Opening a File with different text editors - c++

Apparently this supposed to be possible. For example opening and operating on a file with NOTEPAD, or HxD. But aren't they all text would one specify which text editor to open the file and operate on the file with using the WINDOWS API. It is certainly not in "CreateFile".

Hopefully I'm understanding your question... The easiest way to do this is to launch the desired editor and pass the filename as an argument, rather than "invoking" the file (which will launch the default program associated with the file type).
For example, notepad.exe mytextfile.txt or gvim.exe mytextfile.txt.
If the editor is not on your %PATH%, you'll need to use a full path file name.

What are you trying to do, exactly? You could:
Maintain a list of editors that you expect to be installed and have entries for in the system's PATH (bad idea)
Have an editor/editors that you want to use, query the Windows registry to find the installation path of the editors (using RegGetValue), and launch the editor with CreateProcess) (a little better idea)
Query the registry to get the default editor for a given file type and then launch that editor using CreateProcess. (best idea)
But it all depends on what your goal is really.
Edit based on requirements
So, just so we're on the same page, from C++, you want to:
Take a command line parameter to your C++ application (filename)
Open that file in an arbitrary editor
Detect when the user has made changes to that file
Operate on the file contents
Is that correct?
If so, you could:
Use Boost libs to compute a CRC for the current data in the file
Launch an editor using one of the methods I initially described
Stick in a tight loop and sleep so you don't chew up resources while the initially computed CRC matches one calculated every iteration of the loop
Of course, there are all kinds of issues that you'd have to deal with (that's just a super simple way of describing the algorithm I might use), such as:
What happens if the user doesn't change the file?
What happens if the file isn't found?
I'm sure that there are a number of different methods of doing this, but this is the easiest method that I can think of at the moment (while still being able to be fairly certain of the changes).
Disclaimer: I haven't implemented something like this, so I might be completely off base ;)

Are you looking for the ShellExecute() or ShellExecuteEx() APIs on Windows? They'll launch whatever program is registered for a file (generally based on the filename extention).


How would to assign exclusive right of a file to a process in c++?

I am using visual studio to develop a windows form application in c++ to detect certain anomalies and log it.
The log file that I am intending to create will be of a common format such as .txt. I do not want users of the computer to modify this file that is I want only my program to modify it( I want users to read this file not modify it).
Is there any way to achieve this??
if you want to hide the content from other users then encrypt the file or use a binary format that only your program will be able to understand.
As long as the file resides on a publicly accessible area in the file system, then other users will be able to access it.
You can put the file in a specific user's Documents area, which might go some way to protecting the file from other users of that machine, but not from administrators.
You could even set the file attributes to "hidden" or something along those lines, to further make it hard for people to find it. But a complete access block is difficult (if not impossible).
After all this, you can also use NirMH's method to ensure that even if someone finds and attempts to read the file, then the encryption should make it difficult to crack it open. A binary format can still be read with a hex editor, if someone is really keen to read your file.

Edit an existing file in C++

I have preferences file for my application in Qt.
Whenever I launch the application it loads the file & depending the contents creates the widgets accordingly. I have given some customisation option for the user. Now when my application is closed I am checking whether the preferences are changed. If yes then I am opening the preferences file again & then just adding everything again in it. I am not creating a temporary file, I am directly editing the file. Is this method an efficient one? or am I doing it wrong? because I found these threads:
1. What is the best way to edit the middle of an existing flat file?
Should use I binary file? Currently I am using ASCII file.
UPDATE: In the stackoverflow link above the correct answer has
If you're stuck using flat, then you're stuck using the old fashioned
way of updating them
I meant to ask whether the method I am using is old fashioned & is there a better method used nowadays? & what does flat file mean?
Don't try to edit the file. Rewrite the whole thing
Rewrite by using a temporary file. i.e. write the current state of preferences into temp file. And then move/rename the file to your actual preference file after making sure the temp file has been written successfully. This helps in case there is a crash when you rewriting the file. If you rewrite it directly, you will be left with neither the old one nor a good new one. In case you do it through a temp file, then do it this way ensures that in case of a crash, you atleast have a good preferences file(though it contains the old preferences).
Text/Binary doesn't make much difference unless it's a really huge file. Text will help to hand edit it if required.
That's a perfectly fine way of doing it. Since you already seem to have all of the preferences loaded into memory and you have edited them there, you don't need to bother with a temporary file (unless you want to ensure safety if your program fails during writing). Just write all of the preferences back into the original file.
Whether you choose a binary file or text file is up to you. Preferences tend to be text files because they have the added benefit of being human readable with just a text editor, rather than some specialised software for viewing them. A binary file may, however, have slightly better performance due to simpler decoding.

How to create extended (custom) file property in Windows?

We have a proprietary file format which has embedded in it a product-code.
I am just starting down the path of "enabling the end-user to sort / filter by product-code when opening a file".
The simplest approach for us might be to simply have another drop-down in our customized Open File Dialog in which to choose a product-code to filter by.
However, I think it might be more useful to the end-user if we could present this information as a column in the details view for this file type - just as name, date-modified, type, size, etc., are also detail properties of a file-type (or perhaps generic to all files).
My vague understanding is that XP and prior Windows OSes embedded some sort of meta data like this in an alternate data stream in NTFS. However, Starting in Vista Microsoft stopped using alternate data streams due to their dependence upon NTFS, and hence fragility (i.e. can't send via file attachment, can't move to a FAT formatted thumb drive, etc.)
Things I need to know but haven't figured out yet:
Is it possible / Is it practicable / how to create a custom extended file property for our file type that expresses the product-code to the Windows shell so that it can be seen in Windows Explorer (and hence File dialogs)?
If that is doable, then how to configure things so that the product-code column is displayed by default for folders containing our file type.
Can anyone point me to a good starting point on the above? We certainly don't have to accomplish this by publishing a custom extended file property - but that seems like a sensible approach, in absence of any way to measure the costs of going this route.
If you have sensible alternative approaches to the problem, I'd be interested in those as well!
Just found:
CRAP! It seems I'm very late to the banquet, and MS has already removed this functionality from their shell:
By far the easiest approach to developing a shell extension is to use a library made for the purpose.
I can recommend EZShellExtension because I have used it in the past to add columns and thumbnails/preview for a custom file format for our company.

The Best way of storing/retrieving config data in Modern Windows

I've not done much coding for Windows lately, and I find myself sitting at Visual Studio right now, making a small program for Windows 7 in C++. I need some configuration data to be read/written.
In the old days, (being a Borland kind of guy) I'd just use a TIniFile and keep the .ini beside my exe Obviously this is just not the done thing any more. The MS docs tell me that Get/WritePrivateProfileString are for compatibility only, and I doubt that I'd get away with writing to Program Files these days. Gosh I feel old.
I'd like the resulting file to be easily editable - open in notepad sort of thing, and easily findable. This is a small app, I don't want to have to write a setup screen when I can just edit the config file.
So, what is the modern way of doing this?
Often people use XML files for storing preferences, but they are often overkill (and they aren't actually all that readable for humans).
If your needs would be easily satisfied with an INI file, you may want to use Boost.Program_options using the configuration file parser backend, which actually writes INI-like files without going through deprecated (and slow!) APIs, while exposing a nice C++ interface.
The key thing to get right is where to write such configuration file. The right place is usually a subdirectory (named e.g. as your application) of the user's application data directory; please, please, please, don't harcode its path in your executable, I've seen enough broken apps failing to understand that the user profile may not be in c:\Documents and settings\Username.
Instead, you can retrieve the application data path using the SHGetFolderPath function with CSIDL_APPDATA (or SHGetKnownFolderPath with FOLDERID_RoamingAppData if you don't mind to lose the compatibility with pre-Vista Windows versions, or even just expanding the %APPDATA% environment variable).
In this way, each user will be able to store its preferences and you won't get any security-related errors when writing your preferences.
This is my opinion (which I think most of the answers you get will be opinion), but it seems that the standard way of doing things these days is to store config files like these in C:\Users\<Username>. Moreover, it is generally good to not clutter this directory itself, but to use a subdirectory for the purpose of storing your application's data, such as C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\<YourApplicationName>. It might be overkill for a single config file, but that will give you the opportunity to have all of your application data in one place, should you add even more.

Programmatically monitor files on Windows

I'm looking for a way to monitor which processes are using (or attempting to access) a file over a duration of time. What are some good Windows APIs or tools to achieve this?
You could replace the file by a reparse point. The reparse point invokes a custom file system filter, which can redirect the access to anothe file. This is for instance how NTFS junctions work. If you let your file system filter handle reparse points in the same way, you can intercept all attempts by all processes to open the underlying file. It's a rather heavy-handed approach though, as it involves modifying the file system itself.
You can use the FileSystemWatcher.
Here's a nice tut.
FileSystemWatcher is not suitable for determining the process.
There already was a different question. look here, this solution fits your needs.