Borderless window in clutter(mm) - c++

I'm trying to use cluttermm to create a borderless window (for example, something like this).
In other words, I want to draw a rectangle on screen and some text on it, but NOT in a window, and NOT with borders.
Is clutter a really bad choice for this, or how can I do this?

Clutter itself doesn't offer any API to do this, and defers to the platform's API to control the actual window.
you can use Clutter-GTK and the GtkWindow API to remove the decoration from the window embedding the stage.


Suggestion wanted for MFC custom scrollbars

I want to make my own scrollbars for a custom drawn plot, like this image, what would be the best way to go?
Scrollbars should:
Only be visible when mouse hover over it (with fade in/out)
Be a part of the x/y axis of the plot, like in the picture
Not have any arrow buttons, just the thumb Thinner than the normal scrollbars
Would you suggest to:
Create everything from scratch, handling paging, scrollwheel etc.
Try to inherit CScrollBar and do my own drawing?
From what I've read, it's not very easy to customize scrollbars in MFC, for example here)
First off, these have to be scrollbar (or other) controls, not window scrollbars (used for scrolling a window).
Second, the statement "it's not very easy to customize scrollbars in MFC", is only partially true. MFC is a "thin wrapper" of Windows API, so you should better refer to the documentation of the Windows scrollbar control.
Then there is the CScrollBar class, but took a short look, and indeed, it does not really offer anything more than the Windows scrollbar does. As for the sample in the link you posted is a new (custom) control (painting everything on its own), i.e. literally "from scratch", not inheriting anything from CScrollBar.
So, you have to look into the Windows scrollbar control, and what it offers. Did take a look, and saw few things. Unfortunately there seems to be no owner-draw functionality. You can process the WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR message, but this only allows you to change colors.
And according to the documentation the background color only. This appears to be the only possible customization, apart from the SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS message, which can hide the arrows. And no fading effect. If these are enough to you, you could try the Windows/MFC scrollbar, otherwise try writing your own.

WinAPI - Custom sizing border (WS_THICKFRAME)

I don't like how the native sizing border looks like :
I would like to have something like this fancy purple border instead :
Should I implement my own sizing border manually or should I keep using the WS_THICKFRAME window style and customize it ?
And if I can customize it, I'd like it to be done without nasty hacks too...
You may create a window without border and caption bar by specifying the WS_POPUP flag in the window type flags.
Your handler of the WM_NCHITTEST message you must check which part of your window a certain pixel really belongs to (e.g. resinzing frame) and return the code for that part.
The drawback: You'll have to draw the entire window content (including caption etc.) your own.
I think you should implement your own redraw procedure (for example to draw a purple rectangle at the bottom, and then draw an icon in the corner). If you're wanted to make your window similar to VS2013 window, then you should use WS_POPUP style and then implement your own redraw routine. If you wanted to customize your window's form you can use regions (SetWindowRgn(), CreateRectRgn(), CreateRoundRectRgn(), CreateEllipticRgn(), CreatePolygonRgn(), etc.) Broadly speaking, using WinAPI you can do everything, but are you limited to WinAPI only? It is good idea to use MFC or Windows Forms to make window interface creation much easier.

Program that displays content on screen but no window

In windows: I would like to know if it is possible (and if so, how) to make a program in C++ that displays images/text on the screen directly, meaning no window; if you are still confused about what I am after some examples are: Rocketdock and Rainmeter.
you can do it certainly without using Qt or any other framework. Just Win32 API helps you do that and internally, every framework calls these API so there is no magic in any of these frameworks
First of all, understand that no image or text can be displayed without a window. Every program uses some kind of window to display text or image. You can verify it using the Spy++ that comes with windows SDK. click the cross-hair sign, click the image or text you think is displayed without any windows. The Spy++ will show you the window it is contained in.
Now how to display such image or text that seems like not contained in any window. Well you have to perform certain steps.
Create a window with no caption bar, resize border, control box, minimize, maximize or close buttons. Use the CreateWindowEx() and see the various windows style WS_EX_XXX, WS_XXX for the desired window style.
Once the window is there you need to cut the window. Much like a cookie cutter. for this you need to define an area. This area is called region and you can define it using many functions like CreateEllipticRgn(), CreatePolygonRgn(), CreateRectRgn(), CreateRoundRectRgn() etc. all these functions return a HRGN which is the handle to the region. Elliptical or rectangle regions are OK as starter.
Now the last part. You have to cut the window like that particular region. Use the SetWindowRgn() function which requires a handle to your window and a handle to that region (HRGN). This function will cut the window into your desired shape.
Now for the image or text. Draw the image or text inside the window. I assume you must have cut the window according to your image, You just need to give window a face. so just draw the image either on WM_ERRASE BACKGROUND or WM_PAINT messages
Use the SetWindowPos() to move the window to the location you wish to on screen. If you have used correct parameters in CreateWindowEx() then this step is not necessary
You can set any further styles of windows using SetWindowLong() function.
Congratulations, you have your image displayed without using any windows ;)

How to achieve Steam-like window using winapi?

This is a screenshot of Steam's client window being resized.
Steam's client window has two cool features.
Custom window which is very responsive.
Cool glass resize effect, different from standard windows (Thought it might be a side effect strongly related to 1)
Let's say I wanna create similar window using winapi. How can I do it?
I don't ask about widget-management related stuff, but about technical winapi tricks.
Basically, you can do almost anything with your window. But most of the tricks are to be implemented manually.
What is 'very responsive' I don't know. If you mean that the window has no standart border, it is easy to implement: do not specify WS_BORDER and WS_CAPTION when creating a WS_POPUP window. After that you will have to draw a border and a caption yourself. Handle WM_ERASEBKGND and WM_PAINT messages, draw background, menus, all as usual.
This effect seems to me more like a bug. It happens this way: the window is resized, it gets a WM_SIZE message, processes it, Windows sends a WM_ERASEBKGND message which the window ignores. Thus, the system draws a new shadow around new window frame which is not yet filled with new window image. And here we get this cool glass effect: old image of underlaying windows with a windows aero shadow. You can try to disable windows shadows and look at this effect.
In order to create a custom resizing border, you might find useful these functions: LoadCursor, SetCursor, MoveWindow.
In order to draw your custom borders, you can use standart GDI functions. Also you can create a handful of child windows and delegate drawing to them. This is basics of winapi.

Windows regions and transparency

I have a CDHTMLDialog in a BHO that I want to be partially transparent, in the sense that the transparent area changes according to the logic of the dialog. I got it to become transparent visually (using SetLayeredWindowAttributes), but it is critical to make this region truly transparent, because otherwise when I click on the transparent region my clicks do not reach the IE window which is below the transparent part of my dialog. I temporarily fix this by constantly resizing my dialog according to the size of the active part of the dialog, but I can't keep up with this forever...
I think the solution has something to do with what windows calls "regions" ( but I'm not exactly sure how to work with them. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I don't think you want to make parts of your window transparent, what you want to do is (I think) set the window region (like you mention). Read the MSDN on SetWindowRgn() - basically you define a GDI object of type HRGN (if you're using MFC, CRgn) which described a surface of a certain shape, and eventually with parts cut out. Windows then considers only the 'region' that you set on a window as the part of the window to use. Basically it's how you make non-rectangular windows. A 'region' isn't a 'transparent' part of a window, it's a way to discard areas of a window, in a way.
I found the way to make an entire window transparent and click-through here:
But it's not useful for my case where I only want the transparent part of my window (transparent by HTML/CSS definitions) to be click-through...
Update: Apparently, the clicks are supposed to go through the transparent parts (see, but in my CDHTMLDialog they don't. My best guess is that a sub-window of the BHO catches my clicks, but I don't really think that makes much sense...