How to view differences of image in git? - redmine

I use Redmine for my git repository.
I can view differences of text file just by clicking view differences.
But when I'm viewing differences of an image, nothing appeared on the screen.
Is there anyway to view the changes of image in redmine?

Git can only track differences for text files, not binary files.
So it will store different versions, but is unable to actually show the differences.

Clone it to GitHub. They've got a feature to diff images online.


How can you view the code for the example Community Visualizations in Google Data Studio?

I am trying to make a Sankey chart (alluvial diagram) in Data Studio. I have found the "Community Visualizations" page and I can see the sankey diagram is one of the examples ( However, when I try to look in the bucket public-community-viz-showcase-reports, despite these supposedly being public it says I don't have the appropriate permissions to view them. I want to view the code used to generate the showcase report so I can modify it for my own purposes (I need to add color coding of the flows and multiple columns). Is it possible to do this?
Some of the files were uploaded to the Community Visualizations repository. The Sankey one was marked as experimental and deleted in this commit. The reason can be due to updating it to the new version but we aware of that if using it in production. Anyway, you can still browse through the repository history to find older files containing the original code. For example:
Sankey folder
Note that it also contains instructions on how to build the visualizations with the new changes you apply to the code.
By the way, even if you don't have storage.objects.list to run $ gsutil ls gs://public-community-viz-showcase-reports/sankey you do have storage.objects.get and can retrieve individual files of course. The problem in doing it that way is that files are minified to improve performance and not really readable.
As an example, an excerpt of index.js:
$ gsutil cat gs://public-community-viz-showcase-reports/sankey/index.js | head -c 500
is the following:
!function(t){var n={};function e(r){if(n[r])return n[r].exports;var i=n[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[r].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,e),i.l=!0,i.exports}e.m=t,e.c=n,e.d=function(t,n,r){e.o(t,n)||Object.defineProperty(t,n,{enumerable:!0,get:r})},e.r=function(t){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})},e.t=function(t,n){if(1&n&&(t=e(t)),8&n)return t;if(4&n&&"object"==typeof t&&t
The files for several of the example community visualizations now lives in the experimental-visualizations repository.

How to get a portable Xarginan presentation as you can do with ioslides?

I am pretty new to Rmarkdown presentations. I liked ioslides but it was quite a fixed theme, and Xarignan seemed more easily configurable (the visual aspect).
With ioslides, you get an html file with ALL the content (css, images, etc.). With Xaringan, I cannot get the images to work (seems like I need them to be in a folder in the same folder as the html file). Also, I am not sure if the html files uses something from the internet.
This problem has been largely resolved. For now, you may try the development version of xaringan:
Images in slides should be correctly embedded now if you specify the option self_contained: true under the output format xaringan::moon_reader. The help page ?xaringan::moon_reader has more information about the self-contained mode.

How to render LaTeX in local Gorilla worksheet

I am trying to embed LaTeX formulas inside Markdown cell in a locally running Gorilla worksheet. For example, the following Markdown text should render an inline formula and a standalone formula:
This is an inline formula, ##\sin(x)##, and this is on its own line:
$$\int_0^{2\pi}\sin^2(x) \textrm{d}x$$
However, when I run Gorilla locally (using lein gorilla) what I see is the raw code. Markdown itself is rendered absolutely fine. On the other hand, when pushing the worksheet to GitHub and using an online viewer LaTeX formulas are rendered as expected.
Gorilla's documentation is saying the following, which I'm not sure I fully understand:
Note: currently you will need to be online in order for LaTeX to render properly.
What I thought is that it means that I have to have a network connection while trying to render LaTeX, but, if this is indeed the meaning, than I do not understand why it is not working. Another meaning I could think about is that currently LaTeX can only be rendered with the online viewer, but this interpretation dose not make much sense to me.
Any ideas? Thanks to any one pointing me to the right direction!
With some help I have found the solution to this problem—I was using an outdated version of lein-gorilla plugin. With version 0.5.3 LaTeX is rendered just fine[1]. The exact plugins line in project.clj should be similar to
:plugins [[org.clojars.benfb/lein-gorilla "0.5.3"]]
Also, it seems I was not aware that I could use the app-gorilla template for creating gorilla projects (I was using lein new app and then manually edited project.clj to add the plugins line). The command
$ lein new gorilla-app <project-name>
generates a project.clj file with the right version of the lein-gorilla plugin already in the file.
I guess this is the right way for creating gorilla apps, and that it ensures that the plugin will always be up to date.
[1] Some very specific LaTeX formulas seems to have rendering problems, but it needs some more testing and maybe a separate question.

In Sitecore 7.1 when I try to open the media library browser to insert an image a popup says the item was deleted

I have a simple template inheriting from Standard Template with an Image field. After creating a new item, when I go to add content and click on the field's toolbar item Open Media Library I get a message telling me The selected item could not be found. and suggesting that another use deleted it.
I am the only user on the installation, and the item is definitely there. I have done a few other Sitecore installs to make sure it's not just a corrupt project, and I've checked the logs to no avail.
I'm using Sitecore 7.1 rev. 130926 (the latest version as of this writing). I've done extensive searching and can't find anybody reporting a similar issue - my guess is it's a simple configuration (botched ID or path?), but I can't seem to locate it by scanning the configs for relevant keywords.
There are other issues with using the Browse editor, but I believe this is related to the missing Media Library item. The File Selector and other reasonably equivalent editors do not fail so I don't think it's a browser configuration. I've tried on Chrome, IE and Firefox and all respond the same way.
Any suggestions on further courses of action would be greatly appreciated!
I was also facing the same error, following are the step i have done to resolve.
1) I upload all my Images in the Media image folder
2) I have publish this folder.
3) Clicked on the Browse Button-> My Images
4) On Right hand side you will find the Tree view Icon above the Search Box
5) Click on it will see the Media Library with Tree consisting of all the Images.
6) Select the Image from that.
7) After this image get displayed in Image box,
8) Now click on Open Media Library Box and it will not give the error.
On your 'simple template' check the standard value for your Image field on your data template. It may be that it is pointing to a path which does not exist in your media library.
Figured it out, but it took an install on a completely separate machine and a comparison of the entire folder/file structure. There are two Sitecore XMLs that get written to the bin folder: Sitecore.Client.XML and Sitecore.Kernel.xml - both contain Sitecore assembly definitions, but the ones on my machine were not being generated properly. Once I copied the files over to my local install everything started working as expected.
So, the short answer is: a corrupted installation.
I frankly have no idea why the files would differ from my machine to another - once this project is finished, I'll have to do some research and report back. I have several Sitecore versions installed, and it could be a conflict between versions or dependencies? If I find anything, I'll make notes here.

How to batch download large number of high resolution satellite images from Google Map directly?

I'm helping a professor working on a satellite image analysis project, we need 800 images stitching together for a square area at 8000x8000 resolution each image from Google Map, it is possible to download them one by one, however I believe there must be a way to write a script for batch processing.
Here I would like to ask how can I implement this using shell or python script, and how could I download images by google maps url ?
Here is an example of the url:,149.554911&spn=0.027691,0.066047&ctz=-660&t=k&z=15
However I'm not able to analyse the image direct download link from this.
Actually, I solved this problem, however due to Google's intention, I would not post the way for doing this.
Have you tried the Google static maps API?
You get 25 000 free requests, but you're limited to 640x640, so you'll need to do ~160 requests at a higher zoom level.
I suggest downloading the images as so: Downloading a picture via urllib and python
URL to start with:,149.554911&zoom=15&size=640x640&sensor=false&maptype=satellite
It's been long time since I solved the problem, sorry for the delay.
I posted my code to github here, plz star or fork as you like :)
The idea is to use a virtual web browser at a very high resolution to load the google map page, then do the page capture. The defect is there will be google symbol all around on each image, the solution is to apply over sampling on the resolution on each of the image, then use the stiching technique to stick them all together.