Need Visual Studio 2005 Compatible C++ Unit Testing Framework - c++

Would you please recommend a C++ unit testing framework which works on Visual Studio 2005 and has all or most of features? I cant find any.
And please give a guide\tutorial to use it.

I've used Boost.Test and UnitTest++ on VS2005 without any problems.

here I am using Google C++ Testing Framework which works well with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition. For a tutorial you can check the documentation

Visual Assert should be compatible with Visual Studio 2005.
I haven't tried it though.

I believe any FW which supports latest version of Visual Studio will will do, as Visual Studio 2005 is quite similar to the those.
Anyway, both CxxTest and GTest worked for my.


Set Visual Studio 2015 Compiler to VS 2010 version

I'm a student and i'm using Visual Studio 2015 to learn C++.
I need to set my compiler so it will check my code the same as Visual Studio 2010's compiler so no errors show up on my disciple's end who was instructed to check our code in 2010 environment.
Is there any way i can do that?
sorry for any bad English and i hope you understand my question.
thanks in advance!
Yes it is possible by changing "Platform Toolset":
Full details here
As correctly mentioned by #HansPassant in the comment you need VS2010 toolset installed. You can download and install VS2010 C++ Express edition

Can I use visual studio unit test framework with Visual Studio Community?

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to add Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting to my project in Visual Studio 2013 Community version.
I tried adding it through nuget, which doesn't work -- I can only find Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestingFramework, which seems to be different.
I tried adding it from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\ (as mentioned here Where to find "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting" missing dll?), but that directory doesn't exist for me.
I'm kind of at a loss now. Can I not use that with the community version of visual studio?
I had this today after uninstalling older VS products. I had VS2012 Express and VS2013 Professional installed, as well as using VS2015 Community Edition.
I'm afraid I don't have an explanation, but creating a new Unit Test project, recreating references and copying the code from the old Unit Test project has sorted out the issue. There must be something under the hood that changed.
I hope that helps someone else if they find themselves in the same boat!

How do I install the NUnit plugin in Visual Studio 2013 Express?

I am not able to run the unit tests in Visual Studio 2013 like I used to be able to run it from the Visual Studio window itself in Visual Studio 2010. I am not able to find anything in NuGet Package Manager or on the web.
Unfortunately this is not possible. The Express SKUs of Visual Studio do not support plugins / extensions.
Try to use NUnit TestAdapter including NUnit. You will find it searching for NUnit in the Manage NuGet Packages window.
I have tested it, and it works fine.
A workaround is in blog post How to invoke NUnit from Visual studio express and execute automation tests.

how to enable c++ support in visual studio 2010?

I want to create a C++ project in Visual studio 2010 but I don't
see any template for a C++ project. All I see is visual c# templates.
Please let me know how to enable c++ support in visual studio 2010.
You likely have Visual Studio installed without the C++ compiler. You have to start the installer and alter the installation so that C++ compiler is installed.
You probably need to reinstall it. During installation there is a choice of languages and features. Probably C++ was not chosen when it was installed on your system.

Integrate Unit test into Visual Studio Express 2008

Is it possible to integrate any unit test framework into VS2008 express?
(Google is your friend.)
Edit: A very similar question: Best way to do TDD in express versions of visual studio(eg VB Express)