I need to calculate angle between two line segments with the same origin. One line is perpendicular to the y-axis. Please suggest a method?
Let's say you have two lines. y=m1x+c1 and y=m2x+c1, lets say l1 and l2 respectively. If line l1 is perpendicular to the y axis, it means that l1 is parallel to x axis, so the slope of l1 is 0. So the angle between l1 and l2 will be arctan(m2).
I need to make a function that will calculate the degrees necessary to make an NPC look at the center of the player. However, I have not been able to find any results regarding 3 dimensions which is what I need. Only 2 dimensional equations. I'm programming in C++.
Data Type: Float.
Vertical-Axis: 90 is looking straight up, -90 is looking straight down and 0 is looking straight ahead.
Horizontal-Axis: Positive value between 0 and 360, North is 0, East is 90, South 180, West 270.
See these transformation equations from Wikipedia. But note since you want "elevation" or "vertical-axis" to be zero on the xy-plane, you need to make the changes noted after "if theta measures elevation from the reference plane instead of inclination from the zenith".
First, find a vector from the NPC to the player to get the values x, y, z, where x is positive to the East, y is positive to the North, and z is positive upward.
Then you have:
float r = sqrtf(x*x+y*y+z*z);
float theta = asinf(z/r);
float phi = atan2f(x,y);
Or you might get better precision from replacing the first declaration with
float r = hypotf(hypotf(x,y), z);
Note acosf and atan2f return radians, not degrees. If you need degrees, start with:
theta *= 180./M_PI;
and theta is now your "vertical axis" angle.
Also, Wikipedia's phi = arctan(y/x) assumes an azimuth of zero at the positive x-axis and pi/2 at the positive y-axis. Since you want an azimuth of zero at the North direction and 90 at the East direction, I've switched to atan2f(x,y) (instead of the more common atan2f(y,x)). Also, atan2f returns a value from -pi to pi inclusive, but you want strictly positive values. So:
if (phi < 0) {
phi += 2*M_PI;
phi *= 180./M_PI;
and now phi is your desired "horizontal-axis" angle.
I'm not too familiar with math which involves rotation and 3d envionments, but couldn't you draw a line from your coordinates to the NPC's coordinates or vise versa and have a function approximate the proper rotation to that line until within a range of accepted +/-? This way it does this is by just increasing and decreasing the vertical and horizontal values until it falls into the range, it's just a matter of what causes to increase or decrease first and you could determine that based on the position state of the NPC. But I feel like this is the really lame way to go about it.
use 4x4 homogenous transform matrices instead of Euler angles for this. You create the matrix anyway so why not use it ...
create/use NPC transform matrix M
my bet is you got it somewhere near your mesh and you are using it for rendering. In case you use Euler angles you are doing a set of rotations and translation and the result is the M.
convert players GCS Cartesian position to NPC LCS Cartesian position
GCS means global coordinate system and LCS means local coordinate system. So is the position is 3D vector xyz = (x,y,z,1) the transformed position would be one of these (depending on conventions you use)
either rotate by angle or construct new NPC matrix
You know your NPC's old coordinate system so you can extract X,Y,Z,O vectors from it. And now you just set the axis that is your viewing direction (usually -Z) to direction to player. That is easy
-Z = normalize( xyz' - (0,0,0) )
Z = -xyz' / |xyz'|
Now just exploit cross product and make the other axises perpendicular to Z again so:
X = cross(Y,Z)
Y = cross(Z,X)
And feed the vectors back to your NPC's matrix. This way is also much much easier to move the objects. Also to lock the side rotation you can set one of the vectors to Up prior to this.
If you still want to compute the rotation then it is:
ang = acos(dot(Z,-xyz')/(|Z|*|xyz'|))
axis = cross(Z,-xyz')
but to convert that into Euler angles is another story ...
With transform matrices you can easily make cool stuff like camera follow, easy computation between objects coordinate systems, easy physics motion simulations and much more.
I have a bounding box at (0, 0, w, h) and a point (x, y) somewhere within that, as well as a directional vector (dx, dy) pointing in some random direction, what I am trying to do is create a line from that point, in that direction to the edge of the bounding box.
Looking at the image below, the black dot is the point, the arrow is the directional vector and the red line is the resulting line I want.
What I am doing now is to simply extend the line by the vector times some random big number that is guaranteed to place it outside the box and then using a line clipping algorithm to clip it. And this totally works, but it feels like a very hacky solution, is there a better way to do this?
First, how to find the intersecting point with a vertical line.
Let (x0,y0) be the point inside the box, and (dx,dy) its slope. And say you are trying to find intersection with vertical line y=b.
x0+tdx and y0+tdy are points on the line. So the line intersects the vertical line at y1 such that y1=y0+tdy=b (t>=0). So solve for t (t=(b-y0)/dy) and use the same t to get x1 = x0 + tdx.
Similarly you can also find intersecting point with a horizontal line.
You should find the four points where the line intersects two edges. In most cases two of them will have negative t, discard them. Of the other, pick the one with lowest t and thats your answer.
Further optimization:
Based on the sign of dx and dy, the line could intersect one of the two edges. Eg if both are positive, then it might intersect either top or right side and so on. You can calculate t for only those two edges and pick the one with lowest t.
I currently have several ellipses. These are defined by a centre point, and then two vectors, one point to the minimum axis and other to the maximum axis.
However, for the program I'm creating I need to be able to deal with these shapes as a polyline. I'm fairly sure there must be formula for generating a set of points from the available data that I have, but I'm unsure how to go about doing it.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to go about this?
(Under assumption that both vectors that represent ellipse axes are parllel to coordinate axes)
If you have a radial ray emanating from the centre of ellipsis at angle angle, then that ray intersects the ellipse at point
x = x_half_axis * cos(angle);
y = y_half_axis * sin(angle);
where x_half_axis and y_half_axis age just the lengths (magnitudes) of your half-axis vectors.
So, just choose some sufficiently small angle step delta. Sweep around your centre point through the entire [0...2*Pi] range with that step, beginning with 0 angle, then delta angle, then 2 * delta angle and so on. For each angle value the coordinates of the ellipse point will be given by the above formulas. That way you will generate your polygonal representation of the ellipse.
If your delta is relatively large (few points on the ellipse) then it should be chosen carefully to make sure your "elliptical polygon" closes nicely: 2*Pi should split into a whole number of delta steps. Albeit for small delta values it does not matter as much.
If your minimum-maximum axis vectors are not parallel to coordinate axes, your can still use the above approach and then transform the resultant points to the proper final position by applying the corresponding rotation transformation.
Fixed-delta angle stepping has some disadvantages though. It generates a denser sequence of polygonal points near the miminum axis of the ellipse (where the curvature is smaller) and a sparser sequence of points near the maximum axis (where the curvature is greater). This is actually the opposite of the desirable behavior: it is better to have higher point density in the regions of higher curvature.
If that is an issue for you, then you can update the algorithm to make it use variadic stepping. The angle delta should gradually decrease as we approach the maximum axis and increase as we approach the minimum axis.
Assuming the center at (Xc,Yc) and the axis vectors (Xm,Ym), (XM,YM) (these two should be orthogonal), the formula is
X = XM cos(t) + Xm sin(t) + Xc
Y = YM cos(t) + Ym sin(t) + Yc
with t in [0,2Pi].
To get a efficient distribution of the endpoints on the outline, I recommend to use the maximum deviation criterion applied recursively: to draw the arc corresponding to the range [t0,t2], try the midpoint value t1=(t0+t2)/2. If the corresponding points are such that the distance of P1 to the line P0P2 is below a constant threshold (such as one pixel), you can approximate the arc by the segment P0P1. Otherwise, repeat the operation for the arcs [t0,t1] and [t1,t2].
Preorder recursion allows you to emit the polyline vertexes in sequence.
I am trying to create a non-moving wire in 3d space in C++ OpenGL using a catenary formula. I would like to specify the xyz coordinates of the two fixed points (poles the wire is strung between) and a value for a in the formula to represent the amount of sag the wire has. I'll need to loop through the formula based on a precision count (number of line segments to draw).
In my OpenGL world, x and y are horizontal, and positive y is up, so the wire will always sag in negative y. So if you look straight down along the y axis the wire will appear as a straight line. But the two end points may not be on the same plane horizontally (different y values).
All the examples of a catenary I've seen are 2d...I need to draw it in 3d, which is racking my brain. ;)
What you'd want to do is take a 2D catenary and transform it onto the plane you want. The implementation you described says it "will appear as a straight line" from above. So, this equation fits on a 2-dimentional plane that can be translated along the X & Z axes, and rotated around the Y axis to fit a given orientation.
I need to create a list of XYZ positions given a starting point and an offset between the positions based on a plane. On just a flat plane this is easy. Let's say the offset I need is to move down 3 then right 2 from position 0,0,0
The output would be:
0,0,0 (starting position)
0,-3,0 (move down 3)
2,-3,0 (then move right 2)
The same goes for a different start position, let's say 5,5,1:
5,5,1 (starting position)
5,2,1 (move down 3)
7,2,1 (then move right 2)
The problem comes when the plane is no longer on this flat grid.
I'm able to calculate the equation of the plane and the normal vector given 3 points.
But now what can I do to create this dataset of XYZ locations given this equation?
I know I can solve for XYZ given two values. Say I know x=1 and y=1, I can solve for Z. But moving down 2 is no longer just y-2. I believe I need to find a linear equation on both the x and y axis to increment the positions and move parallel to the x and y of this new plane, then just solve for Z. I'm not sure how to accomplish this.
The other issue is that I need to calculate the angle, tilt and rotation of this plane in relation to the base plane.
For example:
P1=0,0,0 and P2=1,1,0 the tilt=0deg angle=0deg rotation=45deg.
P1=0,0,0 and P2=0,1,1 the tilt=0deg angle=45deg rotation=0deg.
P1=0,0,0 and P2=1,0,1 the tilt=45deg angle=0deg rotation=0deg.
P1=0,0,0 and P2=1,1,1 the tilt=0deg angle=45deg rotation=45deg.
I've searched for hours on both these problems and I've always come to a stop at the equation of the plane. Manipulating the x,y correctly to follow parallel to the plane, and then taking that information to find these angles. This is a lot of geometry to be solved, and I can't find any further information on how to calculate this list of points, let alone calculating the 3 angles to the base plane.
I would appericate any help or insight on this. Just plain old math or a reference to C++ would be perfect to sheding some light onto this issue I'm facing here.
Thank you,
You can think of your plane as being defined by a point and a pair of orthonormal basis vectors (which just means two vectors of length 1, 90 degrees from one another). Your most basic plane can be defined as:
p0 = (0, 0, 0) #Origin point
vx = (1, 0, 0) #X basis vector
vy = (0, 1, 0) #Y basis vector
To find point p1 that's offset by dx in the X direction and dy in the Y direction, you use this formula:
p1 = p0 + dx * vx + dy * vy
This formula will always work if your offsets are along the given axes (which it sounds like they are). This is still true if the vectors have been rotated - that's the property you're going to be using.
So to find a point that's been offset along a rotated plane:
Take the default basis vectors (vx and vy, above).
Rotate them until they define the plane you want (you may or may not need to rotate the origin point as well, depending on how the problem is defined).
Apply the formula, and get your answer.
Now there are some quirks when you're doing rotation (Order matters!), but that's the the basic idea, and should be enough to put you on the right track. Good luck!