Mapping from 2D projection back to 3D point cloud - opengl

I have a 3D model consisting of point vertices (XYZ) and eventually triangular faces.
Using OpenGL or camera-view-matrix-projection I can project the 3D model to a 2D plane, i.e. a view window or an image with m*n resolution.
The question is how can I determine the correspondence between a pixel from the 2D projection plan and its corresponding vertex (or face) from the original 3D model.
What is the closest vertices in 3D model for a given pixel from 2D projection?
It sounds like picking in openGL or raytracing problem. Is there however any easy solution?
With the idea of ray tracing it is actually about finding the first vertex/face intersected with the ray from a view point. Can someone show me some tutorial or examples? I would like to find an algorithm independent from using OpenGL.

Hit testing in OpenGL usually is done without raytracing. Instead, as each primitive is rendered, a plane in the output is used to store the unique ID of the primitive. Hit testing is then as simple as reading the ID plane at the cursor location.

My (possibly-naive) thought would be to create an array of the vertices and then sort them by their distance (or distance-squared, for speed) once projected to your screen point. The first item in the list will be closest. It will be O(n) for n vertices, but no worse.
Edit: Better for speed and memory: simply loop through all vertices and keep track of the vertex whose projection is closest (distance squared) to your viewport pixel. This assumes that you are able to perform the projection yourself, without relying on OpenGL.
For example, in pseudo-code:
function findPointFromViewPortXY( pointOnViewport )
closestPoint = false
bestDistance = false
for (each point in points)
projectedXY = projectOntoViewport(point)
distanceSquared = distanceBetween(projectedXY, pointOnViewport)
if bestDistance==false or distanceSquared<bestDistance
closestPoint = point
bestDistance = distanceSquared
return closestPoint

In addition to Ben Voigt's answer:
If you do a separate pass over pickable objects, then you can set the viewport to contain only a single pixel that you will read.
You can also encode triangle ID by using geometry shader (gl_PrimitiveID).


Simple Texture Mapping for a generic triangle mesh

Suppose that we have a triangle mesh without information about normals and texture coordinates.
(Basically an OBJ file with only vertices and face elements).
The objective is to show something decent using Opengl with a program written in C.
To calculate the normals of every triangle is easy...
But what about texture mapping?
Can anyone recommend me a simple algorithm/documentation/resource to map the normalized UV coordinates of an image to a generic mesh of triangles?
(For a mesh with a single triangle it is easy, ex: [0][0], [1][0], [0][1])
The result doesn't have to be perfect, even professional softwares can't do that without UV unwrapping and UV seams.
The only algorithm I know is for 2D screen coordinates (screen space):
I already answered a question similar to this here, focus on the algorithm (ie., texturePos = (vPos - 0.5) * 2) of conversion between textureCoords and 2D vertices
Note; The following is a theory:
There might be a method with 3D space. Eventually the transformations lead to the vertices being rendered in 2D screen coordinates.
local space --> world space --> view space --> NDC space --> screen coordinates
Using the general convention above and the 3 matrices (Model, View, Projection),
and since the vertices will end up in 2D space, you could create some form of algorithm to back track the textureCoordinates using the inverse Matrices back to 3D space and move on from there.
This, btw, still is not a defined and perfect algorithm (maybe there is and someone will edit and add the algorithm here in the future...)

Generating depth map with panda3d

I need to generate test data for 3d reconstruction code. For this I decided to use panda3d. I am able to create simple app and see the scene. Now I need to create depth map for the scene, i.e. for each pixel on the screen I need to calculate depth, i.e. distance from camera to the closest object in the 3d space (moving perpendicularly to camera plane). What API functions are more suitable for that?
This is in principle similar to shadow mapping, as demonstrated in the advanced shadow sample. You will need to create an offscreen buffer and camera to render the depth buffer. Note that unless you use an orthographic lens, the resulting depth values will not be linear and will need to be transformed to a linear value using the near and far values of the lens. The near and far distances should be configured such as to get the desired range of depth values.
Alternatively, you can use a shader to write the appropriate distance values into the colour buffer, which is particularly useful if you want to store distance values of a perspective camera without having to undo the perspective projection later, or if you want to store the original world-space positions.
If you want to be able to access the values on the CPU, you will need to use the RTM_copy_ram value instead of RTM_bind_or_copy when binding your texture to tell Panda3D to transfer the results of rendering the buffer to CPU-accessible memory.

Why does OpenGL allow/use fractional values as the location of vertices?

As far as I understand, location of a point/pixel cannot be a fraction, at least on a raster graphics system where hardwares use pixels to display images.
Then, why and how does OpenGL use fractional values for plotting pixels?
For example, how is it possible: glVertex2f(0.15f, 0.51f); ?
This command does not plot any pixels. It merely defines the location of a point in 3D space (you'll notice that there are 3 coordinates, while for a pixel on the screen you'd only need 2). This is the starting point for the OpenGL pipeline. This point then goes through a lot of transformations before it ends up on the screen.
Also, the coordinates are unitless. For example, you can say that your viewport is between 0.0f and 1.0f, then these coordinates make a lot of sense. Basically you have to think of these point in terms of mathematics, not pixels.
I would suggest some reading on how OpenGL transformations work, for example here, here or the tutorial here.
The vectors you pass into OpenGL are not viewport positions but arbitrary numbers in some vector space. Only after a chain of transformations these numbers are mapped into viewport pixel positions. With the old fixed function pipeline this could be anything that can be represented by a vector–matrix multiplication.
These days, where everything is programmable (shaders) the mapping can very well be any kind of function you can think of. For example the values you pass into glVertex (immediate mode call, but available to shaders with OpenGL-2.1) may be interpreted as polar coordinates in the vertex shader:
This is a perfectly valid OpenGL-2.1 vertex shader that interprets the vertex position to be in polar coordinates. Note that due to triangles and lines being straight edges and polar coordinates being curvilinear this gives good visual results only for points or highly tesselated primitives.
#version 110
void main() {
gl_Position =
* vec4( gl_Vertex.y*vec2(sin(gl_Vertex.x),cos(gl_Vertex.x)) , 0, 1);
As you can see here the valus passed to glVertex are actually arbitrary, unitless components of vectors in some vector space. Only by applying some transformation to the viewport space these vectors gain meaning. Hence it makes no way to impose a certain value range onto the values that go into the vertex attribute.
Vertex and pixel are very different things.
It's quite possible to have all your vertices within one pixel (although in this case you probably need help with LODing).
You might want to start here...
Primitives are defined by a group of one or more vertices. A vertex defines a point, an endpoint of a line, or a corner of a polygon where two edges meet. Data (consisting of vertex coordinates, colors, normals, texture coordinates, and edge flags) is associated with a vertex, and each vertex and its associated data are processed independently, in order, and in the same way.
Rasterization produces a series of frame buffer addresses and associated values using a two-dimensional description of a point, line segment, or polygon. Each fragment so produced is fed into the last stage, per-fragment operations, which performs the final operations on the data before it's stored as pixels in the frame buffer.
For your example, before glVertex2f(0.15f, 0.51f) is on the screen, there are many transforms to be done. Making complex thing crudely simpler, after moving your vertex to view space (applying camera position and direction), the magic here is (1) projection matrix, and (2) viewport setting.
Internally, OpenGL "screen coordinates" are in a cube (-1, -1, -1) - (1, 1, 1), :
Projection matrix 'squeezes' the frustum in this cube (which you do in vertex shader), assuming you have perspective transform - if projection is orthogonal, the projection is just a tube, limited by near and far values (and like in both cases, scaling factors):
EDIT: Maybe better example here:
(EDIT: The Z-coordinate is used as depth value) When fragments are finally transferred to pixels on texture/framebuffer/screen, these are multiplied with viewport settings:
Hope this helps!

Math Behind Flash Vector Graphics?

I've been searching for vector graphics and flash for quite some time but I haven't really found what I was looking for. Can anyone tell me exactly what area of mathematics is required for building vector images in 3D space? Is this just vector math? I saw some C++ libraries for it but I wasn't sure if it was the sort of vectors meant to for smaller file size like flash images are. Thanks in advance.
If you're wanting to do something from scratch (there are plenty of open-source libraries out there if you don't), keep in mind that "vector graphics" (this is different than the idea of a 3D space vector) themselves are typically based on parametric curves like Bezier curves, which are essentially 3rd degree polynomials for each x, y, and/or z point parameterized from a value t that goes from 0 to 1. Now projecting the texture-map image you create with those curves (i.e., the so-called "vector graphics" image) onto triangle polygon via uv coordinates would involve some interpolation, which is fairly straight forward linear algebra, as you would utilize the barycentric coordinate of the 3D point on the surface of the triangle polygon in order to calculate the uv point you want to look-up from the texture.
So essentially the steps are:
Create the parametric-curve based image (i.e, the "vector graphic") and make a texture map out of it
That texture map will have uv coordinates
When you rasterize the 3D triangle polygon, you will get a barycentric coordinate on the surface of the triangle from the actual 3D points of the triangle polygon. Those points of the polygon should also have UV coordinates assigned to them.
Use the barycentric coordinates to calculate the uv coordinate on the texture map.
When you get that color from the texture map, then shade the triangle (i.e, calculate lighting, etc. if that's what you're doing, or just save that color of the pixel if there is no lighting).
Please note I haven't gotten into antialiasing, that's a completely different beast. Best thing if you don't know what you're doing there is to simply brute-force antialias through super-sampling (i.e., render a really big image and then average pixels to shrink it back to the desired size).
If you've taken multivariable calculus, the concepts behind parametric curves and surfaces should be familiar, and a basic understanding of linear algebra would be necessary in order to work with barycentric coordinates and linear interpolation from 3D vectors.

OpenGL/GLSL: What is the best algorithm to render clouds/smoke out of volumetric data?

I would like to render the 3D volume data: Density(can be mapped to Alpha channel), Temperature(can be mapped to RGB).
Currently I am simulationg maximum intensity projection, eg: rendering the most dense/opaque pixel in the end.But this method looses the depth perception.
I would like to imitate the effect like a fire inside the smoke.
So my question is what is the techniques in OpenGL to generate images based on available data?
Any idea is welcome.
Thanks Arman.
I would try a volume ray caster first.
You can google "Volume Visualization With Ray Casting" and that should give you most of what you need. NVidia has a great sample (using openg) of ray casting through a 3D texture.
On your specific implementation, you would just need to keep stepping through the volume accumlating the temperature until you reach the wanted density.
If your volume doesn't fit in video memory, you can do the ray casting in pieces and then do a composition step.
A quick description of ray casting:
1) Render a six sided cube in world space as the drawing primitive make sure to use depth culling.
Vertex shader:
2) In the vertex shader store off the world position of the vertices (this will interpolate per fragmet)
Fragment shader:
3) Use the interpolated position minus the camera position to get the vector of traversal through the volume.
4) Use a while loop to step through the volume from the point on the cube through the other side. 3 ways to know when to end.
A) at each step test if the point is still in the cube.
B) do a ray intersection with cube and calculate the distance between the intersections.
C) do a prerender of the cube with forward face culling and store the depths into a second texture map then just sampe at the screen pixel to get the distance.
5) accumulate while you loop and set the pixel color.