Stack of polymorphed classes - c++

dear C++ professionals. I got a problem. I have a program, which has 1 abstract class base_class and 2 derived classes: sippeers and dbget. It also has 2 threads. First thread gets commands from user, second thread pocesses these commands. Both derived classes represent different commands. So, I have to create some kind of stack, where I should put user commands from first thread and get them in second thread to process. To make one stack for all commands, I got to use polymorphism. First, I tried to use std::list. But there was first problem: I can't make a list of abstract classes. Then I tried to use boost::ptr_list, but there was the second problem: classes, created in the first thread, dissappear with end of procedure, that created them. So pointers become illegal. The question: what kind of realization should I use? It looks like I must store every copy of derived class. But where?

An std::queue of shared_ptr<base_class> is the most straightforward solution to pass classes from 1 thread to another without worring about memory management. Combined with a conditional variable to signal that the queue is not empty, so the consumer-thread can wait.
For the polymorphism part, have an extra virtual function (execute()?), so the consumer thread shouldn't be aware what class it actually receives.

First, I tried to use std::list. But there was first problem: I can't make a list of abstract classes.
You can, however, create an std::list containing pointers to the abstract base class, e.g.
std::list<base_class *> commands;
Then I tried to use boost::ptr_list, but there was the second problem: classes, created in the first thread, dissappear with end of procedure, that created them. So pointers become illegal.
Do you mean the new commands are created on the stack of the first thread? Don't do that - the first thread doesn't know when the second thread finished handling the commands, so the first thread shouldn't define when they end. Just let the first thread allocate objects using new.
That being said, your use case sounds like a classical example of the producer-consumer problem. Consider having a look at the Wikipedia page on this for some inspiration on how to implement such a system properly (it's not too hard to get it wrong).


Can I cause a Meyers singleton to reinitialize in forked child processes?

Say I have a meyers singleton
Data& get() {
static Data data = initialization_work();
return data;
that's already been used and initialized in a parent process. I then fork(2) a child process, and in the child process data may need to be different (ie, i'd like initialization_work() to rerun the first time get() is called in the child).
First, will data automatically be reinitialized in the forked child? My suspicion is no, based on my mediocre knowledge of linux (forked child VA space is a duplicate of parent mapped to physical memory copy-on-write, so i assume child process will see data as already initialized and won't redo initialization_work()) and a couple other questions (C static variables and linux fork,
C++ static variable and multiple processes).
Second, if data will not be reinitialized in the child by default, is there a way to force reinitialization the first time the child calls get()? If not, I can try to figure out some other pattern (and I'd really appreciate any suggestions on what pattern might fit this use case).
First, will data automatically be reinitialized in the forked child? My suspicion is no
Why just a suspicion? Indeed, nothing will be initialized. As #MartinYork mentions - you get a copy of the original process. That's the magic of forking - no need to initialize the world. The parent and the child both proceed to act differently based (almost) only on the return value of the fork() call.
Second, if data will not be reinitialized in the child by default, is there a way to force reinitialization the first time the child calls get()?
That's the same question as asking about forcing a reinitialization of a singleton in the original process. Now, of course there are ways...
You get a non-const reference to data, right? Well, you can destroy it explicitly, then use placement-new on that address. I'm... almost sure that's legit.
#BenVoigt's neat alternative to the above: Use an std::optional<Data> singleton. It's still a sort-of-a-singleton, but you can assign nullopt to it, for destruction, then construct a new Data in place with std::optional::emplace.
Change the class' code to place the data variable somewhere more visible.
Just drop the singleton pattern. It is unlikely you really need it. Watch:
Retiring the Singleton Pattern: Concrete Suggestions for What to use InsteadA talk by Peter Muldoon at CppCon'20.

How to expose a thread-safe interface that allocate resources?

I'm trying to expose a C interface for my C++ library. This notably involve functions that allow the user to create, launch, query the status, then release a background task.
The task is implemented within a C++ class, which members are protected from concurrent read/write via an std::mutex.
My issue comes when I expose a C interface for this background task. Basically I have say the following functions (assuming task_t is an opaque pointer to an actual struct containing the real task class):
task_t* mylib_task_create();
bool mylib_task_is_running(task_t* task);
void mylib_task_release(task_t* task);
My goal is to make any concurrent usage of these functions thread-safe, however I'm not sure exactly how, i.e. that if a client code thread calls mylib_task_is_running() at the same time that another thread calls mylib_task_release(), then everything's fine.
At first I thought about adding an std::mutex to the implementation of task_t, but that means the delete statement at the end of mylib_task_release() will have to happen while the mutex is not held, which means it doesn't completely solve the problem.
I also thought about using some sort of reference counting but I still end up against the same kind of issue where the actual delete might happen right after a hypothetical retain() function is called.
I feel like there should be a (relatively) simple solution to this but I can't quite put my hand on it. How can I make it so I don't have to force the client code to protect accesses to task_t?
if task_t is being deleted, you should ensure that nobody else has a pointer to it.
if one thread is deleting task_t and the other is trying to acquire it's mutex, it should be apparent that you should not have deleted the task_t.
shared_ptrs are a great help for this.

Using Critical Sections/Semaphores in C++

I recently started using C++ instead of Delphi.
And there are some things that seem to be quite different.
For example I don't know how to initialize variables like Semaphores and CriticalSections.
By now I only know 2 possible ways:
1. Initializing a Critical Section in the constructor is stupid since every instance would be using its own critical section without synchronizing anything, right?
2. Using a global var and initializing it when the form is created seems not to be the perfect solution, as well.
Can anyone tell me how to achieve this?
Just a short explanation for what I need the Critical Section :
I'd like to fill a ListBox from different threads.
The Semaphore :
Different threads are moving the mouse, this shouldn't be interrupted.
Contrary to Delphi, C++ has no concept of unit initialization/finalization (but you already found out about that).
What we are left with is very little. You need to distinguish two things:
where you declare your variable (global, static class member, class member, local to a function, static in a function -- I guess that covers it all)
where you initialize your variable (since you are concerned with a C API you have to call the initialization function yourself)
Fact is, in your case it hardly matters where you declare your variable as long as it is accessible to all the other parts of your program that need it, and the only requirement as to where you should initialize it is: before you actually start using it (which implies, before you start other threads).
In your case I would probably use a singleton pattern. But C++ being what it is, singletons suffer from race condition during their initialization, there is no clean way around that. So, in addition to your singleton, you should ensure that it is correctly created before you start using it in multithreaded context. A simple call to getInstance() at the start of your main() will do the trick (or anywhere else you see fit). As you see, this takes only care of where you declare your variable, not where you initialize it, but unfortunately C++ has important limitations when it comes to multithreading (it is under-specified) so there is no way around that.
To sum it up: just do what you want (as long as it works) and stop worrying.
In my opinion you only need a critical section to synchronize updates to a list box from various threads. Mouse will keep moving. Semaphore is not fitting the solution. You initialize the critical section in you class constructor. where the list box is. Write a method to update the listbox.
//psudo code
//enter critical section
//leave critical section
All the threads will call this method to update the listbox.
information about critical section is here

Several singletons: one for each task

I have a C++ multi-threaded application which run tasks in separate threads. Each task have an object which handles and stores it's output. Each task create different business logic objects and probably another threads or threadpools.
What I want to do is somehow provide an easy way for any of business logic objects which are run by task to access each task's output without manually passing "output" object to each business logic object.
What i see is to create output singleton factory and store task_id in TLS. But the problem is when business logic create a new thread or thread pool and those thread would not have task_id in TLS. In this way i would need to have an access to parent's thread TLS.
The other way is to simply grab all output since task's start. There would be output from different task in that time, but at least, better than nothing...
I'm looking for any suggestions or ideas of clean and pretty way of solving my problem. Thanks.
upd: yeah, it is not singletone, I agree. I just want to be able to access this object like this:
output << "message";
And that's it. No worry of passing pointers to output object between business logic classes. I need to have a global output object per task.
From an application point of view, they are not singletons, so why treating the objects like singletons?
I would make a new instance of the output storer and pass the (smart?) pointer to the new thread. The main function may put the pointer in the TLS, thus making the instance global per thread (I don't think that this is a wise design deision, but it is asked). When making a new (sub-?)thread, the pointer can again be passed. So according to me, no singletons or factories are needed.
If I understand you correctly, you want to have multiple class instances (each not necessarily the same class) all be able to access a common data pool that needs to be thread safe. I can think of a few ways to do this. The first idea is to have this data pool in a class that each of the other classes contain. This data pool will actually store it's data in a static member, so that way there is only one instance of the data even though there will be more than one instance of the data pool class. The class will then have accessor methods which access this static data pool (so that it is transparent). To make it thread safe you would then require the access to go through a mutex or something like that.

passing "this" to a thread c++

What is the best way of performing the following in C++. Whilst my current method works I'm not sure it's the best way to go:
1) I have a master class that has some function in it
2) I have a thread that takes some instructions on a socket and then runs one of the functions in the master class
3) There are a number of threads that access various functions in the master class
I create the master class and then create instances of the thread classes from the master. The constructor for the thread class gets passed the "this" pointer for the master. I can then run functions from the master class inside the threads - i.e. I get a command to do something which runs a function in the master class from the thread. I have mutex's etc to prevent race problems.
Am I going about this the wrong way - It kinda seems like the thread classes should inherit the master class or another approach would be to not have separate thread classes but just have them as functions of the master class but that gets ugly.
Sounds good to me. In my servers, it is called 'SCB' - ServerControlBlock - and provides access to services like the IOCPbuffer/socket pools, logger, UI access for status/error messages and anything else that needs to be common to all the handler threads. Works fine and I don't see it as a hack.
I create the SCB, (and ensure in the ctor that all services accessed through it are started and ready for use), before creating the thread pool that uses the SCB - no nasty singletonny stuff.
Separate thread classes is pretty normal, especially if they have specific functionality. I wouldn't inherit from the main thread.
Passing the this pointer to threads is not, in itself, bad. What you do with it can be.
The this pointer is just like any other POD-ish data type. It's just a chunk of bits. The stuff that is in this might be more than PODs however, and passing what is in effect a pointer to it's members can be dangerous for all the usual reasons. Any time you share anything across threads, it introduces potential race conditions and deadlocks. The elementary means to resolve those conflicts is, of course, to introduce synchronization in the form of mutexes, semaphores, etc, but this can have the suprising effect of serializing your application.
Say you have one thread reading data from a socket and storing it to a synchronized command buffer, and another thread which reads from that command buffer. Both threads use the same mutex, which protects the buffer. All is well, right?
Well, maybe not. Your threads could become serialized if you're not very careful with how you lock the buffer. Presumably you created separate threads for the buffer-insert and buffer-remove codes so that they could run in parallel. But if you lock the buffer with each insert & each remove, then only one of those operations can be executing at a time. As long as your writing to the buffer, you can't read from it and vice versa.
You can try to fine-tune the locks so that they are as brief as possible, but so long as you have shared, synchronized data, you will have some degree of serialization.
Another approach is to hand data off to another thread explicitly, and remove as much data sharing as possible. Instead of writing to and reading from a buffer as in the above, for example, your socket code might create some kind of Command object on the heap (eg Command* cmd = new Command(...);) and pass that off to the other thread. (One way to do this in Windows is via the QueueUserAPC mechanism).
There are pros & cons to both approaches. The synchronization method has the benefit of being somewhat simpler to understand and implement at the surface, but the potential drawback of being much more difficult to debug if you mess something up. The hand-off method can make many of the problems inherent with synchronization impossible (thereby actually making it simpler), but it takes time to allocate memory on the heap.