I'm somehow stuck with implementing a reporting functionailty in my Log-Parser Application.
This is what I did so far:
I'm writing an Application that reads Logfiles and searches the strings for multiple regular Expressions that can be defined in a user-configuration file. For every so called "StringPipe"-defintion that is parsed from the configuration the Main-Process spawns a worker thread that will search for a single regex. The more definitons the user creates, the more worker threads are spawned. The Main Function reads a bunch of Logstrings and then sends the workers to process the strings and so on.
Now I want every single worker thread that is spawned to report information about the number of matches it has found, how long it took, what it did with those strings and so on. These Information are used to export as csv, write to DB and so on.
Now I'm stuck at the point where I created a Class "Report". This Class provides member functions that are called by the worker threads to make the Report-Class gather the Infos needed for generating the report.
For that my workers (which are boost::threads / functors) have to create a Report-Object which they can call those reporting functions for.
The problem is in my Design, because when a worker-thread finishes his job, it is destroyed and for the next bunch of strings that needs to be processed a new instance of this worker functor is spawned and so it needs to create a new Report Object.
This is a problem from my understanding, because I need some kind of container where every worker can store it's reported infos into and finally a global report that contains such infos as how long the whole processing has taken, which worker was slowest and so on.
I just need to collect all these infos together, but how can I do this? Everytime a worker stops, reports, and then starts again, it will destroy the Report-Object and it's members, so all the infos from previous work is gone.
How can I solve this problem or how is such a thing handled in general?
First, I would not spawn a new thread do the RE searching and such. Rather, you almost certainly want a pool of threads to handle the jobs as they arise.
As far as retrieving and processing the results go, it sounds like what you want are Futures. The basic idea is that you create an object to hold the result of the computation, and a Future to keep track of when the computation is complete. You can either wait for the results to be complete, or register a call-back to be called when a future is complete.
Instead of having the worker thread create the report object, why don't you have the main thread create the empty report and pass a pointer to the worker thread when created. Then the worker thread can report back when it has completed the report, then the main thread can add the data from that report to some main report.
So, the worker thread will never have ownership of the actual report, it fill just populate its data fields and report back to the main thread.
The scenario:
There are several processes running on a machine. Names and handles unknown, but they all have a piece of code running in them that's under our control.
A command line process is run. It signals to the other processes that they need to end (SetEvent), which our code picks up and handles within the other processes.
The goal:
The command line process needs to wait until the other processes have ended. How can this be achieved?
All that's coming to mind is to set up some shared memory or something and have each process write its handle into it so the command line process can wait on them, but this seems like so much effort for what it is. There must be some kernel level reference count that can be waited on?
Edit 1:
I'm thinking maybe assigning the processes to a job object, then the command line processes can wait on that? Not ideal though...
Edit 2:
Can't use job objects as it would interfere with other things using jobs. So now I'm thinking that the processes would obtain a handle to some/any sync object (semaphore, event, etc), and the command line process would poll for its existance. It would have to poll as if it waited it would keep the object alive. The sync object gets cleaned up by windows when the processes die, so the next poll would indicate that there are no processes. Not the niceset, cleanest method, but simple enough for the job it needs to do. Any advance on that?
You can do either of following ways.
Shared Memory (memory mapped object) : CreateFileMapping, then MapViewOfFile --> Proceed the request. UnmapViewFile. Close the file,
Named Pipe : Create a nameed pipe for each application. And keep running a thread to read the file. So, You can write end protocol from your application by connecting to that named pipe. ( U can implement a small database as like same )
WinSock : (Dont use if you have more number of processes. Since you need to send end request to the other process. Either the process should bind to your application or it should be listening in a port.)
Create a file/DB : Share the file between the processes. ( You can have multiple files if u needed ). Make locking before reading or writing.
I would consider a solution using two objects:
a shared semaphore object, created by the main (controller?) app, with an initial count of 0, just before requesting the other processes to terminate (calling SetEvent()) - I assume that the other processes don't create this event object, neither they fail if it has not been created yet.
a mutex object, created by the other (child?) processes, used not for waiting on it, but for allowing the main process to check for its existence (if all child processes terminate it should be destroyed). Mutex objects have the distinction that can be "created" by more than one processes (according to the documentation).
Synchronization would be as follows:
The child processes on initialization should create the Mutex object (set initial ownership to FALSE).
The child processes upon receiving the termination request should increase the semaphore count by one (ReleaseSemaphore()) and then exit normally.
The main process would enter a loop calling WaitForSingleObject() on the semaphore with a reasonably small timeout (eg some 250 msec), and then check not whether the object was granted or a timeout has occurred, but whether the mutex still exists - if not, this means that all child processes terminated.
This setup avoids making an interprocess communication scheme (eg having the child processes communicating their handles back - the number of which is unknown anyway), while it's not strictly speaking "polling" either. Well, there is some timeout involved (and some may argue that this alone is polling), but the check is also performed after each process has reported that it's terminating (you can employ some tracing to see how many times the timeout has actually elapsed).
The simple approach: you already have an event object that every subordinate process has open, so you can use that. After setting the event in the master process, close the handle, and then poll until you discover that the event object no longer exists.
The better approach: named pipes as a synchronization object, as already suggested. That sounds complicated, but it isn't.
The idea is that each of the subordinate processes creates an instance of the named pipe (i.e., all with the same name) when starting up. There's no need for a listening thread, or indeed any I/O logic at all; you just need to create the instance using CreateNamedPipe, then throw away the handle without closing it. When the process exits, the handle is closed automatically, and that's all we need.
To see whether there are any subordinate processes, the master process would attempt to connect to that named pipe using CreateFile. If it gets a file not found error, there are no subordinate processes, so we're done.
If the connection succeeded, there's at least one subordinate process that we need to wait for. (When you attempt to connect to a named pipe with more than one available instance, Windows chooses which instance to connect you to. It doesn't matter to us which one it is.)
The master process would then call ReadFile (just a simple synchronous read, one byte will do) and wait for it to fail. Once you've confirmed that the error code is ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE (it will be, unless something has gone seriously wrong) you know that the subordinate process in question has exited. You can then loop around and attempt another connection, until no more subordinate processes remain.
(I'm assuming here that the user will have to intervene if one or more subordinates have hung. It isn't impossible to keep track of the process IDs and do something programmatically if that is desirable, but it's not entirely trivial and should probably be a separate question.)
I am writing my first threaded application for an industrial machine that has a very fast line speed. I am using the MFC for the UI and once the user pushes the "Start" machine button, I need to be simultaneously executing three operations. I need to collect data, process it and output results very quickly as well as checking to see if the user has turned the machine "off". When I say very quickly, I expect the analyze portion of the execution to take the longest and it needs to happen in well under a second. I am mostly concerned about overhead elimination associated with threads. What is the fastest way to implement the loop below:
void Scanner(CString& m_StartStop) {
std::thread Collect(CollectData);
while (m_StartStop == "Start") {
std::thread Analyze(AnalyzeData);
std::thread Collect(CollectData);
std::thread Send(SendData);
I realize this sample is likely way off base, but hopefully it gets the point across. Should I be creating three threads and suspending them instead of creating and joining them over and over? Also, I am a little unclear if the UI needs its own thread since the user needs to able to pause or stop the line at anytime.
In case anyone is wondering why this needs to be threaded as opposed to sequential, the answer is that the line speed of the machine will cause the need to be collecting data for the second part while the first part is being analyzed. Every 1 second equates to 3 ft of linear part movement down this machine.
Think about functionnal problem before thinking about implementation.
So we have a continuous flow of data that need to be collected, analyzed and sent elsewhere, with a supervision point to be able to stop of pause the process.
collection should be limited by the input flow
analyze should only be cpu limited
sending should be io bound
You just need to make sure that the slowest part must be collection.
That is a correct use case for threads. Implementation could use:
a pool of input buffers that would be filled by collect task and used by analyze task
one thread that continuously:
controls if it should exit (a dedicated variable)
takes an input object from the pool
fills it with data
passes it to analyze task
one thread that continuously
waits for the first of an input object from collect task and a request to exit
analyzes the object and prepares output
send the output
Optionnaly, you can have a separate thread for processing the output. In that case, the last lines becomes
passes an output object to the sending task
and we must add:
one thread that continuously
waits for the first of an output object from analze task and a request to exit
send the output
And you must provide a way to signal the request for pause or exit, either with a completely external program and a signalisation mechanism, or a GUI thread
Any threads you need should already be running, waiting for work. You should not create or join threads.
If job A has to finish before job B can start, the completion of job A should trigger the start of job B. That is, when the thread doing job A finished doing job A, it should either do job B itself or trigger the dispatch of job B. There shouldn't need to be some other thread that's waiting for job A to finish so that it can start job B.
I need to implement a statistics reporter - an object that prints to screen bunch of statistic.
This info is updated by 20 threads.
The reporter must be a thread itself that wakes up every 1 sec, read the info and prints it to screen.
My design so far: InfoReporterElement - one element of info. has two function, PrintInfo and UpdateData.
InfoReporterRow - one row on screen. A row holds vector of ReporterInfoElement.
InfoReporterModule - a module composed of a header and vector of rows.
InfoRporter - the reporter composed of a vector of modules and a header. The reporter exports the function 'PrintData' that goes over all modules\rows\basic elements and prints the data to screen.
I think that I should an Object responsible to receive updates from the threads and update the basic info elements.
The main problem is how to update the info - should I use one mutex for the object or use mutex per basic element?
Also, which object should be a threads - the reporter itself, or the one that received updates from the threads?
I would say that first of all, the Reporter itself should be a thread. It's basic in term of decoupling to isolate the drawing part from the active code (MVC).
The structure itself is of little use here. When you reason in term of Multithread it's not so much the structure as the flow of information that you should check.
Here you have 20 active threads that will update the information, and 1 passive thread that will display it.
The problem here is that you encounter the risk of introducing some delay in the work to be done because the active thread cannot acquire the lock (used for display). Reporting (or logging) should never block (or as little as possible).
I propose to introduce an intermediate structure (and thread), to separate the GUI and the work: a queuing thread.
active threads post event to the queue
the queuing thread update the structure above
the displaying thread shows the current state
You can avoid some synchronization issues by using the same idea that is used for Graphics. Use 2 buffers: the current one (that is displayed by the displaying thread) and the next one (updated by the queuing thread). When the queuing thread has processed a batch of events (up to you to decide what a batch is), it asks to swap the 2 buffers, so that next time the displaying thread will display fresh info.
Note: On a more personal note, I don't like your structure. The working thread has to know exactly where on the screen the element it should update is displayed, this is a clear breach of encapsulation.
Once again, look up MVC.
And since I am neck deep in patterns: look up Observer too ;)
The main problem is how to update the
info - should i use one mutex for the
object or use mutex per basic element?
Put a mutex around the basic unit of update action. If this is an InfoReporterElement object, you'd need a mutex per such object. Otherwise, if a row is updated at a time, by any one of the threads then put the mutex around the row and so on.
Also, which object should be a threads
- the reporter itself, or the one that received updates from the threads?
You can put all of them in separate threads -- multiple writer threads that update the information and one reader thread that reads the value.
You seem to have a pretty good grasp of the basics of concurrency.
My intial thought would be a queue which has a mutex which locks for writes and deletes. If you have the time then I would look at lock-free access.
For you second concern I would have just one reader thread.
A piece of code would be nice to operate on.
Attach a mutex to every InfoReporterElement. As you've written in a comment, not only you need getting and setting element value, but also increment it or probably do another stuff, so what I'd do is make a mutexed member function for every interlocked operation I'd need.
We have a windows service in C++/ MFC which has to carry out a number of tasks on the host workstation some of which may be long running and may fail a few times before they are completed. Each task will only need to be completed once and sequentially.
I was of thinking of some form of callback initially to retry the failed task but each function has totally different parameters and the code has already been written and tested and just needs a re-queuing method.
I thought we could write the failed task to the registry, sleep() for a while and then restart the service. Is there a better approach?
I'm doing quite the same thing in my professional project. My server component is getting runnable objects from different sources and execute them sequentially in a separated thread. All my runnable objects are using different parameters but they all have one function run(void* pUserParam). the void* parameters is a special object that contains a collection of field with different type (double, string, etc...).
My component is queuing the runnable object and launch a new one each time the thread is freed. Of course my component is sleeping when queue is empty and wake up when an object arrives. In your case when a task fail you just need to re-queue it and it will automatically retry the task later.
To achieve these you need:
a Pool mechanism that manage a queue
of tasks,
a task object that contains all information about the runnable object to launch and the parameters,
a runnable object that contains your action to execute.
How it works:
Your service is listening for demands,
When a demand arrives, it give it to the Pool mechanism,
The Pool take the runnable object and its parameter(s) and create a task. This task is queued,
(2b. If the queue was empty, the pool wakes up the execution thread,)
The Thread pick up one task from the queue and execute it calling the Run() function of the runnable object and passing to it the parameters previously stored in the task,
(3b. If the task failed, the thread re-queue a task with the runnable object and its parameter(s),)
The thread picks up a new task or sleeps if queue is empty.
This is my approach and I know this works fine. I know with this method you need to rewrite a part of your application but then the only thing to modify when adding a sort of task is to create a new runnable object (one sort of task => one runnable object that inherit from the abstract one).
Hope this will help you
I'm having trouble keeping my app responsive to user actions. Therefore, I'd like to split message processing between multiple threads.
Can I simply create several threads, reading from the same message queue in all of them, and letting which ever one is able process each message?
If so, how can this be accomplished?
If not, can you suggest another way of resolving this problem?
You cannot have more than one thread which interacts with the message pump or any UI elements. That way lies madness.
If there are long processing tasks which can be farmed out to worker threads, you can do it that way, but you'll have to use another thread-safe queue to manage them.
If this were later in the future, I would say use the Asynchronous Agents APIs (plug for what I'm working on) in the yet to be released Visual Studio 2010 however what I would say given todays tools is to separate the work, specifically in your message passing pump you want to do as little work as possible to identify the message and pass it along to another thread which will process the work (hopefully there isn't Thread Local information that is needed). Passing it along to another thread means inserting it into a thread safe queue of some sort either locked or lock-free and then setting an event that other threads can watch to pull items from the queue (or just pull them directly). You can look at using a 'work stealing queue' with a thread pool for efficiency.
This will accomplish getting the work off the UI thread, to have the UI thread do additional work (like painting the results of that work) you need to generate a windows message to wake up the UI thread and check for the results, an easy way to do this is to have another 'work ready' queue of work objects to execute on the UI thread. imagine an queue that looks like this: threadsafe_queue<function<void(void)> basically you can check if it to see if it is non-empty on the UI thread, and if there are work items then you can execute them inline. You'll want the work objects to be as short lived as possible and preferably not do any blocking at all.
Another technique that can help if you are still seeing jerky movement responsiveness is to either ensure that you're thread callback isn't executing longer that 16ms and that you aren't taking any locks or doing any sort of I/O on the UI thread. There's a series of tools that can help identify these operations, the most freely available is the 'windows performance toolkit'.
Create the separate thread when processing the long operation i.e. keep it simple, the issue is with some code you are running that is taking too long, that's the code that should have a separate thread.