Authorizing an application with Oauth and Python - django

I am trying to build an application that will use data from multiple social services. The user will need to authorize their accounts to be accessed across these multiple services (e.g. facebook, twitter, foursquare) using oauth.
I don't really need the users to login with these accounts, really it is just allowing their data from the api to be pulled.
I know I need to use oauth, but I am having trouble finding a basic example of how to do this type of thing (a lot of examples exist for logging in with oauth).
I have been trying the python-oath2 library.
Does anyone have any recommendation for a good tutorial or example of doing this type of thing in python, and if possible django.

Why reinvent the wheel? There is a plethora of reusable applications that have this implemented. You can find a comparison here:

Why not give rauth a try? We use this in production for this exact purpose. Although you don't need to require the user to login with your app via the provider, you're going to redirect to the provider, where they'll be asked to authenticate your application. Assuming they accept (or even if they don't), they'll be redirected back to your application, i.e. via the redirect_uri or oauth_callback, there you'll ensure they authorized your app and then proceed with whatever housekeeping you need to do, e.g. saving some info about the user in your database. Try the examples and also pay particular attention to the Facebook example. Now the Facebook example is intended for authorization with the example web app, but the same pattern can be used for what you're trying to do. (You just won't be having them login in via Facebook, for instance. However, the flow can be and probably should be identical, sans database operations and template login lingo.)


AWS Cognito signup page that isn't public facing

I'm currently working on a way to hand off creation of users in a Userpool to my product team so that I don't need to handle user creation and password resets anymore. The key here is that the tool I give them needs to be simple and non-technical, and not require them going into was with permissions, knowing how to use Cognito and make the users within Cognito. This also needs to not be a public facing signup (i.e. the folks using the page need to never see the signup form). This is for my team's developer documentation which integration partners cannot see until they meet with us.
Looking at all the possibilities and the AWS API documentation has been making my head spin, though. I'm not sure what the best way to create this tool - the Cognito SDK? The AWS AdminCreateUser API? Or is there a way to set this up with the built in signup page UI provided by Cognito but host the signup page elsewhere (somewhere that people who look at our documentation will never see a signup page)?
Please let me know what your approach would be if given this problem. I'm a pretty green jr. developer and don't have much experience with AWS.
If you really don't want to use the built-in Cognito UI to create users, you would need to come up with an alternative custom solution. Mind you will need to implement all features you expect from such user administration tool, including login for administrators into the tool itself.
With AWS Cognito APIs you can do everything native UI can do (and even more, like setting user attributes which is not available at Cognito console).
Quick google search led me to this project: which may be a good starting point if you decide to go this route.
Alternatively you may want to explore other SAAS solutions (Auth0 or Okta) which may provide better native UI out of the box.

What is the purpose of a web API

I'm working on an app and websites. They have related information such as users, contracts, etc. What is the reason for designing an API and not connecting directly to the database?
I'm just starting development and have no experience with web services. Please be as thorough as possible.
Sites such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter could never let third party apps connect directly to their database: it's an enormous security risk. (Would you be comfortable if Facebook allowed anyone to access their database, including private user information and messages?)
APIs serve as a gate through which third party apps can get the kinds of information they are permitted to access.
There are several reasons why you would use an API instead of using direct access.
The first 2 that come to mind:
Using an API allows you to write the client code without knowing any details of the specific implementation, so if you change your database structure or location for instance, you need only rewrite the API wrapper code, not everywhere its referenced.
It allows you to have different levels of authentication. As mentioned in another answer, it is not ideal for all users of an application to have access to every other users data.

Are there standard libraries to integrate OpenID and OAuth?

I'm just brainstorming, and don't really know much about these technologies yet. What I want to do is provide an easy and secure for users to prove who they are across multiple web sites, and I want to provide a way for web sites to share certain information with each other (if the user gives them permission). After a little reading, it seems like OpenID and OAuth would be the best way to solve this problem (right?).
After searching, I've found two interesting projects. One is "Step2" which only has Java libraries (not a problem for me, but other, partner websites might not be coded in Java), and looks like it has been abandoned. Another is "OpenID Connect," which doesn't look like it's even been started.
So, I've guess I've got three questions. Is linking OpenID and OAuth what I should be doing? Is there a OpenID+OAuth project that has a lot of support? If not, would it be easy to integrate the two myself?
OpenID is interesting in cases like Stack Overflow where you want to let people log in with external credentials but not with the intent of exchanging data with that external site.
But I don't think you need OpenID for the scenario described... by putting users through the OAuth flow, users are effectively "proving who they are across multiple web sites" as part of the authorization process.
Describe OpenID and OAuth, how works OAuth and what does OAuth.
DotNetOpenAuth is an open source library that supports OpenID, OAuth and
support for your site visitors to login with their OpenIDs.
Document describes OAuth authorization process as well as how to work with OAuth tokens.
Also gives an overview that How to implement Google using OAuth for our web application's.

Django + Google SSO openid

I would like to have my application to accept a google account as a login. I found a bunch of libs for django but most work on top of existing Django authentication system that I do not use. I have my own set of user tables where I keep user info and privileges.
Any suggestion on how to integrate that with the Google Openid?
Seems I will have to do it manually using python-openid. Or could I use django-openid?
However, with the latter, I don't even know how to issue the discover command.
Regardless, I get stuck on google's step 5, sending a login authentication request (optionally with OAuth parameters) to the provided endpoint address. Can someone provide a sample request? is it a GET/POST? content?
You can try - I'm using it in a commercial project, for both regular Google Accounts and Google Apps accounts. I remember that it was the most convincing one at the time I was doing a review, although I can't give you any details now due to my short memory. Anyway - it's working great.

Two-legged OAuth - looking for information

I want to implement a new REST-based API on our infrastructure, and OAuth seems to be the way to go.
For our implementation, there will first just be server-to-server access, which will be completely unrestricted. I believe this is called two-legged authorization.
Later on, we'd like to allow the API to be consumed by the browser, which will turn our authorization into three-legged.
Is there a good starting point for implementing this? How can we fully authorize a server and down the road add restricted authorization per-user?
The OAuth specification is not really helpful in these scenarios, but I believe this implies we need to create a never-expiring session for the server-to-server access, and later on add normal sessions with limited access for user-only APIs.
I'm hoping to find starting points for more information, let me know!
Is OAuth for me? I'm only looking for a authenticated request system, and only the consumer and service provider exist in this scenario. The end-user does not come in to play!
Ya, OAuth is probably for you.
There are actually two OAuth specifications, the 3-legged version and the 2-legged version. The 3-legged version is the one that gets most of the attention, and it's not the one you want to use.
The good news is that the 2-legged version does exactly what you want, it allows an application to grant access to another via either a shared secret key (very similar to Amazon's Web Service model, you will use the HMAC-SHA1 signing method) or via a public/private key system (use signing method: RSA-SHA1). The bad news, is that it's not nearly as well supported yet as the 3-legged version yet, so you may have to do a bit more work than you otherwise might have to right now.
Basically, 2-legged OAuth just specifies a way to "sign" (compute a hash over) several fields which include the current date, a random number called "nonce," and the parameters of your request. This makes it very hard to impersonate requests to your web service.
OAuth is slowly but surely becoming an accepted standard for this kind of thing -- you'll be best off in the long run if you embrace it because people can then leverage the various libraries available for doing that.
It's more elaborate than you would initially want to get into - but the good news is that a lot of people have spent a lot of time on it so you know you haven't forgotten anything. A great example is that very recently Twitter found a gap in the OAuth security which the community is currently working on closing. If you'd invented your own system, you're having to figure out all this stuff on your own.
Good luck!
Remember to distinguish between authentication and authorization. In some places, I believe that the OP mixes the two.
For example, once a server authenticates someone, it usually explicitly or implicitly (using cookies) provides an authentication token so that subsequent requests are already authorized.
It is up to the server how long the credentials last. It is smart to plan that the credentials will time-out at some point. Just have the client server be prepared to re-authenticate itself whenever it receives the "authorization expired" error response.
You don't want to try to provide a "never-expiring" session since:
Everything expires at some point. For example, how will the client server be able to start accessing the application again if it loses power or is rebooted?
You're creating an inflexible system. They tend to break more often.
Since you know that you want to add additional types of logins in the future, instead of two types of logins (server clients and browser clients), make just one type of login now. The additional work for the client server will be to implement a "re-login as necessary" capability.
OAuth will end up being too difficult for our needs. I've decided to adopt Amazon S3's authentication scheme, simply because it fits our model better.
Thanks for helping out finding an answer though..