Implementing a user registry in a c++ based server - c++

So I'm planning to develop a Community feature for a game I'm developing. Currently, the high score server, which I want to integrate this user registry with is developed in pure c++.
Is there a c++ library for developing user registries? Currently, I am thinking of implementing the user registry by saving to the file system, but if there are libraries for this it'd be even better.

This sounds like a very open ended question.
If you intend to have quite a lot of users and possibly do reporting on data or have to manage pieces of data manually.... you may want to look into sqlite. There would be slightly less administration and overhead than using a fully featured DBMS.

Are you sure you want the high score server in C++? Seems a bit out of place for me.
I would suggest something higher like PHP or Python with a SQLite database. Undoubtly example scripts for user registration can be found on the internet.


Design of data storage C++ application (maybe relational database)

I need to store and load some data in a C++ application. This data is basically going to end up as a set of tables as per a relational database.
I write the data to tables using something like csv format, then parse them myself and apply the database logic I need in my C++ code. But it seems stupid to reinvent the wheel with this and end up effectively writing my own database engine.
However, using something like a MySQL database seems like massive overkill for what is going to be a single user local system. I have tried setting up a MySQL daemon on my Windows system and I found it rather complex and possibly even impossible without admin privileges. It would be a serious obstacle to deployment as it would need each user's system to have MySQL set up and running.
Is there a reasonable middle ground solution? Something that can provide me with a simple database, accessible from C++, without all the complexities of setting up a full MySQL install?
NB. I have edited this question such that I hope it satisfies those who have voted to close the question. I am not asking for a recommendation for a tool, or someone's favourite tool or the best tools. That would be asking which database engine should I use. I am asking for what tools and design patterns are available to solve a specific programming problem - i.e. how can I get access to database like functionality from a C++ program, without writing my own database engine, nor setting up a full database server. This is conceptually no different to asking e.g. How do I print out the contents of a vector? - it's just a bigger problem. I have described the problem and what has been done so far to solve it. My understanding from the On Topic Page is that this is within scope.
You can try sqlite.
Here are some simple code examples:

Is it an efficient method to use a framework to code a single interactive webpage in python?

This is an open source contributor project for Wikidata's Chronic Pain project.
I would like to create a webpage that :
Have inputboxes where the user select several wikipedia page titles (with suggestions)
Can also take these parameters via the URL
Get items metadata from Wikidata.
Makes a SPARQL request to gather scholarly articles.
Render data from Wikidata and Wikipedia, linking to various wiki pages.
The webpage will be hosted on Wikimedia fundation server. I have access to a linux container as well as a Jupyter Notebook (not sure this one is suitable for this project). It has to be coded in Python 3 since I will use Pywikibot framework to interact with Wikidata.
I'm new to programming so that I don't really know what is the best approach. I heard that it was difficult to code webpages in Python without using a framework like Django. However this page is very simple so that it may not be the most efficient to deploy Django for this ?
NB : your question is bordering on "primarily opinion based" (which doesn't mean it's a bad question by itself but that answers might be more, well, opinions than hard facts).
This being said, "a single interactive page" doesn't mean the server code behind is just loading a static html file and sending it to the client. For example, the main UI part of our product is, technically speaking, "a single interactive page", but this "single" page is full react app and is backed by a dedicated API with a dozen entry points, which the dispatch to a whole load of backend code including database access, celery tasks etc. It would of course be technically possible to code all this with only pure wsgi or even plain old cgi code, but well, it could also be possible to write it directly in C or even assembly and no one would ever consider this a viable solution.
To make a long story short: do not even waste your time trying to code this project with plain wsgi (and let's not talk cgi), you will end up reinventing the squared wheel and everyone will hate you for this (stakeholders because you'll never deliver a robust, working product in due time and budget, and other devs because they'll now have to port the whole darn thing to a stable, mature and maintained framework). Now if Django appears to be overkill for this project there are much lighter frameworks like flask. Actually both are the "industry standard" and safe choices.

Best way of logging a user in C++

I am trying to get into C++ programming so apologise if this is a bit of a stupid question.
I am attempting to create a program in C++ that is linked to a website via the database, that's all sorted. In this program, the user must log into it to be able to use its features, I've also managed to do this fine. My question is, what is the best way of storing that users session so I can refer to their username, display that users settings from the database e.c.t?
I am unsure, but I don't think c++ has session options like in php so I cannot do it that way. I did some googling before I posted this, spent all night trying to find a solution, I found nothing.
My knowledge if c++ is slim and this may sound like a more complicated or unnecessary route to take, but it was thinking of perhaps when the user logs in, to create a txt file storing that users username and then calling on it when I need to refer to that users username for queries and such, then when the user logs out or closes the program it deletes the file. Is that stupid? Forgive me if it is.
Is there better way to go about this?
Thanks for your time!
I read your comments, if it needs to be a stand-alone application, like some sort of client, you could take a look at the C++ libraries I mentioned, but I'd use any higher level language (Java or C# have good documentation and there are many tutorials for creating GUIs, if that's what your're looking for. I think even Python would make a good candidate).
If you really must use C++, your best bet would be to use an existing library to implement your web solution. POCO includes an HTTP server framework, and a library for sockets and other forms of low-level network programming. Boost ASIO can also serve your purposes. But this is hardly something I'd recommend to start learning programming, or C++ for that matter.
If you want to learn about web programming, then you should definitely take a look at other languages. PHP or ASP.NET come to mind. AS you learn, you'll most likely also end up writing some form of Javascript. You can find a lot of info out there, just Google for tutorials. A site to get started is w3Schools, but any site with tutorials will do. Good luck!

Simple GUI interface and web services for database

I've looked around and haven't found just quite what I'm looking for. I help teach a health IT course that often involves doctors and nurses who don't have much experience programming. We are planning to teach students about extending clinical information systems by developing a database and exposing it for queries and use using Web services. This is something which is often done by those with technical experience. We would like to teach students this concept with hands on exercises. However we would like the students to focus more on the concept than coding. Is there a free or open source database program that allows users to create a simple database, develop a simple GUI for their database (for hypothetical data collection), and expose their data using Web services. Mind you, this needs to be simple enough for non-programmers to be able to use with minimal coding experience.
Thank you for your comments and recommendations!
well, really broad question, the database word doesn't say much about the final task and it's really generic, but I suggest Base from the libreoffice suite or the equivalent counterpart from openoffice and both are basically the same product if you care about the core features.

Web Developer curious about developing for the Android

Hey there,
So I've been heavily focused on design/development using web technology for the last few years (php/mysql, javascript, etc), and I'm a bit hesitant to start learning C++.. At the same time, I see it as a potentially enjoyable learning experience.
To keep things brief, right now I'm developing an online app that plots out certain locations on a map, and you can sort through these locations and do a bunch of other nifty things..sorry to be vague. The point is: I don't see any real advantages of making this an actual "app" when the entire functionality of the app itself can do quite fine through the modern mobile browser..
Not to mention that, by living in a browser, it's much less proprietary
So, my question is: Is there any way to make a simple app that's basically porting the user to my site? I guess it'd be convenient that as an app, the user has a nice little icon to click on when they do need to access it..
Android development relies heavily on Java. So you are all ready on the right track.
However if you just want to make an app that brings people to your website, running javascript I am guessing, this is easy to do with android.
Android supports the webkit browser and has a view group called WebView. Your app can be nothing more than a shortcut on a desktop that opens a webview directly pointed to your website. It could add other options to point to other parts of your website like bookmarks.
WebView webview = new WebView(this);
A lot of apps on the market are actually based around a WebView. There are other classes that allow you more control over the view, like whether links are opened in the webview or in a new browser, or whether the user is allowed to use the resize options, etc.
Welcome to Android.
There is a massive article on exactly this type of idea. It discusses a number of different things and is well worth the read if you are indeed interested in making a cross-phone web-app. It talks about an html5 facility in the works for creating such a thing as you describe, but it isn't quite universal yet.
Here is an article on making an iphone app in html5.
You can also use phonegap to port your design to andorid.
also, check out a jquery plugin calld jqtouch if you are interseted in developing touch capable applications quickly.
If you are worried about speed and the issue of internet connectivity, you can use html5 local storage features which are available on both android and itouch. Ibm has a great series on these issues and part 2 covers local storage.
No. The problem with web technology on a mobile device is the delay. You are far away from the server, so a lot of the things you can easily do with a normal client creates a very bad user experience on a mobile device. The roundtrip time is simply too large. You have to move much more functionality to the client. This client is also less powerfull, and tends to have limits on caching large elements
How is this related to C++?
There is also a C++ API which is only recently available. Google calls it the NDK (Native Development Kit). Information about it can be found here:
I personally haven't developed using the NDK. The only real reason someone would really need to would be to write a high-performance application that can't stand the overhead of the Java JVM--which is getting more and more rare these days IMO.
As far as creating a simple app with a web container in it, see Phobos' response. That is exactly how I'd do it personally.