gSoap: how to gracefully shutdown the webservice application? - c++

I'm using gSoap to write a webservice. It's running as a console application. In all gSoap examples I see, that requests are dispatched in infinite loop like for(;;;) even in multi-threaded version.
But how can I make my webservice to terminate gracefully when, say, user presses space on the console?
stop accepting new connections;
Serve existing ones;
Exit from application

The only solution I came up so far is using timeouts
soap->recv_timeout = 20;
soap->send_timeout = 20;
soap->connect_timeout = 5;
soap->accept_timeout = 5;
Then all blocking functions return periodically. But this is not ideal for me, because I want to be able to terminate the app quickly even if there is an ongoing transmission, but at the same time, don't want to compromise reliability on a slow/flaky connection (it's an embedded device connected via GPRS).

The section 7.2.4 How to Create a Multi-Threaded Stand-Alone Service in the documentation has example code for writing an accept loop. You need to write your own accept loop and add signal handling so it responds to Ctrl-C.
stop accepting new connections:
Leave the loop so you stop calling accept.
Serve existing ones:
The threads need to inform you when they are finished, so you can exit when the number of active clients is zero. (boost::thead_group has a join_all which does exactly that.)
Exit from application:

What you need to do is register signal handler so when you terminate your application using Ctrl + C, it calls you registered function where you can gracefully terminates.
class gsoap_test {
void start() {
running_ = true;
while(running_) {
//gsoap threads
//stop and cleanup
void stop() {
running_ = false;
bool running_;
//global variable
gsoap_test gsoap;
void sighandler(int sig)
std::cout<< "Signal caught..." << std::endl;
//Stop gracefully here
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//register signal
signal(SIGABRT, &sighandler);
signal(SIGTERM, &sighandler);
signal(SIGINT, &sighandler);


Handling multiple connections using QThreadPool

Consider a situation where you need to maintain 256 tcp connections with devices just for ocassionally sending commands. I want to do this in parallel(It needs to block until it gets the response), I'm trying to use QThreadPool for this purpose but I have some doubts if it is possible.
I tried to use QRunnable but I'm not sure how sockets will behave between threads (sockets should be used only in thread that they were created in?)
I'm also worried about efficiency of this solution, I would be glad if somebody could propose some alternatives, not necessarily using QT.
Below I'm posting some snippets of the code.
class Task : public QRunnable {
//creating TaskSubclass instance and socket in it
TaskSubclass *sub;
void run() override {
//some debug info and variable setting...
sub->doSomething( args );
class TaskSubclass {
Socket *sock; // socket instance
void doSomething( args )
//writing to socket here
class MainProgram : public QObject{
QThreadPool *pool;
Task *tasks;
pool = new QThreadPool(this);
//create tasks here
void run(){
//decide which task to start
My favorite solution for this problem is by multiplexing your sockets using select(). That way you don't need to create additional threads, and it is a "very POSIX" way to do it.
See for example see this tutorial:
Or a related question in:
Using select(..) on client
As OMD_AT has allready pointed out the best solution is to use Select() and let the kernel do the job for you :-)
here you have an example of an Async approach and an Syncron multi thread approach.
In this example we create 10 connection to a google webservice and make a simple get request to the server, we measure how long all connections in each approach needed to receive the response from the google server.
Be aware that you should use a more faster webserver to make a real test, like the localhost because the network latency has a big impact on the result.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QAtomicInt>
class Task : public QRunnable
Task() : QRunnable() {}
static QAtomicInt counter;
static QElapsedTimer timer;
virtual void run() override
QTcpSocket* socket = new QTcpSocket();
socket->connectToHost("", 80);
socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n");
if(!--counter) {
qDebug("Multiple Threads elapsed: %lld nanoseconds", timer.nsecsElapsed());
QAtomicInt Task::counter;
QElapsedTimer Task::timer;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// init
int connections = 10;
Task::counter = connections;
QElapsedTimer timer;
/// Async via One Thread (Select)
// handle the data
auto dataHandler = [&timer,&connections](QByteArray data) {
if(!--connections) qDebug(" Single Threads elapsed: %lld nanoseconds", timer.nsecsElapsed());
// create 10 connection to and send an http get request
for(int i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
QTcpSocket* socket = new QTcpSocket();
socket->connectToHost("", 80);
socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n");
QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, [dataHandler,socket]() {
/// Async via Multiple Threads
for(int i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(new Task());
return app.exec();
Multiple Threads elapsed: 62324598 nanoseconds
Single Threads elapsed: 63613967 nanoseconds
Although, the answer is already accepted, I would like to share my)
What I understood from your question: Having 256 currently active connections, from time to time you send a request ("command" as you named it) to one of them and wait for the response. Meanwhile, you want to make this process multithreaded and, though you said "It needs to block until it gets the response", I assume you implied blocking a thread which handles request-response process, but not the main thread.
If I indeed understand the question right, here is how I suggest to do it using Qt:
#include <functional>
#include <QObject> // need to add "QT += core" in .pro
#include <QTcpSocket> // QT += network
#include <QtConcurrent> // QT += concurrent
#include <QFuture>
#include <QFutureWatcher>
class CommandSender : public QObject
// Sends a command via connection and blocks
// until the response arrives or timeout occurs
// then passes the response to a handler
// when the handler is done - unblocks
void SendCommand(
QTcpSocket* connection,
const Command& command,
const int timeout = 1000; // milliseconds, set it to -1 if you want no timeouts
// Sending a command (blocking)
connection.write(command.ToByteArray()); // Look QByteArray for more details
if (connection.waitForBytesWritten(timeout) {
qDebug() << connection.errorString() << endl;
emit error(connection);
// Waiting for a response (blocking)
QDataStream in{ connection, QIODevice::ReadOnly };
QString message;
do {
if (!connection.waitForReadyRead(timeout)) {
qDebug() << connection.errorString() << endl;
emit error(connection);
in >> message;
} while (!in.commitTransaction());
responseHandler(Response{ message }); // Translate message to a response and handle it
// Non-blocking version of SendCommand
void SendCommandAsync(
QTcpSocket* connection,
const Command& command,
void(*responseHandler) (Response&&))
QFutureWatcher<void>* watcher = new QFutureWatcher<void>{ this };
connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, [connection, watcher] ()
emit done(connection);
// Does not block,
// emits "done" when finished
QFuture<void> future
= QtConcurrent::run(this, &CommandSender::SendCommand, connection, command, responseHandler);
void done(QTcpSocket* connection);
void error(QTcpSocket* connection);
Now you can send a command to a socket using a separate thread taken from a thread pool: under the hood QtConcurrent::run() uses the global instance of QThreadPool provided by Qt for you. That thread blocks until it gets a response back and than handles it with responseHandler . Meanwhile, your main thread managing all your commands and sockets stays unblocked. Just catch done() signal which tells that response was received and handled successfully.
One thing to note: asynchronous version sends request only when there is a free thread in the thread pool and waits for it otherwise. Of course, that is the behavior for any thread pool (that is exactly the point of such pattern) but just do not forget about that.
Also I was writing code without Qt in handy so may contain some errors.
Edit: As it turned out, this is not thread safe as sockets are not reentrant in Qt.
What you can do about it is to associate a mutex with a socket and lock it each time you execute its function. This can be done easily creating a wrapper around QTcpSocket class. Please, correct me if I wrong. background thread memory usage

I want to run in a background thread. So when I need it post() func into.
This is main func:
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
std::string message = "hello";
logg = new logger_client(filename,ip,13666);
while (true)
return 0;
And some relevant funcs from logger_client:
std::auto_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> work;
logger_client::logger_client(std::string& filename,std::string& ip, uint16_t port) : work(new boost::asio::io_service::work(io_service))
void logger_client::start()
ios_thread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&,&io_service));
void print_nothing()
void logger_client::add_string(std::string& message)
When i run this, my program eats 2Gb less than a minute. If i remove endless work and change to this:
void logger_client::add_string(std::string& message)
Program works just fine. But I don't want to invoke async operations on this (main) thread. What am i doing wrong?
I added sleep(1sec) in while(true) loop and memory is no longer growing. But this is not a solution. Because if I call run() after post() (i.e. use main thread for processing handles) and even add five more threads with while(true) loops memory is not growing. So why main thread is so much better than newly created? I also tried thread pool for io_service::run - did not help. will exit unless there are pending operations.
Therefore, your ios_thread will exit immediately.
The solution is to use io_service::work.
In addition, endless loop spam like this
while (true)
is not a good idea, maybe add some sleep(), to slow it down a bit and keep it under control.

Safely interrupt C++11 blocking operation

I have a std::thread that uses Boost's asio to read from a serial port:
std::atomic<bool> quit(false);
void serialThread()
asio::io_service io;
asio::serial_port port(io);"COM9"); // Yeay no port enumeration support!
while (!quit)
asio::streambuf buf;
asio::read_until(port, buf, "\n");
auto it = asio::buffers_begin(;
string line(it, it + buf.size());
catch (std::exception e)
cout << "Serial thread error: " << e.what() << endl;
void SetupSignals()
// Arrange it so that `quit = true;` happens when Ctrl-C is pressed.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
thread st(serialThread);
return 0;
When I press Ctrl-C I want to cleanly exit the thread, so that all destructors are called appropriately (some drivers on Windows hate it if you don't close their resources properly).
Unfortunately as you can see, the current code blocks in read_until() so when you press Ctrl-C nothing will happen until a new line of text is received.
One solution is to use polling, something like this:
asio::async_read_until(port, buf, "\n", ...);
while (!quit)
But I'd rather not use polling. It is pretty inelegant. The only solution I can currently see is to have a std::condition_variable quitOrIoFinished that is triggered either when quit is set to true, or when the read finishes. But I didn't write asio so I can't give it a condition variable to wait on.
Is there any clean sane solution? In Go I would just use a select to wait on multiple channels, where one of them is a quit channel. I can't see a similar solution in C++ though.
Use an asio::signal_set to await the INT signal (control-C tends to send interrupt).
When it arrives, simply call cancel() on your IO objects with pending asynchronous operations. They will return with error_code equal to boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
Now, if you have a io_service::work object, destruct it and the all threads running io_service::run() will return, so you can join them.
Note Take care of synchronizing access to your IO objects (e.g. when you invoke cancel() on them) because these objects are not thread-safe, unlike io_service and strand.

C++: How do I check if my window is about to close?

I'm trying to make a Win32/*nix console-based ASCII game. I want to use no libraries whatsoever that aren't standard C++ or on *nix/windows(.h).
I want it to be structured like a game loop. Aka:
//Do crap
//Do other shutdown crap
return 0;
Can anyone point me to what function this would be? If it is platform dependent, give me one example on Windows and *nix.
For the Unix/Linux console, there is no such function. The closest you can do is to catch the signal SIGHUP which is sent when losing the terminal. However be aware that the things you can do in a signal handler are quite limited. Probably the closest to your loop would be (note: untested code):
#include <signal.h>
volatile sig_atomic_t hupflag = 0;
extern "C" void hangup(int)
hupflag = 1;
int main()
sigaction act;
act.sa_handler = hangup;
act.sa_mask = 0;
act.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, 0) < 0)
std::cerr << "could not install signal handler\n";
return 1;
while (!hupflag)
// ...
// shutdown
return 0;
Similar question that might help you What happens when you close a c++ console application
The accepted answer is:
Closing a c++ console app with the "x" in the top corner throws an CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT which you could catch and process if you set a control handler using the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function.
Useful links:
Console Event Handling
On *nix:
On Linux and other Unix systems, the console runs as a separate process. As you close the shell, it sends the SIGHUP signal to the currently active process or processes that are not executed in the background. If the programmer does not handle it, the process simply terminates. The same signal is sent if you close the SSH session with a terminal and an active process.
answer provided by #Zyx in the question linked above
There isn't such a function per se, but both Unix and Windows will send
a signal (SIGHUP under Unix, SIGBREAK under Windows) to all
processes in the process group when the window on which the process
group depends is closed. So all you have to do is catch the signal and
set a flag, which you test in the loop:
#ifdef _WIN32
int const sigClosed = SIGBREAK;
int const sigClosed = SIGHUP;
volatile sig_atomic_t windowClosed = 0;
void signalHandler( int )
windowClosed = 1;
// ...
signal( sigClosed, signalHandler );
while ( windowClosed == 0 ) {
// ...
If you're doing any input from the console in the loop, you'll have the
be prepared for the input to fail (which you should be anyway).

How to handle a ctrl-break signal in a command line interface

Before I begin, I want to clarify that this is not a command-line tool, but an application that accepts commands through it's own command-line interface.
Edit: I must apologize about my explanation from before, apparently I didn't do a very good job at explaining it. One more time...
I am building a command-line interface application that accepts commands from a user. I have a signal handler setup to catch the signals, which then sets a flag that I need to terminate the application. The problem I'm having is all of the console functions I can find are blocking, which means that I can't detect that I need to exit from my console processing loop until the user presses a key (or enter, depending on the function).
Is there some standard way I can do either non-block console interaction, or is there an elegant way to structure the program so that if I just terminate from the signal thread, that everything will be handled and released properly (please don't mis-understand this, I know how this could be done using locking and releasing the resources from the signaling thread, but this could get messy, so I'd rather avoid it)
Hopefully that explanation makes more sense...
OK - this is working for me on Windows & is portable - notice the #ifdef SIGBREAK - this isn't a standard signal.
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
volatile sig_atomic_t quit;
void signal_handler(int sig)
signal(sig, signal_handler);
quit = 1;
int main()
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal(SIGBREAK, signal_handler);
/* etc */
while (!quit)
string s;
cin >> s;
cout << s << endl;
cout << "quit = " << quit << endl;
On *nix, you can use the signal function to register a signal handler:
#include <signal.h>
void signal_handler(int sig)
// Handle the signal
int main(void)
// Register the signal handler for the SIGINT signal (Ctrl+C)
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
Now, whenever someone hits Ctrl+C, your signal handler will be called.
In Windows: SetConsoleCtrlHandler
On a *nix based system you might not really need a signal handler for this to work. You could specify that you want to ignore the SIGINT call
int main(void)
// Register to ignore the SIGINT signal (Ctrl+C)
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
retval = my_blocking_io_func();
if(retval == -1 && errno == EINTR)
// do whatever you want to do in case of interrupt
The important way that this works is to recognize that non-blocking functions do get interrupted. Normally, you would realize that the blocking function failed (e.g. read()) and reattempt the function. If it was some other value you would take the appropriate error related action.
A better *nix solution that is thread safe is to use pthread_sigmask() instead of signal().
For example, this is how you signore SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGPIPE in the current thread and future spawned threads:
sigset_t waitset;
sigaddset(&waitset, SIGINT);
sigaddset(&waitset, SIGTERM);
sigaddset(&waitset, SIGPIPE);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &waitset, NULL);