need to know the root cause and its fix.
Thank you


Tracking first time login from browser

I'm trying to detect when someone logs in to my site from a new computer or new browser - like a bank would do. And if that happens, trigger 2FA, send an email, etc.
So my plan was to add a cookie with a Guid in it and then look for that cookie with that Guid whenever they log in. If the value wasn't there, then most of the time, it'd be a new device.
But I'm using Azure B2C and I believe it's overwriting my cookies (where I was storing my unique device id with an expiration of 1 year). So after I login, I can see my cookie in the browser. It's even there after I logout. But after I login again using B2C, that cookie is gone.
I can see that I can have multiple cookie middleware, but I don't know how to access one scheme over another when I go to update the cookie in my code.
Does anyone know of any guidance or best practices on this? Been driving me nuts.
{I've edited the question to be more clear.}

Sitecore requires me to login in order to see my website

When I access my site that's being managed by Sitecore, it's redirecting me and asking for Sitecore credentials. I have no idea why but obviously the main site should be viewable to public without needing creds.
This could be from your sitecore cookie still in page editor mode, To fix this add this query string to your URL:
This will update your cookie and no reddirect to login anymore
Assuming that you have a combined CM/CD environment and that this is specific to your computer or other authors' computers, it is likely that Sitecore is picking up on the fact that you were using the Page Editor in a previous session. When you are using Page Editor Sitecore will drop a cookie called website#sc_mode and set it to "edit". If you return to the page with that cookie set it will push you to the Login Page as it things you are attempting to edit that page.
To resolve this try clearing your cookies or using a browser in Incognito mode/Private Browsing.
If this is happening to other users I would suggest following Martijn's advice in the other Answer and checking your site definition.
Check your site definitions in the web.config and/or the sites.config in the /app_config/include/ folder. Most of the times there is some misconfiguration there.
Check the security roles set on your site pages. If for some reason access has been denied to the 'extranet/anonymous' user you won't be able to browse without being authenticated.

What is the arp_scroll_position cookie and how to prevent it?

my web site suddenly started to write a cookie named arp_scroll_position in Chrome.
I did not change anything on my application to make this cookie appear, which is why that is very confusing.
In other browsers however this cookie is not set. I just tested Safari, Firefox and even Chrome Canary for that.
I also see this cookie on some other (but not all) websites. So it seems sort of being randomly placed.
I wish to have a cookieless application (no cookie usage warning & respecting the privacy of my users), so this cookie that just pops up in Chrome does counteract that a bit.
So my questions are: Where does this cookie come from? How can I prevent that cookie to be set at all?
Additional info: I use Twitter Bootstrap, but some other sites using bootstrap do not have this cookie.
Old question, but in case someone else stumbles into this:
Maybe you are using a Chrome extension called "Auto Refresh Plus (arp)". It sets a cookie with that name, see source code
Deactivate the extension, delete that cookie in the developer console, and reload the page. Cookie should be gone.

Is there something a site can do to incorporate third party cookies

I work for an e-commerce site. Part of what we do is to offer customized items to some clients. Recently some non-technical management promised that we could incorporate our check-out process into one such client's website. The only way we've figured out how to do this is by using an iframe (I know, I don't like it either). The issue is that most customers of this site are unable to check out because we use cookies to determine which custom items to display. Browsers are recognizing our cookies as third party and almost everybody has third party cookies turned off, as they should. I'm going to be shocked if the answer is yes, but is there any workaround for this? ie can the site hosting our iframe somehow supply the necessary cookie?
Try an invisible, interstitial page.
Essentially the hosting site would issue a redirect to a site within your domain, which is then free to set cookies (because at this point is is actually the first party). Then your site immediately redirects back to the hosting site. At this point your newly-created cookies will be invisible to the hosting site but visible to your iFramed page henceforth.
Unfortunately the hosting site will have to do this every time a cookie is to be updated but the double-redirect can happen so quickly they'll hardly notice. Hopefully your system only needs the cookies to be set once.
Instead of using a cookie, pass the information in the each url request as name/value pairs.
It is a bit of a pain to add the name/value to every url...I know...oh will work.
I'm going to be shocked if the answer is yes, but is there any workaround for this? ie can the site hosting our iframe somehow supply the necessary cookie?
Your iframed page itself, which is the third party in this scenario, could send a P3P Cookie Policy header – some browsers then accept third-party cookies by default, whereas others (mainly Safari) will not be convinced to do so at all if not by the user manipulating the default settings themselves.
What you could also do, is pass the session id not (only) by cookie, but as a GET or POST parameter as well – f.e. under PHP this can be done quite easily by configuring the session options. You should consider if that’s worth the slightly increased risk of session stealing.
The interstitial page solution should work but it might be a lot of trouble for your hosting site, so here's another solution that will allow you to work cookieless.
Write an HttpModule that responds to the BeginRequest event, reads the querystring, and inserts corresponding cookie headers into the Context.HttpRequest object (Note: you can't use AddCookie, you have to use AddHeader, because cookies added by a module directly are disposed of before they hit your application proper). That way the hosting site can simply issue a request (within the iFrame) that contains the necessary value in the querystring, the module will convert it into a cookie (that only exists in memory, not on the wire), and your application will be deceived into thinking that there's a cookie there. No code changes required, you just need to add the module in web.config.
This only works if you are using IIS 7.0+ in integrated pipeline mode. If you're on an earlier version of IIS or if you have to run in classic mode, you'll need an ISAPI filter instead.
Ryan , John
For the Chrome v80 update with SameSite flags, want to set the samesite=none;secure for the site hosting our iframe and somehow supply the necessary samesite=none;secure cookie. We have apache 2.2 and tomcat 6 setup, so would appreciate a solution and advice on how to make it work. Currently with flag enabled the iFrame is not punching out successfully.

Problems with sessions and ColdFusion only in IE6

We have a strange problem when implementing sessions with ColdFusion in IE6.
After login and after a refresh on the page all the session variables are lost.
Its some kind of config in the Administrator? Could you give me some troubleshooting tips to this issue?
Thanks in advance!
I've seen this before, but it's been a long time. I remember creating a test page to dump out the cookies for the site and they'd change on every refresh. I don't remember if we ever found a solution. I want to say that the issue cleared up after another update from Microsoft, but it was so long ago I honestly don't remember.
What's happening is you're getting new values for the CFID and/or CFTOKEN cookies that CF creates and uses to keep track of the browser's state. (The web is by its nature stateless, but that's not very helpful when you need to do transactions.)
Here are some of the possible issues I've seen other people mention:
Inconsistently using and The site may work either way, but unless you're using domain cookies the cookies will care
Privacy settings in IE being too restrictive
Special characters in the domain name (underscore is mentioned specifically)
Lack of P3P policy on the web server (back to the privacy settings)
As for solutions, have you tried using J2EE session variables? Some people have had success with those in solving this.
I think it is because your IE6 is not accepting cookies?