C++ new() crashing before calling ctor - c++

thank you for looking at my problem.
I have an object that is being dynamically created in my program. The creation is part of a loop and the first iteration works fine.
Upon creation, my object base class adds itself to a map.
Here is some sample code :
public class Base {
Base() {
// Add itself to a map
Data::objects[key] = this;
public class Derived : public Base {
// This ctor only initialize one int field.
Derived() : Base() {};
Kinda simple isn't it ?
In my code, I do Derived * d = new Derived(); and for some silly reason, I get a SIGSEGV.
I tried to debug it, but it doesn't even enters the ctor before crashing!
Here is my call stack so you can help me better:
Address: #0x002c0000
Address: #0x0000000c at c:...\stl_deque.h:514
fu87_ZSt4cerr(this=0xbc1ad8, e="//my object name//") at //my object name//.cpp
... Other are my lines.
Thank you, Micael
Edit: Adding informations about the map
The map is located in a data class, statically.
// Data.h
class Data {
static map<int, Base*> objects;
// Data.cpp
#include "Data.h"
map<int, Base*> Data::objects;
// methods implementations
How can you corrupt the heap, how can I find a corruption has occured?

Has Data::objects been initialized prior to the creation of ANY of the usages of Base?
You are not guaranteed that the class object objects had been initialized whenever you have more than one translation unit (read, .cpp file) in the final link target, unless you've gone to special effort to ensure it.
Most people solve this problem by using a static class through which this initialization is guaranteed to have occurred on first use. Something like:
// untested code, typed in by hand, not compiled through a machine compiler.
class Base {
public: static addObject(Base* that);
Base::Base() { Base::addObject(this); }
class Derived: public Base {
Derived::Derived() {}
// and in the .CPP for Base
namespace /* hidden */ {
int object_number = 0;
map<int,Base*> *objects = NULL;
void Base::addObject(Base* that) {
// TODO: do something to avoid multi-thread issues if that is ever a concern
if (!objects) {
objects = new map<int,Base*>();
(*objects)[++object_number] = that;

You've probably corrupted the heap at some point prior to the allocation, which causes the crash. Try running with valgrind to see where you're going wrong


Passing vector by reference to another class/file

I have 2 sets of header+source files. One with the Main GUI class and the other with a Derived GUI class (Main window that opens a second window).
In the Main class I have a vector of strings. I can pass that vector by reference by calling a function in the Derived class and pass it by reference. I can use and update that vector in this function and the changes will be available in the Main class/file. So far so good.
The next thing I would like to do is use this passed by reference vector in all functions in the Derived class.
Up to now, I created and 'extern' vector in a "common" set of header+source.
This make it a global vector, and although its working, it is not the most elegant way.
Is there an alternative way to make the vector available to all functions in the Derived GUI class/file (and add/edit elements that are available in the Main GUI class/file later on)?
class wxMainFrame: public GUIFrame
wxMainFrame(wxFrame *frame);
DerivedFrame *m_DerivedFrame;
std::vector<wxString> vwsM3;
class DerivedFrame: public OtherFrane
DerivedFrame( wxWindow* parent );
std::vector<wxString> vwsM4;
void PassVector(std::vector<wxString> &vwsM);
void USEvwsM();
wxMainFrame::wxMainFrame(wxFrame *frame) : GUIFrame(frame)
m_DerivedFrame = new DerivedFrame(this);
DerivedFrame::DerivedFrame ( wxWindow* parent ) : OtherFrame( parent )
void DerivedFrame::PassVector(std::vector<wxString> &vwsM)
void USEvwsM()
// ??
OnInit() (The vector vwsM3 is not known here because its in a seperate header+source file)
bool wxMainApp::OnInit()
wxMainFrame* frame = new wxMainFrame(0L);
frame->SetIcon(wxICON(aaaa)); // To Set App Icon
return true;
To derived class add one more pointer field:
class DerivedFrame: public OtherFrame {
std::vector<wxString> * pvwsM3 = nullptr;
Modify PassVector() method to fill pointer:
void DerivedFrame::PassVector(std::vector<wxString> & vwsM) {
pvwsM3 = &vwsM;
Use pointer now:
void DerivedFrame::USEvwsM() {
assert(pvwsM3); // Check that we don't have null pointer, you may throw exception instead.
Remaining code is same as you have. Alternatively you may pass vector to constructor of DerivedFrame, which is more reliable than calling PassVector() separately (which you may forget to call, while constructor you always call):
DerivedFrame::DerivedFrame(wxWindow* parent, std::vector<wxString> & vwsM)
: OtherFrame( parent ) {
If you pass vector of strings to constructor only then you don't need a pointer, but reference in derived class, so instead of pointer field
class DerivedFrame: public OtherFrame {
std::vector<wxString> * pvwsM3 = nullptr;
make reference field
class DerivedFrame: public OtherFrame {
std::vector<wxString> & rvwsM3;
then remove PassVector() method and add reference initialization in constructor:
DerivedFrame::DerivedFrame(wxWindow* parent, std::vector<wxString> & vwsM)
: OtherFrame( parent ), rvwsM3(vwsM) {}
and use it as a reference (unlike pointer reference doesn't need to be checked for null):
void DerivedFrame::USEvwsM() {
Reference compared to pointer has two advantages - it can't be forgotten to be initialized, because with reference you don't need to call PassVector(), and you don't need to check if it is null unlike checking pointer (reference is never null). But reference can be initialized only in constructor, while pointer can be initialized later, far later after object was constructed.
Having a global vector is bad practice, but anyhow typical for a settings like vector.
When I understand right, the vector you want to share, is known in the base like this
struct base {
std::vector<std::string>& data;
base(std::vector<std::string>& init) : data(init) {}
struct derived : base {
derived(std::vector<std::string>& init) : base(init) {}
void have_fun_with_VectorOfStrings();
it can be directly accessed in derived class, or any entity having access to one of the derived class.
Not sure if you might be looking for a different approach like the singleton pattern instead:
class coolStuff {
std::vector<std::string> data;
static coolStuff& get() {
static coolStuff instance;
return instance;
coolStuff () {
// constructor called once using "get", so can be used for initialization
This would be simply called anywhere you need it. Since only 1 instance exists, it might be a better approach to achieve the same.
coolStuff::get().data.push_back("add a new string");
You have shared a code example meanwhile, so your example would look like this applying approach 1 above.
class wxMainFrame: public GUIFrame {
wxMainFrame(wxFrame *frame, std::vector<wxString>& vwsM3);
std::vector<wxString>& vwsM3;
wxServerFrame::wxServerFrame(wxFrame *frame, std::vector<wxString>& _vwsM3) : GUIFrame(frame)
, vwsM3(_vwsM3)
m_DerivedFrame = new DerivedFrame(this, _vwsM3);
// m_DerivedFrame->PassVector(&vwsM3); // not needed anymore
// same for further inherited classes
If I may add a side note: It looks like you are doing some graphic-like stuff, so performance should be considered aswell: Try to avoid dynamic allocations like new, mallcoc, etc, since this is a very slow operation. An optimization might be to use a member in the class, instead of allocating to a member pointer at runtime.

Defining a pointer randomly crashes the program

Defining a variable in a class causes a random crash during the execution of the application.
The crash does not appear in debug mode, it only happens in release build.
It also happens in various point of execution. I am outputing logs every now and then during execution, and they will differ from time to time.
The class in question is the middle one in the inheritance chain:
class Base
virtual ~BaseClass() { }
// Quite a few virtual methods declared here.
class Middle : public Base
virtual ~Middle() { }
Middle(const std::string& name)
: _name(name)
, _db(Context::DbInstance())
* Commenting out any of the following crashes or does not.
// CareTaker* _careTaker; // 4 bytes, crashes.
// void* dummy; // 4 bytes, crashes.
// int dummy; // 4 bytes, crashes.
// short dummy; // 2 bytes, crashes.
// class Dummy {}; // 1 bytes, does not crash.
// // 0 bytes, member removed, does not crash.
std::string _name;
// Crash also happens/does not if a variable described above put here.
Database& _db;
// But not if it is here. Variable of any size is OK here.
class Derived : public Middle
Derived() : Middle("Foo") { }
virtual ~Derived() { }
// Some virtual methods from Base overriden here.
In a nutshell, if a variable of size 2 or more comes before Database& _db definition, the crashes will happen. If it comes afterwards, they will not.
How would I go about to try to solve the crash without having access to a debugger in this scenario?
The class is used in the initializer method run after a DLL is loaded. I cannot give more details than this, unfortunately.
int DllInitializer()
// Complex code.
DbPlugger::instance().addPlug(new Derived());
// Complex code.
You haven't provided a mcve , so this is based on some speculation, but I assume that at some point you make a copy either implicitly or explicitly.
All of the three crash causing members are trivially constructible. Since you don't initialise them in the constructor, they are left with an indeterminate value (assuming non static storage).
When you copy such object, the values of the members are read. Behaviour of reading an indeterminate value (of these types) is undefined. When behaviour is undefined, the program may crash.
The issue was that there were two separate sets of Derived.h/Derived.cpp files. One of them was outdated and left lingering around, forever forgotten.
The set I have been working on was included in the C++ project itself, but source file which was including the actual header file was using the old path.
This resulted in discrepancy between h and cpp files, resulting in heap corruption due to different memory signatures of header file included in the project and header file actually included by one of the cpp files in the project.
Quite a lot of debugging and headaches solved by one-line #include path change.

C++ can't access field from inherited class

Hello guys a have a problem, that i can't access field tablica[i]->help, in generuj function, its saying that this field is not existing in class Task.
How can i achieve it ?
class Task
string contents;
int id_pyt;
int nr_pyt;
class Task4Answ : public Task
int help;
Task4Answ(string contents1, int id,int nr,int help1)
class TaskCollection
Task *collection[60];
friend class Generator;
collection[0] = new Task4Answ("Ile jest por roku w Polsce? \na) 1 \nb) 2 \nc) 3 \nd) 4",1,0);
collection[1] = new Task4Answ("Kto wygral tegoroczny Roland Garros? \na) Federer \nb) Djokovic \nc) Nadal \nd) Thiem",1,1);
class Generator
Task *tablica[10];
TaskCollection T1;
void Generuj()
tablica[i]=new Task4Answ("0",0,0);
tablica[i]->help=T1.collection[x]->help; //here is the problem
Or maybe there is some other solution of the project im doing now.
Thanks for any help.
The problem is in this line:
tablica[i]=new Task4Answ("0",0,0);
Although you have called the Task4Answ constructor, you are also assigning the memory address returned by new to a Task pointer. Effectively, you have casted the Task4Answ pointer to a Task pointer. On the lines that follow, C++ only sees tablica[i] as a reference to a Task pointer. You need to change:
Task *tablica[10];
TaskCollection T1;
...to this:
Task4Answ *tablica[10]; // Task was changed to Task4Answ
TaskCollection T1;
That should allow C++ to see tablica as an array of Task4Answ pointers instead of Task pointers.
Edit: it looks like help is also private. You will have to change help to public or add TaskCollection::TaskCollection() as a friend. Otherwise, C++ will not let you get or set help.
Edit: the OP added that tablica[i] might contain instances of other classes that inherit from Task. In that case, you could do something like this:
void Generuj()
Task4Answ* newTask = new Task4Answ("0",0,0);
newTask->help=T1.collection[x]->help; // You will still have to change this from being private.
tablica[i] = newTask;
Later on, in order to access help, you will need to implement some sort of way of checking whether tablica[i] is a Task4Answ and not an instance of some other class that inherits from Task, perhaps by implementing a method in Task named IsTask4Answ that returns false in Task but is overridden to return True in Task4Answ. You can then cast the pointer back to Task4Answ with something like the static_cast operator. In other words:
// Add these functions to the class definitions:
virtual bool Task::IsTask4Answ() const {
return false;
bool Task4Answ::IsTask4Answ() const override {
return true;
// Later, you can do this:
Task4Answ* t = static_cast<Task4Answ*>(tablica[i]);
t->help; // Again, you'll have to change this from being private.
Although I suggest figuring out a different data structure where you do not need to do any casting, this will allow you to access help.
Do note the virtual keyword in the first function above; it allows the function to be dynamically bound, which means that the code will check whether to call Task::IsTask4Answ() or Task4Answ::IsTask4Answ() at runtime instead of at compile time.

return a Type, or how to preserve a type of an object pointer?

I have a very complicated code structure, but the important bits are:
typical setup: I have a base class and two classes that derive from this base class and each has own members, and which don't have a standard constructor
class BaseSolver{
class SolverA : BaseSolver{
std::string a;
SolverA(TypeA objectA);
class SolverB : BaseSolver{
int b;
SolverB(TypeB objectB);
Now I have a config xml file from which I read whether I have to use SolverA or SolverB. Therefore I have an IOService:
template<class T>
class IOService
BaseSolver* getSolver()
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
return new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
return new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
And somewhere in my application (for simplicity let's say it's the main.cpp):
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();
That is absolutely fine.
But now, in the main I have to access the members of the derived classes a and b respectively.
How can I do this?
I thought of retreving only the type of the Solver from the IOService:
class IOService
decltype getSolverType()
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
return new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
return new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
TypeA getConstructorDataForSolverA()
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
return variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB getConstructorDataForSolverB()
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
return anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
But of course I can't specify decltype as return value.
I'm really helpless. I would appreciate any hint into the right direction, or even a solution for this problem.
[Edit]: The derived solver classes need more than only the information from the xml file to work properly. That means, that I have to set some more properties which come from a mesh file. So I could give the meshfile to the IOService, so that the IOService could set the appropriate members this way:
class IOService
BaseSolver* getSolver(MeshType myMesh)
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
auto solverA = new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
solverA.a = mesh.a;
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
auto solverB = new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
solverB.b = mesh.b;
But then the IOService needs to know the class MeshType, what I want to avoid, because I think that it breaks encapsulation.
So I wanted to set the member a and b, respectively, in another part of my program (here for simplicity in the main).
Taking this into account, only the answer from Daniel Daranas seems like a solution for me. But I wanted to avoid dynamic casts.
So a reformulated question could be: How should I change my design to ensure encapsulation and avoid dynamic casts? [/Edit]
I am using clang 3.4 ob ubuntu 12.04 lts.
Use dynamic_cast to try to cast a pointer-to-base-class to pointer-to-derived-class. It will return NULL if the pointed-to object of the base class does not exist (NULL value of the base pointer), or is not actually a derived class object. If the result, instead, is not NULL, you have a valid pointer-to-derived-class.
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();
SolverB* bSolver = dynamic_cast<SolverB*>(mySolver);
if (bSolver != NULL)
int finallyIGotB = bSolver->b;
cout << finallyIGotB;
Note that there may be some better design solutions than using dynamic_cast. But at least this is one possibility.
The funny thing about polymorphism is that it points out to you when you are not using it.
Inheriting a base class in the way you are serves 1 purpose: to expose a uniform interface for objects with different behaviors. Basically, you want the child classes to look the same. If I have classes B and C that inherit from A, I want to say "do foo" to the class, and it'll do foob or fooc.
Essentially, you're flipping it around: I have a B and C of type A, and if it is B i want to do foob and if it is C I want to do fooc. While this may seem scary, usually the best way to solve the problem is to rephrase the question.
So to your example, you are currently saying "OK, so I have an XML file, and I will read data from it one way if I'm making an A, or another way if I'm making a B." But the polymorphic way would be "I have an XML file. It tells me to make an A or a B, and then I tell the instance to parse the XML file".
So one of the ways to solve this to change your solver interface:
class BaseSolver
virtual void ReadXMLFile(string xml) = 0;
While this does rephrase the problem in a way that uses polymorphism, and removes the need for you to see what you've created, you probably don't like that for the same reason I don't: you'd have to supply a default constructor, which leaves the class in an unknown state.
So rather than enforce it at the interface level, you could enforce it at the constructor level, and make both SolverA and SolverB have to take in the XML string as part of the constructor.
But what if the XML string is bad? Then you'd get an error state in the constructor, which is also a no-no. So I'd deal with this using the factory pattern:
class SolverFactory;
class BaseSolver
virtual void solve() = 0;
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) = 0;
friend class SolverFactory;
class A : public BaseSolver
virtual void solve() {std::cout << "A" << std::endl;}
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) {return 0;}
friend class SolverFactory;
class B : public BaseSolver
virtual void solve() {std::cout << "B" << std::endl;}
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) {return 0;}
friend class SolverFactory;
class SolverFactory
static BaseSolver* MakeSolver(std::string xml)
BaseSolver* ret = NULL;
if (xml=="A")
ret = new A();
else if (xml=="B")
ret = new B();
return ret;
int err = ret->ReadXML(xml);
if (err)
delete ret;
ret = NULL;
return ret;
I didn't put any actual XML processing in here because I am lazy, but you could have the factory get the type from the main tag and then pass the rest of the node in. This method ensures great encapsulation, can catch errors in the xml file, and safely separates the behaviors you are trying to get. It also only exposes the dangerous functions (the default constructor and ReadXMLFile) to the SolverFactory, where you (supposedly) know what you are doing.
Edit: in response to the question
The problem you've stated is "I have a B and C of type A, and if is B i want to set "b" settings and if it is C i want to set "c" settings".
Taking advantage of polymorphism, you say "I have a B and C of type A. I tell them to get their settings."
There a couple of ways to do this. If you don't mind mangling your IO with the class, you can simply expose the method:
class BaseSolver
virtual void GetSettingsFromCommandLine() = 0;
And then create the individual methods for each class.
If you do want to create them separate, then what you want is polymorphism in the io. So expose it that way:
class PolymorphicIO
virtual const BaseSolver& get_base_solver() const = 0;
virtual void DoSettingIO() = 0;
an example implmentation
class BaseSolverBIO : PolymorphicIO
virtual const BaseSolver& get_base_solver() const {return b;}
virtual void DoSettingIO() { char setting = get_char(); b.set_b(setting);}
BaseSolverB b;
At first glance this seems like a lot of code (we've doubled the number of classes, and probably need to supply a factory class for both BaseSolver and the IO interface). Why do it?
It is the issue of scaleability/maintainability. Lets say you have figured out a new solver you want to add (D). If you are using dynamic cast, you have to find all the places in your top level and add a new case statement. If there is only 1 place, then this is pretty easy, but if it is 10 places, you could easily forget one and it would be hard to track down. Instead, with this method you have a separate class that has all the specific IO functionality for the solver.
Lets also think of what happens to those dynamic_cast checks as the number of solvers grows. You've been maintaining this software for years now with a large team, and lets say you've come up with solvers up to the letter Z. Each of those if-else statements are hundreds-a tousand of lines long now: if you have an error in O you have to scroll through A-M just to find the bug. Also, the overhead for using the polymorphism is constant, while reflection just grows and grows and grows.
The final benefit for doing it this way is if you have a class BB : public B. You probably have all the old settings from B, and want to keep them, just make it a little bigger. Using this model, you can extend the IO class as well for the io for BB and reuse that code.
One way to achieve this is to add an interface method into the base class:
class BaseSolver{
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() = 0;
class SolverA : BaseSolver{
std::string a;
SolverA(TypeA objectA);
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() {/*SolverA stuff here*/};
class SolverB : BaseSolver{
int b;
SolverB(TypeB objectB);
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() {/*SolverB stuff here*/};
And in main:
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();

Draw on canvas from within C++ XPCOM code

Is it possible to draw on element from C++ XPCOM add-on?
Previously (long time ago probably) one could get an object of nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D interface and use ti's method PutImageData_explicit in order to draw image on canvas. Nowadays, nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D hides everything and I have no clue how to achieve this.
In general - is there a way to render a video (let's say obtained from remote host) by add-on on a web-page?
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you
There is PutImageData_explicit now. But that is a protected member.
You may cheat the system and break the encapsulation for your purposes, e.g. by deriving and downcasting (and now protected members are all yours).
Or do it the hard way, and use PutImageData while having to mess around with ImageData and ErrorResult.
Downcasting to get to a protected member:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class Base {
std::string myName() {
return "Base";
class Derived : public Base {
std::string myName() {
return Base::myName();
int main() {
Base *base = new Base();
Derived* derived = static_cast<Derived*>(base);
std::cout << derived->myName() << std::endl;
delete base;
return 0;
PS: This works, because this still holds true sizeof(Base) == sizeof(Derived). You really don't want to modify the size, e.g. by adding data members or such, unless you're a fan of segfault and heap corruption ;)