gluLookAt explanation? - opengl

Trying to understand gluLookAt, especially the last 3 parameters.
Can someone please explain ?
gluLookAt(camera[0], camera[1], camera[2], /* look from camera XYZ */
0, 0, 0, /* look at the origin */
0, 1, 0); /* positive Y up vector */
What exactly does it mean by "positive Y up vector" ?
Is it possible to have the last up-vector 3 parameters as all 1s, e.g. 1, 1, 1 ? And, if it is possible, what exactly does it mean ?
Is it possible for the up vector to have value more than 1, e.g. 2, 3, 4 ?

Sketchup to the rescue!
Your image has an 'up' to it that can be separate from the world's up. The blue window in this image can be thought of as the 'near-plane' that your imagery is drawn on: your monitor, if you will. If all you supply is the eye-point and the at-point, that window is free to spin around. You need to give an extra 'up' direction to pin it down. OpenGL will normalize the vector that you supply if it isn't unit length. OpenGL will also project it down so that it forms a 90 degree angle with the 'z' vector defined by eye and at (unless you give an 'up' vector that is in exactly the same direction as the line from 'eye' to 'at'). Once 'in' (z) and 'up' (y) directions are defined, it's easy to calculate the 'right' or (x) direction from those two.
In this figure, the 'supplied' up vector is (0,1,0) if the blue axis is in the y direction. If you were to give (1,1,1), it would most likely rotate the image by 45 degrees because that's saying that the top of the blue window should be pointed toward that direction. Consequently the image of the guy would appear to be tipped (in the opposite direction).

The "up vector" of gluLookAt is just the way the camera is oriented. If you have a camera at a position, looking directly at an object, there is one source of freedom still remaining: rotation. Imagine a camera pointed directly at an object, fixed in place. But, your camera can still rotate, spinning your image. The way OpenGL locks this rotation in place is with the "up vector."
Imagine (0, 0, 0) is directly at your camera. Now, the "up vector" is merely a coordinate around your camera. Once you have the "up vector," though, OpenGL will spin your camera around until directly the top of your camera is facing the coordinate of the "up vector".
If the "up vector" is at (0, 1, 0), then your camera will point normally, as the up vector is directly above the camera, so the top of the camera will be at the top, so your camera is oriented correctly. Move the up vector to (1, 1, 0), though, and in order to point the top of the camera to the "up vector," your camera will need to rotate be 45 degrees, rotating the entire image by 45 degrees.
This answer was not meant as an in-depth tutorial, but rather as a way to grasp the concept of the "up vector," to help better understand the other excellent answers to your question.

first 3 parameters are camera position
next 3 parameters are target position
the last 3 parameters represent the rolling of camera.
Very important thing use gluLookAt after "glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);"
Other useful hint always specify it 0,0,1 for last 3 parameters.
In general co-ordinates are written as x,y,z. z is up vector.
the 0,1,0 leads in confusion as x,z,y.
so best thing leave it to 0,0,1.

the last vector, also known as the cameras up-vector defines the orientation of the camera.
imagine a stick attached to the top of a "real" camera. the stick's direction is the up-vector.
by changing it from (0,1,0) you can do sideways rolling.


What are we trying to achieve by creating a right and down vectors in this ray tracing depiction?

Often, we see the following picture when talking about ray tracing.
Here, I see the Z axis as the sort of direction if the camera pointed straight ahead, and the XY grid as the grid that the camera is seeing here. From the camera's point of view, we see the usual Cartesian grid me and my classmates are used to.
Recently I was examining code that simulates this. One thing that is not obvious from this picture to me is the requirement for the "right" and "down" vectors. Obviously we have look_at, which shows where the camera is looking. And campos is where the camera is located. But why do we need camright and camdown? What are we trying to construct?
Vect X (1, 0, 0);
Vect Y (0, 1, 0);
Vect Z (0, 0, 1);
Vect campos (3, 1.5, -4);
Vect look_at (0, 0, 0);
Vect diff_btw (
campos.getVectX() - look_at.getVectX(),
campos.getVectY() - look_at.getVectY(),
campos.getVectZ() - look_at.getVectZ()
Vect camdir = diff_btw.negative().normalize();
Vect camright = Y.crossProduct(camdir);
Vect camdown = camright.crossProduct(camdir);
Camera scene_cam (campos, camdir, camright, camdown);
I was searching about this question recently and found this post as well: Setting the up vector in the camera setup in a ray tracer
Here, the answerer says this: "My answer assumes that the XY plane is the "ground" in world space and that Z is the altitude. Imagine standing on the floor holding a camera. It's position has a positive Z component, and it's view vector is nearly parallel to the ground. (In my diagram, it's pointing slightly upwards.) The plane of the camera's film (the uv grid) is perpendicular to the view grid. A common approach is to transform everything until the film plane coincides with the XY plane and the camera points along the Z axis. That's equivalent, but not what I'm describing here."
I'm not entirely sure why "transformations" are necessary.. How is this point of view different from the picture at the top? Here they also say that they need an "up" vector and "right" vector to "construct an image plane". I'm not sure what an image plane is..
Could someone explain better the relationship between the physical representation and code representation?
How do you know that you always want the camera's "up" to be aligned with the vertical lines in the grid in your image?
Trying to explain it another way: The grid is not really there. That imaginary grid is the result of the calculations of camera's directional vectors and the resolution you are rendering in. The grid is not what decides the camera angle.
When you are holding a physical camera in your hand, like the camera in the cell phone, don't you ever rotate the camera little bit for effect? Or when filming, you may want to slowly rotate the camera? Have you not seen any movies where the camera is rotated?
In the same way, you may want to rotate the "camera" in your ray traced world. And rotating only the camera is much easier than rotating all your objects in the scene(may be millions!)
Check out the example of rotating the camera from the movie Ice Age here:
The (up or down) and right vectors constructs the plane you project the scene onto. Since the scene is in 3D you need to project the scene onto a 2D scene in order to render a picture to display on your screen.
If you have the camera position and direction you still don't know whether you're holding the camera right-side up, upside down, or tilted to the left and right.
Using camera position, lookat, up (down) and right vectors we can uniquely define the 3D scene is projected into a 2D picture.
Concretely, if you look at the code and the picture. The 3D scene are the objects displayed. The image/projection plane is the grid infront of the camera. It's orientation is defined by the the camright and camdir vectors (because we are assuming the cameras line of sight is perpendicular to camdir, camdown is uniquely defined by the other two).
The placement of the grid is based on the camera's position and intrinsic properties (it's not being displayed here, but the camera will have a specific field of view).

Why does the camera face the negative end of the z-axis by default?

I am learning openGL from this scratchpixel, and here is a quote from the perspective project matrix chapter:
Cameras point along the world coordinate system negative z-axis so that when a point is converted from world space to camera space (and then later from camera space to screen space), if the point is to left of the world coordinate system y-axis, it will also map to the left of the camera coordinate system y-axis. In other words, we need the x-axis of the camera coordinate system to point to the right when the world coordinate system x-axis also points to the right; and the only way you can get that configuration, is by having camera looking down the negative z-axis.
I think it has something to do with the mirror image? but this explanation just confused me...why is the camera's coordinate by default does not coincide with the world coordinate(like every other 3D objects we created in openGL)? I mean, we will need to transform the camera coordinate anyway with a transformation matrix (whatever we want with the negative z set up, we can simulate it)...why bother?
It is totally arbitrary what to pick for z direction.
But your pick has a lot of deep impact.
One reason to stick with the GL -z way is that the culling of faces will match GL constant names like GL_FRONT. I'd advise just to roll with the tutorial.
Flipping the sign on just one axis also flips the "parity". So a front face becomes a back face. A znear depth test becomes zfar. So it is wise to pick one early on and stick with it.
By default, yes, it's "right hand" system (used in physics, for example). Your thumb is X-axis, index finger Y-axis, and when you make those go to right directions, Z-points (middle finger) to you. Why Z-axis has been selected to point inside/outside screen? Because then X- and Y-axes go on screen, like in 2D graphics.
But in reality, OpenGL has no preferred coordinate system. You can tweak it as you like. For example, if you are making maze game, you might want Y to go outside/inside screen (and Z upwards), so that you can move nicely at XY plane. You modify your view/perspective matrices, and you get it.
What is this "camera" you're talking about? In OpenGL there is no such thing as a "camera". All you've got is a two stage transformation chain:
vertex position → viewspace position (by modelview transform)
viewspace position → clipspace position (by projection transform)
To see why be default OpenGL is "looking down" -z, we have to look at what happens if both transformation steps do "nothing", i.e. full identity transform.
In that case all vertex positions passed to OpenGL are unchanged. X maps to window width, Y maps to window height. All calculations in OpenGL by default (you can change that) have been chosen adhere to the rules of a right hand coordinate system, so if +X points right and +Y points up, then Z+ must point "out of the screen" for the right hand rule to be consistent.
And that's all there is about it. No camera. Just linear transformations and the choice of using right handed coordinates.

Opengl Model Matrix doesnt rotate around the origin after one rotation

I want to rotate my model Matix in x, y, and z direction, but it rotates in an unexpected way.
I use Qt.
QMatrix4x4 mMatrix;
mMatrix.rotate(yAngle, QVector3D(0, 1, 0));
mMatrix.rotate(zAngle, QVector3D(0, 0, 1));
After the first rotation the followed rotations rotate around the base of the new model Matrix, while I want the followed rotations to rotate around the origin.
I drew a little sketch so my problem might be clearer (black shows how it is right now, green is how i want it to be):
The green arrow shows how i want it to be.
I think you will get the desired result if you simply reverse the order of calls you make on the QMatrix4x4 class. To combine the two rotations:
QMatrix4x4 mMatrix;
mMatrix.rotate(zAngle, QVector3D(0, 0, 1));
mMatrix.rotate(yAngle, QVector3D(0, 1, 0));
The documentation is kind of lacking, but from looking at the QMatrix4x4 source code, I'm getting the impression that it applies matrix operations the way it's more or less standard with matrix libraries that are used for OpenGL, and the way the OpenGL fixed pipeline used to work.
This means that when you combine matrices, the new matrix is multiplied from the right. As a result, when the combined matrix is applied to vectors, the last specified sub-transformation is applied to the vectors first. Or putting it differently, you specify transformations in the reverse of the order you want them applied.
In your example, it you want to rotate around the y-axis first, then around the z-axis, you need to specify the z-rotation first, then the y-rotation.
I got figured it out by myself, each object needs to have its own rotation Matrix / Quaterunion.
A new rotation around the world origin ist done by creating a rotation matrix with the wanted rotation and right multiply the exiting rotation matrix of the object.
Well, if you want the green arrow thing to happen, then it means that you want a rotation around the x-axis, 90 degrees in the negative direction (or 270 degrees in the positive direction).
To make things simple, think of it like this:
Which of the axes there remains the same? x, right? Since x doesn't change, it looks like you're rotating around the x, and you are.
Now, point your thumb towards the direction that positive x is directed at and casually close the rest of your fingers like a cylinder. The direction that those rest of your fingers curling at is the direction of the rotation.
Since you want a rotation of 90 degrees in the opposite direction that those 4 fingers of yours are curling at, or 270 in the same direction... yeah.
(1, 0, 0) would be the direction vector pointing towards the positive x. While I don't know so much about the functions you're using, my guess is that the second call should be:
mMatrix.rotate(270, QVector3D(1, 0, 0));
Instead, or optionally -90 if it supports negative values.

OpenGL rubiks cube - face rotation with mouse

I am working on my first real OpenGL Project. It is a 3x3x3 Rubiks Cube. Here is a link to a simple screenshot of what i have so far(my rubiks cube)
Rotating the cube is done with dragging the mouse while holding the right mouse button. This works using the example of a arcball from NeHe Tutorials(NeHe Arcball)
I have the class singleCubes which represents one cube via 6 actual quads, stored in a display list that can be used in it´s draw method.
Class ComplexCube has an array of 3x3x3 singleCubes and is used as interface when interacting with the complete rubiks cube.
Now i want to rotate each specific face according to the mousedragging with left mouse button down. I use picking to get the id of the corresponding side of the single cube the user clicked on. This works also. So i click on a side of one cube on a face and depending on the direction of the dragging i set a rotation and offset factor of the cubes that get affected. (i also want to implement that u actually see the face rotate instead of just changing the color)
Now my Problem is that when i rotate the rubiks cube in any direction with right mouse dragging, it becomes upside down for example. So when i click on a side and want to rotate the face to the right, it´s going the wrong direction because i can´t keep track if the cube is upside down or whatever. Due to the use of the arcball rotation i dont have a x- or y-rotation angle which i could use to determine this.
Question 1: How can i keep track or later on get the information if the cube is upside down, tilted etc in order to translate the mouse dragging information(when rotating one face) when using the arcball example linked above?
// In render function
glMultMatrixf(Transform.M); // Rotation applied by arcball object
complCube.draw(); // Draw all the cubes using display lists
Setup: C++ with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, GLEW, freeglut
You could use gluUnProject to convert mouse coordinates to 3d space and get a vector (difference between two points). This vector could then be used to apply a "force" to the selected face. Since gluUnProject uses the projection matrix, it would automatically deal with the orientation of the camera.
Basically, once you get your "force" vector, you project it onto the three axes (so onto (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)). Then choose the one with the largest magnitude. Then you have to convert this direction into a rotation axis as in the diagram below (sorry for the bad paint skills):
So what we have is the "force" vector in black and the selected rubiks face in grey. To get the rotation axis, just take the cross product the "force" vector with the normal of the selected face. This gives the red arrow. From that, you should be able to rotate your cubes in the right direction.
Edit to answer the question in more detail
So continuing from my explanation, I will give an example of how this will help you. Let's first assume your screen is 800x800 pixels and your rubiks cube is always centred. Now lets also assume that, as per your drawings in the comments, that we are in the case on the left.
We drag the mouse and get two positions which using gluUnProject are transformed into world coordinates (the numbers were chosen to show my point, not by any calculation):
p1 : (600, 600) -> (1, -0.5, 0)
p2 : (630, 605) -> (1.3, -0.505, 0)
Now we get the difference vector: p2 - p1 = v = (0.3, -0.05, 0). The reason that I was saying to "project onto the three axes" is so that you extract your major movement (which in this case is 0.3 in the x axis) (since the rubiks cube can't rotate along diagonals). To do the "projection" you just have to take the x, y, z axes individually and create vectors from them so you wind up with:
v1 = (0.3, 0, 0)
v2 = (0, -0.05, 0)
v3 = (0, 0, 0)
Now take the magnitudes and discard the smallest vectors, so we are left with the vector v1 = (0.3, 0, 0). This is your movement vector in world space. Now you take the cross product of that vector, with the normal vector of the selected face (which in this case would be (0, 0, 1)). This gives you a vector which points down (0, 1, 0) (after normalization) (in this step you will probably also have to extract the largest component only (0.02, 1.2, 0.8) -> (0, 1, 0) otherwise you would get bizarre rotations if your camera was not pointing directly along the main axes). You can now use that vector as the rotation axis and use 0.3 as your rotation amount (if it rotates in the opposite direciton to that expected, just put a -).
Now how does this help if your cube is upside down? Suppose we click on the screen in the same way. We now get:
p1 : (600, 600) -> (-1, 0.5, 0)
p2 : (630, 605) -> (-1.3, 0.505, 0)
See the difference in the world coordinates? They are inverted! So when you take the difference vector p2 - p1 = v = (-0.3, 0.05, 0). Extracting the largest component vector gives (-0.3, 0, 0). Doing the cross product once again gives you the rotation axis, but now the rotation is in the opposite direction, which is what you want.
Another reason for the cross product with the normal of the face is that if you were to select the faces on the top (in our drawings), then it would either give a rotation axis along the x or z axes (to the left, or into the screen) which is what you want for the top faces.
Like most of us, you will encounter the famous problem called Gimbal Lock.
This problem is extremely well documented so there is not much point for me to go into details here. I am sure you will find a ton of information about it.

OpenGL: Understanding transformation

I was trying to understand lesson 9 from NEHEs tutorial, which is about bitmaps being moved in 3d space.
the most interesting thing here is to move 2d bitmap texture on a simple quad through 3d space and keep it facing the screen (viewer) all the time. So the bitmap looks 3d but is 2d facing the viewer all the time no matter where it is in the 3d space.
In lesson 9 a list of stars is generated moving in a circle, which looks really nice. To avoid seeing the star from its side the coder is doing some tricky coding to keep the star facing the viewer all the time.
the code for this is as follows: ( the following code is called for each star in a loop)
After the lines above, the drawing of the star begins. If you check the last two lines, you see that the transformations from line 3 and 4 are just cancelled (like undo). These two lines at the end give us the possibility to get the star facing the viewer all the time. But i dont know why this is working.
And i think this comes from my misunderstanding of how OpenGL really does the transformations.
For me the last two lines are just like undoing what is done before, which for me, doesnt make sense. But its working.
So when i call glTranslatef, i know that the current matrix of the view gets multiplied with the translation values provided with glTranslatef.
In other words "glTranslatef(0.0f,0.0f,zoom);" would move the place where im going to draw my stars into the scene if zoom is negative. OK.
but WHAT exactly is moved here? Is the viewer moved "away" or is there some sort of object coordinate system which gets moved into scene with glTranslatef? Whats happening here?
Then glRotatef, what is rotated here? Again a coordinate system, the viewer itself?
In a real world. I would place the star somewhere in the 3d space, then rotate it in the world space around my worlds origin, then do the moving as the star is moving to the origin and starts at the edge again, then i would do a rotate for the star itself so its facing to the viewer. And i guess this is done here. But how do i rotate first around the worlds origin, then around the star itself? for me it looks like opengl is switching between a world coord system and a object coord system which doesnt really happen as you see.
I dont need to add the rest of the code, because its pretty standard. Simple GL initializing for 3d drawings, the rotating stuff, and then the simple drawing of QUADS with the star texture using blending. Thats it.
Could somebody explain what im misunderstanding here?
Another way of thinking about the gl matrix stack is to walk up it, backwards, from your draw call. In your case, since your draw is the last line, let's step up the code:
1) First, the star is rotated by -tilt around the X axis, with respect to the origin.
2) The star is rotated by -star[loop].angle around the Y axis, with respect to the origin.
3) The star is moved by star[loop].dist down the X axis.
4) The star is rotated by star[loop].angle around the Y axis, with respect to the origin. Since the star is not at the origin any more due to step 3, this rotation both moves the center of the star, AND rotates it locally.
5) The star is rotated by tilt around the X axis, with respect to the origin. (Same note as 4)
6) The star is moved down the Z axis by zoom units.
The trick here is difficult to type in text, but try and picture the sequence of moves. While steps 2 and 4 may seem like they invert each other, the move in between them changes the nature of the rotation. The key phrase is that the rotations are defined around the Origin. Moving the star changes the effect of the rotation.
This leads to a typical use of stacking matrices when you want to rotate something in-place. First you move it to the origin, then you rotate it, then you move it back. What you have here is pretty much the same concept.
I find that using two hands to visualize matrices is useful. Keep one hand to represent the origin, and the second (usually the right, if you're in a right-handed coordinate system like OpenGL), represents the object. I splay my fingers like the XYZ axes to I can visualize the rotation locally as well as around the origin. Starting like this, the sequence of rotations around the origin, and linear moves, should be easier to picture.
The second question you asked pertains to how the camera matrix behaves in a typical OpenGL setup. First, understand the concept of screen-space coordinates (similarly, device-coordinates). This is the space that is actually displayed. X and Y are the vectors of your screen, and Z is depth. The space is usually in the range -1 to 1. Moving an object down Z effectively moves the object away.
The Camera (or Perspective Matrix) is typically responsible for converting 'World' space into this screen space. This matrix defines the 'viewer', but in the end it is just another matrix. The matrix is always applied 'last', so if you are reading the transforms upward as I described before, the camera is usually at the very top, just as you are seeing. In this case you could think of that last transform (translate by zoom) as a very simple camera matrix, that moves the camera back by zoom units.
Good luck. :)
The glTranslatef in the middle is affected by the rotation : it moves the star along axis x' to distance dist, and axis x' is at that time rotated by ( tilt + angle ) compared to the original x axis.
In opengl you have object coordinates which are multiplied by a (a stack of) projection matrix. So you are moving the objects. If you want to "move a camera" you have to mutiply by the inverse matrix of the camera position and axis :
ProjectedCoords = CameraMatrix^-1 . ObjectMatrix . ObjectCoord
I also found this very confusing but I just played around with some of the NeHe code to get a better understanding of glTranslatef() and glRotatef().
My current understanding is that glRotatef() actually rotates the coordinate system, such that glRotatef(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) will cause the x-axis to be where the y-axis was previously. After this rotation, glTranslatef(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) will move an object upwards on the screen.
Thus, glTranslatef() moves objects in accordance with the current rotation of the coordinate system. Therefore, the order of glTranslatef and glRotatef are important in tutorial 9.
In technical terms my description might not be perfect, but it works for me.