Profiling django app hosted on apache2 - django

I am having a django app which was hosted on apache2. The webapp basically makes a request to a server using thrift and renders the output on the webpage. I notice that webapp is really slow. I am not sure if it is machine problem or the API problem. I verified the API's and they are returning responses in few milliseconds. I am not sure, if django is the problem. Is there a way to profile the webapp. I am using python 2.5.2.
Please help.
Thank you

the simplest thing would be to enable logging, if you are using the latest django 1.3, it is nicely integrated with the python logging module, see:
here you can define a Formatter which saves the time each log message is written, see example in django docs:


Django, FastAPI and DRF

I want to make a project, which uses Django as backend, PostgreSQL as database and FastAPI with Django REST Framework for REST.
Don't see any problems with making a project just with Django, DRF and Postgres, but face with difficulties when speak about FastAPI and DRF at the same time.
So there is no problem in connecting Postgres to Django, and there is no problem to make endpoints for DRF.
But how can I connect fastapi? Where to place endpoints and how to run all this stuff together?
In some examples I saw that FastAPI isntance is initiated in and then server runs from calling commands such like this:
uvicorn goatfish.wsgi:app
But i am not sure that it works like this when I mix more than only Django and FastAPI.
I want to use FastAPI for optical character recongnition and DRF for user registration, logins etc.
Are there any advices about making project with such a structure? Or maybe someone have a repository with such kind of project on github?
EDIT: Hope to see answers here, but for now I only see the solution in making classic Django + DRF app, then make FastAPI app with endpoints, run these apps on different ports and do some chain of actions:
From django app we load an image to form and when we submit this form we send POST request to FastAPI endpoint, which will run OCR process and then return JSON with recognized text and then will send this JSON to the Django Callback endpoint, which will process it and save to the database.
What do you think about such thing?
I think, you may:
Mix of fastapi+django. But this is only for replace DRF and use fastapi as rest framework.
Microservices. You may to run Django on one port, fastapi - another. And both may to use one shared database.
Mircoservices. All from point 2, but some api tasks (for example sign-in/sign-up) on Django and another - on fastapi.
As an alterantive you could use django ninja.
It uses similar concepts as FastAPI (Routes, Pydandantic Model Validation, Async Support) but is an Django app.
Which of course is more the monolithic approach but still valid.
Well, so after few days of thinking about I decided, that there is no sense in a question which I asked :)
Here we should talk about microservice architecture, where such kind of problem just doesn't exist. All we need is to make as much services as we need in our project using any framework (Django, FastAPI, Flask, Ruby etc.) and make connections between them.
As example I can run my main Django server on port 8000, my FastAPI server on port 5000 and my DRF service on port 6000. And then I can just do whatever I want from my main Django server making requests to endpoints of FastAPI and DRF.
So that's very simple example, now I'm diving deeper into microservice architecturing, but that's definitely what I need.

How to get my Django app in a real server?

I'm starting with web development, the last week I just write an HMTL, JavaScript and PHP scripts and get some very basic working properly in my web page, I used Cyberduck to get my files working in my web page. This week I want to use Django to develop faster, I have got my web page working locally but I have not been able to find a tutorial to get my Django app working in my server, I have a hosting service.
Develop a simple django app following django docs:
For Python 2.7.X and Django 1.11:
For Python 3.7.X and Django 2.1:
Then try hosting the same in pythonanywhere site:

Apache/wsgi/django configuration

We have two django applications running on the same server that interact with an API that uses oauth. They function as expected, communicating with each other, when run under the django development server. However, when deployed using apache/wsgi they don't work together.
(To be more specific, one application is an instance of the Indivo server; the other one is a custom application that interacts with Indivo.)
What is the best way to trouble shoot this?
Make sure that the Django instances are working by themselves first. For example, one app could be started under Apache, and the other using ./ runserver. Reverse which one is running using Apache and verify that all works as expected.
Use the Apache error logs to look for errors such as failed requests.
Since one of your apps appears to implement a web API, use something like the Google Chrome Postman App to exercise the site from a web browser.
Learn how to use the Django logging framework to log information about your apps as they execute.

Django, django-socketio and mongodb backend

I have a running django-nonrel application and I would like to add a real time module using web sockets.
I would like to use django-socketio but it seems that gevent (which is used to serve the site) does not work properly with mongodb (link) which is the backend of the Django application.
Does anyone already try to set up django-socketio with mongodb as a backend ?
I found that using Tornado/Tornadio2 with Django is much easier than the gevent-based alternatives. If you need help setting that up I'd be happy to share my script.

Accessing a django-piston REST API via a django view within the same project

I'm building a small web service. To showcase what the service can do I am going to build a lite-weight interface. I'm having a hard time figuring out how my REST API and regular Django views can play nicely together.
Here's my setup:
Using django-piston to build a simple CRUD REST web service.
Using Django views with httplib2 to GET/POST to/from that web service.
Both are being run from the same Django project (and thus same web server).
Right now I have simple read REST service working in the browser. But when I try to use httplib2 from the Django view the request just hangs.
My questions:
-Am I thinking about this the right way?
-Is there a better way to accomplish this?
-Should my REST web service be a different project (and web server) than my REST interface?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Generally, I'd demonstrate an API working via unit tests, rather than live views, but can see how that might not be what you need.
So (in line with akonsu's comment above) if you're experiencing this problem local dev, it's the single threaded devserver that's blocking the API from running while the view is executing.
Have you tried a multi-threaded version of the runserver? Like this one?