C++ do stack memory allocation/deallocation defragement memory - c++

C++ do stack memory allocation/deallocation defragement memory.
when i declare local memory variables, they are allocated and deallocated, does it makes memory fragemented?
this can be very important from memory point of view
how much memory is availabe for stack?
can I allocate
char sam[999999999999999];

No, memory is not fragmented. How much memory you can allocate on stack is implementation-defined, usually something around 1 megabyte.

Allocating builtins on the stack shouldn't result in fragmentation. However if you allocate something like string on the stack, while the stack itself won't get fragmented the string allocates memory on the heap which could wind up fragmented.
Generally the stack is extremely small compared to the heap - something like 1-64MB depending on your platform.

how much memory is available for stack?
It depends.
It depends on the compiler and it depends on the parameters you launch your binary with (since compilers may decide to defer the definition of the stack size to the runtime). It also depends on the OS and the available resources.
One point of interest, gcc is working on SplitStacks. A number of languages already offer this (Go for example), the idea is that the stack can then grow on demand. At this point, the limit becomes: how much can the OS allocate in one go ?
I haven't experimented it yet... don't even know if this is fully implemented.

By doing allocation and deallocation on stack memory will not be frgameneted as how much memory is required for a stack variable is known at the compile time itself. Regarding the maximum amount of memory you can allocate on stack depends on the compiler. By default, for VS compilers its 1 MB and can be chnaged through compiler options.


delete[] does not free memory of array returned by function [duplicate]

I am observing the following behavior in my test program:
I am doing malloc() for 1 MB and then free() it after sleep(10). I am doing this five times. I am observing memory consumption in top while the program is running.
Once free()-d, I am expecting the program's virtual memory (VIRT) consumption to be down by 1 MB. But actually it isn't. It stays stable. What is the explanation for this behavior? Does malloc() do some reserve while allocating memory?
Once free()-d, I am expecting program's virtual memory (VIRT) consumption to be down by 1MB.
Well, this is not guaranteed by the C standard. It only says, once you free() the memory, you should not be accessing that any more.
Whether the memory block is actually returned to the available memory pool or kept aside for future allocations is decided by the memory manager.
The C standard doesn't force on the implementer of malloc and free to return the memory to the OS directly. So different C library implementations will behave differently. Some of them might give it back directly and some might not. In fact, the same implementation will also behave differently depending on the allocation sizes and patterns.
This behavior, of course, is for good reasons:
It is not always possible. OS-level memory allocations usually are done in pages (4KB, 4MB, or ... sizes at once). And if a small part of the page is still being used after freeing another part then the page cannot be given back to the operating system until that part is also freed.
Efficiency. It is very likely that an application will ask for memory again. So why give it back to the OS and ask for it again soon after. (of course, there is probably a limit on the size of the memory kept.)
In most cases, you are not accountable for the memory you free if the implementation decided to keep it (assuming it is a good implementation). Sooner or later it will be reallocated or returned to the OS. Hence, optimizing for memory usage should be based on the amount you have malloc-ed and you haven't free-d. The case where you have to worry about this, is when your allocation patterns/sizes start causing memory fragmentation which is a very big topic on its own.
If you are, however, on an embedded system and the amount of memory available is limited and you need more control over when/how memory is allocated and freed then you need to ask for memory pages from the OS directly and manage it manually.
Edit: I did not explain why you are not accountable for memory you free.
The reason is, on a modern OS, allocated memory is virtual. Meaning if you allocate 512MB on 32-bit system or 10TB of 64-bit system, as long as you don't read or write to that memory, it will not reserve any physical space for it. Actually, it will only reserve physical memory for the pages you touch from that big block and not the entire block. And after "a while of not using that memory", its contents will be copied to disk and the underlying physical memory will be used for something else.
This is very dependent on the actual malloc implementation in use.
Under Linux, there is a threshold (MMAP_THRESHOLD) to decide where the memory for a given malloc() request comes from.
If the requested amount is below or equal to MMAP_THRESHOLD, the request is satisfied by either taking it from the so-called "free list", if any memory blocks have already been free()d. Otherwise, the "break line" of the program (i. e. the end of the data segment) is increased and the memory made available to the program by this process is used for the request.
On free(), the freed memory block is added to the free list. If there is enough free memory at the very end of the data segment, the break line (mentionned above) is moved again to shrink the data segment, returning the excess memory to the OS.
If the requested amount exceeds MMAP_THRESHOLD, a separate memory block is requested by the OS and returned again during free().
See also https://linux.die.net/man/3/malloc for details.

Why can't we allocate dynamic memory on the stack?

Allocating stuff on the stack is awesome because than we have RAII and don't have to worry about memory leaks and such. However sometimes we must allocate on the heap:
If the data is really big (recommended) - because the stack is small.
If the size of the data to be allocated is only known at runtime (dynamic allocation).
Two questions:
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is
only known at runtime) on the stack?
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable? I.e. Thing t;.
Edit: I know some compilers support Variable Length Arrays - which is dynamically allocated stack memory. But that's really an exception to the general rule. I'm interested in understanding the fundamental reasons for why generally, we can't allocate dynamic memory on the stack - the technical reasons for it and the rational behind it.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
It's more complicated to achieve this. The size of each stack frame is burned-in to your compiled program as a consequence of the sort of instructions the finished executable needs to contain in order to work. The layout and whatnot of your function-local variables, for example, is literally hard-coded into your program through the register and memory addresses it describes in its low-level assembly code: "variables" don't actually exist in the executable. To let the quantity and size of these "variables" change between compilation runs greatly complicates this process, though it's not completely impossible (as you've discovered, with non-standard variable-length arrays).
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable
This is just a consequence of the syntax. C++'s "normal" variables happen to be those with automatic or static storage duration. The designers of the language could technically have made it so that you can write something like Thing t = new Thing and just use a t all day, but they did not; again, this would have been more difficult to implement. How do you distinguish between the different types of objects, then? Remember, your compiled executable has to remember to auto-destruct one kind and not the other.
I'd love to go into the details of precisely why and why not these things are difficult, as I believe that's what you're after here. Unfortunately, my knowledge of assembly is too limited.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
Technically, this is possible. But not approved by the C++ standard. Variable length arrays(VLA) allows you to create dynamic size constructs on stack memory. Most compilers allow this as compiler extension.
int array[n];
//where n is only known at run-time
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable? I.e. Thing t;.
We can. Whether you do it or not depends on implementation details of a particular task at hand.
int i;
int *ptr = &i;
We can allocate variable length space dynamically on stack memory by using function _alloca. This function allocates memory from the program stack. It simply takes number of bytes to be allocated and return void* to the allocated space just as malloc call. This allocated memory will be freed automatically on function exit.
So it need not to be freed explicitly. One has to keep in mind about allocation size here, as stack overflow exception may occur. Stack overflow exception handling can be used for such calls. In case of stack overflow exception one can use _resetstkoflw() to restore it back.
So our new code with _alloca would be :
int NewFunctionA()
char* pszLineBuffer = (char*) _alloca(1024*sizeof(char));
// Program logic
//no need to free szLineBuffer
return 1;
Every variable that has a name, after compilation, becomes a dereferenced pointer whose address value is computed by adding (depending on the platform, may be "subtracting"...) an "offset value" to a stack-pointer (a register that contains the address the stack actually is reaching: usually "current function return address" is stored there).
int i,j,k;
(SP-12) ;i
(SP-8) ;j
(SP-4) ;k
To let this "sum" to be efficient, the offsets have to be constant, so that they can be encode directly in the instruction op-code:
MOV (SP-12),A; i-->>A
ADD A,(SP-8) ; A+=j
MOV A,(SP-4) ; A-->>k
You see here how 4,8 and 12 are now "code", not "data".
That implies that a variable that comes after another requires that "other" to retain a fixed compile-time defined size.
Dynamically declared arrays can be an exception, but they can only be that last variable of a function. Otherwise, all the variables that follows will have an offset that have to be adjusted run-time after that array allocation.
This creates the complication that dereferencing the addresses requires arithmetic (not just a plain offset) or the capability to modify the opcode as variables are declared (self modifying code).
Both the solution becomes sub-optimal in term of performance, since all can break the locality of the addressing, or add more calculation for each variable access.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
You can with Microsoft compilers using _alloca() or _malloca(). For gcc, it's alloca()
I'm not sure it's part of the C / C++ standards, but variations of alloca() are included with many compilers. If you need aligned allocation, such a "n" bytes of memory starting on a "m" byte boundary (where m is a power of 2), you can allocate n+m bytes of memory, add m to the pointer and mask off the lower bits. Example to allocate hex 1000 bytes of memory on a hex 100 boundary. You don't need to preserve the value returned by _alloca() since it's stack memory and automatically freed when the function exits.
char *p;
p = _alloca(0x1000+0x100);
(size_t)p = ((size_t)0x100 + (size_t)p) & ~(size_t)0xff;
Most important reason is that Memory used can be deallocated in any order but stack requires deallocation of memory in a fixed order i.e LIFO order.Hence practically it would be difficult to implement this.
Virtual memory is a virtualization of memory, meaning that it behaves as the resource it is virtualizing (memory). In a system, each process has a different virtual memory space:
32-bits programs: 2^32 bytes (4 Gigabytes)
64-bits programs: 2^64 bytes (16 Exabytes)
Because virtual space is so big, only some regions of that virtual space are usable (meaning that only some regions can be read/written just as if it were real memory). Virtual memory regions are initialized and made usable through mapping. Virtual memory does not consume resources and can be considered unlimited (for 64-bits programs) BUT usable (mapped) virtual memory is limited and use up resources.
For every process, some mapping is done by the kernel and other by the user code. For example, before even the code start executing, the kernel maps specific regions of the virtual memory space of a process for the code instructions, global variables, shared libraries, the stack space... etc. The user code uses dynamic allocation (allocation wrappers such as malloc and free), or garbage collectors (automatic allocation) to manage the virtual memory mapping at application-level (for example, if there is no enough free usable virtual memory available when calling malloc, new virtual memory is automatically mapped).
You should differentiate between mapped virtual memory (the total size of the stack, the total current size of the heap...) and allocated virtual memory (the part of the heap that malloc explicitly told the program that can be used)
Regarding this, I reinterpret your first question as:
Why can't we save dynamic data (i.e. data whose size is only known at runtime) on the stack?
First, as other have said, it is possible: Variable Length Arrays is just that (at least in C, I figure also in C++). However, it has some technical drawbacks and maybe that's the reason why it is an exception:
The size of the stack used by a function became unknown at compile time, this adds complexity to stack management, additional register (variables) must be used and it may impede some compiler optimizations.
The stack is mapped at the beginning of the process and it has a fixed size. That size should be increased greatly if variable-size-data is going to be placed there by default. Programs that do not make extensive use of the stack would waste usable virtual memory.
Additionally, data saved on the stack must be saved and deleted in Last-In-First-Out order, which is perfect for local variables within functions but unsuitable if we need a more flexible approach.
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable?
As this answer explains, we can.
Read a bit about Turing Machines to understand why things are the way they are. Everything was built around them as the starting point.
Anything outside of this is technically an abomination and a hack.

Why is memory not reusable after allocating/deallocating a number of small objects?

While investigating a memory link in one of our projects, I've run into a strange issue. Somehow, the memory allocated for objects (vector of shared_ptr to object, see below) is not fully reclaimed when the parent container goes out of scope and can't be used except for small objects.
The minimal example: when the program starts, I can allocate a single continuous block of 1.5Gb without problem. After I use the memory somewhat (by creating and destructing an number of small objects), I can no longer do big block allocation.
Test program:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class BigClass
double a[10000];
void TestMemory() {
cout<< "Performing TestMemory"<<endl;
vector<shared_ptr<BigClass>> list;
for (int i = 0; i<10000; i++) {
shared_ptr<BigClass> p(new BigClass());
void TestBigBlock() {
cout<< "Performing TestBigBlock"<<endl;
char* bigBlock = new char [1024*1024*1536];
delete[] bigBlock;
int main() {
Problem also repeats if using plain pointers with new/delete or malloc/free in cycle, instead of shared_ptr.
The culprit seems to be that after TestMemory(), the application's virtual memory stays at 827125760 (regardless of number of times I call it). As a consequence, there's no free VM regrion big enough to hold 1.5 GB. But I'm not sure why - since I'm definitely freeing the memory I used. Is it some "performance optimization" CRT does to minimize OS calls?
Environment is Windows 7 x64 + VS2012 + 32-bit app without LAA
Sorry for posting yet another answer since I am unable to comment; I believe many of the others are quite close to the answer really :-)
Anyway, the culprit is most likely address space fragmentation. I gather you are using Visual C++ on Windows.
The C / C++ runtime memory allocator (invoked by malloc or new) uses the Windows heap to allocate memory. The Windows heap manager has an optimization in which it will hold on to blocks under a certain size limit, in order to be able to reuse them if the application requests a block of similar size later. For larger blocks (I can't remember the exact value, but I guess it's around a megabyte) it will use VirtualAlloc outright.
Other long-running 32-bit applications with a pattern of many small allocations have this problem too; the one that made me aware of the issue is MATLAB - I was using the 'cell array' feature to basically allocate millions of 300-400 byte blocks, causing exactly this issue of address space fragmentation even after freeing them.
A workaround is to use the Windows heap functions (HeapCreate() etc.) to create a private heap, allocate your memory through that (passing a custom C++ allocator to your container classes as needed), and then destroy that heap when you want the memory back - This also has the happy side-effect of being very fast vs delete()ing a zillion blocks in a loop..
Re. "what is remaining in memory" to cause the issue in the first place: Nothing is remaining 'in memory' per se, it's more a case of the freed blocks being marked as free but not coalesced. The heap manager has a table/map of the address space, and it won't allow you to allocate anything which would force it to consolidate the free space into one contiguous block (presumably a performance heuristic).
There is absolutely no memory leak in your C++ program. The real culprit is memory fragmentation.
Just to be sure(regarding memory leak point), I ran this program on Valgrind, and it did not give any memory leak information in the report.
//Valgrind Report
mantosh#mantosh4u:~/practice$ valgrind ./basic
==3227== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3227== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3227== total heap usage: 20,017 allocs, 20,017 frees, 4,021,989,744 bytes allocated
==3227== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
Please find my response to your query/doubt asked in original question.
The culprit seems to be that after TestMemory(), the application's
virtual memory stays at 827125760 (regardless of number of times I
call it).
Yes, real culprit is hidden fragmentation done during the TestMemory() function.Just to understand the fragmentation, I have taken the snippet from wikipedia
when free memory is separated into small blocks and is interspersed by allocated memory. It is a weakness of certain storage allocation algorithms, when they fail to order memory used by programs efficiently. The result is that, although free storage is available, it is effectively unusable because it is divided into pieces that are too small individually to satisfy the demands of the application.
For example, consider a situation wherein a program allocates 3 continuous blocks of memory and then frees the middle block. The memory allocator can use this free block of memory for future allocations. However, it cannot use this block if the memory to be allocated is larger in size than this free block."
The above explains paragraph explains very nicely about memory fragmentation.Some allocation patterns(such as frequent allocation and deal location) would lead to memory fragmentation,but its end impact(.i.e. memory allocation 1.5GBgets failed) would greatly vary on different system as different OS/heap manager has different strategy and implementation.
As an example, your program ran perfectly fine on my machine(Linux) however you have encountered the memory allocation failure.
Regarding your observation on VM size remains constant: VM size seen in task manager is not directly proportional to our memory allocation calls. It mainly depends on the how much bytes is in committed state. When you allocate some dynamic memory(using new/malloc) and you do not write/initialize anything in those memory regions, it would not go committed state and hence VM size would not get impacted due to this. VM size depends on many other factors and bit complicated so we should not rely completely on this while understanding about dynamic memory allocation of our program.
As a consequence, there's no free VM regrion big enough to hold 1.5
Yes, due to fragmentation, there is no contiguous 1.5GB memory. It should be noted that total remaining(free) memory would be more than 1.5GB but not in fragmented state. Hence there is not big contiguous memory.
But I'm not sure why - since I'm definitely freeing the memory I used.
Is it some "performance optimization" CRT does to minimize OS calls?
I have explained about why it may happen even though you have freed all your memory. Now in order to fulfil user program request, OS will call to its virtual memory manager and try to allocate the memory which would be used by heap memory manager. But grabbing the additional memory does depend on many other complex factor which is not very easy to understand.
Possible Resolution of Memory Fragmentation
We should try to reuse the memory allocation rather than frequent memory allocation/free. There could be some patterns(like a particular request size allocation in particular order) which may lead overall memory into fragmented state. There could be substantial design change in your program in order to improve memory fragmentation. This is complex topic and require internal understanding of memory manager to understand the complete root cause of such things.
However there are tools exists on Windows based system which I am not much aware. But I found one excellent SO post regarding the which tool(on windows) can be useful to understand and check the fragmentation status of your program by yourself.
This is not memory leak. The memory U used was allocated by C\C++ Runtime. The Runtime apply a a bulk of memory from OS once and then each new you called will allocated from that bulk memory. when delete one object, the Runtime not return memory to OS immediately, it may hold that memory for performance.
There is nothing here which indicates a genuine "leak". The pattern of memory you describe is not unexpected. Here are a few points which might help to understand. What happens is highly OS dependent.
A program often has a single heap which can be extended or shrunk in length. It is however one contiguous memory area, so changing the size is just changing where the end of the heap is. This makes it very difficult to ever "return" memory to the OS, since even one little tiny object in that space will prevent its shrinking. On Linux you can lookup the function 'brk' (I know you're on Windows, but I presume it does something similar).
Large allocations are often done with a different strategy. Rather than putting them in the general purpose heap, an extra block of memory is created. When it is deleted this memory can actually be "returned" to the OS since its guaranteed nothing is using it.
Large blocks of unused memory don't tend to consume a lot of resources. If you generally aren't using the memory any more they might just get paged to disk. Don't presume that because some API function says you're using memory that you are actually consuming significant resources.
APIs don't always report what you think. Due to a variety of optimizations and strategies it may not actually be possible to determine how much memory is in use and/or available on a system at a particular moment. Unless you have intimate details of the OS you won't know for sure what those values mean.
The first two points can explain why a bunch of small blocks and one large block result in different memory patterns. The latter points indicate why this approach to detecting leaks is not useful. To detect genuine object-based "leaks" you generally need a dedicated profiling tool which tracks allocations.
For example, in the code provided:
TestBigBlock allocates and deletes array, assume this uses a special memory block, so memory is returned to OS
TestMemory extends the heap for all the small objects, and never returns any heap to the OS. Here the heap is entirely available from the applications point-of-view, but from the OS's point of view it is assigned to the application.
TestBigBlock now fails, since although it would use a special memory block, it shares the overall memory space with heap, and there just isn't enough left after 2 is complete.

C++ When to allocate on heap vs stack?

Whilst asking another question (and also before) I was wondering how do I judge whether to create an object on the heap or keep it as an object on the stack? What should I ask myself about the object to make the correct allocation?
Put it on the heap if you have to, the stack if you can.
What kinds of things do you need to put on the heap? Anything of varying length. Any object that might need to be null. Anything that's very large, lest you cause a stack overflow.
Simple answer.
When it goes out of scope, do you want it to hang around and be able to use it?
Depends on intended lifetime of the object.
If you want the object to be alive even after function returns, then HEAP, else STACK
If an object is placed in the HEAP, then it must be explicitly free()'ed or deleted by the programmer, once its usage is over; otherwise the program will be leaking memory.
Stack memory is fast. It is fast because (a) there is no system overhead to allocate the memory - the allocation is done by simply moving the stack pointer in one instruction and (b) the memory in the stack is "hot" so it is already in cache. Heap memory is slow because (a) it requires a lot of system work to look around and find a free chunk of memory and (b) is probably not in cache and will require evicting some data you might have wanted.
Stack memory doesn't get fragmented. It is possible that a heap eventually gets so fragmented, you can't allocate anything (even though ironically there is still enough unused memory!)
For long lived data and for large data (multi KB or more), you have to use a heap.
The danger of allocating a bigger stack is that it might hurt you if are running multiple threads. You have to size the stack for the "worst case" usage. Each thread requires its own stack. On a high core count machine (where you might have 200+ threads running), you may not want to arbitrarily increase the stack. The heap on the other hand does not need to be sized for "worst case" usage - it is much more efficient.
Two reasons to use the heap:
1- You want the data after the current scope.
2- You want to reserve large memory.
Other than that stay on stack.
Note: don't reserve a lot of memory on the stack, or you'll get a "Stack-overflow" ;)

How will increasing each memory allocation size by a fixed number of bytes affect heap fragmentation?

I have operator new() replaced in my C++ program so that it allocates a slightly bigger block to store extra data. So the program performs exactly the same set of allocations except that now it requests several bytes more memory in each allocation. Otherwise its behavior is completely the same and it processes exactly same data. The program allocates lots of blocks (millions, I suppose) of various sizes during its runtime.
How will increasing each allocation size by a fixed number of bytes (same for every allocation) affect heap fragmentation?
Unless your program uses some "edge" block sizes (say, near to a power of two), I don't see that block size (or a small difference in block size compared to the program with standard allocation) may affect fragmentation. With millions of allocation, a good allocator fills up the space and manages it efficiently.
Thinking the other way around, imagine your program originally used the blocks of the sizes the same as the one with the modified allocator. Would you then bother about memory fragmentation in that case?
Heaps are normally implemented as linked lists of cell. On application startup there is only one large cell. Your first allocation breaks off a small piece at the beginning to create a new allocated heap cell. Subsequent allocations do the same. After a while some cells are freed leaving free holes between allocated block.
After running a while, when you request an allocation, the allocator walks the heap until it finds a free cell of equal size to that requested or bigger. Rounding up to larger cell allocation sizes may require more memory up front but increases the likelyhood of finding a suitable free cells meaning that new memory does not have to be added to the end of the heap. This may improve performance.
However, bear in mind heap operations are expensive and therefore should be minimized. You are most probably allocating and deallocating objects of the same type and therefore same size. Look into using specialized free lists for your object. This will save the heap operation and thus mimimize fragmentation. The STL has allocators for this very reason.
It depends on the implementation driving the memory allocator, for instance:
On widows, it pulls memory from the process heap, under under XP, this heap its not set to be the low fragmentation implementation, which could really throw a spanner in the works.
Under a bin or slab based allocator, your few extra bytes might push it up to the next block size, wasting memory madly and causing horrible virtual memory thrashing.
Depending on your memory usage needs, you might be better served by using a custom allacator to replace ::new, something like hoard or nedmalloc.
If your blocks (allocated and deallocated memory) are still smaller that a C library allocator handles without problems with fragmentation than you must not face any memory fragmentation. For example take a look at my own question about allocators: Small block allocator on Linux (or RedHat Linux) to avoid memory fragmentation.
In other words. You have implented your own ::operator new() and in it you call malloc() and pass a slighly bigger block size. malloc() is in a C library and it is responsible not only for allocating and deallocating but also for avoiding memory fragmentation. If you do not frequently allocate and free blocks with sizes bigger than the allocator can handle efficently then you can expect that there will be on memory fragmentation.