Value not assigned to handle when build using Release Configuration in VS2010 - c++

I use VS2010 and I have encountered following problem:
HWND handle = NULL;
handle = pPlatform->getWindowHandle();
When I debug this code in debug configuration a correct value is assigned to "handle", but when I debug this in release build "handle" stays NULL.
getWindowHandle() is just a simple accessor:
HWND PlatformManager::getWindowHandle()
return windowHandle;
"windowHandle" has a non-NULL value both when debugging in debug/release build.
Thanks for the help.

The Release build includes optimizations, and sometimes the debugger might see the wrong value for variables that get optimized. It makes Release builds harder to debug, but that's exactly why they're not called Debug builds. :)
In short, if you just have to debug a release build but your debugger is playing tricks on you, you can always resort to good-old printf debugging. Add a few trace functions, e.g. with OutputDebugString, and see if handle really stays NULL at that point.
char buf[256];
HWND handle = NULL;
handle = pPlatform->getWindowHandle();
OutputDebugStringA(_itoa((int)handle, buf, 10));


D3D12 project: dereferencing a nullptr

I am working with the Microsoft samples from their GitHub page and even though my code is based off theirs I am not reaching the same result.
Both projects have these ComPtrs yet in mine they all are null (0x0000000000000000) while in the sample they work perfectly fine.
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain3> m_swapChain;
ComPtr<ID3D12Device> m_device;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> m_renderTargets[FrameCount];
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> m_commandAllocator;
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandQueue> m_commandQueue;
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> m_rtvHeap;
ComPtr<ID3D12PipelineState> m_pipelineState;
ComPtr<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> m_commandList;
Specifically this line causes the debugger to break.
ThrowIfFailed(m_device->CreateCommandQueue(&queueDesc, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_commandQueue)));
Edit: My code was incorrectly creating m_device which caused the error.
My guess is that you are getting a failed HRESULT back from CreateCommandQueue. You should set the debugger to break on exceptions (see MSDN). Alternatively, you can rewrite it to:
HRESULT hr = m_device->CreateCommandQueue(&queueDesc, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_commandQueue));
And set a debug break-point on the HRESULT hr = ... line.
As someone noted, make sure you have checked for all possible failure conditions before this point. For some robust code for creating a Direct3D 12 device, see DeviceResources or the VS Direct3D 12 Game templates

Why CString MakeUpper inconsistent performance in DEBUG and Release?

I am facing a strange problem in VC++6.0.
CString m_strData = "W" + CString(char(165));
MessageBox(m_strData, "Alert from C++",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK);
If I build the project with Win32 Debug, the alert value is correct. But if I build with Win32 Release MinDependency. The value is different with Win32 Debug. Why? Is their any article show me the reason? I have tried setlocale(LC_ALL,"English_United States.1250") front of the code, but it didn't work.
the value of Win32 Debug
the value of Win32 Release MinDepency
I've take a look into the CString MakeUpper function. It will call _tcsupr() function. But from the MSDN page, it only shows me this function will depends on the locale. But not the project Build mode...?
The output of char(165) depends on the codepage you are using. It could be the Yen-symbol or an N with a ~ above it. I assume that the code generated in debugging either uses different codepage or replaces the character with a question mark to tell you, that it is a non-printable character.

Visual Studio 2013 Floating Point Support fix?

I have a DLL, which is commercial software, so therefore I cannot show the code here...
I get the error "6002" -floating point support not loaded, but only on some applications.
This dll is hooked to several applications, without problems.
I tried everything that I found on Google, like reinstalling VC++, clean PC, registry, everything.
So my conclusion is that either there is another dll compiled in another version of Visual Studio (2010) and it`s somehow conflicting with my dll ?!
Or, I have some memory leak, which I cannot find.
I use the following functions in my DLL which (I think) is the issue:
Example function I use for logging:
void ##SOFTWARE-CLASS##::write_log(char *text)
FILE *write_log;
char dateStr [9];
char timeStr [9];
_strdate( dateStr);
_strtime( timeStr );
write_log = fopen("##SOFTWARE-FILE##","a+");
fprintf_s(write_log,"[%s %s] %s \n", dateStr, timeStr, text);
Nothing else is used that may cause floating errors...
The dll is hooked properly, I have no warnings, and no errors.
I must mention, that I have created an empty DLL, with a MessageBox, at the first run, I was getting the same error, but after switching to /fp:strict, the error disappeared. So I did the same thing to my project, but the error is still there. I even recoded the whole project, just to see if it fixes the problem, but no.
Please give me advice on how can I solve this problem, as this is the third day that I am testing...
From MSDN : R6002 the document says that a program will only load floating point support if needed. What this means, is that the detoured code is being injected into binaries which did not initialize the floating point subsystem. The solution would be to relink your commercial product without requiring the floating point code, or to relink with an alternative floating point library.
You could try and detect the missing initialization and perform it yourself, but that would have a larger impact on the injected system, and possibly create instabilities.
Use a debugger with the failing executable, and you should be able to get a call stack which identifies where the failure occurs.

CMake Release made my code stop working properly

I have a C++ program which works well when I compile with no additional options. However, whenever I use cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release there is a very specific part of the code which stops working.
Concretely, I have an interface for a Boost Fibonacci Heap. I am calling this function:
And this function does the following:
inline void myHeap::push (myStruct & c) {
handles_[c.getIndex()] = heap_.push(c);
where heap_ is:
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<myStruct, boost::heap::compare<compare_func>> heap_;
For some reason the heap_size is not being modified, therefore the rest of the code does not work because the next step is to extract the minimum from the heap and it is always empty.
In Debug mode it works ok. Thank you for your help.
EDIT - Additional info
I have also found this problem: I have a set of code which do simple math operations. In Release mode the results are incorrect. If I just do cout of a couple of variables to check their values, the result changes, which is still incorrect but quite strange.
I solved the problem. It was funny but in this case it was not initialization/timing issues common in the Release mode. It was that the return statement was missing in a couple of functions. In debug mode the output was perfect but in the release mode that failed. I had warnings deactivated, that is why I did not see it before.

Make main() "uncrashable"

I want to program a daemon-manager that takes care that all daemons are running, like so (simplified pseudocode):
void watchMe(filename)
while (true)
system(filename); //freezes as long as filename runs
//oh, filename must be crashed. Nevermind, will be restarted
int main()
_beginThread(watchMe, "foo.exe");
_beginThread(watchMe, "bar.exe");
This part is already working - but now I am facing the problem that when an observed application - say foo.exe - crashes, the corresponding system-call freezes until I confirm this beautiful message box:
This makes the daemon useless.
What I think might be a solution is to make the main() of the observed programs (which I control) "uncrashable" so they are shutting down gracefully without showing this ugly message box.
Like so:
char *p = NULL;
*p = 123; //nice null pointer exception
catch (...)
cout << "Caught Exception. Terminating gracefully" << endl;
return 0;
But this doesn't work as it still produces this error message:
("Untreated exception ... Write access violation ...")
I've tried SetUnhandledExceptionFilter and all other stuff, but without effect.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
This seems more like a SEH exception than a C++ exception, and needs to be handled differently, try the following code:
char *p = NULL;
*p = 123; //nice null pointer exception
__except(GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ?
cout << "Caught Exception. Terminating gracefully" << endl;
return 0;
But thats a remedy and not a cure, you might have better luck running the processes within a sandbox.
You can change the /EHsc to /EHa flag in your compiler command line (Properties/ C/C++ / Code Generation/ Enable C++ exceptions).
See this for a similar question on SO.
You can run the watched process a-synchronously, and use kernel objects to communicate with it. For instance, you can:
Create a named event.
Start the target process.
Wait on the created event
In the target process, when the crash is encountered, open the named event, and set it.
This way, your monitor will continue to run as soon as the crash is encountered in the watched process, even if the watched process has not ended yet.
BTW, you might be able to control the appearance of the first error message using drwtsn32 (or whatever is used in Win7), and I'm not sure, but the second error message might only appear in debug builds. Building in release mode might make it easier for you, though the most important thing, IMHO, is solving the cause of the crashes in the first place - which will be easier in debug builds.
I did this a long time ago (in the 90s, on NT4). I don't expect the principles to have changed.
The basic approach is once you have started the process to inject a DLL that duplicates the functionality of UnhandledExceptionFilter() from KERNEL32.DLL. Rummaging around my old code, I see that I patched GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA, LoadLibraryW, LoadLibraryExA, LoadLibraryExW and UnhandledExceptionFilter.
The hooking of the LoadLibrary* functions dealt with making sure the patching was present for all modules. The revised GetProcAddress had provide addresses of the patched versions of the functions rather than the KERNEL32.DLL versions.
And, of course, the UnhandledExceptionFilter() replacement does what you want. For example, start a just in time debugger to take a process dump (core dumps are implemented in user mode on NT and successors) and then kill the process.
My implementation had the patched functions implemented with __declspec(naked), and dealt with all the registered by hand because the compiler can destroy the contents of some registers that callers from assembly might not expect to be destroyed.
Of course there was a bunch more detail, but that is the essential outline.