.get function with an opened file stream in C++ - c++

I have an open input file stream. It is able to open the other file (a txt file) successfully. And by making adjustments to the code right below I can get it read and output the other txt file (all ASCII characters, just letters) just fine. However, I was playing around with the below function. This results in one line being read, when there are in fact three lines. I want to know why. The size of the array is not the problem, i.e., making it larger does not seem to fix anything.
void DispFile(fstream& iFile)
auto char fileChar[256];
while (inFile.get(fileChar,256))
cout << fileChar;
Here is the code that WORKS:
void DispFile(fstream& iFile)
auto char fileChar[256];
while (inFile.getline(fileChar,256))
cout << fileChar;
cout << endl;
void DispFile(fstream& iFile)
char file;
while (inFile.get(file)
cout << file;
So why does using inFile.get(array, dimension) result in only one line being read, while the others work like a charm (so to speak).

In the first version the .get(array,size) extracts characters until the delimiting characters. By default this is a newline, '\n'. However once reaches this character, it does not extract it from the input stream but leaves it for the next input attempt. Therefore the next time you call get() it will find the newline from the previous get() and immediately stop.
The .getline() works because it extracts the newline and the .get works because it simply gets each character one at a time until the end of file.

get(char*, int) reads until the deliminator ('\n') but does not extract it - so it gets "stuck" on it. getline removes it.


Read a file line by line in C++

I wrote the following C++ program to read a text file line by line and print out the content of the file line by line. I entered the name of the text file as the only command line argument into the command line.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char buf[255] = {};
if (argc != 2)
cout << "Invalid number of files." << endl;
return 1;
ifstream f(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);
if (!f)
cout << "Error: Cannot open file." << endl;
return 1;
while (!f.eof())
cout << buf << endl;
return 0;
However, when I ran this code in Visual Studio, the Debug Console was completely blank. What's wrong with my code?
Apart from the errors mentioned in the comments, the program has a logical error because istream& istream::get(char* s, streamsize n) does not do what you (or I, until I debugged it) thought it does. Yes, it reads to the next newline; but it leaves the newline in the input!
The next time you call get(), it will see the newline immediately and return with an empty line in the buffer, for ever and ever.
The best way to fix this is to use the appropriate function, namely istream::getline() which extracts, but does not store the newline.
The EOF issue
is worth mentioning. The canonical way to read lines (if you want to write to a character buffer) is
while (f.getline(buf, bufSz))
cout << buf << "\n";
getline() returns a reference to the stream which in turn has a conversion function to bool, which makes it usable in a boolean expression like this. The conversion is true if input could be obtained. Interestingly, it may have encountered the end of file, and f.eof() would be true; but that alone does not make the stream convert to false. As long as it could extract at least one character it will convert to true, indicating that the last input operation made input available, and the loop will work as expected.
The next read after encountering EOF would then fail because no data could be extracted: After all, the read position is still at EOF. That is considered a read failure. The condition is wrong and the loop is exited, which was exactly the intent.
The buffer size issue
is worth mentioning, as well. The standard draft says in
Characters are extracted and stored until one of the following occurs:
end-of-file occurs on the input sequence (in which case the function calls setstate(eofbit));
traits::eq(c, delim) for the next available input character c
(in which case the input character
is extracted but not stored);
n is less than one or n - 1 characters are stored
(in which case the function calls setstate(
The conditions are tested in that order, which means that if n-1 characters have been stored and the next character is a newline (the default delimiter), the input was successful (and the newline is extracted as well).
This means that if your file contains a single line 123 you can read that successfully with f.getline(buf, 4), but not a line 1234 (both may or may not be followed by a newline).
The line ending issue
Another complication here is that on Windows a file created with a typical editor will have a hidden carriage return before the newline, i.e. a line actually looks like "123\r\n" ("\r" and "\n" each being a single character with the values 13 and 10, respectively). Because you opened the file with the binary flag the program will see the carriage return; all lines will contain that "invisible" character, and the number of visible characters fitting in the buffer will be one shorter than one would assume.
The console issue ;-)
Oh, and your Console was not entirely empty; it's just that modern computers are too fast and the first line which was probably printed (it was in my case) scrolled away faster than anybody could switch windows. When I looked closely there was a cursor in the bottom left corner where the program was busy printing line after line of nothing ;-).
The conclusion
Debug your programs. It's very easy with VS.
Use getline(istream, string).
Use the return value of input functions (typically the stream)
as a boolean in a while loop: "As long as you can extract any input, use that input."
Beware of line ending issues.
Consider C I/O (printf, scanf) for anything non-trivial (I didn't discuss this in my answer but I think that's what many people do).

Reading from a file without skipping whitespaces

I'm trying to make a code which would change one given word from a file, and change it into another one. The program works in a way that it copies word by word, if it's normal word it just writes it into the output file, and if it's the one i need to change it writes the one i need to change to. However, I've enountered a problem. Program is not putting whitespaces where they are in the input file. I don't know the solution to this problem, and I have no idea if I can use noskipws since I wouldn't know where the file ends.
Please keep in mind I'm a complete newbie and I have no idea how things work. I don't know if the tags are visible enough, so I will mention again that I use C++
Since each reading of word is ended with either a whitespace or end of file, you could simply check whether the thing which stop your reading is end of file, or otherwise a whitespace:
if ( reached the end of file ) {
// What I have encountered is end of file
// My job is done
} else {
// What I have encountered is a whitespace
// I need to output a whitespace and back to work
And the problem here is how to check the eof(end of file).
Since you are using ifstream, things will be quite simple.
When a ifstream reach the end of file (all the meaningful data have been read), the ifstream::eof() function will return true.
Let's assume the ifstream instance that you have is called input.
if ( input.eof() == true ) {
// What I have encountered is end of file
// My job is done
} else {
// What I have encountered is a whitespace
// I need to output a whitespace and back to work
PS : ifstream::good() will return false when it reaches the eof or an error occurs. Checking whether input.good() == false instead can be a better choice here.
First I would advise you not to read and write in the same file (at least not during reading) because it will make your program much more difficult to write/read.
Second if you want to read all whitespaces easiest is to read whole line with getline().
Program that you can use for modifying words from one file to another could look something like following:
void read_file()
ifstream file_read;
ofstream file_write;
// File from which you read some text.
file_read.open ("read.txt");
// File in which you will save modified text.
file_write.open ("write.txt");
string line;
// Word that you look for to modify.
string word_to_modify = "something";
string word_new = "something_new";
// You need to look in every line from input file.
// getLine() goes from beginning of the file to the end.
while ( getline (file_read,line) ) {
unsigned index = line.find(word_to_modify);
// If there are one or more occurrence of target word.
while (index < line.length()) {
line.replace(index, word_to_modify.length(), word_new);
index = line.find(word_to_modify, index + word_new.length());
cout << line << '\n';
file_write << line + '\n';

How to extract specific substring from getline function in C++?

I'm fairly new to C++ so please forgive me if my terminology or methodology isn't correct.
I'm trying to write a simple program that:
Opens two input files ("infileicd" and "infilesel").
Opens a single output file "list.txt".
Compares "infilesel" to "infileicd" line by line.
If a line from "infilesel" is found in "infileicd", it writes that line from "infileicd" to "list.txt", effectively making a separate log file.
I am using the getline() function to do this but have run into trouble when trying to compare each file line. I think it might be easier if I could use only the substring of interest to use as a comparison.
The problem is that there are multiple words within the entire getline string and I am only really interested in the second one. Here are two examples:
"1529 nic1_mau_op_mode_3 "8664afm007-01" "1" OUTPUT 1 0 LOGICAL 4 4136"
"1523 pilot_mfd_only_sel "8664afm003-02" "1" OUTPUT 1 0 LOGICAL 4 4112"
"nic1_mau_op_mode_3" and "pilot_mfd_only_sel" are the only substrings of interest.
It would make it a lot easier if I could only use that second substring to compare but I don't know how to extract it specifically from the getline() function. I haven't found anything suggesting it is impossible to do this, but if it is impossible, what would be an alternative method for extracting that substring?
This is a personal project so I'm under no time contstraints.
Any assistance is greatly apprecated in advance. Here is my code (so far):
int main()
//Open the file to write the selected variables to.
ofstream writer("list.txt");
//Open the selected variabels file to be read.
ifstream infilesel;
//Open the icd file to be read.
ifstream infileicd;
//Check icd file for errors.
if (infileicd.fail()){
cerr << "Error opening icd.\n" << endl;
return 1;
else {
cout << "The icd file has been opened.\n";
//Check selected variables file for errors.
if (infilesel.fail()){
cerr << "Error opening selection file.\n" << endl;
return 1;
else {
cout << "The selection file has been opened.\n";
//Read each infile and copy contents of icd file to the list file.
string namesel;
string nameicd;
getline(infileicd, nameicd);
getline(infilesel, namesel);
if (nameicd != namesel){ //This is where I would like to extract and compare the two specific strings
infileicd; //Skip to next line if not the same
} else {
writer << nameicd << namesel << endl;
return 0;
So, based on what we discussed in the comments, you just need to toss the stuff you don't want. So try this:
string namesel;
string nameicd;
string junk;
// Get the first section, which we'll ignore
getline(infileicd, junk, ' ');
getline(infilesel, junk, ' ');
// Get the real data
getline(infileicd, nameicd, ' ');
getline(infilesel, namesel, ' ');
// Get the rest of the line, which we'll ignore
getline(infileicd, junk);
getline(infilesel, junk);
Basically, getline takes a delimiter, which by default is a newline. By setting it as a space the first time, you get rid of the first junk section, using the same method, you get the part you want, and then the final portion goes to the end of the line, also ignoring it.

Deleting from a certain point in a file to the end of the line?

I'm having some trouble with detecting two '//' as a char and then deleting from the first '/' till the end of the line (im guessing /n comes into use here).
ifstream infile;
char comment = '//';
if (!infile)
cout << "Can't open input file\n";
char line;
while (!infile.eof())
if (line == comment)
cout << "found it" << endl;
return 0;
In the test3.cpp file there are three comments, so 3 lots of '//'. But I can't detect the double slash and can only detect a single / which will affect other parts of the c++ file as I only want to delete from the beginning of a comment to the end of the line?
I'm having some trouble with detecting two '//' as a char
That's because // is not a character. It is a sequence of two characters. A sequence of characters is known as a string. You can make string literals with double quotation marks: "//".
A simple solution is to compare the current input character from the stream to the first character of the string "//" which is '/'. If it matches, then compare the next character from the stream with the second character in the string that is searched for. If you find two '/' in a row, you have your match. Or you could be smart and read the entire line into a std::string and use the member functions to find it.
while (!infile.eof())
// using line without testing eof- and badbit
This piece of code is wrong. You test for eofbit before reading the stream and process the input.
And your choice of name for the line variable is a bit confusing since it doesn't contain the entire. line but just one character.

Why is the c++ input file stream checked twice here?

Here is a snippet from a c++ tutorial:
// istream::get example
#include <iostream> // std::cin, std::cout
#include <fstream> // std::ifstream
int main () {
char str[256];
std::cout << "Enter the name of an existing text file: ";
std::cin.get (str,256); // get c-string
std::ifstream is(str); // open file
while (is.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible
char c = is.get(); // get character from file
if (is.good())
std::cout << c;
is.close(); // close file
return 0;
Notice is.good() appeared twice, first with while, then with if.
Link to the example: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/istream/istream/get/
Why is the c++ input file stream checked twice here?
The fact of the matter is that it is unnecessarily checked twice. If the second inner if (is.good()) passes, then the outer while (is.good()) will always pass as well. The author of the code needed some way of looping, and he incorrectly assumed that a while (is.good()) is an appropriate condition because it will stop the loop when the stream fails to extract. But this is only half-true. while (is.good()) is never the correct way to perform the extraction.
You have to perform the input first and then check if it succeeded. Otherwise it is possible to perform a failed extraction, use the result of that extraction and receive unwanted behavior from your program. The correct way to do it is by using the extraction itself as the condition. The input operator will return a reference to the stream, and then it will turn into a boolean returning true if the previous read suceeded, or false otherwise:
while (is.get(c))
std::cout << c;
The variable c is also not outside of the loop. You can enclose the while() loop in a block or use a for() loop instead:
for (char c; is.get(c); )
std::cout << c;
But it seems that this code is attempting to write all the content from the file to standard output. Reading a character one-by-one is the way shown here, but you can also use stream iterators or the buffer overload of std::ostream::operator<<() as well.
There are two more problems I see in this code. Namely:
std::string is the preferred construct for manipulating dynamically-sized strings, not C-style strings which require the use of archaic input methods such as .get(), .getline(), etc, and their respective overloads.
Manually closing a file is usually unneeded. The stream will close itself at the end of the scope in which it was created. You probably only want to close the file yourself to check if it succeeds or to reopen the stream with a different file or openmode.
The first one, that in while (is.good()), checks if it has reached EOF (End Of File). If not, it doesn't enter the while loop. Once entered in while(), it means that it have at least one character remained for the instruction char c = is.get();.
What the second if() does is that it doesn't allow to print the last character read, because after a char c = is.get();, the file may reach EOF. In case it does, the character is not printed.
For example, let's say you have this file:
"Just an example!"
Now, if you had just:
while (is.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible
char c = is.get(); // get character from file
std::cout << c;
the output would be: "Just an example! ". The last space is the EOF character (which is the last character read).
But with:
while (is.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible
char c = is.get(); // get character from file
if (is.good())
std::cout << c;
the output would be: "Just an example!", which is what you would expect it to be.