Wildcard search on Date fields - jpa-2.0

I use HSQLDB2.0 and JPA2.0 for my current project and have few date columns in DB.
I would like to run wildcard queries on the date columns. How could I do that?
Ex : If my DB contains two rows with date values as : 10-01-2011 and 15-02-2011
and my search criteria will be "%10-01%", then result should be 10-01-2011.
Else if search criteria is "%2011%" then both rows need to be fetched with the select query.
Thanks in advance,

You can define an autogenerated column of type VARCHAR containing a copy of the date. You can then perform queries with both LIKE predicates and REGEXP_MATCHES() function. An example of the column definition is below:
Note the string representation of DATE is in the form '2011-02-26' and your query strings should follow this pattern.

This can be achieved in this format :
select date_birth from member where to_char(date_birth,'MM-yyyy') like '%02-2011%'
select date_birth from member where to_char(date_birth,'MM-dd') like '%02-15%'
select date_birth from member where to_char(date_birth,'dd-yyyy') like '%30-2011%'


How to add a new column with custom values, based on a WHERE clause from another table in PowerBi?

I am stuck while dynamically forming a new column based certain WHERE clause from another Table in PowerBi. To give more details, let's say I have a table with item numbers associated with a Customer Name. In another table, I have to add a new column, which will dynamically add the item numbers associated with a particular customer and append as a query parameter to a base url.
So, my first table looks like this:
The second table that I want is this:
The query parameter value in the URL, has to be dynamically based on a SELECT query with a WHERE clause and pick up the ItemNumbers using the Customer field which is common between both. So, how can this be done in PowerBi? Any help would be really appreciated :)
I have one table in my model "TableRol" if I want to summarize my Date as the string I can use CONCATENATEX;
URL = CONCATENATE(CONCATENATE("http:\\mysite.com\parametersHere\getitem?='",CONCATENATEX(VALUES('TableRol'[Date]), 'TableRol'[Date],";")),"'")

How to make a existing column "unique" in PowerBI, so I can form a "one-to-many" relationsship?

I have 40 tables. One table has 20 rows, and one of the columns have 1385 distinct values.
I would like to use this in a relationship with another table.
TableName(1385 rows) Column:Name:(1385 distinct values)
But when I try to do this in Powerbi/Manage-Relations, it will only accept the option "Many-to-Many" relationship. It reports that none of the column are "Unique".
Well, the data in the column is unique. So how can I configure this column to be unique so I can use it in a "One-to-Many" relationship"?
Do I have to edit the DAX expression and put the "DISTINCT" keyword in the expression for that column? And How?
Now I have:
}, {"Columnname", Int64.Type}, {
what you can try is to perform remove duplicates in that table(i know its already contains distinct values but you can give it a try)... and/or just load the data again.
Best way would be when you group your data in the query editor. This way your table has only distinct values and you can create your relationship.
In the query designer under Home > Group By you can group after your column.
Table (2):
Relationship (One to Many):
I hope this helps.

Power query append multiple tables with single column regardless column names

I have the following query in M:
= Table.Combine({
Is it possible to get it working without prior changing column names?
I want to get something similar to SQL syntax:
select item from Tab1 union all
select Column1 from Tab2
If you need just one column from each table then you may use this code:
= Table.FromList(List.Distinct(Tab1[item])
& List.Distinct(Tab2[Column1]))
If you use M (like in your example or the append query option) the columns names must be the same otherwise it wont work.
But it works in DAX with the command
=UNION(Table1; Table2)
It's not possible in Power Query M. Table.Combine make an union with columns that match. If you want to keep all in the same step you can add the change names step instead of tap2 like you did with Table.SelectColumns.
This comparison of matching names is to union in a correct way.
Hope you can manage in the same step if that's what you want.

How to filter selective data from a postgres using PDI components?

For example : I have a column named description, in this column there are millions of records. I just want to filter records only with "a=x" (where x can be any value) using pentaho?.This pattern can be at any position in the column
Assuming that in your description column you always have a value after the pattern 'a=' you could just do the filtering in PostgreSQL using LIKE
description LIKE '%a=%'
Then you just put this query inside a Table Input step in your transformation.

Do flowfields Value Change if Filters are applied to the Table?

I have a flowfield that sums up a decimal value, but I need to limit the value in a report based on a date field that will be supplied as a parameter in a
report. How best do I achieve this?
a shortened version the CALC formula in the field definition looks like this:
Sum("MyTable".Unit WHERE (Institution=FIELD(No)))
When the report is run, there is a filter on MyTable based on a date field.
Does this field evaluate to the total sum of all the records, or just the filtered values?
No. Just filter on any field doesn't applies to flow fields.
You must use flowfilter to achieve this.
Your code should look like this:
MytableVar.setrange("Date Filter", 0D, TODAY);
where Date Filter is a field in the My Table with type flowfilter.
If My Table is used as Source Table it will work in tha same way. Just apply filter to Date Filter field.
For further reference see Inventory filed in the Item table.