stopping parser when error found in semantic action - c++

I wish to stop a token parser when the semantic action code finds a problem.
IF x > 10
is syntactically correct, but if x does not exist the the parser should stop
The grammar rule and semantic action look like this
= ( tok.identifier >> tok.oper_ >> tok.value )
boost::phoenix::bind( &cRuleKit::AddCondition, &myRulekit,
boost::spirit::_1, boost::spirit::_2, boost::spirit::_3 )
So now I add a check for the existence of the identifier
= ( tok.identifier[boost::bind(&cRuleKit::CheckIdentifier, &myRulekit, ::_1, ::_3 ) ]
>> tok.oper_ >> tok.value )
boost::phoenix::bind( &cRuleKit::AddCondition, &myRulekit,
boost::spirit::_1, boost::spirit::_2, boost::spirit::_3 )
This works!
I am not thrilled by the elegance. The grammar syntax is now hard to read and mixing use of boost::bind and boost::phoenix::bind is terribly confusing.
How can I improve it? I would like to get at the 'hit' parameter from phoenix::bind so that I can do the check inside cRuleKit::AddCondition() and so keep the grammar and actions seperate and avoid using boost::bind.
The answer is to use the placeholder _pass
= ( tok.identifier >> tok.oper_ >> tok.value )
boost::phoenix::bind( &cRuleKit::AddCondition, &myRulekit,
boost::spirit::_pass, boost::spirit::_1, boost::spirit::_2, boost::spirit::_3 )

Spirit has a special value you can use in a semantic action to make the parse fail. It's called _pass and you should set it to false.
From some of my code:
variable_reference_impl_[_pass = lookup_symbol_(_1, false)][_val = _1]
in this case, lookup_symbol is a Phoenix functor that returns true if the symbol is found, false if not.


How to combine skipping and non-skipping (lexeme) rules?

my parser is nearly working :)
(still amazed by Spirit feature set (and compiletimes) and the very welcoming community here on stack overflow)
small sample for online try:
so i've learned to use more lexeme-rules and try to prevent no_skip -
my rules are smaller and better to read as a result but now i stuck with
combining lexeme-rules and skipping-rules what seems to be not possible (compiletime error with warning about not castable to Skipper)
my problem is the comma seperated list in subscriptions
which does not skip spaces around expressions
"a.b[ a , b ]"
these are my rules:
qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()> identifier_chain;
qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()>
expression_list = identifier_chain >> *(qi::char_(',') >> identifier_chain);
qi::rule < std::string::const_iterator, std::string() >
subscription = qi::char_('[') >> expression_list >> qi::char_(']');
qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()>
identifier = qi::ascii::alpha >> *(qi::ascii::alnum | '_');
identifier_chain = identifier >> *(('.' >> identifier) | subscription);
as you can see all rules are "lexeme" and i think the subscription rule should be a ascii::space_type skipper but that does not compile
should i add space eaters in the front and back of identifier_chains in the expression_list?
feels like writing an regex :(
expression_list = *qi::blank >> identifier_chain >> *(*qi::blank >> qi::char_(',') >> *qi::blank >> identifier_chain >> *qi::blank);
it works but i've read that this will get me to an much bigger parser in the end (handling all the space skipping by myself)
thx for any advice
btw: any idea why i can't compile if surrounding the '.' in the indentifier_chain with qi::char_('.')
identifier_chain = identifier >> *(('.' >> identifier) | subscription);
i've updated my expression list as suggested by sehe
qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, spirit::ascii::blank_type, std::string()>
expression_list = identifier_chain >> *(qi::char_(',') >> identifier_chain);
qi::rule < std::string::const_iterator, std::string() >
subscription = qi::char_('[') >> qi::skip(qi::blank)[expression_list] >> qi::char_(']');
but still get compile error due to non castable Skipper:
i also tried changed the identifer_chain to
identifier_chain = identifier >> *(('.' >> identifier) | qi::skip(qi::blank)[subscription]);
but i still can't compile the example
The answer I linked to earlier describes all the combinations (if I remember correctly): Boost spirit skipper issues
In short:
any rule that declares a skipper (so rule<It, Skipper[, Attr()]> or rule<It, Attr(), Skipper>) MUST be invoked with a compatible skipper (an expression that can be assigned to the type of Skipper).
any rule that does NOT declare a skipper (so of the form rule<It[, Attr()]>) will implicitly behave like a lexeme, meaning no input characters are skipped.
That's it. The slightly subtler ramifications are that given two rules:
rule<It, blank_type> a;
rule<It> b; // b is implicitly lexeme
You can invoke b from a:
a = "test" >> b;
But when you wish to invoke a from b you will find that you have to provide the skipper:
b = "oops" >> a; // DOES NOT COMPILE
b = "okay" >> qi::skip(qi::blank) [ a ];
That's almost all there is to it. There are a few more directives around skippers and lexemes in Qi, see again the answer linked above.
Side Question:
should i add space eaters in the front and back of identifier_chains in the expression_list?
If you look closely at the answer example here Parse a '.' chained identifier list, with qi::lexeme and prevent space skipping, you can see that it already does pre- and post skipping correctly, because I used phrase_parse:
" a.b " OK: ( "a" "b" )
"a . b" Failed
Remaining unparsed: "a . b"
You COULD also wrap the whole thing in an "outer" rule:
rule<std::string::const_iterator> main_rule =
qi::skip(qi::blank) [ identifier_chain ];
That's just the same but allows users to call parse without specifying the skipper.

Boost::Spirit placeholders and alternative parser

// 1
Mexpression = Mterm >> *(
'+' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '+', _2)]
| '-' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '-', _2)]
Mterm = Mfactor >> *(
'*' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '*', _2)]
| '/' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '/', _2)]
Mfactor = Unpack
| '+' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<UnaryNode>('+', _1)]
| '-' >> Mfactor [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<UnaryNode>('-', _1)]
| '(' >> Mexpression >> ')';`
`Error 2 error C2664: 'BinaryNode::BinaryNode(const BinaryNode &)' : cannot convert argument 3 from 'boost::mpl::void_' to 'anExpression *' c:\boost_1_55_0\boost\spirit\home\phoenix\object\detail\new_eval.hpp 41 1 ConsoleApplication1
Error 1 error C2338: index_is_out_of_bounds c:\boost_1_55_0\boost\spirit\home\support\argument.hpp 103 1 ConsoleApplication1 `
c:\boost_1_55_0\boost\spirit\home\support\argument.hpp(166) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::spirit::result_of::get_arg<boost::fusion::vector1<Attribute &>,1>' being compiled with
Attribute=anExpression *
I'm coding a translator for a model language (there are several ebnf with main compositions given as a task.) and stuck somewhere at arithmetical operations.
(see 1 in paste)
here's a model to parse math' exprs,
unpack is somenode, something that can be executed, converted to anExpression *, and given as arg to BinaryNode
there are following rules.
qi::rule<Iterator, anExpression *()> Unpack;
qi::rule<Iterator, anExpression *()> Mexpression, Mterm, Mfactor;
anExpression is an abstract class (Binary and Unary are public anExpression)
while compiling the whole program I have following errors:
I think that error 2 is the most important thing to fix first.
something like this in build log
okay, I think that the mistake is in my way of semantic actions. I think there's not Mterm (or Mfactor) in _2 placeholder. there's something I'm doing wrong with this way of using semantics actions and alternative parser ( '|' )
I'll be glad to hear any ideas from you guys =)
Mexpression = Mterm >> *(
'+' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '+', _2)]
| '-' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(_1, '-', _2)]
Can't work indeed. You'd need to temporarily store the result attribute of the lhs Mterm. Luckily you should be able to use the result of the rule itself to do this:
Mexpression = Mterm [qi::_val = qi::_1] >> *(
'+' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(qi::_val, '+', qi::_1)]
| '-' >> Mterm [qi::_val = phoenix::new_<BinaryNode>(qi::_val, '-', qi::_1)]
However you may have to accomodate this in the constructor for your BinaryNode type.
This said:
I tend avoid semantic actions. As long as you're imperatively spelling each and every step out in the semantic action, what is the real benefit of using a parser generator like Spirit? It's no longer for Rapid Application Development
especially semantic actions doing dynamic allocations; it's very eay to create leaks in the presence of parser backtracking
That said, this kind of expression combination is about the only point where I think semantic actions can still be considered idiomatic in Spirit. The dynamic allocations most certainly are not.

how does spirit process rules?

This grammar standalone rule code produces the expected result
term = ( double_ >> "+" >> term ) [_val = _1 + _2]|
( double_ >> "-" >> term ) [_val = _1 - _2]|
( double_ >> "*" >> term ) [_val = _1 * _2]|
( double_ >> "/" >> term ) [_val = _1 / _2]|
double_ [_val = _1] ;
while this one does not:
term = ( term >> "+" >> term ) [_val = _1 + _2]|
( term >> "-" >> term ) [_val = _1 - _2]|
( term >> "*" >> term ) [_val = _1 * _2]|
( term >> "/" >> term ) [_val = _1 / _2]|
double_ [_val = _1] ;
I guess this has something to do with recursion ambiguity... What does the second rule tries to do when fed with: "1+2+3" ?
Is there some good document that schematically explains how spirit parsing is performed ? I mean as a pure c or algorithm, with no template or classes.
Actually I think that the second rule should fail at compiler time as it is ambiguous.
Spirit is a PEG parser:
Parsing expression grammar (wikipedia)
See also the About Page introduction on the site
Parser Expression Grammar in the documentation abstracts
Relevant quote:
Syntactically, PEGs also look similar to context-free grammars (CFGs), but they have a different interpretation: the choice operator selects the first match in PEG, while it is ambiguous in CFG
So, no, the second example is not ambiguous at all, it just results in infinite recursion (--> stackoverflow).

boost spirit expression grammar issue while creating AST

I'm trying to parse expression grammar (with variables) into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) so that later on I could make a use of this AST and calculate values basing on those expressions (they may be a part of a function for example, so there is no need to store those expressions rather than calculate a value right away).
To my surprise, after handling with loops and instructions (which require nested structures in AST as well), I got nothing but seg faults after trying to parse any expression.. After hours of struggling with this I decided to ask here, because I have no idea what is it (maybe something with the grammar)
This statement-loop part works perfectly well. The struct 'loop' gets as a parameter only a number of repetitions - string so far (later on I want to put an expression here):
statement %= loop | inst;
inst %= lexeme[+(char_ - (';'|char_('}')) )] >> ';';
loop = "do(" > lexeme[+(char_ - "){")] // parse a number of loop repetitions
> "){"
> *statement > "}"
Structures are like:
typedef boost::variant<
, std::string>
struct s_loop
std::string name; // tag name
//s_expression exp; // TODO
std::vector<s_statement> children; // children
I use recursive wrapper, so I thought that maybe it is because of "deep" wrapping in case of expression-term-factor, why I can't do it. For loop-statement it goes simply like:
loop --(contains)--> statement (statement may be a loop!)
And in case of expressions it should be finally implemented like:
expression -> term -> factor (factor may be an expression!)
So, to be sure it's because of 'deep' wrapping, I tried with trivial grammar:
expression -> factor (factor may be an expression)
AST structures are copy-paste of above, everything is quite similar and.... it does not work! :(
I am quite sure that it must be something wrong with my grammar.. To be honest, I am not an expert of spirit. Here's the grammar:
expression = factor > * ( (char_('+')|char_('-')) > factor ) ;
factor %= uint_ | my_var | my_dat | my_rec_exp;
// factor %= uint_ | my_var | my_dat; //this WORKS! I've made procedures to traverse an AST
// strings and ints are parsed and stored well inside the expression structure
// factor %= uint_ | my_rec_exp; // even this simple version (of course I adjust a stucture s_expression) doesn't work.. WHY? :( , it's even less complex than loop-statement
my_rec_exp = '(' > expression > ')';
my_var %= char_('!') >> lexeme[+ ( char_ - ( ('+')|char_('-')|char_('*')|char_('/')|char_('(')|char_(')') ) ) ] ;
my_dat %= char_('#') >> lexeme[+ ( char_ - ( ('+')|char_('-')|char_('*')|char_('/')|char_('(')|char_(')') ) ) ] ;
Structures are here:
struct s_expression;
typedef boost::variant<
// s_expression,
unsigned int
s_factor factor0;
std::vector<std::pair<char, s_factor> >
struct s_expression{
s_factor term0;
std::vector<std::pair<char, s_factor> >
I will say one more time that without recursive expression it works well (parses to en expression containing a set of numers / strings connected with operators + / - ). But if I add expression as a variant of factor it crashes on exec.
Thank you for any advice / suggestion !

How to get the AST of a regular expression string?

How can I get the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a regular expression (in C++)?
For example,
should yield a tree of:
/ \
. .
/ \ / \
. Z . 3
/ \ / \
X Y 1 2
Is there a boost::spirit grammar to parse regular expression patterns? The boost::regex library should have it, but I didn't find it. Are there any other open-source tools available that would give me the abstract representation of a regex?
I stumbled into this question again. And I decided to take a look at how hard it would actually be to write a parser for a significant subset of regular expression syntax with Boost Spirit.
So, as usual, I started out with pen and paper, and after a while had some draft rules in mind. Time to draw the analogous AST up:
namespace ast
struct multiplicity
unsigned minoccurs;
boost::optional<unsigned> maxoccurs;
bool greedy;
multiplicity(unsigned minoccurs = 1, boost::optional<unsigned> maxoccurs = 1)
: minoccurs(minoccurs), maxoccurs(maxoccurs), greedy(true)
{ }
bool unbounded() const { return !maxoccurs; }
bool repeating() const { return !maxoccurs || *maxoccurs > 1; }
struct charset
bool negated;
using range = boost::tuple<char, char>; // from, till
using element = boost::variant<char, range>;
std::set<element> elements;
// TODO: single set for loose elements, simplify() method
struct start_of_match {};
struct end_of_match {};
struct any_char {};
struct group;
typedef boost::variant< // unquantified expression
std::string, // literal
boost::recursive_wrapper<group> // sub expression
> simple;
struct atom // quantified simple expression
simple expr;
multiplicity mult;
using sequence = std::vector<atom>;
using alternative = std::vector<sequence>;
using regex = boost::variant<atom, sequence, alternative>;
struct group {
alternative root;
group() = default;
group(alternative root) : root(std::move(root)) { }
This is your typical AST (58 LoC) that works well with Spirit (due to integrating with boost via variant and optional, as well as having strategically chosen constructors).
The grammar ended up being only slightly longer:
template <typename It>
struct parser : qi::grammar<It, ast::alternative()>
parser() : parser::base_type(alternative)
using namespace qi;
using phx::construct;
using ast::multiplicity;
alternative = sequence % '|';
sequence = *atom;
simple =
| (charset)
| ('.' >> qi::attr(ast::any_char()))
| ('^' >> qi::attr(ast::start_of_match()))
| ('$' >> qi::attr(ast::end_of_match()))
// optimize literal tree nodes by grouping unquantified literal chars
| (as_string [ +(literal >> !char_("{?+*")) ])
| (as_string [ literal ]) // lone char/escape + explicit_quantifier
atom = (simple >> quantifier); // quantifier may be implicit
explicit_quantifier =
// bounded ranges:
lit('?') [ _val = construct<multiplicity>( 0, 1) ]
| ('{' >> uint_ >> '}' ) [ _val = construct<multiplicity>(_1, _1) ]
// repeating ranges can be marked non-greedy:
| (
lit('+') [ _val = construct<multiplicity>( 1, boost::none) ]
| lit('*') [ _val = construct<multiplicity>( 0, boost::none) ]
| ('{' >> uint_ >> ",}") [ _val = construct<multiplicity>(_1, boost::none) ]
| ('{' >> uint_ >> "," >> uint_ >> '}') [ _val = construct<multiplicity>(_1, _2) ]
| ("{," >> uint_ >> '}' ) [ _val = construct<multiplicity>( 0, _1) ]
) >> -lit('?') [ phx::bind(&multiplicity::greedy, _val) = false ]
quantifier = explicit_quantifier | attr(ast::multiplicity());
charset = '['
>> (lit('^') >> attr(true) | attr(false)) // negated
>> *(range | charset_el)
> ']'
range = charset_el >> '-' >> charset_el;
group = '(' >> alternative >> ')';
literal = unescape | ~char_("\\+*?.^$|{()") ;
unescape = ('\\' > char_);
// helper to optionally unescape waiting for raw ']'
charset_el = !lit(']') >> (unescape|char_);
qi::rule<It, ast::alternative()> alternative;
qi::rule<It, ast::sequence()> sequence;
qi::rule<It, ast::atom()> atom;
qi::rule<It, ast::simple()> simple;
qi::rule<It, ast::multiplicity()> explicit_quantifier, quantifier;
qi::rule<It, ast::charset()> charset;
qi::rule<It, ast::charset::range()> range;
qi::rule<It, ast::group()> group;
qi::rule<It, char()> literal, unescape, charset_el;
Now, the real fun is to do something with the AST. Since you want to visualize the tree, I thought of generating DOT graph from the AST. So I did:
int main()
std::cout << "digraph common {\n";
for (std::string pattern: {
std::cout << "// ================= " << pattern << " ========\n";
ast::regex tree;
if (doParse(pattern, tree))
check_roundtrip(tree, pattern);
regex_todigraph printer(std::cout, pattern);
boost::apply_visitor(printer, tree);
std::cout << "}\n";
This program results in the following graphs:
The self-edges depict repeats and the colour indicates whether the match is greedy (red) or non-greedy (blue). As you can see I've optimized the AST a bit for clarity, but (un)commenting the relevant lines will make the difference:
I think it wouldn't be too hard to tune. Hopefully it will serve as inspiration to someone.
Full code at this gist:
I reckon that Boost Xpressive must be able to 'almost' do this out of the box.
xpressive is an advanced, object-oriented regular expression template library for C++. Regular expressions can be written as strings that are parsed at run-time, or as expression templates that are parsed at compile-time. Regular expressions can refer to each other and to themselves recursively, allowing you to build arbitrarily complicated grammars out of them.
I'll see whether I can confirm (with a small sample).
Other thoughts include using Boost Spirit with the generic utree facility to 'store' the AST. You'd have to reproduce a grammar (which is relatively simple for common subsets of Regex syntax), so it might mean more work.
Progress Report 1
Looking at Xpressive, I made some inroads. I got some pretty pictures using DDD's great graphical data display. But not pretty enough.
Then I explored the 'code' side more: Xpressive is built upon Boost Proto. It uses Proto to define a DSEL that models regular expressions directly in C++ code.
Proto generates the expression tree (generic AST, if you will) completely generically from C++ code (by overloading all possible operators). The library (Xpressive, in this case) then needs to define the semantics by walking the tree and e.g.
building a domain specific expression tree
annotating/decorating it with semantic information
possibly taking semantic action directly (e.g. how Boost Spirit does semantic actions in Qi and Karma1)
As you can see, the sky is really the limit there, and things are looking disturbingly similar to compiler macros like in Boo, Nemerle, Lisp etc.
Visualizing Expression Trres
Now, Boost Proto expression trees can be generically visualized:
Working from the example from Expressive C++: Playing with Syntax I slightly extended Xpressive's "Hello World" example to display the expression tree:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp>
#include <boost/proto/proto.hpp>
using namespace boost::xpressive;
int main()
std::string hello( "hello world!" );
sregex rex = sregex::compile( "(\\w+) (\\w+)!" );
// equivalent proto based expression
rex = (s1= +_w) >> ' ' >> (s2= +_w) >> '!';
boost::proto::display_expr( (s1= +_w) >> ' ' >> (s2= +_w) >> '!');
smatch what;
if( regex_match( hello, what, rex ) )
std::cout << what[0] << '\n'; // whole match
std::cout << what[1] << '\n'; // first capture
std::cout << what[2] << '\n'; // second capture
return 0;
The output of which is close to (note the compiler ABI specific typeid names):
, unary_plus(
, terminal( )
, assign(
, unary_plus(
, terminal(!)
hello world!
DISCLAIMER You should realize that this is not actually displaying the Regex AST, but rather the generic expression tree from Proto, so it is devoid of domain specific (Regex) information. I mention it because the difference is likely going to cause some more work (? unless I find a hook into Xpressive's compilation structures) for it to become truly useful for the original question.
That's it for now
I'll leave on that note, as it's lunch time and I'm picking up the kids, but this certainly grabbed my interest, so I intend to post more later!
Conclusions / Progress Report 1.0000001
The bad news right away: it won't work.
Here's why. That disclaimer was right on the money. When weekend arrived, I had already been thinking things through a bit more and 'predicted' that the whole thing would break down right where I left it off: the AST is being based on the proto expression tree (not the regex matchable_ex).
This fact was quickly confirmed after some code inspection: after compilation, the proto expression tree isn't available anymore to be displayed. Let alone when the basic_regex was specified as a dynamic pattern in the first place (there never was a proto expression for it).
I had been half hoping that the matching had been implemented directly on the proto expression tree (using proto evalutation/evaluation contexts), but quickly confirmed out that this is not the case.
So, the main takeaway is:
this is all not going to work for displaying any regex AST
the best you can do with the above is visualize a proto expression, that you'll necessarily have to create directly in your code. That is a fancy way of just writing the AST manually in that same code...
Slightly less strict observations include
Boost Proto and Boost Expressive are highly interesting libraries (I didn't mind going fishing in there). I have obviously learned a few important lessons about template meta-programming libraries, and these libraries in particular.
It is hard to design a regex parser that builds a statically typed expression tree. In fact it is impossible in the general case - it would require the compiler to instantiate all possible expressions tree combinations to a certain depth. This would obviously not scale. You could get around that by introducing polymorphic composition and using polymorphic invocation, but this would remove the benefits of template metaprogramming (compile-time optimization for the statically instantiated types/specializations).
Both Boost Regex and Boost Expressive will likely support some kind of regex AST internally (to support the matching evaluation) but
it hasn't been exposed/documented
there is no obvious display facility for that
1 Even Spirit Lex supports them, for that matter (but not by default)
boost::regex seems to have a hand-written recursive-descent parser in basic_regex_parser.hpp. Even though it feels awfully like re-inventing the wheel, you are probably faster when writing up the grammar in boost::spirit yourself, especially with the multitude of regex formats around.