Project properties lost on external checkout - c++

Our company might be moving from CVS to Subversion soon. This has brought about an issue for us, which I am trying to solve.
For CVS and Eclipse, we were able to use team project set files to gather various modules and check them out together ( This made it very easy to manage projects, since there was no need to remember each module in the project.
However, project sets do not support SVN. I know there is an 'externals' property for SVN that does approximately (or possible exactly) the same thing. I tried this. Now, for the problem:
When I use the externals property and checkout 2 modules in eclipse, their C/C++ project properties are lost, and so I cannot right click on them to say "build project" or "clean project". They appear to Eclipse to be folders with files in them.
Is there something I am missing here?
When I check out each module separately, they check out as projects, so they do have the individual .project/.cproject/settings stuff

You forgot to place Eclipse project metadata into your source control system. Make sure all files starting with '.' in project root make it in along with the entire contents of the .settings directory.

Subversion externals simply allows you to take files from one part of the repository and bring them in under a folder in your local checkout. At my last company, we had a java source directory that called "commonSrc" that was an SVN External for another project's main "src" directory, but in the project it was brought into, it simply acted as another folder (as you are experiencing).
I never really liked that method and wouldn't recommend it unless you have only one/two modules.
In order to do what you are trying to do with SVN, you might have to checkout each project separately, and use "Module Dependencies" in the project's properties to create the proper dependencies in Eclipse. You might be able to commit these project files so that the next person doesn't have to re-link them.

In case anyone needs this, here's what I found:
for Subversion + Project Set integration.
There is no need to break your project set. Once you have the integration plugins installed in Eclipse, all you need to do is change the source from the CVS server to SVN.


Linking Functional Block (FB) from development project to Testing Project -TwinCAT 3 - Beckhoff

I have created a testing project to run unit tests using TCunit framework and wanted to link files from development project worked by another colleague.
But there is only Add option when i right click on POU folder in solution explorer of TwinCAT.
When i did so, a copy of a file is made in testing project POU folder. Now I have two copies of same file i.e. in POU folder in testing project and POU folder in development project.
The problem i want to avoid is , if there are changes in the development project files i need to update POU folder in the testing project also manually.
Is there any solution to avoid the duplication?
I haven't tried this, but maybe you can try to make a hard symbolic link to the folder content you want in your test project. And then import the content from the symbolically linked folder into your test project.
Edit 18 April 2020
I made a small batch script to facilitate the hardlinking.
You could create a library from your development project and reference it in yout Unit Testing project.
By right-clicking on the development project you can select "Save as Library". Once the library is generated you can install the library using the library manager and install the file.
Finally in your unit test project you can add this library by right clicking on the References and choosing the library you just installed.
Unfortunately this still requries to manually update your libray when there are changes but is a somewhat cleaner solution.

Visual studio project settings and Git

I have a project using Visual Studio and its being developed on two different systems, its currently a github repo. I want to be able to keep the project settings for each system independent of each other. So every time I update my code from either system, I don't want the project settings to be updated. How do I do this?
Keep the solution and project files neutral. You want them to be tracked when you add/remove files to your projects. Pack your individual settings to a special .props file and let your project files use the properties. Put the .props file into .gitignore and you are done.
Look here Working with Project Properties for details on using property sheets.
.gitignore add files you do not want to share with others. for documentation.
I believe, easily you can find ready to use templates for VS projects on web, so you won't have to create it by yourself (btw. creating new project in github, it will ask for if you want to have this .gitignore file, and ask what kind of project it will be, so all will be done for you).
.gitignore for Visual Studio Projects and Solutions
Or simply do not commit those settings ;)

git and visual studio 2010 express

I have used visual studio 2010 express for a while and have played with some extensive projects for quite some time. Since i'm nearing 50-60 files and thousands of lines of code, i've decided to do some source control for everything so that the project is more easily updated and accessible between all my devices, while also being back up.
I have used git before and am comfortable with it, but now when i made the commit and pushed it to a remote repository on, i found that the .vcxproj files, while still retaining their correct file structure, also retained the include and lib directories for the device it was pushed from, meaning that when pulled down to another computer, those include/lib directories would be looking in the wrong directories, meaning i have to revise all of them every time i pull/push.
My question, Is there anyway i can push files to the repository such that the solution keeps the folder setup, but not the include and lib directory settings?
After some research, i went looking into these so called property sheets in visual studio which are files that can be added to your project. The settings you set their take precedence over the settings of the project, but then the snag there is, if you add the individual property file to the project and then push the the .sln file, and the various .vcxproj files without that .props file, and then someone else clones from the repository, it won't open because it apparently requires that props file.
What i would like along these lines is a default .props file in the remote repository that, when cloned over, is no longer tracked, and then that user can just edit it for themselves. I don't know enough about git thought to make this happen. Does anybody have an idea?
I'm not sure what your problem is exactly, but here's my understanding:
Your project files contain absolute paths (e.g. "C:\myproj\include"). Replace these with relative paths (e.g. ".\include"). The "$(SolutionDir)" variable helps: if your solution file is C:\myproj\myproj.sln, then "$(SolutionDir)include" is the same as "C:\myproj\include". You can change the include and library directories in Project Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ and Linker, respectively.
Your project requires third party libaries - such as boost - and these are outside your project, say C:\boost. Unfortunately Windows/VS doesn't have a standard location for third party libraries, so you can either:
Include the library in your project. This is perfectly fine for small libraries, but it's not something you'd want to do with something like boost, which is both big and tends to be used widely.
Mandate that all devices set up these libraries in the same location, e.g. C:\sdk
Use an environment variable, like $(SDK_DIR) in the project, and all devices must set this environment variable.
Let me know if this helps.
What you're after are git's smudge and clean filters. You'll have to write a script for the cleaning, but sed'll probably do the job just fine, you won't need real xml parsing.

Using sub projects in Visual Studio

I am quite used to Linux development and Makefiles, and started using (Windows and) Visual Studio not so long ago.
What I want to do is (I think) quite simple, but I can't seem to find how to do it using Visual Studio.
I have to write an application, which I can divide into several independent sub-parts. I want to work incrementally, and create several projects that together with a main file will end up with my full project.
What I basically want is to be able to write a small project, have a main for it so that I can fully test it, and use it as a dependency for the next project. In this case, the smaller main would be deactivated (or I can comment it), and I would just change the startup project.
If I find a bug in a subset while writing my bigger software, I could just change the startup project and solve it at a smaller scale.
Well, that's what I do all day long in Python and Java.
I tried to create new projects into my project, but I always end up having linking problems, where my main projects knows about the files in the sub projects, but not the smaller ones, etc. . .
So, is there a guide somewhere I can find to work this way ?
Thank you
For individual projects:
Every individual project property sheet has a C++ options page. Here you can specify the 'Addional Include Directories' in a comma separated form.
Similarly, there should be a property sheet for Linker where you can specify the 'Addional Include Dependencies' and the names of the libraries it depends on.
For linker dependencies of the main executable:
Go to that main project, go to its properties, go to common properties and select 'Framework and References'. This should give you a list of all the projecs that are in your solution. Keep adding them and Visual Studio should add the right linker flags automatically for you.
Sorry, have no access to the computer now else would have provided exact steps. Visual Studio can get tricky sometimes but once you use it, you'll be amazed by what it can do for you. Personally, I love it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks to Vaibhav, I was able to find a solution:
I had to :
change subproject type to lib instead of exe
Add the subprojects as project dependencies in the main project (this just sets the build order)
Comment out the main of my subprojects, to keep only one active.
Add each subproject include directory in the include repos of the main project, so that the compiler can find the header files
Add the general directory as a dependency for the linker (in this case, it is not the debug/release folder of the subprojects, but the output directory of the complete project).
Add the names of the lib files of the subprojects in additional dependencies of the linker of the main project.
To make it simple, the project dependencies capability of VS2010 just changes the order in which the projects are built. . . I miss Eclipse.
If I find a bug and want to test on of the subprojects, I have to :
change the startup project to be the subproject I want to change.
uncomment the corresponding main
change the project type to be exe instead of lib to be able to compile it.
Debug, and do everything back again to continue working on my main project.
Quite boring, don't you think ?
Looks like you trying to do manual unit testing. Use something like Google.Test. You need to make test project for every lib.
We have directory with static libs projects. Another directory with tests projects. Every test solution contains one exe project and few existing lib projects. Every project have configured dependencies. You dont need to set additional dependencies of the linker manually (paths are evil, out dir for the lib file will be taken from project settings), open project properties with right mouse button, Common properties, Add new reference and select lib project. You only need to set additional include dirs.
When you find new bug - just open test project for the library with bug, add code which cause the bug, fix it, and be happy (and sometimes run all test). And even better - use TDD.

How do I get Eclipse CDT to ignore files

I have a C++ project in Eclipse. The project uses Perforce and Eclipse has the Perforce plugin installed. Everything was fine, until I decided to create a git repo in my project. I created the git repo to snapshot some changes which I wasn't ready to commit. Everything was fine until I refreshed my files in Eclipse. Two problems have occurred:
Eclipse found my .git folder, and indexed all of the files inside of it.
Eclipse also decided to add all the git file to my pending change list.
If I create a new file within Eclipse, I'd like it to add it to Perforce, but if it happens to find a file, I don't want it to do anything with it. I'd also like to give Eclipse a list of file types to always ignore, just like I do with my .gitignore file.
I'm using the P4WSAD plugin, but I'm pretty sure the problem can occur anytime you have files you want Eclipse to not see.
Just add a file .p4ignore in your project root and add everything you want P4WSAD to ignore, such as
See the docu on P4WSAD for more info.
That should take care of the Perforce part of your question. For the Eclipse part, please see this SO question.