Multiple Facebook Likes - Have to link to 1 Facebook Page? - facebook-like

Ive made a website which you can 'like' and this is linked to the Facebook Page.
Is it possible to have individual blog posts 'liked'? If so, how could I still link these to the Facebook Page in some manor?

You can set up Like Buttons for individual blog posts as long as each post has a distinct URL (which should be the case).
You cannot simultaneously Like a blog post and a Facebook page. A Like exists between one user and one Facebook object:
If you want to increase your Facebook page Like count, you can either direct people to the page itself or add a Like Box to your blog.


Can we see the posts of a page that a particular page likes via fb api?

I have a fb page and i have liked some of the other pages like laughing colors.. Now as if i go in my insight tab then it shows the top posts of those pages that i like. For example, look at the image below:
top post from a page that my page likes
I also want to read the data (top posts) from the page that my page likes. Can it be done using fb api? If yes, then how?
Get list of pages that your page likes = that is going to be GET <page_id>/likes in graph api. (try it here:
Loop through the pages from step 1 and get their last post via <liked_page_id>/posts.
Overall you will need to play with the API but it should not be very hard.

The admin option doesn't show up next to my like button

I have a problem. I created an app in FB and then with that app I created a like button. FB says that I should see an admin link next to my like button on my website when I am logged in.
I have fb:app_id and fb:admins set up in meta, still I don'see the link. I would need it for two reason.
One is to acces the admin of the page so I can send messages for people who liked my site, also I want to set up a fanpage and once I could access the admin of the website likes according to the facebook documentation I could turn it into a fan page (FB page) this way not loosing the likes.
Thanks in advance
That functionality is deprecated, there's a migration guide on Facebook's developer site explaining how to move your OG pages to regular pages if you want to maintain part of that functionality

Integrating a pre-existing Like button into a new Facebook page

I created a site and added a Facebook like button to it. Weeks later I realised that I would also like to have a Facebook page for the site. Good enough, except that when I create the FB page, it has its own Like count and its at 0. Is there anyway to integrate the existing like button with the new page?
URL likes and Facebook PAGE like are different things. So, I don't think its possible to migrate your URL likes to your FB Page.

How to get the posts counts and comments counts from a Facebook page without Authentication

I want to get the number of comments and posts on a facebook fan page by a cron job. Are there any possible ways to do this other than scraping the content?
You have to use an app and be authorised to do that. You aren't allowed to scrape facebook pages (see point 3)

Facebook Like button og:image needs to be scraped to be displayed

I've got a Drupal website with articles on them which have Facebook like buttons.
Now I've got all the OpenGraph metatags added on the pages and it's all working perfectly except for one thing.
Site visitors can share a page URL or like a page URL.
When a new article is added and the first person who presses the like button will not see the image added in the og:image tag.
If another person afterwards presses the like button, the og:image however is visible so it seems to me Facebook needs to scrape the page first before the og:image is added in the 'Facebook Like window'.
The Facebook share doesn't seem to suffer from this problem and does it right from the first time.
Now whenever somebody adds a new article, I'd need the URL of the article to be scraped automatically by Facebook using some PHP code or some other fix...
Anyone who knows if autoscraping a URL is possible or does anyone have an idea for a workaround?
You can use the graph API with scrape=true to force Facebook to scrape you right when you create your contents