When I turn of light. I can see my object but with out the 3D light.
I set my object position to this 0, 0, 10.
Here is my code to set up my Light
D3DLIGHT9 light;
ZeroMemory( &light, sizeof(D3DLIGHT9) );
light.Diffuse.r = 1.0f;
light.Diffuse.g = 1.0f;
light.Diffuse.b = 1.0f;
light.Diffuse.a = 1.0f;
light.Range = 1000.0f;
// Create a direction for our light - it must be normalized
vecDir = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,10.0f,10);
D3DXVec3Normalize( (D3DXVECTOR3*)&light.Direction, &vecDir );
// Tell the device about the light and turn it on
d3ddev->SetLight( 0, &light );
d3ddev->LightEnable( 0, TRUE );
We can't possibly tell you exactly what the problem is without a more complete source listing. Having said that, I have an idea.
Check the normals on your object. If your normals are incorrect, turning on lighting might cause the object to render as black, which may make it disappear if your background is black.
There are a few things to check. The main this is whether you set D3DRS_LIGHTING to TRUE.
Another thing to check is your material settings. Set D3DRS_COLORVERTEX to TRUE. Also if you don't have vertex colours you will need to set D3DRS_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE to D3DMSC_MATERIAL and set a material with a call to SetMaterial.
I always found the lighting pipeline infuriating complicated on D3D9. I HIGHLY recommend just using shaders as Fixed function is not used any more.
Are you rendering out in a shader? If so the fixed function lighting will not work, you'll have to code your own lighting system into the shader you're using to render the model.
you can skip to the TL;DR at the bottom for the conclusion. I preferred to provide as much information as I could, so as to help narrow down the question further.
I've been having an issue with a heat haze effect I've been working on.
This is the sort of effect that I was thinking of but since this is a rather generalized system it would apply to any so called screen space refraction:
The haze effect is not where my issue lies as it is just a distortion of sampling coordinates, rather it's with what is sampled. My first approach was to render the distortions to another render target. This method was fairly successful but has a major downfall that's easy to foresee if you've dealt with screen space textures before. the problem is that because of the offset to the sampling coordinate, if an object is in front of the refractor, its edges will be taken into the refraction calculation.
as you can see it looks fine when all the geometry is either the environment (no depth test) or back geometry. and here with a cube closer than the refractor. As you can see it, there is this effect I'll call bleeding of the closer geometry.
relevant shader code for reference:
/* transparency.frag */
layout (location = 0) out vec4 out_color; // frag color
layout (location = 1) out vec4 bright; // used for bloom effect
layout (location = 2) out vec4 deform; // deform buffer
void main(void) {
vec2 n = __sample_noise_texture_with_time__{};
deform = vec4(n * .1, 0, 1);
out_color = vec4(0, 0, 0, .0);
bright = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, .9);
/* post_process.frag */
in vec2 texel;
uniform sampler2D screen_t;
uniform sampler2D depth_t;
uniform sampler2D bright_t;
uniform sampler2D deform_t;
void main(void) {
vec3 noise_sample = texture(deform_t, texel).xyz;
vec2 texel_c = texel + noise_sample.xy;
[sample screen and bloom with texel_c, gama corect, output to color buffer]
To try to combat this, I tried a technique that involved comparing depth components. to do this, i made the transparent object write its frag_depth tp the z component of my deform buffer like so
/* transparency.frag */
deform = vec4(n * .1, gl_FragCoord.z, 1);
and then to determine what is in front of what a quick check in the post processing shader.
float dist = texture(depth_t, texel_c).x;
float dist1 = noise_sample.z; // what i wrote to the deform buffer z
if (dist + .01 < dist1) { /* do something liek draw debug */ }
this worked somewhat but broke down as i moved away, even i i linearized the depth values and compared the distances.
EDIT 3: added better screenshots for the depth test phase
(In yellow where it's sampling something that's in front, couldn't be bothered to make it render the polygons as well so i drew them in)
(and here demonstrating it partially failing the depth comparison test from further away)
I also had some 'fun' with another technique where i passed the color buffer directly to the transparency shader and had it output the sample to its color output. In theory if the scene is Z sorted, this should produce the desired result. i'll let you be the judge of that.
(I have a few guesses as to what the patterns that emerge are since they are similar to the rasterisation patterns of GPUs however that's not very relevant sine that 'solution' was more of a desperation effort than anything)
TL;DR and Formal Question: I've had a go at a few techniques based on my knowledge and haven't been able to find much literature on the subject. so my question is: How do you realize sch effects as heat haze/distortion (that do not cover the whole screen might i add) and is there literature on the subject. For reference to what sort of effect I would be looking at, see my Overwatch screenshot and all other similar effects in the game.
Thought I would also mention just for completeness sake I'm running OpenGL 4.5 (on windows) with most shaders being version 4.00, and am working with a custom engine.
EDIT: If you want information about the software part of the engine feel free to ask. I didn't include any because it I didn't deem it relevant however i'd be glad to provide specs and code snippets as well as more shaders on demand.
EDIT 2: I thought i'd also mention that this could be achieved by using a second render pass and a clipping plane however, that would be costly and feels unnecessary since the viewpoint is the same. It might be that's this is the only solution but i don't believe so.
Thanks for your answers in advance!
I think the issue is you are trying to distort something that's behind an occluded object and that information is not available any more, because the object in front have overwitten the color value there. So you can't distort in information from a color buffer that does not exist anymore.
You are trying to solve it by depth testing and skipping the pixels that belong to an object closer to the camera than your transparent heat object, but this is causing the edge to leak into the distortion. Even if you get the edge skipped, if there was an object right behind the transparent object, occluded by the cube in the front, it wont distort in because the color information is not available.
Additional Render Pass
As you mention additional rendering pass with a clipping plane is certainly one solution to this problem.
Multiple render targets
Another solution similar to that would be to use multiple render targets, render the depth of the transparent object before hand, test for fragments that are behind it, and render them to another color buffer. Later use this buffer to distort instead of the full color buffer. You could also consider deffered shading.
Here is a code snippet of how you would setup multiple render targets.
//create your fbo
GLuint fboID;
glGenFramebuffers(1, &fboID);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fboID);
//create the rbo for depth
GLuint rboID;
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &rboID);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, &rboID);
glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32, width, height);
//create two color textures (one for distort)
Gluint colorTexture, distortcolorTexture;
glGenTextures(1, &colorTexture);
glGenTextures(1, &distortcolorTexture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, colorTexture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, distortcolorTexture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
//attach both textures
glFramebufferTexture(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, colorTexture, 0);
glFramebufferTexture(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1, distortcolorTexture, 0);
//specify both the draw buffers
glDrawBuffers(2, DrawBuffers);
First render the transparent obj's depth. Then in your fragment shader for other objects
//compute color with your lighting...
//write color to colortexture
gl_FragData[0] = color;
//check if fragment behind your transparent object
if( depth >= tObjDepth )
//write color to distortcolortexture
gl_FragData[1] = color;
finally use the distortcolortexture for your distort shader.
Depth test for a matrix of pixels instead of single pixel.
I think the edge is leaking because maybe you don't simply distort one pixel but more of a matrix of pixels, perhaps you could also try checking the max depth for the matrix (eg: 3x3 pixels centered on current pixel) and discard it if it fails the depth test. (note : this still won't distort objects behind the occluding object which you might want distorted in).
I have a simple deferred rendering setup and I'm trying to get depth map shadows to work. I know that I have a simple error in my code because I can see the shadows working, but they seem to move and lose resolution when I move my camera. This is not a Shadow Acne Problem. The shadow is shifted entirely. I have also seen most of the similar questions here, but none solve my problem.
In my final shader, I have a texture for world space positions of pixels, and the depth map rendered from the light source, as well as the light source's model-view-projection matrix. The steps I take are:
Get worldspace position of pixel from pre-rendered pass.
Multiply worldspace position with the light source's model-view-projection matrix. I am using orthogonal projection (a directional light).
glOrtho(-0.0025, 0.0025, -0.0025, 0.0025, -0.1, 0.1);
I place the directional light at a fixed distance around my hero. Here is how I get my light's modelview matrix:
CSRTTransform lightTrans = CSRTTransform();
CVector camOffset = CVector(m_vPlanet[0].m_vLightPos);
camOffset *= 0.007;
camOffset += hero.GetLocation();
CVector LPN = m_vLightPos*(-1); LPN.Normalize();
CQuaternion lRot;
lRot = CQuaternion( CVector(0,1,0), asin(LPN | CVector(-1,0,0) ) );
lightTrans.m_qRotate = lRot;
lightTrans.m_vTranslate = camOffset;
m_worldToLightViewMatrix = lightTrans.BuildViewMatrix();
And the final light mvp matrix is:
CMatrix4 lightMVPMatrix = m_lightViewProjectionMatrix * m_worldToLightViewMatrix;
m_shHDR.SetUniformMatrix("LightMVPMatrix", lightMVPMatrix);
For now I am only rendering the shadow casters in my shadow pass. As you can see, the shadow pass seems fine, my hero is centered in the frame and rotated correctly. It is worth noting that these two matrices are passed to the vertex shader of the hero so it seems like they are correct because the hero is rendered correctly in the shadow pass (shown here with more contrast for visibility).
And finally, in my deferred shader I do:
vec4 projectedWorldPos = LightMVPMatrix * vec4(worldPos,1.0);
vec3 projCoords = projectedWorldPos.xyz;//projectedWorldPos.w;
projCoords.xyz = (projCoords.xyz * 0.5) + 0.5;
float calc_depth = projCoords.z;
float tD = texture2DRect(shadowPass,vec2(projCoords.x*1280.0,projCoords.y*720.0)).r ;
return ( calc_depth < tD ) ;
I have the /w division commented out because I'm using orthogonal projection. Having it produces the same result anyways.
In certain positions for my hero (close to initial position) (1), the shadow looks fine. But as soon as I move the hero, the shadow moves incorrectly (2), and the further away I move, the shadow starts to lose resolution (3).
It is worth noting all my textures and passes are the same size (1280x720). I'm using an NVidia graphics card. The problem seems to be matrix related, but as mentioned, the shadow pass renders OK so I'm not sure what's going on...
Okay, first of all, I'm really new to DirectX11 and this is actually my first project using it. I'm also relatively new to Computer Graphics in general so I might have some concepts wrong although, for this particular case, I do not think so. My code is based on the RasterTek tutorials.
In trying to implement a shader shader, I need to render the scene to a 2D texture and then perform a gaussian blur on the resulting image.
That part seems to be working fine as when using the Visual Studio graphics debugger the output seems to be what I expect.
However, after having having done all post processing, I render a quad to the backbuffer using a simple shader that uses the final output of the blur as a resource. This always gives me a black screen. When I debug my pixel shader with the VS graphics debugger, it seem like the Sample(texture, uv) method always returns (0,0,0,1) when trying to sample that texture.
The pixel shader works fine if I use a different texture, like some normal map or whatever, as a resource, just not when using any of the rendertargets from the previous passes.
The behaviour is particularly weird because the actual blur shader works fine when using any of the rendertargets as a resource.
I know I cannot use a rendertarget as both input and output but I think I have that covered since I call OMSetRenderTargets so I can render to the backbuffer.
Here's the step by step of my implementation:
Set Render Targets
Clear them
Clear Depth buffer
Render scene to texture
Turn off Z buffer
Render to quad
Perform horizontal blur
Perform vertical blur
Set back buffer as render target
Clear back buffer
Render final output to quad
Turn z buffer on
Present back buffer
Here is the shader for the quad:
Texture2D shaderTexture : register(t0);
SamplerState SampleType : register(s0);
struct PixelInputType
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float4 main(PixelInputType input) : SV_TARGET
return shaderTexture.Sample(SampleType, input.tex);
Here's the relevant c++ code
This is how I set the render targets
void DeferredBuffers::SetRenderTargets(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, bool activeRTs[BUFFER_COUNT]){
vector<ID3D11RenderTargetView*> rts = vector<ID3D11RenderTargetView*>();
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_COUNT; ++i){
if (activeRTs[i]){
deviceContext->OMSetRenderTargets(rts.size(), &rts[0], m_depthStencilView);
// Set the viewport.
deviceContext->RSSetViewports(1, &m_viewport);
I use a ping pong approach with the Render Targets for the blur.
I render the scene to a MainTarget and depth information to the depthMap. The first pass performs an horizontal blur onto a third target (horizontalBlurred) and then I use that one as input for the vertical blur which renders back to the mainTarget and to the finalTarget. It's a loop because on the vertical pass I'm supposed to blend the PS output with what's on the finalTarget. I left that code (and some other stuff) out as it's not relevant.
The m_Fullscreen is the quad.
bool activeRenderTargets[4] = { true, true, false, false };
// Set the render buffers to be the render target.
m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->SetRenderTargets(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), activeRenderTargets);
// Clear the render buffers.
m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->ClearRenderTargets(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), 0.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Render the scene to the render buffers.
// Get the matrices.
// Turn off the Z buffer to begin all 2D rendering.
// Put the full screen ortho window vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare them for drawing.
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* mainTarget = m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->GetShaderResourceView(0);
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* horizontalBlurred = m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->GetShaderResourceView(2);
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* depthMap = m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->GetShaderResourceView(1);
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* finalTarget = m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->GetShaderResourceView(3);
activeRenderTargets[1] = false; //depth map is never a render target again
for (int i = 0; i < numBlurs; ++i){
activeRenderTargets[0] = false; //main target is resource in this pass
activeRenderTargets[2] = true; //horizontal blurred target
activeRenderTargets[3] = false; //unbind final target
m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->SetRenderTargets(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), activeRenderTargets);
m_ShaderManager->RenderScreenSpaceSSS_HorizontalBlur(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), m_FullScreenWindow->GetIndexCount(), worldMatrix, baseViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, mainTarget, depthMap);
activeRenderTargets[0] = true; //rendering to main target
activeRenderTargets[2] = false; //horizontal blurred is resource
activeRenderTargets[3] = true; //rendering to final target
m_ShaderManager->getDeferredBuffers()->SetRenderTargets(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), activeRenderTargets);
m_ShaderManager->RenderScreenSpaceSSS_VerticalBlur(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), m_FullScreenWindow->GetIndexCount(), worldMatrix, baseViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, horizontalBlurred, depthMap);
m_D3D->BeginScene(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
// Reset the viewport back to the original.
m_ShaderManager->RenderTextureShader(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), m_FullScreenWindow->GetIndexCount(), worldMatrix, baseViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, depthMap);
And, finally, here are 3 screenshots from my graphics log.
They show rendering the scene onto the mainTarget, a verticalPass which takes as input the horizontalBlurred resource and finally, rendering onto the backBuffer, which is what's failing. You can see the resource bound to the shader and how the output is just a black screen. I purposedly set the background as red to find out if it was sampling with wrong coordinates, but nope.
So, has anyone ever experienced something like this? What could be the cause of this bug?
Thanks in advance for any help!
EDIT: The Render_SOMETHING_SOMETHING_shader methods handle binding all the resources, setting the shaders, draw calls etc etc. If necessary I can post them here, but I don't think it's that relevant.
I am drawing a 3D spherical grid in opengl using a VBO of vertex points and GL_LINES. What I want to achieve is to have one line - the zenith - to be brighter than the rest.
I obviously store x,y,z coords and normals, then figured I might be able to use the texture coordinates to "tag" locations where at creation - y coordinate is 0. Like so:
if (round(y) == 0.0f){
_varray[nr].tex[0] = -1.0; // setting the s variable (s,t texcoord),
// passed in with vbo
Now in the fragment shader I recieve this value and do:
if(vs_st[0] == -1){
diffuse = gridColor*2.f;
diffuse = gridColor;
And the results looks kind of awful:
Print Screen
I realize that this is propably due to the fragment shader having to interpolate between two points, can you guys think of a good way to identify the zenith line and make it brighter? I'd rather avoid using geometry shaders...
Solution was this:
if (round(y) == 0.0f) _varray[nr].tex[0] = -2; // set arb. number.
And then do not setthat variable anywhere else! then in fragment:
if( floor(vs_st[0]) == -2){
diffuse = gridColor*2.f;
diffuse = gridColor;
Dont know how neat that is, but it works.
So I have been trying to understand the concept of 3D picking but as I can't find any video guides nor any concrete guides that actually speak English, it is proving to be very difficult. If anyone is well experienced with 3D picking in LWJGL, could you give me an example with line by line explanation of what everything means. I should mention that all I am trying to do it shoot the ray out of the center of the screen (not where the mouse is) and have it detect just a normal cube (rendered in 6 QUADS).
Though I am not an expert with 3D picking, I have done it before, so I will try to explain.
You mentioned that you want to shoot a ray, rather than go by mouse position; as long as this ray is parallel to the screen, this method will still work, just the same as it will for a random screen coordinate. If not, and you actually wish to shoot a ray out, angled in some direction, things get a little more complicated, but I will not go in to it (yet).
Now how about some code?
Object* picking3D(int screenX, int screenY){
//Disable any lighting or textures
//Render Scene
for(int i = 0; i < objectListSize; i++){
GLubyte blue = i%256;
GLubyte green = min((int)((float)i/256), 255);
GLubyte red = min((int)((float)i/256/256), 255);
glColor3ub(red, green, blue);
//Get the pixel
GLubyte pixelColors[3];
glReadPixels(screenX, screenY, 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixelColors);
//Calculate index
int index = pixelsColors[0]*256*256 + pixelsColors[1]*256 + pixelColors[2];
//Return the object
return getObject(index);
Code Notes:
screenX is the x location of the pixel, and screenY is the y location of the pixel (in screen coordinates)
orientateCamera() simply calls any glTranslate, glRotate, glMultMatrix, etc. needed to position (and rotate) the camera in your scene
orientateObject(i) does the same as orientateCamera, except for object 'i' in your scene
when I 'calculate the index', I am really just undoing the math I performed during the rendering to get the index back
The idea behind this method is that each object will be rendered exactly how the user sees it, except that all of a model is a solid colour. Then, you check the colour of the pixel for the screen coordinate requested, and which ever model the colour is indexed to: that's your object!
I do recommend, however, adding a check for the background color (or your glClearColor), just in case you don't actually hit any objects.
Please ask for further explanation if necessary.