Preparing a library for plugin support - c++

I searched for this particular question but could not come up with any results, neither here nor on-line in general (maybe because it is a little harder to phrase for me). If it has already been asked, please point me in the right direction.
I am at a point where I would like my libraries/software to be pluggable. I see all these various libraries and systems where plugins are used extensively and the authors boastfully point out (in a good way!) that their software has plugin support.
So my question is, where do I start? Are there any books/on-line-resources that break the ice and may guide one on the do's and dont's of making your library pluggable, define best practices etc.?

You have to understand some things before starting :
There is no support for modules (static or dynamic) in standard C++. Nope. Not yet. Maybe in 2015.
Dlls (or .so on unix-like systems) are dynamically loaded libraries that are compiler/os dependant. So it's a pragmatic solution that fill the need.
So, you'll have to use shared libraries (whatever the file extension, it's the keyword for searches about this subject) as plugin binaries. If your plugin should contain more than runtime code, like graphic resources, you can include your graphic resources in the binary, or have a file format or compressed archibe that contain the binary file.
Whatever the way you setup your plugin files, in C++ the problem is about the interface.
Depending on wich compiler you use, you'll have different ways to "tag" functions or classes as exported/imported (meaning your plugin source code export the code and the user of the plugin should import the code).
Setup clean and clear interface in C++ for the modules, with no templates (because they are compiler and compiler configuration dependant). Those interfaces should be function declarations and class declarations with no inline code and marked exported/imported.
Now, once you've got this, you can use OS-specific API to load/unload dynamic library binaries while the application is running. Once it's done, you can get pointers to functions, again using the OS-specific API. I let you search for it.
Now, there are libraries that provide ways to abstract this in a cross-platform way. I didn't use them yet and they are known to be unperfect because of lack of definitions in the C++ standard, but they could be useful if you're planning to have your application cross-platform:
boost::extension : it's not yet a boost library, nor even proposed yet, and it's developpement is in pause (until some new standard C++ implementations are done) so it might be a bad idea but a lot of people say they use it with success.
POCO libraries have a library for shared libraries that would be the equivalent of boost::extension. Again lot of people say it's useful so I guess it's good enough to be used.
The other alternative, that is easy to setup if you don't need to support tons of target platforms, is to just write some wrapper code around OS-Specific APIs. That's what I did before knowing about boost::extension for example.


Creating C++ API Library

I'm trying to understand the correct way, or right approach, to provide a reasonably large C++ API for a non-open source project. I do not want to provide a "header only" library as the code base is fairly large and meant to be closed source. The goals are as follows:
Provide a native C++ API that users may instantiate C++ classes, pass data around, all in C++, without a C-only wraper
Allow methods to take as parameters and return C++ objects, especially STL types (std::string, std::vector, etc)
No custom allocators
Most industry standard / canonical method of doing this possible, if such a standard exists
No re-creating COM or using MS COM
Assume all C++ compilers are at least C++11 "compliant"
I am targeting Windows as well as other platforms (Linux).
My understanding is creating a DLL or shared library is out of the question because of the DLL boundary issue. To deal with DLL boundary issue, the DLL and the calling code must be compiled with dynamically linked runtime (and the right version, multithreaded/debug/etc on Windows), and then all compiler settings would need to match with respect to debug symbols (iterator debugging settings, etc). One question I have this is whether, if, say on Windows, we ensure that the compiler settings match in terms of /MD using either default "Debug" and "Releas" settings in Visual Studio, can we really be "safe" in using the DLL in this way (that is passing STL objects back and forth and various things that would certainly be dangerous/fail if there was a mismatch)? Do shared object, *.so in Linux under gcc have the same problem?
Does using static libraries solve this problem? How much do compiler settings need to match between a static library and calling code for which it is linked? Is it nearly the same problem as the DLL (on Windows)?
I have tried to find examples of libraries online but cannot find much guidance on this. Many resources discuss Open Source solution, which seems to be copying header and implementation files into the code base (for non-header-only), which does not work for closed source.
What's the right way to do this? It seems like it should be a common issue; although I wonder if most commercial vendors just use C interfaces.
I am ok with static libraries if that solves the problem. I could also buy into the idea of having a set of X compilers with Y variations of settings (where X and Y are pre-determined list of options to support) and having a build system that generated X * Y shared binary libraries, if that was "safe".
Is the answer is really only to do either C interfaces or create Pure Abstract interfaces with factories? (if so, is there a canonical book or guide for doing this write, that is not implementing Microsoft COM?).
I am aware of Stefanus DuToit's Hourglass Pattern:
I worry that it is a lot of code duplication.
I'm not complaining about the state of things, I just want to understand the "right" way and hopefully this will serve as a good question for others in similar position.
I have reviewed these Stackoverflow references:
When to use dynamic vs. static libraries
How do I safely pass objects, especially STL objects, to and from a DLL?
Distributing Windows C++ library: how to decide whether to create static or dynamic library?
Static library API question (std::string vs. char*)
Easy way to guarantee binary compatibility for C++ library, C linkage?
Also have reviewed:
Given your requirements, you'll need a static library (e.g. .lib under windows) that is linked into your program during the build phase.
The interface to that library will need to be in a header file that declares types and functions.
You might choose to distribute as a set of libraries and header files, if they can be cleanly broken into separate pieces - if you manage the dependencies between the pieces. That's optional.
You won't be able to define your own templated functions or classes, since (with most compilers) that requires distributing source for those functions or classes. Or, if you do, you won't be able to use them as part of the interface to the library (e.g. you might use templated functions/classes internally within the library, but not expose them in the library header file to users of the library).
The main down side is that you will need to build and distribute a version of the library for each compiler and host system (in combination that you support). The C++ standard specifically encourages various types of incompatibilities (e.g. different name mangling) between compilers so, generally speaking, code built with one compiler will not interoperate with code built with another C++ compiler. Practically, your library will not work with a compiler other than the one it is built with, unless those compilers are specifically implemented (e.g. by agreement by both vendors) to be compatible. If you support a compiler that supports a different ABI between versions (e.g. g++) then you'll need to distribute a version of your library built with each ABI version (e.g. the most recent version of the compiler that supports each ABI)
An upside - which follows from having a build of your library for every compiler and host you support - is that there will be no problem using the standard library, including templated types or functions in the standard library. Passing arguments will work. Standard library types can be member of your classes. This is simply because the library and the program using it will be built with the same compiler.
You will need to be rigorous in including standard headers correctly (e.g. not relying on one standard header including another, unless the standard says it actually does - some library vendors are less than rigorous about this, which can cause your code to break when built with different compilers and their standard libraries).
There will mostly be no need for "Debug" and "Release" versions (or versions with other optimisation settings) of your library. Generally speaking, there is no problem with having parts of a program being linked that are compiled with different optimisation settings. (It is possible to cause such things to break,if you - or a programmer using your library in their program - use exotic combinations of build options, so keep those to a minimum). Distributing a "Debug" version of your library will permit stepping through your library with a debugger, which seems counter to your wishes.
None of the above prevents you using custom allocators, but doesn't require it either.
You will not need to recreate COM unless you really want to. In fact, you should aim to ensure your code is as standard as possible - minimise use of compiler-specific features, don't make particular assumptions about sizes of types or layout of types, etc. Using vendor specific features like COM is a no-no, unless those features are supported uniformly by all target compilers and systems you support. Which COM is not.
I don't know if there is a "standard/canonical" way of doing this. Writing code that works for multiple compilers and host systems is a non-trivial task, because there are variations between how different compiler vendors interpret or support the standard. Keeping your code simple is best - the more exotic or recent the language or standard library feature you use, the more likely you are to encounter bugs in some compilers.
Also, take the time to set up a test suite for your library, and maintain it regularly, to be as complete as possible. Test your library with that suite on every combination of compiler/system you support.
Provide a native C++ API that users may instantiate C++ classes, pass data around, all in C++, without a C-only wraper
This excludes COM.
Allow methods to take as parameters and return C++ objects, especially STL types (std::string, std::vector, etc)
This excludes DLLs
Most industry standard / canonical method of doing this possible, if such a standard exists
Not something "standard", but common practises are there. For example, in DLL, pass only raw C stuff.
No re-creating COM or using MS COM
This requires DLL/COM servers
Assume all C++ compilers are at least C++11 "compliant"
Perhaps. Normally yes.
Generally: If source is to be available, use header only (if templates) or h +cpp.
If no source, the best is DLL. Static libraries - you have to build for many compilers and one has to carry on your lib everywhere and link to it.
On linux, gcc uses libstdc++ for the c++ standard library while clang can use libc++ or libstdc++. If your users are building with clang and libc++, they won't be able to link if you only build with gcc and libstdc++ (libc++ and libstdc++ are not binary compatible). So if you wan't to get target both you need two version of you library, one for libstdc++, and another for libc++.
Also, binaries on linux (executable, static library, dynamic library) are not binary compatible between distros. It might work on your distro and not work on someone else distro or even a different version of your distro. Be super careful to test that it work on whichever distro you want to target. Holy Build Box could help you to produce cross-distribution binaries. I heard good thing about it, just never tried it. Worst case you might need to build on all the linux distro you want to support.

Mixing C++ code from different compilers

Suppose I have two projects that I would like to link together:
A C++ library compiled with Visual C++ to a DLL file.
A C++ executable compiled with C++ Builder that uses the classes in the library.
I realize that there is no standard C++ ABI and that any attempts to directly link these two C++ projects together will fail. What is a good, automated way of creating a compatibility layer that allows me to accomplish this?
For example, conceivably the C++ library could expose itself via a C interface. Then the executable would have some C++ classes that wrap the C interface exposed by the C++ library. Since there is a standard ABI for C, it would work.
The only question is how to automatically create the C interface and C++ wrapper classes - manually maintaining this would not be an option. The SWIG project looks promising, but unfortunately, C++ is not one of the exits of SWIG listed on their web site. Is there a way to do what I want with SWIG? Or is there another project other than SWIG that would help me with this task?
Or am I going about this the wrong way?
Edit: The core C++ library is intended to be cross-platform. The executable, obviously, is Windows-specific. I don't want to pollute the core library to the extent that it becomes impossible to compile it on other platforms.
If it only has to run on Windows, I would expose the classes as COM objects. They'll still be in a DLL and they can be used by any language which understands COM.
The "standard" way of doing this, in Windows, is to use COM objects. So, that is certainly a good option to look at. In Linux systems, the module interaction model (e.g., executable-DLL interaction) is very different, and ABIs exist for C++.
If you would want to do this manually (create your own COM-like library), it can be a lot of work with many little tricky issues to take seriously. You'll need a cross-module RTTI system, you'll need an interface query/definition protocol, some mechanism to manage memory across modules, etc. Beyond that, to "automate" it, you will probably need a combination of MACROs and template meta-functions.
One cross-platform option that I would highly recommend that you consider or at least look at is using Boost.Python and the Python language as the "glue" between your modules. The Boost.Python library basically does the whole "automated exporting / importing of classes", but it exports your C++ classes and functions as Python classes and functions. And, it is completely non-intrusive and cross-platform, so this is really an ideal example of automated exporting. So, you might consider using Python to write your high-level glue-code, or using Python as an intermediate between the C++ modules, or even reworking the Boost.Python library to use only the "automated exporting" mechanisms to export to whatever interface system you design or use.
I'm sure there a plenty other similar libraries out there. But the number one question is, of course, do you really need this? You might be using a bazooka to kill a fly.
Why not just compile the library with C++ builder as well?
Looking around at swig (I knew swig should be able to wrap C++ in C):
SWIG and C++
If core library is cross-platform why not also write the UI as a cross-platform Qt application and build everything in Visual C++ on Windows.

What's the simplest way to write portable dynamically loadable libraries in C++?

I'm working on a project which has multiple similar code paths which I'd like to separate from the main project into plugins. The project must remain cross-platform compatible, and all of the dynamic library loading APIs I've looked into are platform specific.
What's the simplest way to create a dynamic library loading system which can be compiled and run on multiple operating systems without extra modification of the code? Ideally, I'd like to write one plugin, and have it work on all the operating systems the project supports.
You will have to use platform dependent code for the loading system. It's different loading a DLL on Windows than loading a shared object in Unix. But, with a couple of #ifdef you will be able to have mostly the same code base in the loader.
Having said that, I think you can make your plugins platform independent. Of course, you will have to compile it for every platform, but the code will be 99% the same.
Dynamic library loading an Windows and Unix/Linux works with 3 functions. A pair of functions to load/unload the libraries, and another function to get the address of a function in the library. You can easily write a wrapper around these three functions to provide cross operating systems suppport.
Ideally, I'd like to write one plugin, and have it work on all the operating systems the project supports.
Few things from top of my head:
Avoid static objects in the dynamic libraries. Provision proper initialization methods/functions to allocate the objects. The issues which occur during library being loaded by the OS (this is when the c'tors for static objects are called) are very hard to debug - next only to the multi-threading issues.
Interface headers may not contain code. No inline methods, no preprocessor defines. That is to avoid tainting application with the code from particular version of library, making it impossible to replace the library at later time.
Interface headers may not contain implementation classes themselves - only abstract classes and factory functions. Similar to the previous point - to avoid application depend on the particular version of the classes. Factories are needed as a way for user application to instantiate the concrete implementation classes.
When introducing new version of an interface, to keep things somehow backward compatible, do not modify existing abstract class - create new abstract class inherited from it and add new methods there. Change factory to return the new version. (Recall MS' IInterface, IInterface2, IInterface3 and so on.) In the implementation, use newer version of the abstract class. That by polymorphism would make the implementation backward compatible with the older interface versions. (That obviously calls for periodic interface maintenance and clean-ups - to remove the old cruft.)
Take a look at the boost.extension library, it is not really part of boost, but you can find it in the sandbox. It is kind of frozen also, but overall the library is stable and easy to use.

Reorganize Classes into Static Libraries

I am about to attempt reorganizing the way my group builds a set of large applications that share about 90% of their source files. Right now, these applications are built without any libraries whatsoever involved except for externally linked ones that are not under our control. The applications use the same common source files (we are not maintaining 5 versions of the same .h/.cpp files), but these are not built into any common library. So, at the moment, we are paying the price of building the same code over-and-over per application, each time we intend to release a version. To me, this sounds like a prime candidate for using libraries to capture the shared code and reduce build times. I do not have the option of using DLL's, so the approach is to use static libraries.
I would like to know what tips you would have for how to approach this task. I have limited experience with creating/organizing static libraries, so even the basic suggestions towards organization/gotchas are welcome. Maybe even a good book recommendation?
I have done a brief exercise by finding the entire subset of files that each application share in common. As a proof of concept, I took these files and placed them in a single "Common Monster" static library. Building the full application using this single static library certainly improves the build time for all of the applications, but should I leave it at this? The purpose of the library in this form is not very focused and seems like a lazy attempt at modularity. There is ongoing development with these applications, and I'm afraid this setup will cause problems further down the line.
It's very hard to give general guidelines in this area - how you structure libraries depends very much on how you use them. Perhaps if I describe my own code libraries this may help:
One general purpose library containing code that I expect all applications will have at least a 50/50 chance of needing to use. This includes string utilities, regexes, expression evaluation, XML parsing and ODBC support. Conceivably this should be split up a bit, but it makes distributing my code in FOSS projects easier to keep it monolithic.
A library supporting multi-threading, providing wrappers around threads, mutexes, semaphores etc.
One supporting SQLite via its native interface, rather than via ODBC.
A C++ web server wrapper round the Mongoose C web server.
The general purpose library is used in all the stuff I write, the others in more specialised circumstances. Headers for each library are held in separate directories, as are the library binaries themselves (though they should probably be in a single lib directory).
Make sure that the dependencies of your libraries form acyclic directed graph (a tree). While this is not necessarily a problem for static libs (I'm not sure in fact), it will be a problem if you ever decide to switch to dlls. Depending on your situation, this may require some redesign of interfaces.
Another thing I noticed (for sure on MSVC), which you may consider if build speed is an important concern: DLLs link much faster than static libraries. I assume this is because they don't have to be copied into the new executable and there's no need to search an eliminate unused code. Even if it's no option for production, you may use this trick while developing.
I also have the habit to create my solution files with CMake, because it is easier to overview the entire build process than clicking through an endless list of options in a GUI. It's up to you to decide if you want to walk that path.

Best practices for creating an application which will be upgraded frequently - C++

I am developing a portable C++ application and looking for some best practices in doing that. This application will have frequent updates and I need to build it in such a way that parts of program can be updated easily.
For a frequently updating program, creating the program parts into libraries is the best practice? If program parts are in separate libraries, users can just replace the library when something changes.
If answer for point 1 is "yes", what type of library I have to use? In LINUX, I know I can create a "shared library", but I am not sure how portable is that to windows. What type of library I have to use? I am aware about the DLL hell issues in windows as well.
Any help would be great!
Yes, using libraries is good, but the idea of "simply" replacing a library with a new one may be unrealistic, as library APIs tend to change and apps often need to be updated to take advantage of, or even be compatible with, different versions of a library. With a good amount of integration testing though, you'll be able to 'support' a range of different versions of the library. Or, if you control the library code yourself, you can make sure that changes to the library code never breaks the application.
In Windows DLLs are the direct equivalent to shared libraries (so) in Linux, and if you compile both in a common environment (either cross-compiling or using MingW in Windows) then the linker will just do it the same way. Presuming, of course, that all the rest of your code is cross-platform and configures itself correctly for the target platform.
IMO, DLL hell was really more of a problem in the old days when applications all installed their DLLs into a common directory like C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, which people don't really do anymore simply because it creates DLL hell. You can place your shared libraries in a more appropriate place where it won't interfere with other non-aware apps, or - the simplest possible - just have them in the same directory as the executable that needs them.
I'm not entirely convinced that separating out the executable portions of your program in any way simplifies upgrades. It might, maybe, in some rare cases, make the update installer smaller, but the effort will be substantial, and certainly not worth it the one time you get it wrong. Replace all executable code as one in most cases.
On the other hand, you want to be very careful about messing with anything your users might have changed. Draw a bright line between the part of the application that is just code and the part that is user data. Handle the user data with care.
If it is an application my first choice would be to ship a statically-linked single executable. I had the opportunity to work on a product that was shipped to 5 platforms (Win2K,WinXp, Linux, Solaris, Tru64-Unix), and believe me maintaining shared libraries or DLLs with large codebase is a hell of a task.
Suppose this is a non-trivial application which involves use of 3rd Party GUI, Threads etc. Using C++, there is no real one way of doing it on all platforms. This means you will have to maintain different codebases for different platforms anyway. Then there are some wierd behaviours (bugs) of 3rd Party libraries on different platforms. All this will create a burden if application is shipped using different library versions i.e. different versions are to be attached to different platforms. I have seen people shipping libraries to all platforms when the fix is only for a particular platform just to avoid the versioning confusion. But it is not that simple, customer often has a different angle to how he/she wants to upgrade/patch which is also to be considered.
Ofcourse if the binary you are building is huge, then one can consider DLLs/shared-libraries. Even if that is the case, what i would suggest is to build your application in the form of layers like:-
So here some libraries can have common-code for all platforms. Only specific libraries like 'Platform' can be updated for specific behaviours. This will make you life a lot easier.
IMHO a DLL/shared-library option is viable when you are building a product that acts as a complete solution rather than just an application. In such a case different subsystems use common logic simultaneously within your product framework whose logic can then be shared in memory using DLLs/shared-libraries.
As soon as you're trying to deal with both Windows and a UNIX system like Linux, life gets more complicated.
What are the service requirements you have to satisfy? Can you control when client systems get upgraded? How many systems will you need to support? How much of a backward-compatibility requirement do you have.
To answer your question with a question, why are you making the application native if being portable is one of the key goals?
You could consider moving to a a virtual platform like Java or .Net/Mono. You can still write C++ libraries (shared libraries on linux, DLL's on windows) for anything that would be better as native code, but the bulk of your application will be genuinely portable.