Removing widgets from QGridLayout - c++

I try to remove widgets from a specified row in a QGridLayout like this:
void delete_grid_row(QGridLayout *layout, int row)
if (!layout || row < 0) return;
for (int i = 0; i < layout->columnCount(); ++i) {
QLayoutItem* item = layout->itemAtPosition(row, i);
if (!item) continue;
if (item->widget()) {
} else {
delete item;
But when I call it, the app crashes with SIGSEGV on delete item in the first iteration. Any ideas?

Short answer: Use the code provided below
Removing a row or column (or even a single cell) from a QGridLayout is tricky. Use the code provided below.
Long answer: Digging into QGridLayout details
First, note that QGridLayout::rowCount() and QGridLayout::columnCount() always return the number of internally allocated rows and columns in the grid layout. As an example, if you call QGridLayout::addWidget(widget,5,7) on a freshly constructed grid layout, the row count will be 6 and the column count will be 8, and all cells of the grid layout except the cell on index (5,7) will be empty and thus invisible within the GUI.
Note that it's unfortunately impossible to remove such an internal row or column from the grid layout. In other words, the row and column count of a grid layout can always only grow, but never shrink.
What you can do is to remove the contents of a row or column, which will effectively have the same visual effect as removing the row or column itself. But this of course means that all row and column counts and indices will remain unchanged.
So how can the contents of a row or column (or cell) be cleared? This unfortunately also isn't as easy as it might seem.
First, you need to think about if you only want to remove the widgets from the layout, or if you also want them to become deleted. If you only remove the widgets from the layout, you must put them back into a different layout afterwards or manually give them a reasonable geometry. If the widgets also become deleted, they will disappear from the GUI. The provided code uses a boolean parameter to control widget deletion.
Next, you have to consider that a layout cell can not just only contain a widget, but also a nested layout, which itself can contain nested layouts, and so on. You further need to handle layout items which span over multiple rows and columns. And, finally, there are some row and column attributes like minimum widths and heights which don't depend on the actual contents but still have to be taken care of.
The code
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QWidget>
* Utility class to remove the contents of a QGridLayout row, column or
* cell. If the deleteWidgets parameter is true, then the widgets become
* not only removed from the layout, but also deleted. Note that we won't
* actually remove any row or column itself from the layout, as this isn't
* possible. So the rowCount() and columnCount() will always stay the same,
* but the contents of the row, column or cell will be removed.
class GridLayoutUtil {
// Removes the contents of the given layout row.
static void removeRow(QGridLayout *layout, int row, bool deleteWidgets = true) {
remove(layout, row, -1, deleteWidgets);
layout->setRowMinimumHeight(row, 0);
layout->setRowStretch(row, 0);
// Removes the contents of the given layout column.
static void removeColumn(QGridLayout *layout, int column, bool deleteWidgets = true) {
remove(layout, -1, column, deleteWidgets);
layout->setColumnMinimumWidth(column, 0);
layout->setColumnStretch(column, 0);
// Removes the contents of the given layout cell.
static void removeCell(QGridLayout *layout, int row, int column, bool deleteWidgets = true) {
remove(layout, row, column, deleteWidgets);
// Removes all layout items which span the given row and column.
static void remove(QGridLayout *layout, int row, int column, bool deleteWidgets) {
// We avoid usage of QGridLayout::itemAtPosition() here to improve performance.
for (int i = layout->count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int r, c, rs, cs;
layout->getItemPosition(i, &r, &c, &rs, &cs);
if (
(row == -1 || (r <= row && r + rs > row)) &&
(column == -1 || (c <= column && c + cs > column))) {
// This layout item is subject to deletion.
QLayoutItem *item = layout->takeAt(i);
if (deleteWidgets) {
delete item;
// Deletes all child widgets of the given layout item.
static void deleteChildWidgets(QLayoutItem *item) {
QLayout *layout = item->layout();
if (layout) {
// Process all child items recursively.
int itemCount = layout->count();
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
delete item->widget();

The QGridLayout itself is managing the QLayoutItem's. I believe the moment you call removeWidget the item will be deleted. Thus you have an invalid pointer at that point. Attempting to do anything with it, not just delete, will fail.
Thus, just don't delete it, you'll be fine.


While reloading or repainting QTableWidget it adds blank rows and write data after these blank rows

The function is to read the hard drive partitions from a text file. The function is working fine, but when I want to reload the table after the change in partition layout, it add the blank row of the same quantity as displayed previously and starts writing data rows after words.
void PartitionPage::processPartitions(QString line, int numberOfRows){
static int row = 0;
QStringList partitions = line.split(":");
qDebug() << numberOfRows;
//qDebug() << partitions.count();
if(partitionTable->rowCount() < (row + 1))
partitionTable->setRowCount(row + 1);
// we want to dispay first 7 columns only
//if(partitionTable->columnCount() < partitions.size())
// partitionTable->setColumnCount( partitions[0].size() );
// Set Header Label Texts Here
// set the columncount to 7 as we only want to display first 7 column
partitionTable->setColumnWidth(0, 120);
partitionTable->setColumnWidth(1, 120);
partitionTable->setColumnWidth(2, 120);
partitionTable->setColumnWidth(3, 120);
partitionTable->setColumnWidth(4, 120);
partitionTable->setColumnWidth(5, 120);
partitionTable->setColumnWidth(6, 120);
partitionTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QString("Partition; Start Sector; End Sector; Total Sectors; Partition Size; Partition ID; File System").split(";"));
for( int column = 0; column < partitionTable->columnCount(); column++){
QTableWidgetItem *newItem = new QTableWidgetItem();
partitionTable->setItem(row, column, newItem);
Blank rows
Qt have many bugs in view-model system. Your most funny.
Possible solutions:
1) Try use another Qt version.
2) Try make table with QTableView and own "model" (children of QAbstractTableModel) That will not simple for first time. But can help

How to Add Icon in cells of a column CListCtrl

I have a CListCtrl that shows my data in rows. It has two column. Now i need to add another column that will be actually showing a icon.
// set look and feel
listCtrl.SetExtendedStyle(listCtrl.GetExtendedStyle() | columnStyles);
Adding row items as below :
for (const auto dataValue : dataTable)
int rowIndex = listCtrl.GetItemCount();
for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex < listCtrl.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); ++colIndex)
listCtrl.SetItemText(rowIndex, colIndex,;
I added a new column that will contain the icons for the rows.
I can not getting proper idea how to add icon in the cells of the added column. Consider it's added in first column.
Please suggest.
You don't need a new column, as the image is displayed in the left of the first column (Given your text I assume you are using the LVS_REPORT style).
You need to have a member image list with same count of images as items of your list. So on your list's derived class, add a member:
CImageList m_ImageList;
Then on your list's OnCreate function:
m_ImageList.Create(32, 32, ILC_COLOR24, numberOfEnableParts, 1);
for (int i = 0; i< n; i++)
if(InsertItem(n, sText) != -1)
//set text of columns with SetItemText
// don't know if you use a icon or a bitmap; next line I did it for the second case
m_ImageList->Replace(n, CBitmap::FromHandle(hBmp), (CBitmap*)NULL);
//then, associate the item with its own image of the image list
lvi.iItem= i;
lvi.iSubItem= 0;
lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;
lvi.iImage= i;
SetImageList(m_ImageList, LVSIL_SMALL);

Qt C++ - QListWidget layout doesn't scale to fit the content

I have a QWidget rzadKontener that represents a row in a QListWidget.
QWidget* rzadKontener = new QWidget;
QHBoxLayout* rzadKontenerLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
rzadKontener->setObjectName("rzadKontener_" + poziom);
rzadKontener->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
QListWidgetItem* newItemRzad = new QListWidgetItem;
newItemRzad->setSizeHint(QSize(listSize*225, 200));
QString poziomText = poziom;
ui->listWidgetZdjeciaModelu->setItemWidget(newItemRzad, rzadKontener);
It contains a number of items, that are QWidgets with pictures, buttons and text. It is then placed in a QListWidget as a row full of these items. When I add 5 items at once, while creating a new rzadKontener, scroll bars in the QListWidget will appear. But if I add 3 and then 2 items later on, they'll go out of bounds without a scrollbar. How can I force the layout to scale to the new rzadKontener's size?
I found an answer. Instead of modifying the QWidget inside the list, I should be modifying the QListWidgetItem it's inside of (the parent...).
QWidget* newPicture = new QWidget;
yadda yadda yadda (....)
int currentRowWidth = ui->listWidgetZdjeciaModelu->findChild<QWidget*>(objectName)->width(); //gets max width of rzadKontener, which fills the entirety of the row - it equals the QListWidgetItem's width
int newWidth = currentRowWidth + 225; //225 is a fixed width of newPicture
ui->listWidgetZdjeciaModelu->item(0)->setSizeHint(QSize(newWidth, 200));
ui->listWidgetZdjeciaModelu->findChild<QWidget*>(objectName)->layout()->addWidget(newPicture );
We can do ui->listWidgetZdjeciaModelu->item(0)->setSizeHint(QSize(newWidth, 200)); instead of a specific row (->item(row)), because the list is a rectangle. Doesn't matter which row we enlarge, the entire thing will stretch anyway.
But, if you want to get the row number, you can do it this way:
int row=0;
//we make a list. Each of my QListWidgetItem has a unique string poziom in it, so I can filter by that.
QList<QListWidgetItem *> items = ui->listWidgetZdjeciaModelu->findItems(poziom, Qt::MatchContains);
if (items.size() > 0) {
//we use the first (and only, in my case) item on this list to get row number
row = ui->listWidgetZdjeciaModelu->row(items[0]);
Weird thing is, I already tried this. Must've kept making a typo.

QTableView how to find out if Row is selected?

I have a QTableview that has a QTableModel set to it.
This view can be modified eg. rows/columns shifted and removed etc.
I have a function to export a table model to excel/csv which takes a QTableModel, however the model doesnt reflect the view if its been modified, so i have a function that creates a new table model based on the QTableViews current layout.
However i now want to be able to select a few rows and export only the selected, so in essence i need to just create a model based on selected rows in the view not all of them.
below shows my current loop,
// Loop over the view's data and add it to the map for the model
for(int i = 0; i < rowIndexs.size(); ++i)
// Loop over visible headers only as we are matching the view not the model
for(int j = 0; j < headersIndexs.size(); ++j)
// Column is the logical index of the visual index of the current column, this values is used as which column to look at in the model to get the cell data
int column = this->horizontalHeader()->logicalIndex(;
int row = this->verticalHeader()->logicalIndex(;
/// add to some data container thats not important for this question....
so now to make only rows that are selected get added into my container i want to just check is this row selected eg.
// Add it to the container
// Ignore it and just go to the next one
Does such an isSelected function exist on QTableView Rows? if so what is it ??
QItemSelectionModel *select = tableview->selectionModel();
QItemSelctionModel has following calls to retrieve the list of QModelIndex.
QModelIndexList selectedColumns ( int row = 0 ) const
QModelIndexList selectedIndexes () const
QModelIndexList selectedRows ( int column = 0 ) const
From QModelIndex to col and row
int row = modelindex.row()
int col = modelindex.col()
From (row, col) to QModelIndex
QModelIndex idx = QTableModel->index(row, col)

Add widgets to QFileDialog

I need to add a widget (QTableWidget) into QFileDialog's layout. I know that it is QGridLayout with sizes (3,4). The table must be in 3-rd row and span all columns.
QTableWidget* tableWidget = new QTableWidget(this);
QGridLayout *layout = static_cast<QGridLayout*>(QFileDialog::layout());
layout->addWidget(tableWidget, 2, 0, 1, 4);
With this code the original 3-rd row which contains lineEdit and save/open pushButton disappears. How can I add widgets between already existing widgets of QGridLayout so that original widgets remain in the layout.
I strongly recommend you not to rely on QFileDialog's implementation. The layout can be different on different platforms or different versions of Qt. It may be more correct to place your table under the dialog or to the right of it. This can be done easily without altering the layout of the QFileDialog itself. Just create a QVBoxLayout and put QFileDialog and QTableWidget inside it.
However, the question has been asked, and the solution exists. QGridLayout has no functionality such as QBoxLayout::insertItem. So we need to implement this behavior manually. The plan is:
Obtain the list of layout items placed in 3rd and 4th rows.
Calculate new positions of items.
Take elements out of item and add them back at new positions.
Working code:
QFileDialog* f = new QFileDialog();
f->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true); //we need qt layout
QGridLayout *layout = static_cast<QGridLayout*>(f->layout());
QList< QPair<QLayoutItem*, QList<int> > > moved_items;
for(int i = 0; i < layout->count(); i++) {
int row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan;
layout->getItemPosition(i, &row, &column, &rowSpan, &columnSpan);
if (row >= 2) {
QList<int> list;
list << (row + 1) << column << rowSpan << columnSpan;
moved_items << qMakePair(layout->takeAt(i), list);
i--; // takeAt has shifted the rest items
for(int i = 0; i < moved_items.count(); i++) {
QTableWidget* tableWidget = new QTableWidget();
layout->addWidget(tableWidget, 2, 0, 1, 4);