How to Follow Twitter Users by API in Coldfusion? - coldfusion

Oauth is pretty complicated but I think I got the authentication working. I got up to the point where I get the user to authorize on Twitter and I have the access token and access token secret. From here, I'm not sure how I use it to generate a request to follow a user.
I know that the url is: and that you can either pass in a user_id or screen_name
but does anyone have any example code in Coldfusion that I can see as to how the cfhttp call looks like with all the parameters?
Thanks in advance.

Try (monkeh)Tweet Twitter API. It supports most of the twitter API methods including follow a user. Easy & freaking cool CF open source by Matt Gifford


Google cloud Rest API to retrieve tenant id

I have api_key for my project on google cloud and I am able to generate authorization code via client_id and subsequently auth token using authorization code.
What is the rest api code to retrieve tenant information ? Can anyone please put a curl command for that.
Have a look at the documentation about how to get tenants list using API; even more - yoo can test it yourself using the pane on the right.
Another piece of documentation you might be interested in to help you understand how this particular API works and what kind of reply you might expect.
More genral explanation of how to construct API's requests you can find here.

How can I authenticate users via social account from mobile app using retrofit2?

I'm trying to connect my website's API and mobile app. I need to authenticate the user with google account but I don't know how to do it.
I created the backend with Django. And I set the endpoint as rest-auth/google/. On the restframework's page, it requires Access Token and Code but honestly I don't get how I can test if it actually works using actual google account.
I want to test from mobile app but I don't understand how and what I need to POST.
Anyone could give me tips?
I would recommend you to use a ready solution like "django-allauth".
If you want to do authentication yourself you might want to read Google's documentation about the topic:
In nutshell you create API credentials:
Send a user to a link with specific parameters (api-credentials, scope, redirect link etc). Google client can help you to generate it.
A user will login in his account as he would normally do and will give your app permissions to use his information (or won't). After that he will be redirected to the link you specified with GET request with a code as a parameter (or error).
With help of Google client you can exchange the code on a token and then use that token to get information from his profile.

How to handle facebook/google/etc OAuth2 using django rest framework?

I have an application which use rest-framework for communication between client (javascript mvc) and server(django) and I want that this communication will be allowed only for logged users and my users will be able to register via my custom registration and also to login via google or facebook or anythong else.
I am able to complete OAuth2 flow and now I have access token from google/fb and profile info.
But I am really really confused what to do next, of course I can create user instance, but I dont now where to store access token, or if thats even necessary.
Whats recommended approach? Should I use access token for accessing my APIs like this?
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" http://localhost:8000/api/...
or should I login new user, create new session for him, which then I send to client and use sessionAuthentication? Or anything completly else?
I cant find any example of doing this :(
I checked OAuth2 part of rest framework doc but It looks like mentioned django-oauth2-provider is only for creating my own OAuth2 system.
Im sorry if it sounds like stupid question, but I really appreciate any advice.

How to programmatically post like and comment an URL on facebook?

This is confusing. So just to clarify:
REQ #1: To fetch basic stats for a URL, you send GET request to:
(alternatively, FQL can be used to fetch stats for a URL, but that doesn't return the OpenGraph Object)
REQ #2: To fetch comments for a URL, you do a GET:
REQ #3: To fetch likes for a URL, you GET:
But how do you comment on / like a URL programmatically?
I guess, likes can be created using Open Graph API, right?
where 1234 is the OpenGraph Object ID of an article (as returned by REQ #1).
But this requires an approval process, the like action has to be approved by Facebook.
Is there a better way to do this? Can I use for example the Graph API for all these things?
My goal:
Currently I'm using the Facebook like button and comments plugin to create likes and comments. But these use the JS SDK, which is huge, and they generate a lot of external requests. I wanna get rid of them and just send an AJAX request to my server, which would then asynchronously talk to Facebook, and it would post the Like / Comment.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
I read through the Facebook docs briefly and I don't believe you can do this other than the way you indicated with authenticating.
You should also take a look at this thread: 'Like' a page using Facebook Graph API
You would need to authorize every single user before he would be able to like something, and you would need to go through a review process on Facebook. And i am pretty sure you would not get the required permissions approved just because you want to get rid of the JavaScript SDK overhead, to be honest.
The Social Plugins are asynchronously, so the overhead for downloading the SDK is irrelevant as it happens in the background and it is non-blocking.
I have an idea, to do this. You can use long term access token, Once you login you receive short term token. After receiving short term token you need to request your long term access token. Save that token in DB or file.
Then you can use Graph Api, to make requests. This will eliminate the need for access requirement every time you request api.
Just use access token you saved before.
Refer this documentation from Facebook for further clarity.
Happy Coding!
Atul Jindal

Webservice login without providing an account it possible?

Is it possible in Netsuite webservice that you will just ask for username and password and after successful validation it will prompt the available accounts associated to that credential?
Problem solved, it ain't possible using webservices but can be done via REST.
Using the following URL:
..and passing Authorization in the header:
NLAuth, nlauth_signature=mypassword
This post contains links to the Netsuite Docs regarding this along with sample code.