ViM: how to put string from input dialog in a list - list

VIM: Does anyone know how to put a string from an input dialog in a list?
the string "3,5,12,15"
list item[1] = 3
list item[2] = 5
list item[3] = 12
and how can I know how many list items there are?

From :h E714
:let l = len(list) " number of items in list
:let list = split("a b c") " create list from items in a string
In your case,
let string = "3,5,7,19"
let list = split(string, ",")
echo len(list)

Use split, len and empty functions:
let list=split(string, ',')
let list_length=len(list)
" If all you want is to check whether list is empty:
if empty(list)
throw "You must provide at least one value"
Note that if you want to get a list of numbers out of the string, you will have to use map to transform list elements into numbers:
let list=map(split(string, ','), '+v:val')
Most of time you can expect strings be transformed into numbers, but sometimes such transformation is not done.


How to call characters from first list with second list

I want to input two comma separated strings: the first a set of strings, the second a set of ranges and return substrings based on ranges, for example:
x=input("Input string to search: ")
y=input("Input numbers to locate: ")
I would then like to use the second list of ranges to print out specified characters from the first list.
An example:
Input string to search: abcdefffg,aabcdefghi,bbcccdefghi
Input numbers to locate: 1:2,2:3,5:9
I would like the output to look like this:
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
split(':') splits a "range" into its two components. map(int, ...) converts them to integers. string[a:b] takes characters at indices a through b.
zip is an easy way to read from two different lists combined.
Let me know if you have any other questions:
x = "abcdefffg,aabcdefghi,bbcccdefghi"
search = x.split(',')
y = "1:2,2:3,5:9"
numbers = y.split(',')
results = []
for string, rng in zip(search, numbers):
start, how_many = map(int, rng.split(':'))
print(" ".join(results))
# Output:
# bc bcd defghi

Finding a substring within a string using an array?

Trying to get my head around programming, I cannot work out why this doesn't work? Am I using "not" and "in" incorrectly?
I am trying to get the program to only print the characters that appear in both the strings. It correctly identifies them, but I can't get it to only print one set of the characters if there is more than one occurrence.
a = input("string1 :")
b = input("string2: ")
list1 = []
for i in a:
for j in b:
if i == j and i not in list1:
For example if you print the strings "alexander" and "alex" it will print the characters a, l, e, x, a, e
I know this current method only works if string1 is inputted as the main string, but I am just interested as to why this doesn't work.
The problem is that instead of adding the common letter to the list1, you are adding a new list containing only the common letter to list1. At the end you have a list of lists. At the same time you are checking if a single letter is in the list of lists, which will be always false.
You should just add the common letter "i" to the list using append:
a = input("string1 :")
b = input("string2: ")
list1 = []
for i in a:
for j in b:
if i == j and i not in list1:
You could also just convert string a and b to sets and intersect them:
print set(a) & set(b)

Why is max number ignoring two-digit numbers?

At the moment I am saving a set of variables to a text file. I am doing following to check if my code works, but whenever I use a two-digit numbers such as 10 it would not print this number as the max number.
If my text file looked like this.
It would output 5 as the max number.
name = input('name')
score = 4
if name == 'tom':
fo= open('tom.txt','a')
fo.write('Tom: ')
fo.write(str(score ))
if name == 'wood':
fo= open('wood.txt','a')
fo.write('Wood: ')
fo.write(str(score ))
tomL2 = []
woodL2 = []
fo = open('tom.txt','r')
tomL = fo.readlines()
tomLi = tomL2 + tomL
fo = open('wood.txt','r')
woodL = fo.readlines()
woodLi = woodL2 + woodL
You are comparing strings, not numbers. You need to convert them into numbers before using max. For example, you have:
tomL = fo.readlines()
This contains a list of strings:
['tom:5\n', 'tom:10\n', 'tom:1\n']
Strings are ordered lexicographically (much like how words would be ordered in an English dictionary). If you want to compare numbers, you need to turn them into numbers first:
tomL_scores = [int(s.split(':')[1]) for s in tomL]
The parsing is done in the following way:
….split(':') separates the string into parts using a colon as the delimiter:
'tom:5\n' becomes ['tom', '5\n']
…[1] chooses the second element from the list:
['tom', '5\n'] becomes '5\n'
int(…) converts a string into an integer:
'5\n' becomes 5
The list comprehension [… for s in tomL] applies this sequence of operations to every element of the list.
Note that int (or similarly float) are rather picky about what it accepts: it must be in the form of a valid numeric literal or it will be rejected with an error (although preceding and trailing whitespace is allowed). This is why you need ….split(':')[1] to massage the string into a form that it's willing to accept.
This will yield:
[5, 10, 1]
Now, you can apply max to obtain the largest score.
As a side-note, the statement
will not close a file, since it doesn't actually call the function. To call the function you must enclose the arguments in parentheses, even if there are none:

Combine several list comprehension codes

I got three list comprehensions that do some trimming in a given string. What these are doing is that in a string, it removes words that contain '/', removes certain words in the list called 'remove_set', and combines single consecutive letters into a one big word.
regex = re.compile(r'.*/.*')
parent = ' '.join([p for p in parent.split() if not regex.match(p)])
remove_set = {'hello', 'corp', 'world'}
parent = ' '.join([i for i in parent.split() if i not in remove_set])
parent = ' '.join((' ' if x else '').join(y) for x, y in itertools.groupby(parent.split(), lambda x: len(x) > 1))
For example:
string = "hello C S people in some corp/llc"
changes to
string = "CS people in some"
Can these commands can be written in one beautiful command??
Thanks in advance!

Scala Map a list of items to a value

I have a list of bigrams of a sentence and another original list of relevantbigrams, I want to check that if any of the relevantbigrams are present in the sentences then I want to return the sentence. I was thinking of implementing it as follows: map each of the bigrams in the list to the sentence they come from then do a search on the key an return the value.
relevantbigrams = (This is, is not, not what)
bigrams List(list(This of, of no, no the),list(not what, what is))
So each list is a bigram of separate sentences. Here "not what" from the second sentence matches, so I would like to return the second sentence. I am planning to have a map of Map("This of" -> "This of no the", "of no" ->"This of no the", "not what"->"not what is"). etc. and return the sentences that match on relevant bigram, so here I return "not what is"
This is my code:
val bigram = =>Tokenize(x).sliding(2).flatMap{case Vector(x,y) => List(x+" "+y)}.map(z => z, x))
for(i<- 0 to relevantbigram.length)
if(bigram.contains(relevantbigram(i)))) bigram.get(relevantbigram(i))
else useableTweets.head
You got the order or flatMap and map the wrong way around:
val bigramMap = usableTweets.flatMap { x =>
x.split(" ").sliding(2).
map(bg => bg.mkString(" ") -> x)
} toMap
Then you can do your search like this:
relevantbigrams collect { rb if theMap contains rb => bigramMap(rb) }
val found =
for {
rb <- relevantbigrams
sentence <- theMap get rb
} yield sentence
Both should give you a list, but from your code it appears you want to default to the first sentence if your search found nothing: