I want to repeatedly apply some function to some state until a condition holds true.
Function f takes a state, modifies it and returns it. Apply f again to the returned state and so on.
I think this would work.
(first (filter pred (iterate f x)))
But it's a bit ugly. Plus memory consumption is not ideal since iterator would be forced to evaluate and keep intermediate states until the state on which pred holds true is returned, at which point intermediate states should be garbage collected.
I know you can write a simple recursive function:
(loop [f x p] (if (p x) x (recur f (f x) p))
But I'm looking for a core library function (or some combination of functions) that does the same thing with the same memory efficiency.
What you really want is take-while:
Usage: (take-while pred coll)
Returns a lazy sequence of successive items from coll while
(pred item) returns true. pred must be free of side-effects.
A way to use higher order functions to achieve the result you want might be to wrap your function into something to be consumed by trampoline, namely a function that will either return the final result or another function which will execute the next step. Here's the code:
(defn iterable [f] ; wraps your function
(fn step [pred x] ; returns a new function which will accept the predicate
(let [y (f x)] ; calculate the current step result
(if (pred y) ; recursion stop condition
(fn [] (step pred y)) ; then: return a new fn for trampoline, operates on y
y)))) ; else: return a value to exit the trampoline
The iterative execution would go as follows:
(trampoline (iterable dec) pos? 10)
Not sure what you mean by iterator - you're using it as if it were iterate, and I just want to be sure that's what you mean. At any rate, your solution looks fine to me and not at all ugly. And memory is not an issue either: iterate is free to throw away intermediate results whenever it's convenient because you aren't keeping any references to them, just calling filter on it in a "streaming" way.
I think you should just make your loop a simple recursive function:
(defn do-until [f x p]
(if (p x) x (recur f (f x) p)))
(do-until inc 0 #(> % 10)) ; => 11
How about drop-while
(first (drop-while (comp not pred) (iterate f x))
I don't think there is a core function that does this exactly and efficiently. Hence I would do this with loop/recur as follows:
(loop [x initial-value]
(if (pred x) x (recur (f x))))
Loop/recur is very efficient since it requires no additional storage and is implemented as a simple loop in the JVM.
If you're going to do this a lot, then you can always encapsulate the pattern in a macro.
Sounds like you want the while macro.
Usage: (while test & body)
Repeatedly executes body while test expression is true. Presumes
some side-effect will cause test to become false/nil. Returns nil
In a slightly different use case the for macro supports :when and :while options too.
Usage: (for seq-exprs body-expr)
List comprehension. Takes a vector of one or more
binding-form/collection-expr pairs, each followed by zero or more
modifiers, and yields a lazy sequence of evaluations of expr.
Collections are iterated in a nested fashion, rightmost fastest,
and nested coll-exprs can refer to bindings created in prior
binding-forms. Supported modifiers are: :let [binding-form expr ...],
:while test, :when test.
(take 100 (for [x (range 100000000) y (range 1000000) :while (< y x)] [x y]))
I need help to understand my code theoretically. Here is my lisp program:
(defun depth (lst)
(if (or (null lst) (atom lst)) 0
(+ 1 (apply 'max (mapcar #'depth lst)))
I know it works with this example:
(write (depth '((a (b c) d r ((t))))) -> 3
I just can't understand the else statement of the IF statement that I tried.
If you can help me, it will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Here is your code, slightly reformatted:
(defun depth (value)
(if (or (null value) (atom value))
(+ 1 (apply 'max (mapcar #'depth value)))))
I renamed lst (you could have written it list, by the way) to value, because the name is confusing as it suggest that the variable is always a list, which is not true. The function depth can be called on any value:
(depth "hello")
=> 0
(depth 100)
=> 0
The then branch of the if is evaluated when value is NIL or any atom. Since NIL is also an atom, the test expression could be simplified as (atom value). When value is an atom, the depth is zero.
The else branch of the if is evaluated when value is not an atom, which by definition of atom means value here is a cons. The function also assumes that it is a proper list, and not some circular list.
Since value is a list in that branch, we can call mapcar on it: (mapcar #'depth value); this is where the function assumes the list is proper.
This computes (depth v) for each v in value. More precisely if value is a list of length n, then that call to mapcar evaluates as a list of numbers (D1 ... Dn) where Di is (depth Vi) for all i between 1 and n.
So we know that (apply 'max (mapcar ...)) is (apply 'max depths) for some list depths of numbers. In general:
(apply fn v1 ... vn list)
... is a way to call the function object denoted by the fn expression with at least n elements (v1 to vn), as well as an arbitrary number of additional elements stored in list. When you quote the function, as 'max, or when you write #'max, you refer to a function by its name in the function namespace.
Contrast this to the usual way of calling a function:
(f x y z)
The function name and the number of arguments being passed is fixed: as soon the form is read we knows there is a call to f with 3 arguments.
The apply function is a built-in that allows you to pass additional arguments in a list, in the last call argument. The above call could be written:
(apply #'f x y z ()) ;; note the empty list as a last argument
This could also be written:
(apply #'f (list x y z)) ;; all arguments in the last list
The only difference is probably a matter of runtime efficiency (and with good compilers, maybe there is no difference).
In your example, you do:
(apply max depths)
Which would be the same as writing (pseudo-code):
(max d1 d2 d3 ... dn)
... where depths is the list (list d1 d2 ... dn).
But we can't literally write them all directly, since the content of the list is only known at runtime.
Thus, the call to apply computes the max depths among all the depths computed recursively. Note that the above is a somewhat improper use of apply, since apply should not be called with lists of arbitrary size: there is a limit in the standard named CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT that is allowed to be as low as 50 in theory, the maximum size of such a list (we will see an alternative below).
Finally, depth evaluates (+ 1 ...) on this result. In other words, the whole expression can be summarized as: the depth of a list is 1 added to the maximum depth of all its elements.
Using reduce
Instead of apply, you can use REDUCE to compute max successively on a list. This is preferable to apply because:
there is no limitation for the number of elements, like apply
(reduce 'max depths) ;; works the same, but more reliably
there is no need need to build an intermediate list of depths, you iterate over the list of values, call depth and directly use the result to compute the max. The skeleton is:
(reduce (lambda (max-so-far item) ...)
:initial-value 0)
Declarative approach
Instead of reduce, the loop macro can be used as a more readable alternative to express the same computation. I also use typecase which in my opinion makes the intent clearer:
(defun depth (value)
(typecase value
(atom 0)
(cons (1+ (loop for v in value maximize (depth v))))))
recur should be called in the tail position and I assume that it effectively acts as non-recursive quasi-loop.
Is expr-1 or 2 regarded in the rightful tail position but none of expr-3 till 8 in the following mimic block structures? Otherwise, how to reason and identify it before resort to trail and error?
(defn foo [x]
(if cond-expr-1
(recur expr-1)
(recur expr-2)))
(defn bar [x]
(if cond-expr-2
(fn-1 (recur expr-3))
(fn-2 (recur expr-4))))
(defn baz [x]
(if cond-expr-3
(if cond-expr-4
(recur expr-5)
(recur expr-6))
(if cond-expr-5
(recur expr-7)
(recur expr-8))))
An expression is in tail position if there is nothing else to be evaluated in the current function following that expression. In your case, all the recur invocations in foo and baz are in tail position and thus both functions will compile fine.
In bar, however, neither of the recur invocations will be allowed because neither of expr-3 or expr-4 are in tail position. There are function calls which uses the result of each recur invocation as an argument - that is, the function call logically follows the recur invocation, and thus recur is not in tail position.
This is not to say that you can't write bar to make a recursive invocation of itself, but you have to code it explicitly, as in:
(defn bar [x]
(if cond-expr-2
(fn-1 (bar expr-3))
(fn-2 (bar expr-4))))
This is absolutely allowed, BUT these recursive invocations of bar will consume stack space which means that if the function calls itself recursively enough times you'll run out of stack space. recur (and tail recursion in general) is valuable because it doesn't involve making a function call in the traditional sense - instead, (speaking logically here) the function argument on the stack is replaced with the new argument and the code jumps back to the beginning of the function, so no stack space is used. Of course, this means that the original argument in the first call to the function is lost.
Other versions of Lisp do not use the recur keyword. When these versions of Lisp find that a function is calling itself recursively they make the same "tail position" determination which Clojure makes and if they find that the call is in tail position they perform the same "replace-the-argument-and-jump" logic Clojure does, while if they find that the call is not in tail position they emit code to perform a "real" recursive call, rather than failing the compilation. Clojure's advantage is that it makes it very obvious to the developer if a call will be compiled as a tail-recursive call (branch) or not.
In the case of expr-3 and expr-4, it is the argument of a function, and that is why it is not in tail position.
Calling recur is basically like a goto or return statement, both of which cannot be used inside a function argument list.
Since the if expression is not a function (it is a "special form"), there is no problem as with a function arg list.
Here is a comparison between loop/recur and a more imperative approach using while:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(defn fib-recur
(assert (and (int? arg) (pos? arg)))
; initialize state vars
(loop [N arg
result 1]
(if (zero? N)
; compute next state vars
(let [N-next (dec N)
result-next (* result N)]
(recur N-next result-next))))) ; jump to top of loop with next state vars
(defn fib-while
(assert (and (int? arg) (pos? arg)))
; initialize state vars
(let [state (atom {:N arg
:result 1})]
(while (pos? (:N #state)) ; must use newest state value for N in test
; compute next state vars
(let [N (:N #state)
result (:result #state)
state-next {:N (dec N)
:result (* result N)}]
(reset! state state-next))) ; save new state & jump to top of loop
(:result #state)))
(is= 120 (fib-recur 5))
(is= 120 (fib-while 5)))
In clojure, I would like to apply a function to all the elements of a sequence and return a map with the results where the keys are the elements of the sequence and the values are the elements of the mapped sequence.
I have written the following function function. But I am wondering why such a function is not part of clojure. Maybe it's not idiomatic?
(defn map-to-object[f lst]
(zipmap lst (map f lst)))
(map-to-object #(+ 2 %) [1 2 3]) => {1 3, 2 4, 3 5}
Your function is perfectly idiomatic.
For a fn to be part of core, I think it has to be useful to most people. What is part of the core language and what is not is quite debatable. Just think about the amount of StringUtils classes that you can find in Java.
My comments were going to get too long winded, so...
Nothing wrong with your code whatsoever.
You might also see (into {} (map (juxt identity f) coll))
One common reason for doing this is to cache the results of a function over some inputs.
There are other use-cases for what you have done, e.g. when a hash-map is specifically needed.
If and only if #3 happens to be your use case, then memoize does this for you.
If the function is f, and the resultant map is m then (f x) and (m x) have the same value in the domain. However, the values of (m x) have been precalculated, in other words, memoized.
Indeed memoize does exactly the same thing behind the scene, it just doesn't give direct access to the map. Here's a tiny modification to the source of memoize to see this.
(defn my-memoize
"Exactly the same as memoize but the cache memory atom must
be supplied as an argument."
[f mem]
(fn [& args]
(if-let [e (find #mem args)]
(val e)
(let [ret (apply f args)]
(swap! mem assoc args ret)
Now, to demonstrate
(defn my-map-to-coll [f coll]
(let [m (atom {})
g (my-memoize f m)]
(doseq [x coll] (g x))
And, as in your example
(my-map-to-coll #(+ 2 %) [1 2 3])
;=> {(3) 5, (2) 4, (1) 3}
But note that the argument(s) are enclosed in a sequence as memoize handles multiple arity functions as well.
What is the "simplest"/shortest way to ensure a var is a vector? Self-written it could look like
(defn ensure-vector [x]
(if (vector? x)
(vector x))
(ensure-vector {:foo "bar"})
;=> [{:foo "bar"}]
But I wonder if there is already a core function that does this? Many of them (seq, vec, vector, list) either fail on maps or always apply.
I also wonder what would be the best name for this function. box, singleton, unit, v, cast-vector, to-vector, ->vector, !vector, vector!, vec!?
I further wonder if other languages, like Haskell, have this function built-in.
I think the function you want to use when the value is a collection is vec which turns any collection into a vector. The vector function receives the items of the resulting vector as its arguments, so you could use it when the value is neither a vector or a collection.
This is a possible approach:
(defn as-vector [x]
(vector? x) x
(sequential? x) (vec x)
:else (vector x)))
(map as-vector [[1] #{2 3} 1 {:a 1}])
I chose the name for the function based on the ones from the Coercions protocol in clojure.java.io (as-file and as-url).
Clojure is awesome, we all know this, but that's not the point. I'm wondering what the idiomatic way of creating and managing higher-order functions in a Haskell-like way is. In Clojure I can do the following:
(defn sum [a b] (+ a b))
But (sum 1) doesn't return a function: it causes an error. Of course, you can do something like this:
(defn sum
([a] (partial + a))
([a b] (+ a b)))
In this case:
user=> (sum 1)
#<core$partial$fn__3678 clojure.core$partial$fn__3678#1acaf0ed>
user=> ((sum 1) 2)
But it doesn't seem like the right way to proceed. Any ideas?
I'm not talking about implementing the sum function, I'm talking at a higher level of abstraction. Are there any idiomatic patterns to follow? Some macro? Is the best way defining a macro or are there alternative solutions?
Someone has already implememented this on the Clojure group. You can specify how many args a function has, and it will curry itself for you until it gets that many.
The reason this doesn't happen by default in Clojure is that we prefer variadic functions to auto-curried functions, I suppose.
I've played a bit with the functions suggested by amalloy. I don't like the explicit specification of the number of argument to curry on. So I've created my custom macro. This is the old way to specific an high order function:
(defn-decorated old-sum
[(curry* 3)]
[a b c]
(+ a b c))
This is my new macro:
(defmacro defn-ho
[fn-name & defn-stuff]
(let [number-of-args (count (first defn-stuff))]
`(defn-decorated ~fn-name [(curry* ~number-of-args)] ~#defn-stuff)))
And this is the new implicit way:
(defn-ho new-sum [a b c] (+ a b c))
As you can see there is no trace of (curry) and other stuff, just define your currified function as before.
Guys, what do you think? Ideas? Suggestions?
Edit: I've modified the macro according the amalloy issue about docstring. This is the updated version:
(defmacro defhigh
"Like the original defn-decorated, but the number of argument to curry on
is implicit."
[fn-name & defn-stuff]
(let [[fst snd] (take 2 defn-stuff)
num-of-args (if (string? fst) (count snd) (count fst))]
`(defn-decorated ~fn-name [(curry* ~num-of-args)] ~#defn-stuff)))
I don't like the if statement inside the second binding. Any ideas about making it more succint?
This will allow you to do what you want:
(defn curry
([f len] (curry f len []))
([f len applied]
(fn [& more]
(let [args (concat applied (if (= 0 (count more)) [nil] more))]
(if (< (count args) len)
(curry f len args)
(apply f args))))))
Here's how to use it:
(def add (curry + 2)) ; read: curry plus to 2 positions
((add 10) 1) ; => 11
The conditional with the [nil] is meant to ensure that every application ensures some forward progress to the curried state. There's a long explanation behind it but I have found it useful. If you don't like this bit, you could set args as:
[args (concat applied more)]
Unlike JavaScript we have no way of knowing the arity of the passed function and so you must specify the length you expect. This makes a lot of sense in Clojure[Script] where a function may have multiple arities.