Trouble With Building Live555 Media Server in VS2005 - c++

This could be a very silly question to any long time C++, visual studio or live555 users but I am having problems building the live555 source code with visual studio 2005. I have found a good walk through guide for creating the projects manually because .mak files are no longer supported by newer versions of visual studio but am still having problems. It seems that visual studio cannot open the .hh files that come in the include folders and I have added to the header folders of each seperate project.
Is there something special you have to do to the compilier or a plugin for the IDE to allow VS2005 to open .hh header files?
This is the error I am getting:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file
'BasicUsageEnvironment.hh': No such file or directory.

It seems to me that Visual studios cannot find the file, rather than it not being able to open that file type. If you right click on your project and go to
Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories
Now browse to the location of the .hh file and add it to the path. Visual studios should now be able to find the file in question. You may also have to add library paths to your solution. Please let me know if there are additional errors.


visual studio 2019 - C++ cannot open source file

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.8.4 on a Windows 10 machine.
I have established that my include files live in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\include" because I can actually see them listed there. However, I get an error with the line #include <cstdio>.
I have tried right click on project name to bring up a context from which I chose 'Properties'. From the "Solution Project1 Property Pages", I selected "Debug Source Files" and then entered the full directory path to the include files.
I still get the error
You need to add the directory where the headers are found to the project properties under either C/C++ -> Additional include directories or VC++ -> Include directories.
And note that you need to make sure that the directory is added for all project configurations/platforms you wish to be able to build. The Debug source files item is only so that files can be found when running the debugger and have nothing to do with the project build stage.
I ran Visual Studio Installer and noted that one of the workloads, 'Desktop development with C++' had not been activated. After activating it and downloading the required or missing binaries, I am now able to create an empty project using an example of the quintessential 'Hello World' program such as #include int main(){printf("Hello, world");return 0;}
#include <cstdio> is part of the C++ Standard Library headers, if you are getting the error E1696: 'cannot open source file, you might have to retarget the solution/project. Do the following:
Right-click the Solution in the Solution Explorer pane;
Retarget solution;
Follow the steps/press OK.
It worked for me when I couldn't find Standard Library headers, hopefully, it works for you as well.

Boost Library cannot get to work in C++, Include directories not working

I recently tried to install boost libraries in C++ 14, and I added it's include paths like:
Solution Explorer > Project Name > Property Pages > VC++ Directories > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost"
I tried to compile after adding this:
#include <boost\variant.hpp>
In Error List window, I can see E1696 - cannot open source file "boost\variant.hpp" and I can't compile like before.
Then I tried with adding a backslash like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost\", still didn't work.
I also read this post and explicitly specified it's directory, but even didn't work.
Again, I read this post and did exactly same what is in given answer (as I already built project several times) , but still no success.
However, if I include a library like:
#include "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost\variant.hpp"
Now compiler recognizes it, but now I can see more than 100 errors in Error List window, those errors are pointed to header files of boost libraries, not in my project file which has variant.hpp included.
All those errors are E1696 - cannot open source file "boost\<libraryname.hpp>" or E1696 - cannot open source file "boost\<subdirs>\<some other files included in libraryname.hpp>"
So, if I remove the line #include "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost\variant.hpp" from my project's header file, all errors disappear suddenly and project compiles fine! no any single error now!
I want boost to work anyway, so I can use it in projects, but I can't manually edit all those header files and change <boost\... to original locations.
Please help me to get rid of this issue.
make sure you download and install the correct boost version. Installing it in the visual studio directories is possible, but not advised. I suggest you use one of the packages from here. Assuming you use visual studio 2017 and you are developing for 64bit, this could perhaps be the correct package for you.
make sure you do both: adding the include search path and the library search path to your visual studio.
The include search path should point to the boost-installation root directory (the one that contains the Jamroot file and a boost subdirectory). The library search path should point to the correct library subfolder within the boost installation. This is one of the subfolders that start with lib64-msvc-**.* (or lib32-msvc-* if you're developing for 32bit).
The default install path of the binary boost package above will install it into C:\local\boost_<boost version>. Make sure you use the paths from this installation directory and follow the instructions here.
Include search path: C:\local\boost_1_64_0
Library search path: C:\local\boost_1_64_0\lib64-msvc-14.1

C++ visual studio community source files

I would like to know how to find the source files for visual studio projects as I need to upload my projects for marking, I received the message is quotes below from my teacher but I am not sure where to find the .cpp and the .h / .hpp files in my visual studio project/lab folders. I am assuming with just these files he will be able to open the projects in programs other than visual studio?
"Please just upload the source files if you can (.cpp and .h / .hpp file) – I don’t require additional Visual Studio Packages etc."
By default your projects are stored in "%UserProfile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects" or similar depending on your version of IDE (ie. which Visual Studio version You use).
Assuming your project is named Project1, it's directory will be named the same and within this directory you will find yet another directory with the same name (so in default scenario it will all sum up to "%UserProfile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project1\Project1". Within this directory you shall find source (.c, .cpp) and header (.h, .hpp) files.
In most cases those files contain all the work you've done on the project. Most of other files populating project directory are non-essential, template, auto-generated or debug/release process products or by-products.
Hence to examine and judge what was written in programming language or rebuild your project in any other IDE or outside of IDE, those files would be all that's necessary.

fatal error: sal.h: No such file or directory

I know that there are other errors for certain header files with the same message of "No such file or directory", but my circumstances are a bit different as I will explain now.
I use the Code Blocks IDE and wanted to start using the UI Automation library. When I tried to include the header
#include UIAutomation.h
Code Blocks could not find the header. From there I looked around my computer and saw that the UIAutomation.h, UIAutomationCore.h... and the other UIAutomation headers were in an "Include" file in the "Microsoft SDKs" folder.... So I went to (Settings -> Compiler -> Search directories) and in there I added a new directory to the include folder where the UI Automation headers were:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include;
and Code Blocks found the headers. However... another error appeared:
fatal error: sal.h: No such file or directory
and I searched for the sal.h in the "\Include" folder I had just written code for and there was no sal.h file. I understood everything up until here... I had to check if I had a sal.h folder somewhere else on my computer and I did, in a file somewhere in my Visual Studio 10 IDE folders (just to let u guys know, I use code blocks cause I have been using it for a long time, and only downloaded VS10 recently to use spy++). So then I thought ok... I'll do the same thing I did before again so that I can include those files too, so I go back into the Search directories section and add the directory:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include
but from there a million different errors appeared, all refereeing to different issues. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong? All I wanted to do was use the UI Automation headers so that I can start coding with the library, but that is proving to be a bit difficult...
From what one can get from this related Q&A: 'How do I get sal.h' it's not possible to use this stuff with a different toolchain than MSVC (Visual Studio).
You may consider to configure MSVC as toolchain for this codeblocks project.

Visual Studio not using additional include directories for KinectBridgeWithOpenCVBasics D2D C++ Sample, but does for other solutions.

I'm working on adding some openCV features to a couple projects that use the Kinect and openGL/freeGLUT. I have downloaded and installed OpenCV using the pre-built libraries and successfully run a simple sample. Now I want to work with the Kinect Bridge with OpenCV Basics sample from the Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit to get a better idea of how to use OpenCV with the Kinect. I downloaded the sample into my projects folder, opened the solution in visual studio and built it. I got the following errors:
Error 1 error C1083: Cannot open include file:
'opencv2/core/core.hpp': No such file or
directory c:\users\justin\documents\visual studio
2010\projects\kinectbridgewithopencvbasics-d2d\OpenCVHelper.h 17
Error 2 error C1083: Cannot open include file:
'opencv2/core/core.hpp': No such file or
directory c:\users\justin\documents\visual studio
2010\projects\kinectbridgewithopencvbasics-d2d\OpenCVFrameHelper.h 13
Initially I thought these errors were due to forgetting to specify the additional include directories. I added the same property sheet that my other OpenCV projects use to this one, but the errors remained. I tired copying the header files into the project folder: same thing. It seems like the only thing that works is specifying the full absolute file paths in the #include statements. I want to avoid doing this because visual studio wants me to change every #include in every file used in the project, including the openCV header files. I also tried shortening the name of my project folder in case the file path was too long (though I'm pretty sure that's more of an issue for the header file paths), but again no change.
The include directories and #includes that I'm trying to use are the same as in my other projects. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 x64 based system.
Why would the additional include directory work for other projects, but not this one?
Usually when I see something like this it turns out to be a bad character in one of the prior include paths or other options that's messing everything up after it. I would take a look at your the command line page in the project configuration and see if you can spot anything amiss.