Qt - 4.7.3 - How to make static build - c++

I used 4.7.2 for the past months. Now I downloaded 4.7.3. Now I am searching to type "configure -static". But I don't know where the hell "the qt path". Can anybody shed a light on this issue.

Download the source package here. Download and install your favorite perl distribution. I must warn you that Strawberry perl comes with its own toolchain and that may get used instead of the MinGW you downloaded. Use ActivePerl if you don't want any trouble, or build it yourself.
Unzip it to say, C:\Qt-source so that there is a configure.exe in C:\Qt-source
Open the toolchain's command prompt
a) If you're using the Visual Studio compiler, search in the "start" menu for a CMD shortcut in the Visual Studio folder. The Windows SDK also has this shortcut.
b) If you're using MinGW, either use the accompanying mingwvars.cmd, or open a command prompt, (Run->"cmd.exe") and type set PATH=C:\path\to\mingw\bin;%PATH%. Try gcc -v to see if it can be found.
Make a build directory, preferable something like C:\Qt. Do set QTPATH=C:\Qt and set PATH=C:\Qt\bin;%PATH% and cd C:\Qt, and type:
..\Qt-source\configure -static
After configure finishes, you'll either have to type nmake (Visual Studio) or mingw32-make.
Go do something else, because it will take a while.

Some tips that result from my experience, and add a bit more to the answer of rubenv:
Pass the install directory as a flag of the configure; be sure to choose a different directory from the one where you have stored a non-static version of Qt!
Some modules will likely cause you troubles when compiling statically because you need to resolve the dependencies statically; one example is webkit, so if you don't need it be sure to disable it
It is generally not a good idea to build the debug symbols into a static library, so I normally debug with the dynamic version, and use the static Qt to generate releases only.
Therefore, my configure looks something like this:
configure -static -prefix C:\Qt\4.8.6_static -no-webkit -release


Export Eclipse Compiler to cmd

I try to compile an eclipse-project written in c++ which is building a .so-File. Now i try to build the project without an IDE. I tried it with MinGW but the created .so doesn't work. I think there are used some special packages but how can I get the information's.
Is there a way to Export the build settings and import them into MinGW?
How can i else set the compiler?
This is the ToolChainEditor which i would recreat in MinGW.
You can't import a configuration into mingw, but you can tell mingw where to find a configuration of sorts.
Eclipse can be configured to generate a makefile (At least as recent as Neon). Select your project and use the main menu to navigate Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Tool Chain Editor. Set the "Current builder" to Gnu Make Builder and build the project.
In the generated folder where you would find the finished executable you will find three more files: makefile, objects.mk and sources.mk and can use the make utility that often comes with mingw. It can also be downloaded separately if you have to.
From the command line, enter the folder and type make. Magic will happen. If you want to know more about the magic, make is a very deep topic well worth learning, even if only as a gateway drug to more modern build systems that descended from it.

Using scons to compile C++ code under windows, scons adds "/Fo" as compile option

Using the following:
Python version 2.7.13, Scons version 2.5.1, Visual Studio 2012 express is installed, but I am not planning to use it.
Code blocks and MinGW-W64-builds-4.3 are installed.
Using Scons to compile C++ code (networkit toolkit) under windows. Scons adds "/Fo" as compile option. This option works only with VC++ and not with MinGW which I am trying to use. Why does Scons add this flag? I have checked my Sconstruct and the reference build.conf files and cannot seem to find this flag getting set explicitly.
My Sconstruct file is here(http://www103.zippyshare.com/v/jSrMapGz/file.html) and the build.conf file is here (http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/aXGQA5b5/file.html).
I want to get the compilation done with "-o" flag for g++, which is the equivalent of /Fo flag for VC++. I just cant figure out where Scons is picking this flag from :(
I am a novice with python and scons. I typically use VC++ 2012 but have to use networkit toolkit for a project, but it uses C11 features. And I cannot update to VC++ 2015/2017 yet.
Thanks for your help!
I checked your SConstruct file, and you are initialising your build environment as
env = Environment()
, which leaves the environment variable "tools" set to its standard value "default". The latter setting means: let SCons figure out which tools/compilers are installed in the current system, and add corresponding Builders to the build environment automatically. Under Windows, SCons will prefer "vc" over "mingw"...this is hardcoded at the moment (we're working on changing this for future versions of the core source).
What you can do, since you know that you have a "mingw" compiler installed that you want to use explicitly, is to tell SCons that you want to work with "mingw" only.
The following example from the page https://bitbucket.org/scons/scons/wiki/SconstructShortMingwWin32 shows the basic recipe for this:
import os
#don't use the default environment
#create an environment that uses mingw tools
env = Environment(ENV=os.environ, tools=['mingw'])
#the target will be myprogram.exe (in win32)
#the source files will be every file in the
#current directory that matches "*.cpp"
env.Program(target='myprogram', source = Glob('*.cpp'))
For further help and as reference, please consider checking out our User Guide and Man page.

How to package C++ with dlls and libraries

I'm wondering how to "package" a C++ project for release. It uses various libraries, and I don't want a user to have to go through the same setup I did, with putting the right files in the right place and such. I had difficulty researching this, because I'm not sure the technical term for this issue. If I'm using command line compiling on Linux, is there an easy way to do this?
Your approach to this will differ on Windows and Linux because each OS handles this a different way. I'm more familiar with Linux so I'll restrict my answer to just the Linux side of things.
When you link your executable with a library using -l flag the linker defaults to looking in the normal system library directories so there are four approaches here.
Require the user to properly install the libraries themselves. However, it sounds like you don't want to do that.
Have the user add the library location to LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
Your third option is force the linker to look in a certain path for the libraries using the -rpath flag. For example, to have the application look in its working directory for a shared library you can compile with: g++ -rpath ./ -l SomeLib -o MyApp myapp.cpp
One other option is to static link your code with their library that way you only have to distribute one executable. If a static library exists you can use g++ -static -l SomeLib -o MyApp myapp.cpp to tell gcc to link statically.
On windows I would recommand wix http://wix.sourceforge.net/ to create the .msi installer
I would like to point out, the lookup path for .dlls I recommand putting all .dll in the same folder as your .exe since this has the highest priority
However, the vc crt (the c/c++ runtime library) should be installed using the redistributional package from microsoft -> updates automatically http://www.microsoft.com/de-de/download/details.aspx?id=5555
Wix can include the redistributional package into the same .msi therefore you have only to deploy a single installer file.
You mean an installer?
On Windows the program that you run to install a new app which outs everything in the correct directory, creates the start menu and lets you un-install it?
There is an installer builder in Visual Studio (might not be in the free express version) which makes .msi installer files. It's fairly easy to use for simple tasks but becomes complicated to do anything more.
Alternatively, to create traditional setup.exe type installs I use the excellent free Innosetup
On linux you would generally create a package using whatever format your distribution uses (.deb / .rpm ). There are lots of instructions on the specifics of each one and the tools to do so will probably already be installed in your Linux system

Using cmake on windows for c++

for around 5 consecutive days i have been trying to set up my computer with the c++ environment for programming with libraries such as sdl,glm,opengl. its important for us to be able to run it on unix machines on presentations so im running with cmake.
i finally got it to work with the cmake-gui, i wont even bother trying anymore with any IDE.
i specified my folder project and where to build the binaries, i got a folder "CMakeFiles" along with a txt "CMakeCache", a CMAKE file "cmake_install.cmake" and a file "Makefile". also in my folder "CMakeFiles" there are lots of other folders such as "CMakeTmp", "CompilerIdC", "CompilerIdCXX etc" and in both folders "Compiler*" has each an .exe which doesnt work! so where is my wanted executable?
i opened cmd and navigated to my folder and tried to write "make" as we are supposed to do according to the intruction. alas, it didnt work very well. hoping you could share your wisdom and help a newbie like me!
so what exactly is needed for compiling projects containing additional libraries? so far i have a compiler, Mingw32, the latest CMake and using the cmake-gui for extracting the binaries but gets makefiles.
hrrm. is it only me who gets these kind of problems? i can add that i have look thorough about 10 tutorials and 90% of the steps are similar (if compiling with VS which i tried at first):
Download latest SDL
Make a folder on e.g C:\SDL with two folders, include and lib
Copy the libs and includes from the downloaded SDL
Make new VS project, open VC++ directories and add lib/incl folder on e.g C:\SDL
Add to linker SDL.lib and SDLmain.lib (i made sure they got linked, no problem here)
Change system to WINDOWS (optional if you dont want two windows)
Added include to "additional libraries"
Put the SDL.dll file (which i got from the latest SDL) in my C:\windows\system32(64SysWoW)
and also in my project file.
so what i am actually looking for is gettning the CMake to work, since it generates and builds sources successfully (with the gui) and i feel im closing in. do i need to add any additional libraries from sdl to my compiler mingw32 and/or cmake?
if you run cmake by command:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" path\to\source\dir
you need to run this command to continue(in Visual Studio Command Prompt):
msbuild Project.sln
either if you run cmake:
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" path\to\source\dir
you need to run this cmd to continue(in Visual Studio Command Prompt):
You were almost there with Visual Studio. Select Visual Studio as target. Open the generated project in Visual Studio, build it. (just like you alread did). Then, instead of trying to run BUILD_ALL, run a real project that creates an executable, it should also be in that list. Just right click it and 'play' it.
If you still get errors, post them in detail including what you did before the error. Note: a carefully configured cross platform CMake project (aka the CMakeLists.txt) should not require any fiddling with VC++ directories. It should work automagically, especially with well known libs such as SDL.
If I understood it correctly you want to use CMake in your project. I'm using CMake in all my projects. I won't give you exact step-by-step howto, since I use Arch Linux but I used it in Windows 7 too.
To make CMake find the libraries, it is often needed to set up the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable so it points to the directories where dependencies of your project are installed.
Set you PATH environment varible so you can invoke you compiler and make just by calling by calling eg. make. I think you need to do than manually for Mingw32, for Visual Studio you can use the "Visual Studio Command Propt" which has these variables already set.
Run CMake with desired generator. To select the generator from command line use the -G switch. You will probably use one of the following (the ... means other options you want to pass to cmake)
For GNU make used in MinGW use cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ...
For NMake from visual studio use cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ...
It is also possible to create a Visual Studio project but I do not recommend it, since it quite difficult to set up automatic builds then. I also had some problems with dependencies when I tried to use VS project.
change directory to your build directory (ie. the one where you called cmake, it contains the CMakeCache file) and run make or nmake
Quoting from "CMake support in Visual Studio":
Visual Studio 2017 introduces built-in support for handling CMake projects. This makes it a lot simpler to develop C++ projects built with CMake without the need to generate VS projects and solutions from the command line. This post gives you an overview of the CMake support, how to easily get started and stay productive in Visual Studio.

Building the latest iconv and libxml2 binaries in Win32

I'm trying to get MinGW and MSYS working so I can build iconv and libxml2 in Windows, but I'm finding ./configure and make are giving lots of BSD/Unix related errors that aren't specific enough to google, and not descriptive enough for me to figure out. Can anybody go through some of the steps needed to get iconv and libxml2 .dll/.lib built on a Win32 machine?
I'm updating the libraries for some software and I fiddled around with this all day today and haven't figured it out. I got the newest libpng, zlib and curl built with no issues but I see there isn't much support or how-to's for these libraries like there was for the others. Any help would be very appreciated, thanks in advance for your time.
I realize that I may be reviving a dead thread, but...
Something that worked for me was to not compile the shared libs, instead deriving them using the a2dll tool as follows:
./configure --prefix=/mingw --disable-shared
make install
a2dll libiconv.a -o iconv.dll
mv -iv iconv.dll /mingw/bin/
Environment mingw32
I was able to compile libxml2 with the help of this post
Inside the win32 directory of the unzipped http://xmlsoft.org/sources/libxml2-2.9.1.tar.gz
perform 2 steps as below
cscript configure.js threads:no static:yes compiler:mingw iconv:no prefix=where_you_want_to_install include=where_your_mingw_include_is lib=where_your_mingw_lib_is debug=yes
and then
mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw
I was able to compile and execute http://xmlsoft.org/examples/reader1.c example using code::blocks on mingw with Windows 7 environment.
Remember to specify -lxml2 and -lws2_32 flags in the "Other linker options" box under "Project build options"
libxml2 provides JavaScript configure. Look for it in win32 folder. There also is a separate readme file there. Example of building libxml2:
cd win32
cscript.exe configure.js compiler=mingw prefix=D:\soft\Qt\2010.03\mingw debug=yes static=yes
mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw
I've downloaded prebuilt iconv and it works for me.
you can get the binaries for windows made by Igor Zlatkovic at http://www.zlatkovic.com/libxml.en.html
you must make clean first then
./configure --host=arm-linux --disable-shared --enable-static CC="arm-linux-gcc" --prefix="/tmp/iconv" --with-configuredir="/tmp/iconv"
make install
then at the /tmp/iconv get the libconv.a
I have recently found a tutorial from Andrew Marlow (July 2013), explaining briefly how to compile libxml2 under VisualStudio.
The libiconv can be compiled following this complete tutorial, also given as link in the first link.
The version 1.14 of libxml2 has now a VS2010 solution. Now it is very simple to do this!
Otherwise, you can follow the readme and Marlow's tutorial to do the same job with other windows specific compilers.
I want to write down here some details about the VS2010 solution included with libxml2 v1.14, to help anyone interested. It is pretty badly done; for example, the Release configuration is not properly done at all, you have to do it. If you want to use it, I give you two advices:
Delete first the project iconv if the path is not correct. Then add your project file; you will have still a warning at compilation, due to a reference kept on the old file. To suppress this warning, edit the .vcxproj with a text editor, change the ProjectReference Include path of the last ItemGroup with the correct path, AND also the Project item of this node (replace it with the ProjectGuid of the iconv vcxproj).
Link with Ws2_32.lib any application using the static library libxml2.lib.
These are some errors I've been thru, hope this will help anyone who wants to rebuilds libxml2 under VS.