Problem starting old programs created in VS6 - c++

I have some old programs that I created 7-8 years ago in C++ in Visual Studio 6.0.
I tried to start them today, but I had no luck. When starting up the program (or any other program I created at the time), I get the following error message:
I can see at least that MFC42D.DLL and MSVCP60D.DLL is present in the program folder, but honestly I do not remember what is required to start these programs any more, and I obviously do not have VS6 installed on my current machine.
Do anyone know what this error message mean, and what I can do to resolve it? I would love to start up these old programs again to see what they look like :)
I got a step further now, after I put a new DLL, but now the problem is that Direct X 8 is not getting set up properly. I thought DirectX was backwards compatible, but do I have to install DX8 as well? Will it work having two DirectX versions installed at the same time?

You need a program like dependencywalker, that would show you all the DLLs that your programs need. Then you would have to find all those DLLs.
Another option is to find a copy of VisualStudio 6 and install in on your machine.
A third option is to get a more recent version of Visual Studio, and to try to recompile your code.


When I execute an .exe (compiled on my machine) on another computer it give me this error

It's my first time using Visual Studio 2017. I built a simple program in C++ on my PC. I was curious to see if my program works on another PC. I tried to execute the .exe on the other computer and it gave me this kind of error:
vs(some letters and numbers).dll is missing.
I assume that the .dll in question is part of Visual Studio.
I tried on a third PC, and this time the cmd stops working and becomes unresponsive after I execute my .exe.
I also have this problem when I compile with MinGW using the g++ compile feature in the cmd. When I execute the program compiled with MinGW on another PC, it gives me the same error, but this time it says something like
gw...dll is missing
Is there a way to avoid this error without installing the Visual Studio (or MinGW at this point) on any other PC I want my program to run on?
If you're interested in the code, I can put it here, but I don't think it's the problem here because I have the same issue for every other .exe compiled on my PC.
Here's a picture of the error:
In case of Visual Studio, you need to install Visual C++ Redistributable libraries or provide the libraries that are required by your application with .exe file (I am not sure if it violates license or not though).
In case of MinGW, you need to provide required DLL as well. I guess that you need libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll, but you would better check it yourself. And remember about the license.
You may use Dependency Walker to analyse dependencies of your application.
UPDATE (2017-12-12):
I've missed the time you posted the screenshot. As far as I see from it the problem is that you are trying to run debug version of your executable: ucrtbased.dll is the debug version of the ucrtbase library and is only available (from what I know) from Visual Studio distribution. If you want to run your application on the computers that do not have installed Visual Studio, then you should use the Release version of your application.
In order to understand your problem you need to understand the concept of DLL.
Dynamic-link library(DLL) - As described by Microsoft:
A DLL is a library that contains code and data that can be used by
more than one program at the same time. For example, in Windows
operating systems, the Comdlg32 DLL performs common dialog box related
functions. Therefore, each program can use the functionality that is
contained in this DLL to implement an Open dialog box. This helps
promote code reuse and efficient memory usage.
So to put it simply, DLL is basically a bunch of compiled code, which is being linked to your code at load (or even run-time). Now, of course if your system is missing the DLL, your progrem will fail to work. To make things even worse, DLL are sensitive to the compiler that was used. So each DLL might have multiple version, so you will need to right DLL.
Now to the problem itself, the error message are the best way to start. They guide you what DLL are missing, and what is their name. For instance in your case "vs*.dll" is most likely related to Visual C++ runtime redistributable.
Finally, please note you have another consideration to make in addition to make your own system work: Every one that will use your code might face the exact same problem. So if you actually intend to share your .EXE with other people, you will need to understand how to guide them, or even automate their installation process.

My program doesn't run on some PCs

I'm working in a project building an application with Computer Vision using C++, OpenCV and Visual Studio. I'm no expert in deploying programs to use them on other PCs.
I've made a program which I need to distribute to a certain amount of people and I can't make it work on all the computers I'd like to. The program was written using Visual Studio 2015, it's an MFC Project and the code is written in C++ since I'm using OpenCV.
When it was finished, I tried to run it on another computer and I realized that it won't open. I looked on the Internet and found out that I needed to statically link the libraries, so I did it. Also, when I was looking for information, I found that Visual Studio 2015 builds its projects so you can run the programs on machines with Win7 to Win10. When I learnt that, I tried to open it on PCs running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. I tested my program in like 20 computers, give or take.
The results? I couldn't make it work for Windows 7, the error ucrtbase.terminate api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll showed every time I tried to open it. It also didn't open in one machine with Windows 8 without showing any error message, but it DID open on most of the machines with Win 8.1 and Win 10. The thing is that "most"; there were some PCs (with Win 8.1 and 10) that I couldn't open my program on. I found that sometimes it would show up in the Task Manager for less than a second and then disappear. The most stressful thing is that it doesn't tell me what the problem is, it doesn't show any error message. It just won't open.
I tried using Dependency Walker (both on my PC and one of those that I couldn't run my program on) to see if there's something missing and I got a reeaaally long list of files that the system couldn't find, here's an example:
List 1/11. Something curious is that my program executes just well on my computer and on those I could open it, even though Dependency Walker (DW) tells me that there might be a problem with it. This indicates me that DW is not finding the exact error I'm having.
Another thing I've tried is to compare the things I have installed on my computer and install them on the one I want to execute my program on. I tried installing .NET Framework 4.6.1 just because VS 2015 says that my project was built using it (and I have it installed in my PC and that other one doesn't. Also I tried with .NET 4.6.1 SDK). Nothing changed.
Just look here:
The quick-and-dirty way would be to copy the DLLs from your redist directory. For my MS VS 2013 it is hidden under the VS installation directory in:
which depends on your application.

MinGW GCC and G++ Errors in Eclipse

I'm new to this community and this is my first question. I know many people had had this problem before, but, it seems as if people solved it their own ways and I tried all the solutions I could find in google (and here, respectively), but none of them seem to work for me like it was supposed to. And just to make it clear, I use 32-bit Windows XP. Some versions that may work in 64-bit or newer operating systems may not work on mine.
So I'm very new to C and C++, I started by installing the Eclipse CDT, the moment I found out it did not have a compiler was when I installed MinGW which was bundled with a C compiler, a C++ compiler, and the MinGW Developer's Toolkit (which included MinSys). So after that, I started by creating a new empty C++ project called 'HyScript'. And did these:
I set the environment variables as:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin;E:\Mark\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;E:\Mark\MinGW\bin
Then, I restarted eclipse, deleted the old projects, and created a new one with the same name (deleted the old folders) and chose the toolchair, "Cross GCC".
Now I haven't even started writing code, but there are already 4 errors:
Here's the link to the dropbox file
The last thing I did was open up the CMD before going here, and this happened: Here's another link to the dropbox file
I don't understand anymore... What did I do wrong? I set the environment variables right, I supposed. And, after doing some research, I still can't find a proper solution for me. It's been two days now, and this error still hasn't gone away.
You chose wrong toolchair "Cross GCC". Please select "MinGW"
The latest version of G++ can be found here. Please do NOT install it in the default directory but use this:
If you still have problems, uninstall everything you did, and watch these video instructions.

How to make a c++ project run on a different PCs

I developed a small c++ program in Visual Studio 2012 on Windows7, 64bit (let's call it PC1). On that pc it runs fine!
Since I didn't have a versioning control system like SVN at hand, I copied ALL the project data (the exact folder structure, DLLs, source files, project files...) to a usb stick and moved it to another computer.
On that other engine there's Visual Studio 2010 on Windows7, 64bit (PC2).
So I just changed the platform toolset to v100 as described here.
I successfully compiled the project on PC2 (clean, build) and wanted to run the exe, but the command prompt stayed empty.
I then tried to debug and added a breakpoint at the very first line of main - which wasn't reached, the command prompt was still empty.
Ok, a usb stick is certainly not the most secure solution for data storage, so I gave it another try and moved it again - the problem remains.
Visual Studio's output on PC2 is the same as on PC1, so I couldn't find any anomalies there.
Yeah, there might be many error sources, so where can I start?
And how can I get a more verbose output for troubleshooting?
Or is this even a common phenomenon (perhaps due to different VS versions) and there's an simple way fix it?
This is not a full solution, but at least I'm a tiny step ahead:
In my last comment I wrote:
I took your advices into account and created a brand new project on PC2, VS2010. I exactly followed this guide:
That didn't work either, so I removed I "out-commented" everything except for a single cout. Voila, that worked!
But as soon as I make use of the desired Armadillo (LAPACK and BLAS), the project compils but does not run.
What's going wrong here?
I don't get any compiler errors!

c++ program failed to run on another pc with libgcc error

I wrote some simple code in C++, and I built it and ran it on my laptop, and everything as working. When I tried to run the .exe file on my brother's laptop, it gave me this error The program can't start because libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. Am I missing something that I should have added or something?
Note: I don't know if it matters or not, but I'm using Code::Blocks.
It matters because you used Code::Blocks. If you don't know about it, you most probably used Code::Blocks with MinGW. Install it on that machine followed by a reboot may fix it.
C++ programs need to have a runtime library -- you can think of it as needing .NET Framework to run C# or JRE to run Java programs. Visual C++ uses msvcrt (known as Visual C++ Runtime). Many installations of Windows seem to come with msvcrt by default which may explain why people using MSVC is less likely to run into issues like this.
If you statically link the CRT (C Run Time) you can lift the requirements of the clients having to have the DLL files installed, at the expense of having a larger .exe file.
A relevant SO answer: The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing
You can place that DLL in the same folder as the .exe on your release and it should work