Free implementation of "bounded priority queue" in C++ - c++

I'm looking for a free software implementation of the bounded priority queue abstraction in C++. Basically, I need a data structure that will behave just like std::priority_queue but will at all times hold the "best" n elements at most.
std::vector<int> items; // many many input items
bounded_priority_queue<int> smallest_items(5);
for(vector<int>::const_iterator it=items.begin(); it!=items.end(); it++) {
// now smallest_items holds the 5 smallest integers from the input vector
Does anyone know of a good implementation of such thing? Any experience with it?

I think that the algorithm discussed in this thread is probably what you are looking for. If you want to get a head start, you might want to consider building upon Boost's implementation d_ary_heap_indirect which is part of Boost.Graph (in d_ary_heap.hpp). If you do a good job with it, you might submit it to Boost. It could make a nice little addition, because such an implementation certainly has many uses.

Why not use a std::vector with a functor/comparison function and std::sort() it into the correct order?
The code is probably pretty trivial


unordered_set vs vector -- prefer idiomatic or performant?

I'm working with data that is unique from other data of the same type. Very abstractly, a set fits the definition of the data I'm working with. I feel inclined to use std::unordered_set instead of std::vector for that reason.
Beyond that, both classes can fit my requirements. My question is about performance -- which might perform better? I cannot write out the code one way and benchmark it, then rewrite it the other way. That will take me hundreds of hours. If they'll perform similarly, do you think it would be worth-while to stick with the idiomatic unordered_set?
Here is a simpler use case. A company is selling computers. Each is unique from another in at least one way, guaranteed.
struct computer_t
std::string serial;
std::uint32_t gb_of_ram;
std::unordered_set<computer_t> all_computers_in_existence;
std::unordered_set<computer_t> computers_for_sale; // subset of above
// alternatively
std::vector<computer_t> all_computers_in_existence;
std::vector<computer_t> computers_for_sale; // subset of above
The company wants to stop selling computers that aren't popular and replace them with other computers that might be.
std::unordered_set<computer_t> computers_not_for_sale;
std::set_difference(all_computers_in_existence.begin(), all_computers_in_existence.end(),
computers_for_sale.begin(), computers_for_sale.end(),
std::inserter(computers_not_for_sale, computers_not_for_sale.end()));
calculate_and_add_most_likely_to_sell(computers_for_sale, computers_not_for_sale);
Based on the above sample code, what should I choose? Or is there another, new STL feature (in C++17) I should investigate? This really is as generic as it gets for my use-case without making this post incredibly long with details.
Idiomatic should be your first choice. If you implement it using unordered_set and the performance is not good enough, there are faster non-STL hash tables which are easy to switch to. 99% of the time it won't come to that.
Your example code using std::set_difference will not work, because that requires the inputs be sorted, which unordered_set is not. That's OK though, subtracting is done easily using unordered_set::erase(key).

Most efficient way to iterate through Lists and Forward List

In the one of the question on the studio for my class, it asks to create iterators for 2 different object types (list, forwardlist) that are pointing 2 past the beginning of each type in the MOST EFFICIENT MANNER. I'm not sure what constitutes the most efficient manner.
Obviously I could use a for loop to move the iterator twice, but I'm not sure that's what you are looking for. I also tried using the next function, but it did not appear to work. Is there a better way than the for loop?
auto it = list.begin()
for (int i = 0; i< 2; i++){
Thanks so much for your time!
Efficiency - for this context - can mean efficient use of memory, cpu cycles, non-duplication of efforts, and more.
The most important aspect of your exercise is to have some kind of understanding of the code that will be used. That does not just mean the code you write, but the code contained in the libraries you use. Once you are comfortable with all of the code in use, then you can begin to analyze it.
Some ideas:
read about the iterator and collection libraries that you use for lists. Also read about how they perform 'begin()' and 'next()'. If there are no articles on this, you may have to have a look at the source code.
can the int loop index be swapped for a byte? (splitting hairs).

Sort a vector in which the n first elements have been already sorted?

Consider a std::vector v of N elements, and consider that the n first elements have already been sorted withn < N and where (N-n)/N is very small:
Is there a clever way using the STL algorithms to sort this vector more rapidly than with a complete std::sort(std::begin(v), std::end(v)) ?
EDIT: a clarification: the (N-n) unsorted elements should be inserted at the right position within the n first elements already sorted.
EDIT2: bonus question: and how to find n ? (which corresponds to the first unsorted element)
Sort the other range only, and then use std::merge.
void foo( std::vector<int> & tab, int n ) {
std::sort( begin(tab)+n, end(tab));
std::inplace_merge(begin(tab), begin(tab)+n, end(tab));
for edit 2
auto it = std::adjacent_find(begin(tab), end(tab), std::greater<int>() );
if (it!=end(tab)) {
std::sort( it, end(tab));
std::inplace_merge(begin(tab), it, end(tab));
The optimal solution would be to sort the tail portion independently and then perform in-place merge, as described here
The algorithm is quite convoluted and is usually regarded as "not worth the effort".
Of course, with C++ you can use readily available std::inplace_merge. However, the name of that algorithm is highly misleading. Firstly, there's no guarantee that std::inplace_merge actually works in-place. And when it is actually in-place, there's no guarantee that it is not implemented as a full-blown sort. In practice it boils down to trying it and seeing whether it is good enough for your purposes.
But if you really want to make it in-place and formally more efficient than a full sort, then you will have to implement it manually. STL might help with a few utility algorithms, but it does not offer any solid solutions of "just a few calls to standard functions" kind.
Using insertion sort on N - n last elements:
template <typename IT>
void mysort(IT begin, IT end) {
for (IT it = std::is_sorted_until(begin, end); it != end; ++it) {
IT insertPos = std::lower_bound(begin, it, *it);
IT endRotate = it;
std::rotate(insertPos, it, ++endRotate);
The Timsort sorting algorithm is a hybrid algorithm developed by Pythonista Tim Peters. It makes optimal use of already-sorted subsegments anywhere inside the array, including in the beginning. Although you may find a faster algorithm if you know for sure that in particular the first n elements are already sorted, this algorithm should be useful for the overall class of problems involved. Wikipedia describes it as:
The algorithm finds subsets of the data that are already ordered, and uses that knowledge to sort the remainder more efficiently.
In Tim Peters' own words,
It has supernatural performance on many
kinds of partially ordered arrays (less than lg(N!) comparisons needed, and
as few as N-1), yet as fast as Python's previous highly tuned samplesort
hybrid on random arrays.
Full details are described in this undated text document by Tim Peters. The examples are in Python, but Python should be quite readable even to people not familiar with its syntax.
Use std::partition_point (or is_sorted_until) to find n. Then if n-m is small do an insertion sort (linear search+std::rotate).
I assume that your question has two aims:
improve runtime (using a clever way)
with few effort (restricting to STL)
Considering these aims, I'd strongly recommend against this specific optimization, unless you are sure that the effort is worth the benefit.
As far as I remember, std::sort() implements the quick sort algorithm, which is almost as fast on presorted input as to determine, if / how-much-of the input is sorted.
Instead of meddling with std::sort you can try changing the data structure to a sorted/prioritized queue.

What is the efficient way of implementing a queue?

What is the efficient way of implementing a queue, inorder to learn how it is implemented?
I looked into stl::queue code inorder to learn abt how it is implemented, but the template code making it difficult to understand. After all there is better efficient way is used than having a linked list.
The most efficent way is to have someone else do it.
Both C++ and C# (and .NET et al) have one in their native libraries.
Of course for any production code you should rely on a robust library implementation that's already withstood the test of time.
That said, for self-teaching it can be fun to write one yourself. I've done it before.
The most efficient way I know of is to use a similar approach to what most resizable collections do internally: store an array, which is increased in size (typically doubled) as needed when the collection's size reaches the length of the array.
A queue is a bit different from an ordinary collection, though, because you want to be able to pop off from the opposite end from where elements are pushed.
Obviously, to remove the first element and shift all other elements down one index would be costly and pointless. So instead you keep track of the starting and ending indices yourself. When the collection reaches the end of the array you use % to start pushing elements back at the beginning.
The key is simply working out your math so that you handle all cases, e.g., correctly growing the array when the queue is full, getting your bounds checks right, incrementing the start index (or looping back to 0) on every pop, etc.
Clearly, the design I've described above has many limitations: thread safety, for example. But for a simple, single-threaded, efficient implementation, it's a pretty good starting point.
Good luck -- and I also recommend posting your code if/when you've got one that you think is working!
If you can accept a maximum size for the queue, a circular buffer is super efficient. Because the library functions can't assume a maximum size they don't use this technique.
In the most generic sense, a linked-list would be your best bet if you maintain a front and rear pointer. In this case, queue insertion and deletion is an O(1) operation. You can also implement one using an array and maintaining indices for the front and rear. The math is marginally more involved (when you insert or delete you have to take into account "wrapping" to avoid going out of bounds).
For C++, stl::queue<>.
Do you understand how a queue works?
Do you understand how stl queue works?
Do you understand that "most efficient" is an abstract concept that can't hold true for every case?
If you get all of that, the "most efficient c++ queue algorithm" will come to you
If you need a thread-aware queue implementation you can try my own library. It's not complete yet, but it's well documented.
Edit: it's impemented by linked lists.
How many threads may be reading your queue at once? How many may be writing it at once? Can one thread be reading while another is writing? Do you want to pre-allocate space for the maximum size of queue? Do you need a way for a reader to block while waiting for data, or for a writer to block when the queue is full? How many objects per second do you expect to be feeding through the queue?
The optimal approach will depend upon the answers to those questions.
If your main goal is to learn how it is implemented, then you should work with linked lists. They are fun to work with and really shows the difference from sequential arrays and teaches a lot about memory.

Should one prefer STL algorithms over hand-rolled loops?

I seem to be seeing more 'for' loops over iterators in questions & answers here than I do for_each(), transform(), and the like. Scott Meyers suggests that stl algorithms are preferred, or at least he did in 2001. Of course, using them often means moving the loop body into a function or function object. Some may feel this is an unacceptable complication, while others may feel it better breaks down the problem.
So... should STL algorithms be preferred over hand-rolled loops?
It depends on:
Whether high-performance is required
The readability of the loop
Whether the algorithm is complex
If the loop isn't the bottleneck, and the algorithm is simple (like for_each), then for the current C++ standard, I'd prefer a hand-rolled loop for readability. (Locality of logic is key.)
However, now that C++0x/C++11 is supported by some major compilers, I'd say use STL algorithms because they now allow lambda expressions — and thus the locality of the logic.
I’m going to go against the grain here and advocate that using STL algorithms with functors makes code much easier to understand and maintain, but you have to do it right. You have to pay more attention to readability and clearity. Particularly, you have to get the naming right. But when you do, you can end up with cleaner, clearer code, and paradigm shift into more powerful coding techniques.
Let’s take an example. Here we have a group of children, and we want to set their “Foo Count” to some value. The standard for-loop, iterator approach is:
for (vector<Child>::iterator iter = children.begin();
iter != children.end();
Which, yeah, it’s pretty clear, and definitely not bad code. You can figure it out with just a little bit of looking at it. But look at what we can do with an appropriate functor:
for_each(children.begin(), children.end(), SetFooCount(n));
Wow, that says exactly what we need. You don’t have to figure it out; you immediately know that it’s setting the “Foo Count” of every child. (It would be even clearer if we didn’t need the .begin() / .end() nonsense, but you can’t have everything, and they didn’t consult me when making the STL.)
Granted, you do need to define this magical functor, SetFooCount, but its definition is pretty boilerplate:
class SetFooCount
SetFooCount(int n) : fooCount(n) {}
void operator () (Child& child)
int fooCount;
In total it’s more code, and you have to look at another place to find out exactly what SetFooCount is doing. But because we named it well, 99% of the time we don’t have to look at the code for SetFooCount. We assume it does what it says, and we only have to look at the for_each line.
What I really like is that using the algorithms leads to a paradigm shift. Instead of thinking of a list as a collection of objects, and doing things to every element of the list, you think of the list as a first class entity, and you operate directly on the list itself. The for-loop iterates through the list, calling a member function on each element to set the Foo Count. Instead, I am doing one command, which sets the Foo Count of every element in the list. It’s subtle, but when you look at the forest instead of the trees, you gain more power.
So with a little thought and careful naming, we can use the STL algorithms to make cleaner, clearer code, and start thinking on a less granular level.
The std::foreach is the kind of code that made me curse the STL, years ago.
I cannot say if it's better, but I like more to have the code of my loop under the loop preamble. For me, it is a strong requirement. And the std::foreach construct won't allow me that (strangely enough, the foreach versions of Java or C# are cool, as far as I am concerned... So I guess it confirms that for me the locality of the loop body is very very important).
So I'll use the foreach only if there is only already a readable/understandable algorithm usable with it. If not, no, I won't. But this is a matter of taste, I guess, as I should perhaps try harder to understand and learn to parse all this thing...
Note that the people at boost apparently felt somewhat the same way, for they wrote BOOST_FOREACH:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
int main()
std::string hello( "Hello, world!" );
BOOST_FOREACH( char ch, hello )
std::cout << ch;
return 0;
See :
That's really the one thing that Scott Meyers got wrong.
If there is an actual algorithm that matches what you need to do, then of course use the algorithm.
But if all you need to do is loop through a collection and do something to each item, just do the normal loop instead of trying to separate code out into a different functor, that just ends up dicing code up into bits without any real gain.
There are some other options like boost::bind or boost::lambda, but those are really complex template metaprogramming things, they do not work very well with debugging and stepping through the code so they should generally be avoided.
As others have mentioned, this will all change when lambda expressions become a first class citizen.
The for loop is imperative, the algorithms are declarative. When you write std::max_element, it’s obvious what you need, when you use a loop to achieve the same, it’s not necessarily so.
Algorithms also can have a slight performance edge. For example, when traversing an std::deque, a specialized algorithm can avoid checking redundantly whether a given increment moves the pointer over a chunk boundary.
However, complicated functor expressions quickly render algorithm invocations unreadable. If an explicit loop is more readable, use it. If an algorithm call can be expressed without ten-storey bind expressions, by all means prefer it. Readability is more important than performance here, because this kind of optimization is what Knuth so famously attributes to Hoare; you’ll be able to use another construct without trouble once you realize it’s a bottleneck.
It depends, if the algorithm doesn't take a functor, then always use the std algorithm version. It's both simpler for you to write and clearer.
For algorithms that take functors, generally no, until C++0x lambdas can be used. If the functor is small and the algorithm is complex (most aren't) then it may be better to still use the std algorithm.
I'm a big fan of the STL algorithms in principal but in practice it's just way too cumbersome. By the time you define your functor/predicate classes a two line for loop can turn into 40+ lines of code that is suddenly 10x harder to figure out.
Thankfully, things are going to get a ton easier in C++0x with lambda functions, auto and new for syntax. Checkout this C++0x Overview on Wikipedia.
I wouldn't use a hard and fast rule for it. There are many factors to consider, like often you perform that certain operation in your code, is just a loop or an "actual" algorithm, does the algorithm depend on a lot of context that you would have to transmit to your function?
For example I wouldn't put something like
for (int i = 0; i < some_vector.size(); i++)
if (some_vector[i] == NULL) some_other_vector[i]++;
into an algorithm because it would result in a lot more code percentage wise and I would have to deal with getting some_other_vector known to the algorithm somehow.
There are a lot of other examples where using STL algorithms makes a lot of sense, but you need to decide on a case by case basis.
I think the STL algorithm interface is sub-optimal and should be avoided because using the STL toolkit directly (for algorithms) might give a very small gain in performance, but will definitely cost readability, maintainability, and even a bit of writeability when you're learning how to use the tools.
How much more efficient is a standard for loop over a vector:
int weighted_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a_vector.size(); ++i) {
weighted_sum += (i + 1) * a_vector[i]; // Just writing something a little nontrivial.
than using a for_each construction, or trying to fit this into a call to accumulate?
You could argue that the iteration process is less efficient, but a for _ each also introduces a function call at each step (which might be mitigated by trying to inline the function, but remember that "inline" is only a suggestion to the compiler - it may ignore it).
In any case, the difference is small. In my experience, over 90% of the code you write is not performance critical, but is coder-time critical. By keeping your STL loop all literally inline, it is very readable. There is less indirection to trip over, for yourself or future maintainers. If it's in your style guide, then you're saving some learning time for your coders (admit it, learning to properly use the STL the first time involves a few gotcha moments). This last bit is what I mean by a cost in writeability.
Of course there are some special cases -- for example, you might actually want that for_each function separated to re-use in several other places. Or, it might be one of those few highly performance-critical sections. But these are special cases -- exceptions rather than the rule.
IMO, a lot of standard library algorithms like std::for_each should be avoided - mainly for the lack-of-lambda issues mentioned by others, but also because there's such a thing as inappropriate hiding of details.
Of course hiding details away in functions and classes is all part of abstraction, and in general a library abstraction is better than reinventing the wheel. But a key skill with abstraction is knowing when to do it - and when not to do it. Excessive abstraction can damage readability, maintainability etc. Good judgement comes with experience, not from inflexible rules - though you must learn the rules before you learn to break them, of course.
OTOH, it's worth considering the fact that a lot of programmers have been using C++ (and before that, C, Pascal etc) for a long time. Old habits die hard, and there is this thing called cognitive dissonance which often leads to excuses and rationalisations. Don't jump to conclusions, though - it's at least as likely that the standards guys are guilty of post-decisional dissonance.
I think a big factor is the developer's comfort level.
It's probably true that using transform or for_each is the right thing to do, but it's not any more efficient, and handwritten loops aren't inherently dangerous. If it would take half an hour for a developer to write a simple loop, versus half a day to get the syntax for transform or for_each right, and move the provided code into a function or function object. And then other developers would need to know what was going on.
A new developer would probably be best served by learning to use transform and for_each rather than handmade loops, since he would be able to use them consistently without error. For the rest of us for whom writing loops is second nature, it's probably best to stick with what we know, and get more familiar with the algorithms in our spare time.
Put it this way -- if I told my boss I had spent the day converting handmade loops into for_each and transform calls, I doubt he'd be very pleased.