No Linker option in Visual Studio Project Properties - c++

I'm trying to add a library to a Visual Studio C++ project, however, when I go to project properties I only have options for,
Common Properties
Startup Project
Project Dependencies
Debug Source File
Configuration Properites
Why can't I see the linker options?

Updating answer for VS2012 to cover executable and libraries.
If your project is an executable then you need to navigate as such:
Myproject --> properties --> linker --> additional dependencies and add the dll or lib.
If you project is a library, there is no "linker" tab so you need to navigate as such:
Myproject -->properties --> Librarian --> additional dependencies and add the dll or lib

You are looking at the properties for the Solution.
You'll need to open the properties for the specific project within that solution.

Are you by any chance looking at a library project? Quoted from this answer:
A library is just a collection of objects, which by definition have not been linked yet. The linker is not used to create the library, so it makes sense that there would be no linker options for it.

In Visual Studio 2013:
Go to: Project Properties -> Configuration Manager -> General.
There, under Project Defaults, change the Configuration Type to either Dynamic Library or Application. Click on Apply. Then you should see the Linker tab added to the menu on the left.

If the Configuration Type (Configuration Properties -> General -> Configuration Type) is set to Utility, then no linker option will be available.

Either you are looking at the "solution" level or at a file level (e.g. main.cpp). Move to project level and you will see the Linker.


How to add a library to my project in a visual studio 2019?

I needed to use zydis library in my VC2019 cpp project.
I have no idea how can I add it to my current project - I downloaded it from github.
There is msvc folder, inside I can find .sln file, some header files and .vcxproj files - what should I do, to just include it into my project and use it?
It can be done by adding a reference to the DLL file.
In Visual Studio, right click on the project, Add Reference. Give the path to the DLL file and add it to the project.
First, I suggest that you could download and install Zydis using the vcpkg dependency manager. The method is easy and convenient.
If you don't use vcpkg, you could follow the steps below.
Open the Zydis.sln in msvc with VS2019.
Copy files in include/Zycore, put them in zydis-master\include\Zycore. Because I find that there should be missing files when I compile Zydis.sln.
Right click Zydis, set Visual Studio 2019(v142) in Properties->General->Platform Toolset.
Compile it, and you will find Zydis.lib in zydis-master\msvc\bin\DebugX64.
Then, you could copy include floder and lib in your program floder.
You could set VS:
Right-click the project, select Properties->Configuration
Properties->C/C++->General, find the Additional Include Directories and set the directory.
Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker ->
General, find the Additional library directory in General, and set the lib.
Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input,
find Additional Dependencies and input the lib name.
Besides, you could set five build configurations.

Statically link the libcurl library to my project (a dll) in Visual Studio 2013

So I've been trying to statically link the libcurl library to my project for the past DAY and I'm literally pulling my hair out. Everywhere on the internet different instructions are given and none seem to work. I've never statically liked a library before but now I have to (for the sake of keeping things organized).
So my project is a .dll file, which requires the libcurl library to function. I've managed to build a libcurl.lib file from the libcurl source, but I have no idea what I need to do with the properties of my dll project. I've tried adding it to "Additional library directories", "Additional include directories", "Additional dependencies" all without success. Some configurations seem to work, but in the end it still doesn't link statically, only dynamically. Oh, and I'm using Visual Studio 2013.
Does anyone have any experience statically linking libcurl? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
After a lot of experimenting I finally figured it out:
I had to do exactly this (for anyone else experiencing these issues):
Open properties
Go to Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories
Add the location of your curldownload/lib folder to "Library Directories"
Go to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General
Add the location of your curldownload/include folder to "Additional Include Directories"
Go to Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input
Add this to "Additional Dependencies": libcurl.lib;ws2_32.lib;wldap32.lib;advapi32.lib;kernel32.lib;comdlg32.lib
Add "libcmt.lib" to "Ignore Specific Default Libraries"
And then it compiled. Hope that helped!

C++ VS2010 no linker in project->properties

I have problem with .lib files not found. I would like to check linker properties. However, in Project->Properties, I cannot find linker tab. What am i missing here ? Actually, I fear that I am not looking at project properties, but at properties for solution or whatever. What is a project exactly (which icon in VS for instance), or where can I look at project properties ?
Thanks !!
If there is no linker options, it is possible that the project is set to build a *.lib.
In this case you will be able to select 'Librarian' on the left of the project options. You can modify what the project is configured to build by going to General and then changing the Configuration type.
To get to the Project properties, right click on the project in the solution explorer window and click on properties.
It should be Project -> Properties(Alt+F7) -> Configuration properties -> Linker. Dependencies can be set in the Input tab under the Linker tab.
For clarification of the concept of "Projects" in Visual Studio:
The topmost node you see in the Solution Explorer (The panel which is (I believe) by default on the left of your window) is called the Solution. You can imagine it as a big bag to put everything related to solving a problem into.
This "everything" I'm talking about is put together using Projects. A project is essentially a bunch of code that is to be compiled into one distinct output file (a DLL/LIB, an application).
For instance, if you yourself were to write a library, you would create a solution encompassing all of it. Into the solution, you'd put the code of your library's components in separate projects. For testing, you'd add even more projects, each building an executable that is linking to your libraries.
For example:
---- MyLibrary (Solution)
+--- MyLibraryMath (Project)
+--- MyLibraryNetwork (Project)
+--- TestMath (Project, linking to MyLibraryMath)
+--- TestNetwork (Project, linking to MyLybraryNetwork)

How do I include a statically linked library in my Eclipse C++ project?

I have an open-source library that's distributed in source form. After I run the Makefile, I end up with a .h file and a .a file that I then want to include in a project that I'm working on. I'm familiar with how I can add these by editing a Makefile manually or by invoking the compiler from the command line, but I'm not sure how I can add these to my Eclipse C++ project, created using the CDT.
I'm currently using Eclipse Indigo. I found some instructions for older versions of Eclipse, but the menus aren't what are described. I poked around a bit, and didn't see anything familiar.
right click on the project name in the project explorer with the project being opened, select project properties. Then select C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> includes -> GNU C++ and add the path to your header file. You should do the same for you library under : C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Libraries -> Add , and add your library file path.
How do I add an external library to my C++ project?
Go to Your Project's Properties by right clicking on project's name and selecting properties. Click on "C/C++ Build". Under Settings->Tool Settings Tab, click on GCC C Linker / Libraries. Then add a library and a search path.

How do files get into the External Dependencies in Visual Studio C++?

I wonder why one of my projects has VDSERR.h listed under "External Dependencies" and another hasn't and gives me an "undefined symbol" compiler error about a symbol which is defined in there. How can I include this file in the other project as well?
The External Dependencies folder is populated by IntelliSense: the contents of the folder do not affect the build at all (you can in fact disable the folder in the UI).
You need to actually include the header (using a #include directive) to use it. Depending on what that header is, you may also need to add its containing folder to the "Additional Include Directories" property and you may need to add additional libraries and library folders to the linker options; you can set all of these in the project properties (right click the project, select Properties). You should compare the properties with those of the project that does build to determine what you need to add.
To resolve external dependencies within project. below things are important..
1. The compiler should know that where are header '.h' files located in workspace.
2. The linker able to find all specified all '.lib' files & there names for current project.
So, Developer has to specify external dependencies for Project as below..
1. Select Project in Solution explorer.
2 . Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General
specify all header files in "Additional Include Directories".
3. Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General
specify relative path for all lib files in "Additional Library Directories".