template class restriction - c++

I'm wondering if there is any way to restrict generating code for a template using custom conditions in my case i want to function foo to be called only if template class T has inherieted by class bar(something like this)
template <class T:public bar> void foo()
// do something

You can restrict T though using "Substitution Failure Is Not An Error" (SFINAE):
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<bar, T>::value>::type foo()
If T is not derived from bar, specialization of the function template will fail and it will not be considered during overload resolution. std::enable_if and std::is_base_of are new components of the C++ Standard Library added in the forthcoming revision, C++0x. If your compiler/Standard Library implementation don't yet support them, you can also find them in C++ TR1 or Boost.TypeTraits.

Yes, following technique can be used (for public inheritance). It will cause an overhead of just one pointer initialization.
Edit: Re-writing
template<typename Parent, typename Child>
struct IsParentChild
static Parent* Check (Child *p) { return p; }
Parent* (*t_)(Child*);
IsParentChild() : t_(&Check) {} // function instantiation only
template<typename T>
void foo ()
IsParentChild<Bar, T> check;
// ...


Enforce class template specializations to provide one or more methods

I'm using a "traits" pattern where I have a base case expressed as a class template
template <class>
struct DoCache {
constexpr static bool value = false;
and I expect users to specialize for their types:
template <>
struct DoCache<MyType> {
constexpr static bool value = true;
static void write2Cache(MyType const&) { /* implementation */ }
static optional<MyType> readFromCache(string name) { /* implementation */ }
The typical use is to retrieve and use this as:
// Define a variable template
template <class T>
constexpr bool do_cache_v = DoCache<T>::value;
// Use the above trait in compile time branching:
if constexpr (do_cache_v<T>)
There's two problems I have with this code:
A user is only indirectly enforced to provide a "value" member when specializing, let alone making it the proper value (i.e. true). By indirectly I mean they'll get a bunch of compilation errors that one can only solve if they know the answer beforehand.
There's no way of "requiring" them to create the two needed methods, namely write2Cache and readFromCache, let alone having (const) correct types.
In some code-bases I've seen the considerations above being tackled by defining a generator macro like:
#define CACHABLE(Type, Writer, Reader) ...
Is there a better way to it?
Can concepts be used to restrict the way a specialization looks?
Is there a C++17 compatible way?
an answer to any of the above is appreciated
C++17: Curiously recurring template pattern
It seems like a suitable use case for CRTP:
template<typename T>
struct DoCache {
void write2Cache() {
// ...
template<typename T>
void write2Cache(DoCache<T>& t) {
struct MyType : DoCache<MyType>
void write2Cache() { /* ... */ }
int main() {
MyType mt{};
Instead of requiring clients to specialize a library type over their own types, you require them to implementes their own types in-terms-of (static polymorphism) the contract/facade of the library type.
C++20: Concepts
With concepts you can skip polymorphism entirely:
template<typename T>
concept DoCachable = requires(T t) {
template<DoCachable T>
void write2Cache(T& t) {
struct MyType {
void write2Cache() { /* ... */ }
struct MyBadType {};
int main() {
MyType mt{};
MyBadType mbt{};
write2Cache(mbt); // error: ...
// because 'MyBadType' does not satisfy 'DoCachable'
// because 't.write2Cache()' would be invalid: no member named 'write2Cache' in 'MyBadType'
However again placing requirements on the definition site of client type (as opposed to specialization which can be done after the fact).
Trait-based conditional dispatch to write2Cache()?
But how is the trait do_cache_v exposed this way?
C++17 approach
Since the CRTP-based approach offers an "is-a"-relationsship via inheritance, you could simply implement a trait for "is-a DoCache<T>":
#include <type_traits>
struct is_do_cacheable : std::false_type {};
template<typename T>
struct is_do_cacheable<DoCache<T>> : std::true_type {};
template<typename T>
constexpr bool is_do_cacheable_v{is_do_cacheable<T>::value};
// ... elsewhere
if constexpr(is_do_cacheable_v<T>) {
C++20 approach
With concepts, the concept itself can be used as a trait:
if constexpr(DoCachable<T>) {
You can use a concept to sanity check specializations. Here you only need to provide the correct, by name & type, methods hence the ::value member in DoCache can be deprecated:
template <class T>
concept Cacheable = requires (T const& obj) {
{ DoCache<T>::write2Cache(obj) }
-> std::same_as<void>;
{ DoCache<T>::readFromCache(std::string{}) }
-> std::same_as<std::optional<T>>;
Usage is similar to the trait:
if constexpr (Cacheable<MyStruct>)
and enforces proper specialization of DoCache.
The method shown above implies that a user is allowed to specialize DoCache in an improper way, resulting in a "non cacheable" type. To prevent this from happening you can:
Use defensive programming by placing a static_assert(Cacheable<MyStruct>) after the specialization.
Leverage a constexpr static value member again and enforce an all or nothing policy in specializations, i.e. either a specialization is not provided for the type, or the provided specialization contains all members as specified in the concept. This implies you'll use a trait whose template parameter is the concept.

Checking member function overload existence from a template

Is it possible to check whether a class has a certain member function overload from within a template member function?
The best similar problem I was able to find is this one: Is it possible to write a template to check for a function's existence? As I understand it, this doesn't apply in to the case of checking for overloads of functions.
Here a simplified example of how this would be applied:
struct A;
struct B;
class C
template<typename T>
void doSomething(std::string asdf)
T data_structure;
/** some code */
if(OVERLOAD_EXISTS(manipulateStruct, T))
/** some more code */
void manipulateStruct(B& b) {/** some different code */};
My question would be if some standard way exists to make the following usage of the code work:
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
C object;
The only methods I could think of would be to simply create an emtpy overload of manipulateStruct for struct A. Otherwise the manipulation method could of course also be put into the structs to be manipulated, which would make SFINAE an option. Let's assume both of these to not be a possiblity here.
Is there any way to get code similar to the above one to work? Does something similar to OVERLOAD_EXISTS exist, to let the compiler know when to add the manipulateStruct part to the generated code? Or is there maybe some way clever way to make SFINAE work for this case?
Testing overload existence (C++11)
Since C++11, you can use a mix of std::declval and decltype to test for the existence of a specific overload:
// If overload exists, gets its return type.
// Else compiler error
This can be used in a SFINAE construct:
class C {
// implementation skipped
// Declared inside class C to access its private member.
// Enable is just a fake argument to do SFINAE in specializations.
template<typename T, typename Enable=void>
struct can_manipulate;
template<typename T, typename Enable>
struct C::can_manipulate : std::false_type {};
// Implemented outside class C, because a complete definition of C is needed for the declval.
template<typename T>
struct C::can_manipulate<T,std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<C&>().manipulateStruct(std::declval<T&>()))>> : std::true_type {};
Here I am ignoring the return type of the overload using std::void_t (C++17, but C++11 alternatives should be possible). If you want to check the return type, you can pass it to std::is_same or std::is_assignable.
doSomething implementation
This can be done with constexpr if:
template<typename T>
void doSomething(std::string asdf) {
T data_structure;
if constexpr (can_manipulate<T>::value) {
The if constexpr will make the compiler discards the statement-true if the condition evaluates to false. Without the constexpr, the compilation will require the function call inside the if to be valid in all cases.
Live demo (C++17 full code)
You can emulate the if constexpr behaviour with SFINAE:
class C {
// previous implementation
template<typename T, typename Enable=void>
struct manipulator;
template<typename T, typename Enable>
struct C::manipulator {
static void call(C&, T&) {
// can_manipulate can be inlined and removed from the code
template<typename T>
struct C::manipulator<T, typename std::enable_if<C::can_manipulate<T>::value>::type> {
static void call(C& object, T& local) {
Function body:
template<typename T>
T doSomething()
T data_structure;
// replace if-constexpr:
manipulator<T>::call(*this, data_structure);
Live demo (C++11 full code)

Template Specialisation with Template Argument

Let's suppose to have a templateclass Foo:
template <typename T>
class Foo {
void foo();
I have another template class Bar (independent from the first one):
template <int N>
class Bar {};
Let's say, I want to specialise the foo() method for whatever Bar class.
I'd wrongly write:
template <>
template <int N>
void Foo<Bar<N> >::foo() { /* ... */ }
The compiler blames me for because the type is not complete:
error: invalid use of incomplete type 'class Foo<Bar<N> >'
void Foo<Bar<N> >::foo() { }
I am using C++98, but I'd like to know if there exist different solutions in C++11.
I could solve the problem specialising the entire class Foo for a generic Bar, but after I should have to define all methods.
Example Code
That's not what I want, I am looking for (if exists) more elegant solution (both C++98 and C++11) which allows me to specialise and implement only a single class method.
The question on SO does not explain how to specialise with a template argument. Indeed, my question shows how the compiler complains about that.
For C++11 you can SFINAE enable/disable (using std::enable_if) two differents versions of foo() inside a not specialized Foo class.
In C++98 you don't have std::enable_if but you can simulate it (give me some minutes and I try to propose an example). Sorry: my idea doesn't works because this method require the use of default template arguments for methods that is a C++11 innovation.
Another way is define a template base class for Foo(), say FooBase, insert foo() (and only foo()) in FooBase and specialize FooBase.
Another way, that works also with C++98, can be tag dispatching: you can define an unique foo(), with zero parameter, that call another foo(), with a parameter that is determined by T.
The following is a full (C++98 compilable) example
#include <iostream>
struct barWay {};
struct noBarWay {};
template <int>
struct Bar
{ };
template <typename>
struct selectType
{ typedef noBarWay type; };
template <int N>
struct selectType< Bar<N> >
{ typedef barWay type; };
template <typename T>
struct Foo
void foo (noBarWay const &)
{ std::cout << "not Bar version" << std::endl; }
void foo (barWay const &)
{ std::cout << "Bar version" << std::endl; }
void foo ()
{ foo(typename selectType<T>::type()); }
int main ()
Foo<int> fi;
Foo< Bar<42> > fb;
if a common base is not desirable, yet another way could be giving foo() a customization point, like a trait for example:
template <typename T>
struct foo_traits;
template <typename T>
struct Foo {
void foo(){ foo_traits<T>::foo_cp(*this); }
template <typename T>
struct foo_traits{ static void foo_cp(T&){/*default*/} };
template <int N>
class Bar {};
template <int N>
struct foo_traits<Bar<N>>{ static void foo_cp(Foo<Bar<N>>&){/*spec*/} };
such trait could also be an implementation detail friend, if its only purpose is to internally provide a foo() specialization for Bar's.
If you cannot specialize foo, define it so that it delegates the call to an internal foo-implementation class. Then specialize that class.
Something like this should compile in C++98 and it doesn't differ much from your original code:
template <typename T>
class Foo {
struct FooImpl;
void foo() { FooImpl<T>()(); }
template <int N>
class Bar {};
template <typename T>
template <int N>
struct Foo<T>::FooImpl< Bar<N> > {
void operator()() { /* ... */ }
int main() {
Foo< Bar<0> > fb;
Foo<int> fi;
The last line doesn't compile as expected (at least I got it was the expected result, just define the function call operator for FooImpl otherwise).
This way you can define selectively the specializations for which you want foo to work. In all the other cases, an attempt at using foo will result in a compilation error.
I'd like to know if there exist different solutions in C++11.
This is a classic use case for tagged dispatch, of which max66 already suggested. The approach, and even syntax, are basically the same in C++98 and C++11.
Here's a bit of a cleaner implementation than max66's, I believe (running on godbolt):
template <class T>
class Foo {
template <class>
struct tag{};
template<class U>
void foo_helper(tag<U>){std::cout << "default\n";}
void foo_helper(tag<Bar<3> >){std::cout << "specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
void foo(){return foo_helper(tag<T>());}
The principle is the same; a client function accepting no arguments calls a helper function that constructs an empty type based on the T argument. Then normal overloading takes care of the rest.
Only here I use a templated catch-all method.
In C++11 the syntax would only change slightly; We could say tag<Bar<3>> instead of tag<Bar<3> > because new parsing rules allow the chevron for nested templates.
We could also make the tag and the templated foo_helper catch-all into variadic templates to be a little more generic:
template <class T>
class Foo {
template <class...>
struct tag{};
template<class... U>
void foo_helper(tag<U...>){std::cout << "default\n";}
void foo_helper(tag<Bar<3>>){std::cout << "specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
void foo(){return foo_helper(tag<T>{});}
Things actually start getting pretty interesting in C++17 with the introduction of constexpr if that allows us to write what looks like normal branching logic based on T (Live Demo):
template <class T>
class Foo {
void foo(){
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Bar<3>>){std::cout << "Specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
else std::cout << "default\n";
As you can see, all the tag stuff goes away in favor of using a simple if statement.
We take advantage of type_traits introduced in C++11 to check the type of T against our desired type. Something like this wouldn't necessarily work previously because all branches needed to be compiled. In C++17, only the branch that is selected (at compile-time) is compiled.
Note that you could emulate this behavior as early as C++98 by using typeid (godbolt demo):
void foo(){
if (typeid(T) == typeid(Bar<3>)){std::cout << "Specialization for Bar<3>\n";}
else std::cout << "default\n";
However, the typeid approach is a poor choice for 2 reasons:
It's a run time check (slow) for information we know at compile-time
It's brittle because all branches must compile for all template instantiations, whereas in C++17 if constexpr only compiles the branch that is selected.

Preventing accidental hiding (of a method provided by CRTP mixin)

I have a bunch of useful functions on the object of type T. Here T needs to provide some interface for the functions to work with it. There are several common implementations of the interface. So I made them working as mixins using CRTP.
template<class T>
struct InterfaceImpl {
using ImplType = InterfaceImpl<T>;
int foo();
struct MyData : public InterfaceImpl<MyData> {
template<class T>
void aUsefulFunction(T& t) {
//Working with `t`.
//This cast is to workaround an accidental hiding of `foo` by MyData.
I want the implementation InterfaceImpl (and other implementations also) are provided as it is in some reason. Hiding some of their methods could be very dangerous. Are their any way to enforce no overriding by child classes? I read link on a similar question, but the discussion does not give a satisfactory solution. If there is no reasonable way, I expect that the casting in the above code could give some safety. Or are there any other solution to solve the problem?
You can create a traits to see if T has foo and using static_assert on that:
typename <typename T, typename ...Ts>
using foo_type = decltype(std::declval<T>().foo(std::declval<Ts>()...));
template <typename T>
using has_foo = is_detected<foo_type, T>;
template<class T>
struct InterfaceImpl {
static_assert(!has_foo<T>::value, "T should not have foo method");
using ImplType = InterfaceImpl<T>;
int foo();
MyData can still hide foo with MyData::foo(int) or similar, but you will have compilation error instead if calling the wrong method.

C++ interface without virtual functions

I was wondering how we can declare an interface in C++ without using virtual functions. After some internet searching I put together this solution:
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
// Definition of a type trait to check if a class defines a member function "bool foo(bool)"
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct has_foo : false_type { };
template<typename T>
struct has_foo<T, typename enable_if<is_same<bool, decltype(std::declval<T>().foo(bool()))>::value, void>::type> : true_type { };
// Definition of a type trait to check if a class defines a member function "void bar()"
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct has_bar : false_type { };
template<typename T>
struct has_bar<T, typename enable_if<is_same<void, decltype(std::declval<T>().bar())>::value, void>::type> : true_type { };
// Class defining the interface
template <typename T>
class Interface{
static_assert(has_foo<T>::value == true, "member function foo not implemented");
static_assert(has_bar<T>::value == true, "member function bar not implemented");
// Interface implementation
class Implementation:Interface<Implementation>{
// If the following member functions are not declared a compilation error is returned by the compiler
bool foo(bool in){return !in;}
void bar(){}
int main(){}
I'm planning to use this design strategy in a project where I will use static polymorphism only.
The C++ standard I will use in the project is C++11.
What do you think are the pros and cons of this approach?
What improvements can be made on the code I proposed?
I just realised that inheriting from Interface is not needed. This code could also be used:
class Implementation{
Interface<Implementation> unused;
bool foo(bool in){return !in;}
void bar(){}
EDIT 2-3:
One major difference between the static_assert solution (with or without CRTP) and the standard CRTP is that the CRTP does not guarantee that the derived class implements all the interface members. E.g., the following code compiles correctly:
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
template< typename T>
class Interface{
bool foo(bool in){
return static_cast<T*>(this)->foo(in);
void bar(){
class Implementation: public Interface<Implementation>{
// bool foo(bool in){return !in;}
// void bar(){}
int main(){}
An error about a missing member function will be returned by the compiler only when the functions foo or bar will be required.
The way I see it, the static_assert solution feels more like an interface declaration than CRTP alone.
An common way to implement static polymorphism is to use CRTP.
With this pattern, you define an templated interface class, whose methods forward to the template:
// Interface
template <typename T>
struct base {
void foo(int arg) {
You implementation the inherits from the base class and implements the methods:
// Implementation
struct derived : base<derived> {
void do_foo(int arg) {
std::cout << arg << '\n'
This pattern has the advantage that it looks "feels" a lot like regular runtime polymorphism, and the error messages are generally quite sane. Because all the code is visible to the compiler, everything can be inlined so there's no overhead.
It appears that you want to implement concepts (lite). You may want to read the article before attempting an implementation.
Absent compiler support, you can partially implement this idea. Your static_assert idea is a known way to express interface requirements.
Consider the Sortable example from the link. You can create a class template Sortable, use static_assert to assert all kind of thinks about the template parameter. You explain to your users that they need to implement a certain cet of methods, and to enforce that set is implemented, they need to make use of Sortable<TheirClass> one way or another.
In order to express, right in a function declaration. the idea that your function requires a Sortable, you will have to resort to something like this:
template <typename Container>
auto doSomethingWithSortable (Container&) -> std::enable_if<Implements<Container, Sortable>>::type;