SData - SalesLogix - saleslogix

Are there any SalesLogix Web developers in here?
If so, here is my question:
On Sage's SData page HERE there is a demo of Self-service Website using SData. Can some one direct me where or how do I begin to make this happen. I am currently working on a project (SalesLogix related project) and SData is direction I would like to go. I am knowledgeable in web development but not very much in SalesLogix. Can someone direct me what I need to make my site talk to SData?
Thank you in advance.

You need to grab the SData libraries from GitHub:
And depending on your requirements, you might not even need SData; SubLogix might work for you as well. If you have VS2010 you can download it as a package from NuGet.
Here's some information on SubLogix. It works very well as far as I've used it (for small 3rd party libraries where I didn't want to deal with the headaches of setting up SData and ProcessHost).

Thanks E for the mention of Sublogix :-)
BTW, I wanted to point out that you can also get SDataCSharpClientLib on NuGet now as well. In the Add Package Reference dialog just search for SData or Sage and you'll find it.


What is the best way to integrate Google Analytics into a C++ OpenFrameworks desktop project?

I'm currently building an OpenFrameworks project and need to use Google Analytics to track user interactions. I have yet to find any existing C++ libraries for doing so, and am considering writing my own. Is the API open enough to allow a custom library to be created? If one doesn't exist, any ideas on where to begin coding my own?
Yes it is possible and easy to extend openframeworks!
You can look here if there is an addon which fits your need. Maybe ofxCurl or ofxHttpUtils are the right ones to create an request like the one mentioned in the comment by yahelc.
If you don't find a solution there, you can look here to find first informations about creating addons for openFrameworks. If you have any further questions, please ask in the official openframeworks forums which you can find here.
Looks like you'll have to build your own solution... I'd use ofxHttpUtils to ping Google's Analytics API. You should also consider wrapping your work as an OF addon and sharing in
I've built an OpenFrameworks add-on to do just that:

Looking for third party charting options for ColdFusion

A project I am working on makes extensive use of CFCHART. We have run into quite a few usage and performance issues with CFCHART, so I have been tasked to look at some third-party solutions to try out and recommend. Anybody have some reviews and recommendations they'd care to share?
Consider outputting the raw data and using JavaScript / Canvas to generate the charts on the fly. The load is the given to the client.
This makes it easier for screenreaders and people who like to save the data to access it as well.
Some JS charting libraries:
Not dependent on your server side technology (e.g. irrelevant to the fact that you're using CF), I have recently started playing around with HighCharts (, and have been very impressed.
Bear in mind, it's not free for commercial use, but you didn't specify as to any such restrictions. Although their pricing seems pretty fair (see
The Wijmo jQuery library has some nice charting widgets.
We use FusionCharts. They have a comprehensive set of chart and widget types (eg sparklines) and have a very slick, professional finish.
ChartDirector is reasonable and is very advanced. It generates image-based graphs and we don't have to worry about whether or not different browsers support various advanced HTML features or Flash. You can download it, install and run it unlicensed and it will only add a little copyright in the bottom-right 20 pixels of the graph. (Licensing is inexpensive.) It comes with 239+ ColdFusion scripts so that you have plenty of sample code. Their support forums is very active and helpful.
Check out the gallery. It has some very impressive samples. You can create just about anything.
You can try jqChart as well.
Thank you to everyone for these suggestions! This gives me a good list of applications to work with. Since there is no one "right" answer for a question like this I made sure to note each answer as useful.

Trying to remember software that self-documents SOAP/REST API

I'm trying to remember the name of the piece of software that would help you self-document your REST and SOAP API's as well as other things. It has a wiki that would go along with it as well...
Does anyone remember it? It's open source
I figured it out; it's called enunciate

Where is a good place for a code review?

A few colleagues and I created a simple packet capturing application based on libpcap, GTK+ and sqlite as a project for a Networks Engineering course at our university. While it (mostly) works, I am trying to improve my programming skills and would appreciate it if members of the community could look at what we've put together.
Is this a good place to ask for such a review? If not, what are good sites I can throw this question up on? The source code is hosted by Google Code ( and an executable is available for download (Windows only, though it does compile on Linux and should compile on OS X Leopard as well provided one has gtk+ SDK installed).
Thanks, everyone!
-Carlos Nunez
UPDATE: Thanks for the great feedback, everyone. The code is completely open-source and modifiable (licensed under Apache License 2.0). I was hoping to get more holistic feedback, considering that my postings would still be very lengthy.
As sheepsimulator mentioned, GitHub is good. I would also recommend posting your project on and/or Both are active developer communities where people often peruse projects like yours. The best thing for your code would be if someone found it useful and decided to extend it. Then, you'd probably end up with plenty of bug fixes and constructive criticism.
You might get some mileage by posting the code out in the public space (through github or some other open-posting forum), putting a link here on SO, and seeing what happens.
You could also make it an open-source project, and see if people find it and use it.
Probably your best bet is to talk to your prof/classmates, find some professional programmers willing to devote their time, and have them review the code. Like American Idol-esque judging, but for your software...
As #Noah states, this is not the site for code review. You may present problems and what you did to overcome those problems, asking if a given solution would be the best.
I found a neat little website that might be what you are looking for:

Good Site Builder

I am currently working on a website and i kinda need something like a cms/site builder to be integrated int the site, but not very complicated.
for example let's say i have a few templates and the users can modify them as they please(add a picture, some text, etc)
Please help.
Thank you!
look at N2 if you are working in .Net
try joomla, drupal, or wordpress. There are also some basic wiki sites that are easy to setup and use like TWiki.
If you want to keep things very basic then SnippetMaster is an option. Your users can edit odd bits of text and even add pictures. It works best for sites with only a few pages to update. For a large site you may want to look at something more advanced.
You can build a site these days with WordPress. Actually I recommend this even if you have more complicated stuff. There are a lot of plugins and themes and over all support. If you want something simple you can have it in minutes.
You could use Joomla (PHP) or Windows SharePoint Services (.NET), but it depends what kind of thing you are really after...
Also, you could use something like VS Web Developer 2008 Express edition which'll create a basic template for you.
Here's an awesome link that I just happened to have someone send me yesterday:
Top 10 free content management systems for web site designers