Changes in lines that will not execute breaks the build ! - c++

I have this job of implementing a library that provides a file-sharing feature.
This has already happened twice:
First, in a string in an if-else path, only the if path is being executed, but when i change a spelling in the else path, the software after a few minutes crashes in an std library. I verified with a debug attached that the lined changed was never being touched. When i reversed the change, it works nicely again.
Second, my software crashes on a std library again with the out-of-array check into a standard basic_string destructor.
I did everything, all library matched the _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING.
After 4 hours I discovered that the problematic file is TorrentFile.cpp/h.
If i add a function ( even though it is never called ), the program crashes at the end of that file, but if its not there, there's no bug. The code causing the problem:
std::vector<TorrentFileListPacket> TorrentFile::GetFileMap()
std::vector<TorrentFileListPacket> vFiles;
return vFiles;
If i comment this code out, the crash is gone.
This is really driving me crazy!
I've been a developer for 8 years, and I've never seen something like this before!
Additional Information
My memory is OK, I'm using Visual Studio 2010 with SP1 in Windows 7. The library is libTorrent from RasterBar and it links to boost. The software is using MFC.

This smells strongly of memory corruption in a totally different location from where you would expect from the crashes. Most likely adding and removing functions is changing the memory layout in such a way that causes the memory corruption's effects to be immediately visible or not.
Your best hope is something like Purify or Valgrind to hunt it down.

You probably want to make sure that all your object files and libraries are ABI compatible with each other.
Numerous compiler settings will change the ABI. Especially debug and release builds and iterator debugging. The struct layout for standard containers typically change when you enable iterator debugging (which I believe is on by default for all debug builds in msvc, and off for release builds).
So, if a single object file, static library or DLL that you link against is built with an incompatible configuration, you typically see very odd behaviors. With libtorrent you need to make sure you build the library with the same configuration as you link against it with. Many of the TORRENT_* defines will actually change some aspect of some struct layout or function call. Make sure you define the exact same set of those in your client as when building the library. One simple way of dealing with this problem is to simply pull all source files into your project and build everything together.

If you are using libtorrent as a DLL (or boost for that matter), are they compiled against the same C Run-Time?
Often when I run into this type of issue it is because I make a call into a library that was compiled with MinGW (which uses the CRT from VS6.0) or an older version of Visual Studio. If memory is allocated by the library and then free'd by your application, you will often get these types of errors in the destructor.
If you aren't sure, you can open the DLL in question in a tool like the Dependency Walker. Look for the dependency MSVCRT.DLL, MSVCR100.DLL, etc.


Binary C++ library compatibility between VS2010 and VS2012?

I am confused about the binary compatibility of compiled libraries between VS2010 and VS2012. I would like to migrate to VS2012, however many closed-source binary-only SDKs are only out for VS2010, for example SDKs for interfacing hardware devices.
Traditionally, as far as I know Visual Studio was extremely picky about compiler versions, and in VS2010 you could not link to libraries which have been compiled for VS2008.
The reason I'm confused now, is that I'm in the process of migrating to VS2012, and I have tried a few projects, and for my biggest surprise, many of them work cross-versions with no problems.
Note: I'm not talking about the v100 mode, which as far as I know is just a VS2012 GUI over the VS2010 compiling engine.
I'm talking about opening a VS2010 solution in VS2012, click update, and seeing what happens.
When linking to some bigger libraries, like boost, the compiling didn't work, as there are checks for compiler version and they raise an error and abort compilation. Some other libraries just abort at missing functions. This is the behaviour what I was expecting.
On the other hand, many libraries work fine with no errors or additional warnings.
How is it possible? Was VS2012 made in a special way to keep binary compatibility with VS2010 libraries? Does it depend on dynamic vs. static linking?
And the most important question: even though there is no error raised at compile time, can I trust the compiler that there won't be any bugs when linking a VS2012 project to VS2010 compiled libraries?
“Many libraries work fine. How is it possible?”
1) the lib is compiled to use static RTL, so the code won't pull in a second RTL DLL that clashes.
2) the code only calls functions (and uses structures, etc.) that is completely in the header files
so doesn't cause a linker error, or
calls functions that are still present in the new RTL so doesn't cause a linker error,
3) doesn't call anything with structures that have changed layout or meaning so it doesn't crash.
#3 is the one to worry about. You can use imports to see what it uses and make a complete list, but there is no documentation or guarantee as to which ones are compatible. Just because it seems to run doesn't mean it doesn't have a latent bug.
There is also the possibility of
4) the driver SDK or other code that's fairly low level was written to avoid using standard library calls completely.
also (not your situation I think) DLLs can be isolated and have their own RTL and not pass stuff back and forth (like memory allocation and freeing) between different regimes. In-proc COM servers work this way. DLLs can do this in general if you're careful about what you pass and return and what you do with things like pointers. Crypto++ for example is initialized with the memory routines from the enclosing program and doesn't expose malloc'ed memory from the RTL version it was compiled with.

How to cope with the error of currupted heap(in debug mode) which arise due to different build flags of libraries involved in a project

Brief introduction:
I am refactoring win32 application, I use VS 2008.
The application consists of both of my own dll and 3-rd party dll`s.
When I run the application in the debug mode and execute some action the error is raised: the application programm has triggered a breakpoint, heap is corrupted.
Actions undertaken:
I have searched the internet and found that this error may be because of different build flags (multi-threaded debug /MD and multi-threaded debug dll /MDd) were used for dlls within the project(which results that they use different c runtime libraries, and for each library own list for work with memory is maintained this therfore can lead to the heap corruption).
I have checked my dlls - they all have the same flag: debug multithreaded dll. So I think that one of the 3-rd party DLL maybe was built with multi-threaded debug flag.
Is it possible to find out with what flag 3-rd party library was
built, if so how can I do this.
How can I sort you my issue of
different build flags?
Is my guess about that error is due to
different build flags is correct?
Is it possible to find out with what flag 3-rd party library was built, if so how can I do this
Yes. C or C++ DLLs built with Visual Studio versions 2005 and 2008 require a manifest that states what version of the C runtime DLL they need. You can see it with VS, File + Open + File, select the DLL and open the node labeled "RT_MANIFEST". Resource ID 2 is the manifest that states the type and version of the CRT. It should match yours. Export it to make it easier to read. If it is missing then it either wasn't built with /MD or used a completely different version of VS, which in itself is bad news.
How can I sort you my issue of different build flags?
You can't. You'll need to contact the 3rd party and request a build that's compatible with yours.
Is my guess about that error is due to different build flags is correct?
It is possible but not terribly likely. Having a mismatch does not automatically cause a crash, a programmer can certainly design the DLL interface so that's never an issue. You can typically tell from the function signature and documentation. The problem case is where the DLL allocates an object and you are supposed to release it. It will be obvious when the function returns a pointer. Or a standard C++ class library object like std::string. Less obvious is when it throws an exception. Such a problem is also highly repeatable, it will bomb consistently, not occasionally.
The biggest mistake you are making is asking this question here. You should be talking to a programmer employed by that 3rd party that has worked on this DLL. He'll know the exact answer to your questions and can very easily solve your problem. If you cannot get this kind of support then you should not be using these DLLs, they'll make your life miserable for a long time to come.

Standalone VS 2010 C++ Program

it's been a long while since I've used VS 2010 and C++, and as I'm getting back to using it, I'm running into the same problems that plagued me last year: the exe's that I compile do not run well on older machines that do not have the correct C++ runtimes. I do not even know what link to give them, and I told them to install this after they had an error that said "The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try Reinstalling the program to fix this problem. Click OK to close the application."). So I went in and set the code generation to /MT and disabled quite a few options, and tried messing around with lots of options, but still the same result.
My question is: Is there a list of complete VS 2010 C++ distributables that I can just give and tell them to install so all of the C++ programs I compile on my VS 2010 will work on Windows XP, or even better, a way to general a standalone exe that contains all it needs to work, and does not rely on DLLs? I'm thinking like linking to a library that has everything the exe references. If it helps, I'm building for both x64 and x86.
P.S. What's up with the manifest file, should I include it or not?
The easiest thing to do is to just install the VC++ Redistributable Package. It has both x86 and x64 versions.
Firstly, before I actually give you the detail:
If you do this, things will be bad for two reasons:
If there are security or other bugs in the MSVC runtimes, and you take this approach, they're baked into your app which means you need to re-distribute. DLLs are preferred because theoretically people use system update which means any errors get fixed.
Everything else you compile into your exe also needs to do this. If you don't, you end up with two versions of the code and whatever you're using won't link.
One possible solution is to bake the MSVC runtime into your application, by using the cl.exe option (C/C++ compiler settings) /MT which means multi-threaded version of the C/C++ runtime linked statically. As I said, if you try to link against something that is linked itself dynamically to the runtime, you're going to end up in a mess. Also, as I said, this represents an additional security risk factor, so bear that in mind.
The other options are to write an installer that can either download the appropriate runtime, or include the DLL needed.
If you're using some feature of the runtime that exceeds a certain version of Windows (generic statement, but it does happen) then you should be able to use the Windows SDK to target various versions of Windows using appropriate C runtimes.
google text: visual studio c++ redist
Do not statically link to the runtime; specifically don't do so if you're using any kind of dll for other purposes. It introduces all kinds of bogus problems wrt heap management that you probably don't want to mess with.
Open the properties dialog for your project and select Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Code Generation. The default setting is Multi-threaded DLL. Change that to Multi-threaded and you'll be building and .EXE with the run-time statically linked in. Don't forget to do the same for the debug version.
If you're using MFC or ATL, you will need to navigate to Configuration Properties | General and set "Use of MFC" or "Use of ATL" to link statically as well.
NB: If you link the runtime statically, you must make sure that any other library you're linking in also links it in statically. Otherwise you'll wind up with two copies of the runtime in memory, each with its own heap and bad things will happen when code using one runtime tries to free an object allocated by the other runtime.
This previous answer should hold true for VS2010. I still build with VS2005, but all my apps use the static CRT for the sole reason of being able to run across old and newer machines alike.

Working with Visual Studios C++ manifest files

I have written some code that makes use of an open source library to do some of the heavy lifting. This work was done in linux, with unit tests and cmake to help with porting it to windows. There is a requirement to have it run on both platforms.
I like Linux and I like cmake and I like that I can get visual studios files automatically generated. As it is now, on windows everything will compile and it will link and it will generate the test executables.
However, to get to this point I had to fight with windows for several days, learning all about manifest files and redistributable packages.
As far as my understanding goes:
With VS 2005, Microsoft created Side By Side dlls. The motivation for this is that before, multiple applications would install different versions of the same dll, causing previously installed and working applications to crash (ie "Dll Hell"). Side by Side dlls fix this, as there is now a "manifest file" appended to each executable/dll that specifies which version should be executed.
This is all well and good. Applications should no longer crash mysteriously. However...
Microsoft seems to release a new set of system dlls with every release of Visual Studios. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I am a developer trying to link to a third party library. Often, these things come distributed as a "precompiled dll". Now, what happens when a precompiled dll compiled with one version of visual studios is linked to an application using another version of visual studios?
From what I have read on the internet, bad stuff happens. Luckily, I never got that far - I kept running into the "MSVCR80.dll not found" problem when running the executable and thus began my foray into this whole manifest issue.
I finally came to the conclusion that the only way to get this to work (besides statically linking everything) is that all third party libraries must be compiled using the same version of Visual Studios - ie don't use precompiled dlls - download the source, build a new dll and use that instead.
Is this in fact true? Did I miss something?
Furthermore, if this seems to be the case, then I can't help but think that Microsoft did this on purpose for nefarious reasons.
Not only does it break all precompiled binaries making it unnecessarily difficult to use precompiled binaries, if you happen to work for a software company that makes use of third party proprietary libraries, then whenever they upgrade to the latest version of visual studios - your company must now do the same thing or the code will no longer run.
As an aside, how does linux avoid this? Although I said I preferred developing on it and I understand the mechanics of linking, I haven't maintained any application long enough to run into this sort of low level shared libraries versioning problem.
Finally, to sum up: Is it possible to use precompiled binaries with this new manifest scheme? If it is, what was my mistake? If it isn't, does Microsoft honestly think this makes application development easier?
Update - A more concise question: How does Linux avoid the use of Manifest files?
All components in your application must share the same runtime. When this is not the case, you run into strange problems like asserting on delete statements.
This is the same on all platforms. It is not something Microsoft invented.
You may get around this 'only one runtime' problem by being aware where the runtimes may bite back.
This is mostly in cases where you allocate memory in one module, and free it in another.
dllexport void* createBla() { return malloc( 100 ); }
void consumeBla() { void* p = createBla(); free( p ); }
When a.dll and b.dll are linked to different rumtimes, this crashes, because the runtime functions implement their own heap.
You can easily avoid this problem by providing a destroyBla function which must be called to free the memory.
There are several points where you may run into problems with the runtime, but most can be avoided by wrapping these constructs.
For reference :
don't allocate/free memory/objects across module boundaries
don't use complex objects in your dll interface. (e.g. std::string, ...)
don't use elaborate C++ mechanisms across dll boundaries. (typeinfo, C++ exceptions, ...)
But this is not a problem with manifests.
A manifest contains the version info of the runtime used by the module and gets embedded into the binary (exe/dll) by the linker. When an application is loaded and its dependencies are to be resolved, the loader looks at the manifest information embedded in the exe file and uses the according version of the runtime dlls from the WinSxS folder. You cannot just copy the runtime or other modules to the WinSxS folder. You have to install the runtime offered by Microsoft. There are MSI packages supplied by Microsoft which can be executed when you install your software on a test/end-user machine.
So install your runtime before using your application, and you won't get a 'missing dependency' error.
(Updated to the "How does Linux avoid the use of Manifest files" question)
What is a manifest file?
Manifest files were introduced to place disambiguation information next to an existing executable/dynamic link library or directly embedded into this file.
This is done by specifying the specific version of dlls which are to be loaded when starting the app/loading dependencies.
(There are several other things you can do with manifest files, e.g. some meta-data may be put here)
Why is this done?
The version is not part of the dll name due to historic reasons. So "comctl32.dll" is named this way in all versions of it. (So the comctl32 under Win2k is different from the one in XP or Vista). To specify which version you really want (and have tested against), you place the version information in the "appname.exe.manifest" file (or embed this file/information).
Why was it done this way?
Many programs installed their dlls into the system32 directory on the systemrootdir. This was done to allow bugfixes to shared libraries to be deployed easily for all dependent applications. And in the days of limited memory, shared libraries reduced the memory footprint when several applications used the same libraries.
This concept was abused by many programmers, when they installed all their dlls into this directory; sometimes overwriting newer versions of shared libraries with older ones. Sometimes libraries changed silently in their behaviour, so that dependent applications crashed.
This lead to the approach of "Distribute all dlls in the application directory".
Why was this bad?
When bugs appeared, all dlls scattered in several directories had to be updated. (gdiplus.dll) In other cases this was not even possible (windows components)
The manifest approach
This approach solves all problems above. You can install the dlls in a central place, where the programmer may not interfere. Here the dlls can be updated (by updating the dll in the WinSxS folder) and the loader loads the 'right' dll. (version matching is done by the dll-loader).
Why doesn't Linux have this mechanic?
I have several guesses. (This is really just guessing ...)
Most things are open-source, so recompiling for a bugfix is a non-issue for the target audience
Because there is only one 'runtime' (the gcc runtime), the problem with runtime sharing/library boundaries does not occur so often
Many components use C at the interface level, where these problems just don't occur if done right
The version of libraries are in most cases embedded in the name of its file.
Most applications are statically bound to their libraries, so no dll-hell may occur.
The GCC runtime was kept very ABI stable so that these problems could not occur.
If a third party DLL will allocate memory and you need to free it, you need the same run-time libraries. If the DLL has allocate and deallocate functions, it can be ok.
It the third party DLL uses std containers, such as vector, etc. you could have issues as the layout of the objects may be completely different.
It is possible to get things to work, but there are some limitations. I've run into both of the problems I've listed above.
If a third party DLL allocates memory that you need to free, then the DLL has broken one of the major rules of shipping precompiled DLL's. Exactly for this reason.
If a DLL ships in binary form only, then it should also ship all of the redistributable components that it is linked against and its entry points should isolate the caller from any potential runtime library version issues, such as different allocators. If they follow those rules then you shouldn't suffer. If they don't then you are either going to have pain and suffering or you need to complain to the third party authors.
I finally came to the conclusion that the only way to get this to work (besides statically linking everything) is that all third party libraries must be compiled using the same version of Visual Studios - ie don't use precompiled dlls - download the source, build a new dll and use that instead.
Alternatively (and the solution we have to use where I work) is that if the third-party libraries that you need to use all are built (or available as built) with the same compiler version, you can "just" use that version. It can be a drag to "have to" use VC6, for example, but if there's a library you must use and its source is not available and that's how it comes, your options are sadly limited otherwise. I understand it. :)
(My line of work is not in Windows although we do battle with DLLs on Windows from a user perspective from time to time, however we do have to use specific versions of compilers and get versions of 3rd-party software that are all built with the same compiler. Thankfully all of the vendors tend to stay fairly up-to-date, since they've been doing this sort of support for many years.)

Adding Boost makes Debug build depend on "non-D" MSVC runtime DLLs

I have an annoying problem which I might be able to somehow circumvent, but on the other hand would much rather be on top of it and understand what exactly is going on, since it looks like this stuff is really here to stay.
Here's the story: I have a simple OpenGL app which works fine: never a major problem in compiling, linking, or running it. Now I decided to try to move some of the more intensive calculations into a worker thread, in order to possibly make the GUI even more responsive — using Boost.Thread, of course.
In short, if I add the following fragment in the beginning of my .cpp file:
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
void dummyThreadFun() { while (1); }
boost::thread p(dummyThreadFun);
, then I start getting "This application has failed to start because MSVCP90.dll was not found" when trying to launch the Debug build. (Release mode works ok.)
Now looking at the executable using the Dependency Walker, who also does not find this DLL (which is expected I guess), I could see that we are looking for it in order to be able to call the following functions:
Next, I tried to convert every instance of min and max to use macros instead, but probably couldn't find all references to them, as this did not help. (I'm using some external libraries for which I don't have the source code available. But even if I could do this — I don't think it's the right way really.)
So, my questions — I guess — are:
Why do we look for a non-debug DLL even though working with the debug build?
What is the correct way to fix the problem? Or even a quick-and-dirty one?
I had this first in a pretty much vanilla installation of Visual Studio 2008. Then tried installing the Feature Pack and SP1, but they didn't help either. Of course also tried to Rebuild several times.
I am using prebuilt binaries for Boost (v1.36.0). This is not the first time I use Boost in this project, but it may be the first time that I use a part that is based on a separate source.
Disabling incremental linking doesn't help. The fact that the program is OpenGL doesn't seem to be relevant either — I got a similar issue when adding the same three lines of code into a simple console program (but there it was complaining about MSVCR90.dll and _mkdir, and when I replaced the latter with boost::create_directory, the problem went away!!). And it's really just removing or adding those three lines that makes the program run ok, or not run at all, respectively.
I can't say I understand Side-by-Side (don't even know if this is related but that's what I assume for now), and to be honest, I am not super-interested either — as long as I can just build, debug and deploy my app...
Edit 1: While trying to build a stripped-down example that anyway reproduces the problem, I have discovered that the issue has to do with the Spread Toolkit, the use of which is a factor common to all my programs having this problem. (However, I never had this before starting to link in the Boost stuff.)
I have now come up with a minimal program that lets me reproduce the issue. It consists of two compilation units, A.cpp and B.cpp.
#include "sp.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
mailbox mbox = -1;
SP_join(mbox, "foo");
return 0;
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
Some observations:
If I comment out the line SP_join of A.cpp, the problem goes away.
If I comment out the single line of B.cpp, the problem goes away.
If I move or copy B.cpp's single line to the beginning or end of A.cpp, the problem goes away.
(In scenarios 2 and 3, the program crashes when calling SP_join, but that's just because the mailbox is not valid... this has nothing to do with the issue at hand.)
In addition, Spread's core library is linked in, and that's surely part of the answer to my question #1, since there's no debug build of that lib in my system.
Currently, I'm trying to come up with something that'd make it possible to reproduce the issue in another environment. (Even though I will be quite surprised if it actually can be repeated outside my premises...)
Edit 2: Ok, so here we now have a package using which I was able to reproduce the issue on an almost vanilla installation of WinXP32 + VS2008 + Boost 1.36.0 (still pre-built binaries from BoostPro Computing).
The culprit is surely the Spread lib, my build of which somehow requires a rather archaic version of STLPort for MSVC 6! Nevertheless, I still find the symptoms relatively amusing. Also, it would be nice to hear if you can actually reproduce the issue — including scenarios 1-3 above. The package is quite small, and it should contain all the necessary pieces.
As it turns out, the issue did not really have anything to do with Boost.Thread specifically, as this example now uses the Boost Filesystem library. Additionally, it now complains about MSVCR90.dll, not P as previously.
Boost.Thread has quite a few possible build combinations in order to try and cater for all the differences in linking scenarios possible with MSVC. Firstly, you can either link statically to Boost.Thread, or link to Boost.Thread in a separate DLL. You can then link to the DLL version of the MSVC runtime, or the static library runtime. Finally, you can link to the debug runtime or the release runtime.
The Boost.Thread headers try and auto-detect the build scenario using the predefined macros that the compiler generates. In order to link against the version that uses the debug runtime you need to have _DEBUG defined. This is automatically defined by the /MD and /MDd compiler switches, so it should be OK, but your problem description suggests otherwise.
Where did you get the pre-built binaries from? Are you explicitly selecting a library in your project settings, or are you letting the auto-link mechanism select the appropriate .lib file?
I believe I have had this same problem with Boost in the past. From my understanding it happens because the Boost headers use a preprocessor instruction to link against the proper lib. If your debug and release libraries are in the same folder and have different names the "auto-link" feature will not work properly.
What I have done is define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB for my project(which prevents the headers from "auto linking") and then use the VC project settings to link against the correct libraries.
Looks like other people have answered the Boost side of the issue. Here's a bit of background info on the MSVC side of things, that may save further headache.
There are 4 versions of the C (and C++) runtimes possible:
/MT: libcmt.lib (C), libcpmt.lib (C++)
/MTd: libcmtd.lib, libcpmtd.lib
/MD: msvcrt.lib, msvcprt.lib
/MDd: msvcrtd.lib, msvcprtd.lib
The DLL versions still require linking to that static lib (which somehow does all of the setup to link to the DLL at runtime - I don't know the details). Notice in all cases debug version has the d suffix. The C runtime uses the c infix, and the C++ runtime uses the cp infix. See the pattern? In any application, you should only ever link to the libraries in one of those rows.
Sometimes (as in your case), you find yourself linking to someone else's static library that is configured to use the wrong version of the C or C++ runtimes (via the awfully annoying #pragma comment(lib)). You can detect this by turning your linker verbosity way up, but it's a real PITA to hunt for. The "kill a rodent with a bazooka" solution is to use the /nodefaultlib:... linker setting to rule out the 6 C and C++ libraries that you know you don't need. I've used this in the past without problem, but I'm not positive it'll always work... maybe someone will come out of the woodwork telling me how this "solution" may cause your program to eat babies on Tuesday afternoons.
This is a classic link error. It looks like you're linking to a Boost DLL that itself links to the wrong C++ runtime (there's also this page, do a text search for "threads"). It also looks like the boost::posix::time library links to the correct DLL.
Unfortunately, I'm not finding the page that discusses how to pick the correctly-built Boost DLL (although I did find a three-year-old email that seems to point to BOOST_THREAD_USE_DLL and BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB).
Looking at your answer again, it appears you're using pre-built binaries. The DLL you're not able to link to is part of the TR1 feature pack (second question on that page). That feature pack is available on Microsoft's website. Or you'll need a different binary to link against. Apparently the boost::posix::time library links against the unpatched C++ runtime.
Since you've already applied the feature pack, I think the next step I would take would be to build Boost by hand. That's the path I've always taken, and it's very simple: download the BJam binary, and run the Boost Build script in the library source. That's it.
Now this got even a bit more interesting... If I just add this somewhere in the source:
boost::posix_time::ptime pt = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
(together with the corresponding #include stuff), then it again works ok. So this is one quick and not even too dirty solution, but hey — what's going on here, really?
From memory various parts of the boost libraries need you to define some preprocessor flags in order to be able to compile correctly. Stuff like BOOST_THREAD_USE_DLL and so on.
The BOOST_THREAD_USE_DLL won't be what's causing this particular error, but it may be expecting you to define _DEBUG or something like that. I remember a few years ago in our boost C++ projects we had quite a few extra BOOST_XYZ preprocessor definitions declared in the visual studio compiler options (or makefile)
Check the config.hpp file in the boost thread directory. When you pull in the ptime stuff it's possibly including a different config.hpp file, which may then define those preprocessor things differently.