Are there any native Window animations in Qt 4? - c++

I'm thinking like text fade in and slide effects. I imagine implementing this would be rather trivial and plan to do so myself, but wanted to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel first. If it doesn't exist then I'm looking on advice on the best way to implement these.
The 2 things I'm looking to do are fade in text and have the window slide down when resizing, eg if I show a label that was previously hidden it would slide down ~20 pixels instead of just instantly growing 20 pixels larger.
The way I was thinking to implement the first one is, assuming it's possible, get the window/bg color and start it at that and transition it to the font color, if there's alpha channel support that would be even simpler to do (I'm not sure if there is since I haven't messed with colors yet). To do this I'd just choose a transition time period and process it with a for loop or something once the color increments have been determined.
Similarly to do the window transitions I would get the height of the change (not sure how to do that yet), determine the increments of change based on the transition time and in a for loop gradually adjust the size. Sorry if I didn't explain those very clear, I'm trying to get this in before I go to work and figure most of you will know what I'm trying to explain. As always thanks for the help!

For window resize transition effect, QPropertyAnimation may be the easiest to do since height is a widget property. Fading text might work the same way if the foreground color can be coerced into a property.


Replace color by area and by color with Directdraw

I need to implement a sort of "select box" on this vertical menu:
In short I like to add the possibility to navigate the vertical menu via arrow keys.
I have already hook the game, but this part I need to do manually.
I thing the best way is use directdraw API but I don't have experience about it.
Theoretically I can follow 2 ways:
Change and resume the backgroud color of the selected item by position and color.
Add and remove a rounded box outside the selected item by position (this is not best but seem more easy to do).
I ask what are the directdraw (or other) API that do it.
Any tips are much appreciated.
Best Regards

Qt / C++ - Scrolling & Wrapping Menu

I want to make a menu that will take an undetermined quantity of labels and spread them out horizontally so that 3 are visible on screen at once. When pressing left/right it will go to the next one, the one that is selected is always in the center of the screen horizontally with the other two on the left/right of the screen.
The problem is that I also want a smooth transition not just a replacement. They need to wrap endlessly.
Not sure where to begin, not finding examples on google.
The concept you are talking about was popularized by Apple under the name "Cover Flow".
There is a widget like that available under a permissive license here:
I take it you want something a bit simpler (only show three labels, less fancy 3D effect), but I assume this is a good starting point.
Another one is the PathView QML element:
It is even closer to what you like to do, feature-wise. It is also available in Qt4 and there is a tutorial here:

How to determine the content step value of scrollarea

I'm making my own UI from scratch using OpenGL that is why I'm asking this and please don't make any discouragement as this is just a hobby project.
Currently, I'm stuck implementing how this scrollbars really work. In my current implementation, the content scrolls at the wrong step value as well as the thumb, meaning, I set the value manually like 1px step for each of them.
The structure of my scrollbar implementation is describe as follows:
I draw scrollbars i.e the main rectangle where the 3 button lies.
Those 3 buttons are, thumb, buttonBack and buttonNext.
All of them do the basic logic of scrollbars i.e when I click each one of them, they moved. But the whole part(scrollbar) don't know how to scroll contents
So what I did is: I make another object and I call it scrollarea
It has two scrollbars, vertical and horizontal scrollbar.
I made a function called scrollToX and scrollToY which
does what I named to them.
But the step values I set to them are
manually set up.
I try to google some scrollbar, scrollarea, scrollview or whatever you call to that scrollable rectangle thing, but all I see are implementation and I cannot find any guides how to build your own. I have no choice but to look at their implementation. I try my best to comprehend what they did but their implementation of how their whole UI structure is very different to mine, and I cannot find anything useful there.
So I ask again here if anybody can explain me well how to make a properly functional scrollbar.
Most specific things I'm really concerned of are:
How do I determine the thumb step value?
How do I determine the content step value?
All of these depend on your content -
Is it just an image ? If so, you only need to change the offset depending on the size of the image.
Is it a list of values like in Windows explorer ? Then you need to create a data structure first that contains all of it, and shows the content that fits within the window as it scrolls.
OpenGL does not fit into this discussion.

Question regarding image tiling in a QGraphicsView

This is related to one of my other questions.
If I am tiling a large image by creating a separate QGraphicsItem (with the raster data as its pixmap), how do I keep track of the QGraphicsItem's position within the scene? Obviously for raster data, it is important to keep all the tiles "touching" to make a continuous image and they also have to be in the right place so the image doesnt look jumbled.
Does each tile have to have positioning methods that move it in relation to it's neighbors on the top/left/bottom/right? This seems kind of clunky. Is there a better way to make them all move together?
In other words, if I pan the scene with scroll bars, or pick up the image and drag/move it around in the scene, I want all the tiles to also move and stay in the right position relative to each other.
What is the best approach for controlling the layout, which tiles need to be rendered (i.e. only the visible ones), and populating the data only once it is needed? Also, once a tile has been rendered, is the data from it ever dropped, and repopulated from the image file, say if it stays out of view for a while, then comes back later if someone pans to that section?
There are (more than) 2 ways of doing this:
Use QGraphicsItemGroup which
handles grouping of your tile items
for you. It moves, selects, updates
it's group members as if they are
one. I've never used it but from the
doc, it seems to work with typical
Paint the tiles yourself in the
paint() of one custom item. This
gives you total control on how to
place and draw the tiles while the
item truly acts as one item since it
is, well, one item. This is what I

Maximum Size of QPixmap/QImage Windows

I have a QGraphicsView for a very wide QGraphicsScene. I need to draw the background in drawBackground() and the background is a bit complicated (long loop) although it doesn't need to be repainted constantly. I store it in a static QPixmap (I tried QImage too) inside the function drawBackground() and that pixmap is what I draw onto the painter of the view. Only when needed is the QPixmap painted on again.
If I didn't use a static pixmap, the complicated background would be generated every time I scroll sideways for example. The problem is that apparently there is a maximum width for pixmaps on Windows, on my computer it's 32770. I could store a list of pixmaps and draw them side by side but it would make the code uglier and I also don't know what the maximum width of a pixmap is for every Windows machine. Since this might be a well-known problem I was wondering if anyone has a better solution.
You can probably avoid the windows limit by using unaccelerated raster paint device, but 32770*1024 is 100MiB of pixmap; you probably don't want to do that even if Windows would let you.
You've already thought of the usual answer (tile it in more reasonably-sized chunks and load/generate them on demand). The other piece of the usual solution is to use something like QPixmapCache to keep the recently-used tiles so you don't regenerate them too often (only when the user scrolls a long way).
You didn't say how complex your complex background is, but you might also want to look at the Mandelbrot set example for how to do piecewise rendering of an (infinitely) large background pixmap on-demand, without blocking the UI.
This is the common use case for the tiling pattern. Basically you split the background into small images.
I'm not sure why you think "it would make the code uglier". It is certainly not a one-liner. Depending whether you have fixed size background image or not, the tiling code is usually pretty straightforward.