Does/can Valgrind use multiple processors? - c++

Is there a way to get valgrind to use multiple processors?
I'm doing some bottleneck profiling with valgrind's callgrind and noticed significantly different resource usage behavior in my application vs when run outside of valgrind/callgrind.
When run outside valgrind, it maxes out several processors, but run inside valgrind only uses one. This makes me worry that my bottle necks will be in different places, and thus invalidate my profiling.

According to the Valgrind Docs, they do not support multiple processors:
The main thing to point out with
respect to threaded programs is that
your program will use the native
threading library, but Valgrind
serialises execution so that only one
(kernel) thread is running at a time.
This approach avoids the horrible
implementation problems of
implementing a truly multithreaded
version of Valgrind, but it does mean
that threaded apps run only on one
CPU, even if you have a multiprocessor
or multicore machine.
Valgrind doesn't schedule the threads
itself. It merely ensures that only
one thread runs at once, using a
simple locking scheme. The actual
thread scheduling remains under
control of the OS kernel. What this
does mean, though, is that your
program will see very different
scheduling when run on Valgrind than
it does when running normally. This is
both because Valgrind is serialising
the threads, and because the code runs
so much slower than normal.
This difference in scheduling may
cause your program to behave
differently, if you have some kind of
concurrency, critical race, locking,
or similar, bugs. In that case you
might consider using the tools
Helgrind and/or DRD to track them

Take a look at:
They added:
--fair-sched option
It may help.


Threading analysis in Vtune hangs at __kmp_acquire_ticket_lock

I am currently benchmarking a project written in C++ to determine the hot spots and the threading efficiency, using Intel VTune. When running the program normally it runs for ~15 minutes. Using the hotspot analysis in VTune I can see that the function __kmp_fork_barrier is taking up roughly 40% of the total CPU time.
Therefore, I also wanted to see the threading efficiency, but when starting the threading-module in VTune, it does not start the project at all, but instead hangs at __kmp_acquire_ticket_lock when running in Hardware event-based sampling-mode. When running in user-mode sampling-mode instead, the project immediately fails with a segfault (which does not occur when running it without VTune and checking it with valgrind). When using HPC performance characterization instead, VTune crashes.
Are those issues with VTune, or with my program? And how can I find the issues with the latter?
__kmp_xxx calls are functions of the Intel/Clang OpenMP runtime. __kmp_fork_barrier is called when an OpenMP barrier is reached. If you spend 40% of your time on this function this means that you have a load balancing issue with the OpenMP threads in your program. You need to fix this work imbalance to get better performance. You can use the (experimental) OMPT support of runtimes to track what threads are doing and when they do so. VTune should have a minimal support for profiling OpenMP programs. Encountering a VTune crash is likely a bug and it should be reported on the Intel forum so that VTune developers can fix it. On your side, you can check that your program always pass all OpenMP barrier in a deterministic way. For more information, you can look at the Intel VTune OpenMP tutorial.
Note that the results of VTune should also means that your OpenMP runtime is configured so that threads are actively polling the state of other threads which is good to reduce latencies but not always for performance or energy savings. You can control the behaviour of the runtime using the environment variable OMP_WAIT_POLICY.

Make a program run slowly

Is there any way to run a C++ program slower by changing any OS parameters in Linux? In this way I would like to simulate what will happen if that particular program happens to run on a real slower machine.
In other words, a faster machine should behave as a slower machine to that particular program.
Lower the priority using nice (and/or renice). You can also do it programmatically using nice() system call. This will not slow down the execution speed per se, but will make Linux scheduler allocate less (and possibly shorter) execution time frames, preempt more often, etc. See Process Scheduling (Chapter 10) of Understanding the Linux Kernel for more details on scheduling.
You may want to increase the timer interrupt frequency to put more load on the kernel, which will in turn slow everything down. This requires a kernel rebuild.
You can use CPU Frequency Scaling mechanism (requires kernel module) and control (slow down, speed up) the CPU using the cpufreq-set command.
Another possibility is to call sched_yield(), which will yield quantum to other processes, in performance critical parts of your program (requires code change).
You can hook common functions like malloc(), free(), clock_gettime() etc. using LD_PRELOAD, and do some silly stuff like burn a few million CPU cycles with rep; hop;, insert memory barriers etc. This will slow down the program for sure. (See this answer for an example of how to do some of this stuff).
As #Bill mentioned, you can always run Linux in a virtualization software which allows you to limit the amount of allocated CPU resources, memory, etc.
If you really want your program to be slow, run it under Valgrind (may also help you find some problems in your application like memory leaks, bad memory references, etc).
Some slowness can be achieved by recompiling your binary with disabled optimizations (i.e. -O0 and enable assertions (i.e. -DDEBUG).
You can always buy an old PC or a cheap netbook (like One Laptop Per Child, and don't forget to donate it to a child once you are done testing) with a slow CPU and run your program.
Hope it helps.
QEMU is a CPU emulator for Linux. Debian has packages for it (I imagine most distros will). You can run a program in an emulator and most of them should support slowing things down. For instance, Miroslav Novak has patches to slow down QEMU.
Alternatively, you could cross compile to another CPU-linux (arm-none-gnueabi-linux, etc) and then have QEMU translate that code to run.
The nice suggestion is simple and may work if you combine it with another process which will consume cpu.
nice -19 test &
while [ 1 ] ; do sha1sum /boot/vmlinuz*; done;
You did not say if you need graphics, file and/or network I/O? Do you know something about the class of error you are looking for? Is it a race condition, or does the code just perform poorly at a customer site?
Edit: You can also use signals like STOP and CONT to start and stop your program. A debugger can also do this. The issue is that the code runs a full speed and then gets stopped. Most solutions with the Linux scheduler will have this issue. There was some sort of thread analyzer from Intel afair. I see Vtune Release Notes. This is Vtune, but I was pretty sure there is another tool to analyze thread races. See: Intel Thread Checker, which can check for some thread race conditions. But we don't know if the app is multi-threaded?
Use cpulimit:
Cpulimit is a tool which limits the CPU usage of a process (expressed in percentage, not in CPU time). It is useful to control batch jobs, when you don't want them to eat too many CPU cycles. The goal is prevent a process from running for more than a specified time ratio. It does not change the nice value or other scheduling priority settings, but the real CPU usage. Also, it is able to adapt itself to the overall system load, dynamically and quickly.
The control of the used cpu amount is done sending SIGSTOP and SIGCONT POSIX signals to processes.
All the children processes and threads of the specified process will share the same percent of CPU.
It's in the Ubuntu repos. Just
apt-get install cpulimit
Here're some examples on how to use it on an already-running program:
Limit the process 'bigloop' by executable name to 40% CPU:
cpulimit --exe bigloop --limit 40
cpulimit --exe /usr/local/bin/bigloop --limit 40
Limit a process by PID to 55% CPU:
cpulimit --pid 2960 --limit 55
Get an old computer
VPS hosting packages tend to run slowly, have lots of interruptions, and wildly varying latencies. The cheaper you go the worse the hardware will be. Unlike truly old hardware, there is a good chance they will contain instruction sets (SSE4) that are not usually found on old hardware. Neverthless, if you want a system that walks slowly and shutters often, a cheap VPS host will be the quickest start.
If you just want to simulate your program to analyze its behavior on really slow machine, you can try making your whole program to run as a thread of some other main program.
In this manner you can prioritize same code with different priorities in few threads at once and collect data of your analysis. I have used this in game development for frame-processing analysis.
Use sleep or wait inside of your code. Its not the brightest way to do but acceptable in all kind of computer with different speeds.
The simplest possible way to do it would be to wrap your main runable code in a while loop with a sleep at the end of it.
For example:
void main()
while 1
// Logic
// ...
As people will mention, this isn't the most accurate way, since your logic code will still run at normal speed but with delays between runs. Also, it assumes that your logic code is something that runs in a loop.
But it is both simple and configurable.
You can increase load on CPUs via launching tools like stress or stress-ng

(How) Does the compiler compile a monolithic program as a threaded one?

I wrote a monolithic designed program which is quite rough on the processors needs. And as I have a dual-core I figured that one CPU should therefore be always at 100%. But both my CPUs are on 100% all the time. Now I am guessing that my compiler somehow turned my monolithic application in a threaded one. What are the limits of those optimization feature and when is it still needed to explicit make something threaded?
I am using the gcc on Ubuntu linux 64-Bit
It doesn't, at least not without using something like Cilk. You must be inadvertently using multiple threads (or processes) without realizing it. Perhaps you're using a third-party library that creates an extra thread or two in your process?
As per the comments, use a program like top(1) to verify that is in fact your program's process that is using both CPUs at 100%. In your case, the XORG process is jumping to 100% because your program is producing a large amount of output.
Any calls to the OS, or other libraries (CRT for instance) may use other threads as well. I would hardly be surprised if the console ran in it's own thread, and if you're doing a lot of IO of any sort, that could cause the other CPU to max out.

Executing C++ program on multiple processor machine

I developed a program in C++ for research purpose. It takes several days to complete.
Now i executing it on our lab 8core server machine to get results quickly, but i see machine assigns only one processor to my program and it remains at 13% processor usage(even i set process priority at high level and affinity for 8 cores).
(It is a simple object oriented program without any parallelism or multi threading)
How i can get true benefit from the powerful server machine?
Thanks in advance.
Partition your code into chunks you can execute in parallel.
You need to go read about data parallelism
and task parallelism.
Then you can use OpenMP or
to break up your program.
(It is a simple object oriented program without any parallelism or
multi threading)
How i can get true benefit from the powerful server machine?
By using more threads. No matter how powerful the computer is, it cannot spread a thread across more than one processor. Find independent portions of your program and run them in parallel.
C++0x threads
Boost threads
I personally consider OpenMP a toy. You should probably go with one of the other two.
You have to exploit multiparallelism explicitly by splitting your code into multiple tasks that can be executed independently and then either use thread primitives directly or a higher level parallelization framework, such as OpenMP.
If you don't want to make your program itself use multithreaded libraries or techniques, you might be able to try breaking your work up into several independent chunks. Then run multiple copies of your program...each being assigned to a different chunk, specified by getting different command-line parameters.
As for just generally improving a program's performance...there are profiling tools that can help you speed up or find the bottlenecks in memory usage, I/O, CPU:
Won't help split your work across cores, but if you can get an 8x speedup in an algorithm that might be able to help more than multithreading would on 8 cores. Just something else to consider.

How to profile multi-threaded C++ application on Linux?

I used to do all my Linux profiling with gprof.
However, with my multi-threaded application, it's output appears to be inconsistent.
Now, I dug this up:
However, it's from a long time ago and in my gprof output, it appears my gprof is listing functions used by non-main threads.
So, my questions are:
In 2010, can I easily use gprof to profile multi-threaded Linux C++ applications? (Ubuntu 9.10)
What other tools should I look into for profiling?
Edit: added another answer on poor man's profiler, which IMHO is better for multithreaded apps.
Have a look at oprofile. The profiling overhead of this tool is negligible and it supports multithreaded applications---as long as you don't want to profile mutex contention (which is a very important part of profiling multithreaded applications)
Have a look at poor man's profiler. Surprisingly there are few other tools that for multithreaded applications do both CPU profiling and mutex contention profiling, and PMP does both, while not even requiring to install anything (as long as you have gdb).
Try modern linux profiling tool, the perf (perf_events): and
perf record ./application
# generates profile file
perf report
Have a look at Valgrind.
A Paul R said, have a look at Zoom. You can also use lsstack, which is a low-tech approach but surprisingly effective, compared to gprof.
Added: Since you clarified that you are running OpenGL at 33ms, my prior recommendation stands. In addition, what I personally have done in situations like that is both effective and non-intuitive. Just get it running with a typical or problematic workload, and just stop it, manually, in its tracks, and see what it's doing and why. Do this several times.
Now, if it only occasionally misbehaves, you would like to stop it only while it's misbehaving. That's not easy, but I've used an alarm-clock interrupt set for just the right delay. For example, if one frame out of 100 takes more than 33ms, at the start of a frame, set the timer for 35ms, and at the end of a frame, turn it off. That way, it will interrupt only when the code is taking too long, and it will show you why. Of course, one sample might miss the guilty code, but 20 samples won't miss it.
I tried valgrind and gprof. It is a crying shame that none of them work well with multi-threaded applications. Later, I found Intel VTune Amplifier. The good thing is, it handles multi-threading well, works with most of the major languages, works on Windows and Linux, and has many great profiling features. Moreover, the application itself is free. However, it only works with Intel processors.
You can randomly run pstack to find out the stack at a given point. E.g. 10 or 20 times.
The most typical stack is where the application spends most of the time (according to experience, we can assume a Pareto distribution).
You can combine that knowledge with strace or truss (Solaris) to trace system calls, and pmap for the memory print.
If the application runs on a dedicated system, you have also sar to measure cpu, memory, i/o, etc. to profile the overall system.
Since you didn't mention non-commercial, may I suggest Intel's VTune. It's not free but the level of detail is very impressive (and the overhead is negligible).
Putting a slightly different twist on matters, you can actually get a pretty good idea as to what's going on in a multithreaded application using ftrace and kernelshark. Collecting the right trace and pressing the right buttons and you can see the scheduling of individual threads.
Depending on your distro's kernel you may have to build a kernel with the right configuration (but I think that a lot of them have it built in these days).
Microprofile is another possible answer to this. It requires hand-instrumentation of the code, but it seems like it handles multi-threaded code pretty well. And it also has special hooks for profiling graphics pipelines, including what's going on inside the card itself.