Is that normal Unit testing takes all the behavior out of my classes? - unit-testing

I'm starting a new project and I want to use unit testing.
So I wrote my services classes which are implementing interface and waiting for interface in their parameters so I can easily mock these classes.
My question: there is absolutely no code in my business class! (like Customer)
Is it normal? is it normal even without unit test ? what kind of code would you put in a class like "Customer"?

No, it doesn't sound normal to me - unless you are at the very beginning of your project and Customer is as yet just a skeleton, and you know it will get more functionality over time.
Otherwise it may be a sign of a design issue, such as an anemic domain model.
It is not the unit tests' fault. Unit tests don't in any way enforce one to create dumb classes without real functionality.

I don't know if normal is the right word here, I'd rather say that the situation you have found yourself in is very common.
I see this happen most often with people starting in on Domain Driven Design and also when people use design patterns such as MVVM - all the logic falls into services and controllers and managers (which are themself a smell IMO), and the core domain model becomes a very anaemic set of DTOs.
What I would suggest is returning to your object modelling and looking at your services and seeing where you have removed logic from your Customer object which is actually a core concern of the customer. That is - what does the customer object do? Some of this will belong in external services, but there will also be key processes which are the domain of the customer.

When you design clearly, there might be the case, where some classes are just aggregates of Data. This is part of the MVC Pattern, where the models should not contain much logic. However if you do have absolutely no code in your classes there is something seriously wrong.
To me it sounds, like you are trying some kind of dependency injection, but you are not only injecting the dependencies, but rather everything. This is taking the pattern to far, so it might be becoming it's own anti-pattern.


Don't mock domain objects rule?

The most experienced developer in my current team has set a few hard rules based on best practices we should follow. Among them is "You never ever mock domain object". I asked him why we couldn't but he never had time to give me a proper answer. Now he's away for a week, and I reached a peak distrust to that rule, here's my situation.
My domain object has an Update method with several parameters, one being an interface for a calculator. It then updates a few fields, runs the calculators and assign its results to some other of its fields.
The proper unit test for the Update method itself is reasonably long.
Now I have some piece of code which do a few things then call Update on such a domain object.
I would normally mock the objects, and just check the Update method is being called with the proper arguments. But now, I have to test it's being properly called, by checking its fields and mocking the calculator then same way I did when unit testing the Update method itself. And I would have to do that everywhere the Update methods gets called.
How fun will it be when the Update method change a bit, and every of those tests suddenly break and need refactoring... I feels this rule is just like shooting myself in the foot..
So I need to know, why You never ever mock domain object"?
You never ever mock domain object
This is more of a heuristic than a best practice. And I can imagine that it make sense in some projects.
This heuristic can help to have better tests. Good tests are easy to write, easy to read and they will break as soon as something goes wrong. If you mock your domain model, you will probably also have to mock it's behavior. And if you have some complex behavior in your model, mocking it will be time consuming. The test will also be more fragile (mistakes can happen in predicting the domain model output).
The other alternative is to do sociable unit testing. That means the unit to be tested will not be a single class in isolation but a class and some of its dependencies. In other words, you just use a concrete object of your domain model in the test.
I would normally mock the objects, and just check the Update method is being called with the proper arguments. But now, I have to test it's being properly called, by checking its fields and mocking the calculator then same way I did when unit testing the Update method itself.
Checking that the update method is being called doesn't necessarily mean the success of the test. This is probably not what you want to check to see if your service works correctly. If you pass a concrete class of your model(including the calculators) you won't have to do any useless checks or repeat what has been done in other tests.
One of the differences between this solution and testing classes in isolation is that when there is bug in your domain model, many other tests will fail. But this is totally fine in my opinion since it will have to be fixed anyway.
You never ever mock domain object
There might be different reasons to avoid mocking your domain objects:
Mocking libraries, the same as ORMs, can affect design of your domain objects. They usually require interfaces or virtual methods in C#.
A preference to test against real instances. Very often people use mocking libraries because it is an easy way to create a fake or a stub. Very often you can build an instance of your domain object and use it in your test. Most likely a fact that method Update was called can be easily checked via state change.
I would normally mock the objects, and just check the Update method is being called with the proper arguments. But now, I have to test it's being properly called, by checking its fields and mocking the calculator then same way I did when unit testing the Update method itself.
How fun will it be when the Update method change a bit, and every of those tests suddenly break and need refactoring...
It was already mentioned in the comment that probably Update method has to many responsibilities and that's why is used in lots of use cases.
There are different tastes when it comes to defining a system under test (sut). If you tend to test classes then you often find yourself using mocking libraries. If you tend to test scenarios or behaviors then most likely you will only care about state changes.
You can probably explore a different design for your domain object: Try to split Update method into explicit domain specific methods so each client will trigger a different behavior. Given this approach a "reasonably long" test for the Update method can even become obsolete since it will be tested by other tests.
While Update() is probably not as tailored a method as you would expect from a rich domain model - which may have an impact on test fragility - I agree that you should take "never do X" advice with a grain of salt.
If you understand all the implications and know that the integration test version will be less maintainable, definitely use mocks. You, and not blanket statements or cargo cults, are the ultimate judge to what's better for your system in your context.

Should model classes be tested?

Should model classes be tested?
Model classes does not contain logic, but usually contains some logic in the constructor for initialization.
These class are also shared, therefore it a very important that these class initializes correctly.
What is the standard for testing, should model classes be tested? Or the class that make use of them have responsibility to test them?
If you care whether code works or not, it should be tested. That applies to all code.
Given that, if your model code is getting exercised when you run other tests, it may not be necessary to have tests specific to your models. However, tests are relatively cheap to write and potentially pay off big dividends, so there's no reason not to write a few quick tests for your models.
The point is model classes should contain all the logic, according to Model-View-Controller design pattern. Remember -
Thinner views, thin controllers, fat models.
So, by that principle all business logic should be contained in the models. Thereby, models should be thoroughly tested.
Besides, data is the most important component in any web project. Thereby, ensuring models have sufficient validations, and they don't allow junk data into db is extremely crucial.
That's what MVC says. Although I agree that trying to fit everything into MVC constructs is a very common antipattern. An even better approach would be to use distinct classes to maintain business logic which don't fall into any MVC constructs, although they must be encapsulated in models too.
Besides, as far as testing is concerned is general, I believe any working piece of code should have atleast modest test suite for them. Tests are working specifications of the code or rather they should be. They guides some else on what your code is doing, how to change it without breaking anything.
Note:- Don't test your libraries though i.e. don't test django code or mongoengine
Such test provide little to no value as you will be creating model instances in other tests, for components that work with/use said models. As such, you don't need dedicated model tests because they will be tested indirectly many, many times.

Types of methods which are hard to unit test?

What unit tests generally tend to be hard to write and why? I am particularly interested in methods which don't need mocking.
Two cases where unit testing is made difficult:
Methods that invoke static methods that belong to other classes, particularly when those other classes have static state, or do significant work. Being stuck trying to "unit" test a method that, through transitive closure, does database queries can suck.
Methods that create instances of other classes directly (i.e., via new), particularly when the constructor of the other class does itself requires static state, or when it does significant work in the constructor.
A great A to Z guide of testability concerns with side by side code examples of easy/hard to test code can be found in Misko's extensive testability guide.
Click on the "flaw #x" links (they look like plain text but they're separate links).
Big, complex methods that do lots of things at the same time that really should've been separated. (example: get something from a configuration object, create a URL based on some variables, encode the URL, send a request, do something with the response... you get the drill).
Everything static. Things created with New, although I haven't found a proper way to avoid it without spamming the entire application with factories.
It's almost always about dependencies.
Most code depends on external systems such as databases, file systems, email clients, networks, etc. It's also common to have dependencies on major internal systems (e.g, the spell checking module, or the recalc engine...).
If these dependences are not easily substitutable, then the system becomes hard to test.
Classes that call statics and singletons are the worst offenders, but any class that doesn't accept it's dependencies via constructor or properties will be hard to test.
There are some legitimate situations that are hard to test:
User Interface - this is why the trend is towards MVC architectures that create ViewModels which can be easily tested. The actual rendering is minimized - this is called the humble dialog or humble object pattern in the test literature.

In few words, what can be said about Mocking process in TDD

I'd like to brush my brain to avoid confusions. In few words, what can be said about Mocking process in TDD
What's the GREAT idea behind MOCKING?
Mocking frameworks are meant to be used only to avoid accessing DB during tests or they can be used for something else?
For new comers (like me), are all the frameworks equal or I need to choose one for this or that reason?
In addition to eliminating databases and other slow or ancillary concerns from the unit being tested, mocking allows you to start writing tests for a class without having to implement any collaborating classes.
As you design some piece of functionality, you'll realize that you need some other class or service, in order to stick to the single responsibility principle, but then you'll have to implement those to get the first one working, which in turn will demonstrate the need for still more classes.
If you can mock or stub those dependencies, then you can create the interfaces upon which that first class will rely, without actually having to implement anything outside of that class -- just return canned results from stubs of the interfaces.
This is an essential component to a test-first approach.
The GREAT idea: LIMIT THE SCOPE OF YOUR TESTS. By removing dependencies you remove the risk of test failures because of dependencies. That way you can focus on the correctness of the code that USES those dependencies.
Mocking DB's is very common but you can mock any dependency with an interface. In a recent project we mocked a web service, for example. You might even want to mock another business object just to make sure that you aren't relying on the correctness of the logic in that object.
I'd choose whichever one seems easiest to use. Moq is really nice.
I suggest you start here:
Mocks are not Stubs
It probably is the article that got me thinking the right way about Mocks. Sure the mocked object is usually heavy (otherwise it may not be worth mocking) but it doesn't have to be heavy in the sense that has some strong reliance on an external system like a database. It can be just a complex piece that you need to isolate to effectively be testing only your class and not the dependency.

N-tier architecture design separation of concerns

I realize there have already been a number of posts on n-tier design and this could possibly be me over thinking things and going round in circles, but I have myself all confused now and would like to get some clarity from the community please.
I am trying to separate a project I created, (and didn't design architecturally very well to start with), out into different layers (each in their own project):
Business Objects
Logic / Business
The UI should only call the Logic layer to get its stuff
The Business Objects should not call or have references to anything else, just be a way of storing the data
The Logic / BUSINESS layer should hold all of the methods to get, create, update, delete (CRUD) objects in the system and would have references to both the BO and the DAL. It would apply the business logic to the operations then delegate the actual CRUD to the DAL.
The DAL would just do the CRUD operations on the DB. It would have a reference to the BO's as it would return them for the Gets etc.
My question is should the Logic classes only call their equivalent DAL class and just call logic classes instead? In other words, CompanyLogic class should only call CompanyDAL class. So if it wanted to get A Client object by ID it would call ClientLogic.GetClientByID(int) rather than the ClientDAL.GetClientByID(int).
The reason I thought it maybe should stay on the its own layer was that:
It would seem to loosen the coupling between projects
What about the Logic, if getting a client object had some logic validation in it (possibly not the best example, but hope it gets the point across).
I am not sure if it is bad design by me but at the moment the BUSINESS layer has a number of classes including ClientBULL and CompnayBULL, both classes have a call to one another. I use an interface for each class and have a factory to build the objects to try and reduce any coupling but they can not exist without each other now due to calling methods in both classes. Is this a bad idea?
Well, here's my comments on your design:
Logic is a bad name for what essentially is a layer assigned to abstract persistence. I would probably call it "Repository" or "Persistence" or DAO (data access objects) instead of "Logic", which is ambiguous and could absolutely mean anything.
If you really want to decouple your business layer from your DAL, your Logic layer should only accept interfaces to the DAL, and not concrete DAL classes.
There are two schools of thought as to where validation should reside. Some are completely fine with validation sitting at the UI layer; others would rather throw exceptions or pass messages from the business layer. Whichever way you go, just be consistent, don't duplicate validations in multiple places, and you'll be fine.
Go ahead and try coding it would probably be the best piece of advice I could give you. It's well and fine thinking it through, but at one point you'll need to see it while you're coding it and only then will subtle quirks and pitfalls reveal themselves. Whatever prototypes you can come up with will definitely be valuable to the direction your development and design takes you.
Re your edit: Within the same namespace or assembly, calls to concrete classes are definitely fine. I think it will be overly convoluted for you to need to put up interfaces for business logic -- I mean is there more than one set of rules you should follow?
I'm a believer of keeping things simple and following YAGNI. Don't make an interface until there are more than two classes that are going to implement/already implementing that interface (the DAL is always an exception to this though).