Django debug console shows double GET for a single page request - django

I'm running the developer's Django server while writing a simple view and it seems whenever I request a page, the console shows that there are 2 GETs for the same URL. What would cause this happen? I'm not using any redirects, so I don't see how a 2nd request would be made?
EDIT: It appears to be caused by the template. Changing to a blank html file for a template resolved the issue. The question is why? I have multiple {% if %} {% endif %} sections, with no elses. Could that be an issue?

It also could be Firefox following a WC3 directive under which it's supposed to dual load if certain tags come empty or broken, for example, a without a src="" etc. That being said, I saved off the rendered HTML on receipt and moved it into a static file, where I added the same headers as the real checkout and a small DB log of all accesses.
I just stumble upon this problem and fixed it removing my img wit src=""

Please confirm, if Django is redirecting after appending slash to your url. Its the property APPEND_SLASH in your controls that.

The second request is probably caused by a mis-configured asset link - a script, style or img tag which is empty or omits the initial / and is therefore re-requesting the page.

It could be your shortcut/favicon
Do you have link rel="shortcut icon" in your page template? Comment it out to see if it removes the second request

In my case : I have the same javascript code in 2 files : one in the base template and the same one in another template. As I use ajax to not reload all the page I got the call 2x, then 4x, and 8x, ...
The solution is the use the javascript code only in mybase.html
Hereafter my js code :
<script type="text/javascript">
// Code jQuery Ici
// GET
var lien = $(this).attr('href');
$('#zone_travail').fadeOut('fast', function(){
$('#zone_travail').load(lien, function() {


How to use a javascript variable inside a Django {% url %} tag?

Im trying to dynamically change the link of a button based on which div a user has currently selected.
I tried to run a quick test with a JS variable in the HTML script tag, but Django isn't reading the variable like a num.
<script type="text/javascript">
const testing = 10
<a href="{% url 'battlefield:onevsone_trainer_selection' num_trainers=testing %}" class='description__button btn btn__large'>Next ></a>
URL looks like:
path('one-vs-one/trainers/<int:num_trainers>', views.oneVsOne, name='onevsone_trainer_selection')
Not sure exactly why it's not working. When I passed it a string of '10' it worked
Django templates are handled server side by django, which means by the time the client browser has received the HTML, the url function, i.e. {% url 'battlefield:onevsone_trainer_selection' num_trainers=testing %}, will have been processed. Javascript, of course, runs in the browser, and you can't pass a javascript variable to a django function after it has arrived at the client.
If you want to change this clientside (without communicating with the server via ajax or something) you might need to change the href attribute directly. You could do something like:
<a id='changeableUrl' href="{% url 'battlefield:onevsone_trainer_selection' num_trainers=1 %}" class='description__button btn btn__large'>Next ></a>
//figure out where the URL should be going
const testing = 10
//get the current URL
url = document.getElementById('changeableUrl').getAttribute("href")
///replace the end of the url href with our value
url.replace('/1/', '/'+testing+'/')
///write back to the link attribute
document.getElementById('changeableUrl').setAttribute("href", url)
What you should understand is that django template engine works server-side, whereas Javascript only does its job on client side.
What happens is that you are asking django to render the following template :
<script type="text/javascript">
const testing = 10
<a href="one-vs-one/trainers/testing" class='description__button btn btn__large'>Next ></a>
Here, testing is not a javascript variable, it's just plain html content. Moreover, it's not an integer at rendering time, so the regex used internally by django shall not be matched and a rendering error shall be raised.
If you really want to set the url paramater client-side, then I see two solutions :
The first is to build the url manually without using the django url function. :
<a href="" id="to-change" class='description__button btn btn__large'>Next ></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("to-change").href = "one-vs-one/trainers/" + num_trainer;
The second solution is the one proposed by SamSparx.
Whatever the solution you choose, you should carefully keep in mind that neither of the two if fully safe. In the first case, you make the code a little bit less maintainable by giving more work if one day you change the url in your file. In the second one, you expose you to a url that is predefined. If JS is not enabled or if something wrong happens on the browser of your client, it may mean that your link shall be linked to what it should not.

Is there a way to have (hack) turbolinks to only refresh a specific selector?

I would like to use turbolinks in a rails 4 application but not have it replace the entire <body> tag. Instead I would like to specify a tag/selector for turbolinks to refresh.
Something like...
<div class="turbolinks-refreshes-this">
Some content that is replaced whenever a link is clicked.
<div class="turblinks-does-not-refresh-this">
Some content that remains even if a link is clicked.
My guess is you would need to fork turbolinks to add this functionality but thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone else has tried to do this.
Have you looked at pjax? It's very similar to Turbolinks (and gets a mention in the Turbolinks README) but lets you specify a target container. Here's a Railscast that shows how to use it in a Rails app.
Here's a (slightly modified) excerpt from the pjax README:
<h1>My Site</h1>
<div class="container" id="pjax-container">
Go to next page.
We want pjax to grab the url /page/2 then replace #pjax-container
with whatever it gets back. No styles or scripts will be reloaded and
even the h1 can stay the same - we just want to change the
#pjax-container element.
We do this by telling pjax to listen on a tags and use
#pjax-container as the target container:
$(document).pjax('a', '#pjax-container')
Now when someone in a pjax-compatible browser clicks "next page" the
content of #pjax-container will be replaced with the body of

Phileo Django Liking App

I have followed the instructions here Phileo Docs and I added my model to the LIKABLE_MODELS, I added a widget in my template but it is not working. In the admin the Phileo table Like is also emplty. When I press the like button i am redirected to this page http://localhost:8000/likes/like/19:1/ but nothing happens and the count ofcourse stays the same. When I add a like from the admin it does appear on the template but it doesn't work vice verse.
Has anyone faced a similar problem or anyn idea how to fix this?
This is what was missing.
From the docs
{% load staticfiles %}
<script src="{% static "js/eldarion-ajax.min.js" %}"></script>
This of course is optional. You can roll your own javascript handling
as the view also returns data in addition to rendered HTML.
Furthermore, if you don’t want ajax at all the view will handle a
regular POST and perform a redirect.

tag url template django doesn't work

I trying to implement the url template tag into my project.
I have a button that allows the user to save the data he is seeing.
So the url of this button is this:
(2)url(r'^nameviews/download/$', '' name="load"),
the url of the page that shows the information, and where the button is located is:
but when I tried to click on the button (it should appear the url 2)it doesn't open the file with the data but instead gives me the same url that the main page (1)
the html validator gives me a error on the
<a href="">
It seems it doesn't recognize the url tag.
Anyone has any idea?
Resolved! I didn't really understood what's happen because I didn't change much but should have been some silly mistake.
Thanks any way :)
Be careful with the order of the urls. At try this order:
url(r'^nameviews/download/$', name_of_view, name="load"),
url(r'^nameviews/$', name_of_view, name="first page"),
name_of_view is equal if the view is the same

Django: How do I position a page when using Django templates

I have a web page where the user enters some data and then clicks a submit button. I process the data and then use the same Django template to display the original data, the submit button, and the results. When I am using the Django template to display results, I would like the page to be automatically scrolled down to the part of the page where the results begin. This allows the user to scroll back up the page if she wants to change her original data and click submit again. Hopefully, there's some simple way of doing this that I can't see at the moment.
It should already work if you provide a fragment identifier in the action method of the form:
<form method="post" action="/your/url#results">
<!-- ... -->
and somewhere below the form, where you want to show the results:
<div id="results">
<!-- your results here -->
This should make the page jump to the <div> with ID results.
It is complete client site and does not involve Django, JavaScript or similar.
You need to wrap your data into something like this:
<div id="some-id">YOUR DATA TO BE DISPLAYED</div>
and if you make redirect in your view you need to redirect to url: /some-url/#some-id
if you don't make redirect you need to scroll to the bottom using javascript (but note that redirect is preffered way to use in view after saving data).