linking error for libs in VC++ - c++

In my project exist two sub project.
main project is shopGUI
other ones are 'connection' and 'log'
I build at first a log.lib file from log project
then add it to connection project and build connection.lib
then I try use connection in main project(shopGUI) but I have linking error.
error said that in
connection.lib(Client.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall log::print....."
thanks herzl

Libraries don't link in dependent libraries.
You'll need to link your ShopGui with both sub project libraries.

1) You linked improperly
2) You have forgotten to define (write the body of) log::print


LNK2019 Error Header is included but not linked?

I have some classes and headers that are external to my program that i wish to use. I am using MSVC2013 and have specified the location of these files in the "Additional include directories" entry in the project settings window. Intellisense recognises the paths and provides the appropriate syntax highlight and my program compiles fine except at the end it throws LNK2019 errors for any usage of these classes. Is there another place in linker settings I need to specify to link external files or am i missing something obvious here.
Error messages:
MainWindow.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl QPropertyEditorWidget::QPropertyEditorWidget(class QWidget *)" (??0QPropertyEditorWidget##QEAA#PEAVQWidget###Z) referenced in function "public: __cdecl MainWindow::MainWindow(class QWidget *)" (??0MainWindow##QEAA#PEAVQWidget###Z)
Header files typically provide the API and/or data structures for some other code (most likely a library). With the headers you know about the "other" code, but you don't actually "have it" in your program.
Specifying where to find the headers is only half of the problem. You also need to specify where to find the object files (or libraries), and which objects or libraries to link against.

Qt Link Issue with MyClass::metaobject VS2005

Just quickly before I start, I have searched SO and Google for a length of time trying to solve this and have been unsuccessful.
I am trying to compile my project, which used to use a certain library for providing GUI functionality based on Windows Forms. Now my company has started to move to Qt, and I decided I would start to convert my small application to support Qt also.
At first it would not compile at all, due to missing headers. Now that is sorted, I am stuck with my final .exe not being able to link due to the following errors.
Creating library Bin\VS_V8\Win32\Debug\Disp.lib and object Bin\VS_V8\Win32\Debug\Disp.exp
QtMainMenu.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual struct QMetaObject const * __thiscall QtMainMenu::metaObject(void)const " (?metaObject#QtMainMenu##UBEPBUQMetaObject##XZ)
QtMainMenu.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void * __thiscall QtMainMenu::qt_metacast(char const *)" (?qt_metacast#QtMainMenu##UAEPAXPBD#Z)
QtMainMenu.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall QtMainMenu::qt_metacall(enum QMetaObject::Call,int,void * *)" (?qt_metacall#QtMainMenu##UAEHW4Call#QMetaObject##HPAPAX#Z)
Bin\VS_V8\Win32\Debug\Disp.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals
Our company has a small "Qt Test App" that was written to play around with, which is where I have based my import from. I can compile and link that fine. From what I have gathered, the following properties must be met with Qt files:
Make sure QTDir is included
Add to the UI Files the UIC Compiler
Add to the Resoruce Files the Resource Compiler
Add to the created Header Files the MOC compiler.
I noticed I was missing the MOC Build Tool commands, so I have added them to my UI File's header. However this didnt change the linking problem. I read that I should delete all built files and do a clean to solve it. This didnt work either.
I have checked, and Q_OBJECT is defined in the class.
I am using VS2005 with the Qt Addin. I did not start a new project for Qt however, I am just using the old Visual Studio Solution / VCProj.
Any ideas where to go next?
#Cameron Stubber you need moc object .. You need to modify Custom Build Step.
You can find Custom Build Step in header file (which has Q_OBJECT) Properties by right click. Then type this commands ;
Command Line = $(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe -I"$(QTDIR)\include\QtCore" -I"$(QTDIR)\include\QtGui" -I"$(QTDIR)\include" -I"$(QTDIR)\mkspecs\$(QMAKESPEC)" finddialog.h -o debug\moc_finddialog.cpp
Description = MOC finddialog.h
Outputs = debug\moc_finddialog.cpp
Additional Dependencies = $(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe;finddialog.h
But carefull by writing this types you need to change somethings here like $(QTDIR) it is my enviroment variables you need to write full form of where your QT located like D:\qt_5\
and also you need to be carefull finddialog you should write your .h and .cpp files name
And then you need to create a folder by right clicking solution explorer Add\New Filter .. Make folder name as Generated Files
And last step right click Generated Files add\existing item and you will see Debug folder in your solution Project and add moc_"projectName".cpp
Then re-build your solution. Problem will be solved.
Also you should add C/C++ /General/Additional Library Directories
And Link/General/Additional Library Directories
Link/Input/Additional Dependencies
But dont forget to change $(QTDIR) to your enviroment variables or location of your qt folder. Like D:\qt_4.7.4

LNK2019 error building ZeroMQ Hello World example. VS2012 RC

I get the following error trying to build the "hello world" example from ZeroMQ.
Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__zmq_msg_init
referenced in function _wmain
I've added the library and header paths to the project (BTW how do I add them to the default settings?) and I've tried adding "libzmq-v100-mt.lib" (and "libzmq-v100-mt-gd.lib") to the linker additional inputs property. This didn't help.
Any other ideas?
The ZeroMQ headers (zmq.h in particular), by default, appear only to support dynamic linking on win32.
Try #define-ing ZMQ_EXPORT. That way, it won't see the __declspec(dllimport) declaration and won't expect to link against a .dll.

unresolved external symbol compile error

I frequently have this problem when I try a new library. This time I work with PointGrey Camera and try to use its API libraries (some dll, lib, header files). Mostly, problems were fixed by configuring the SDK (I'm using VS2008) Tools/Options/VC++ Directories/include files(/library files)(/executable files),
I also tried with project configuration:
+ project properties/linker/input/additional dependencies
+ project properties/linker/General/Additional Library Directories
This time, with all this, I still have the error.
Is there a general method to deal with this problem?
do I need to understand this diagnosis from VS2008?
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__flycaptureGetPacketInfo referenced in function "enum FlyCaptureError __cdecl initializeStandardEventSizes(void *,struct FlyCaptureImageEvent * const)" (?initializeStandardEventSizes##YA?AW4FlyCaptureError##PAXQAUFlyCaptureImageEvent###Z) main_2.obj test
does using analysis tool such as Dependencies Walker ensure to solve these problems well??
This message says that you used a symbol (a function or a variable) in your code. This symbol was probably declared somewhere (most likely in a header file you included in your code) otherwise there would have been a compilation error. When the linker searched for the symbol (in both your object files and the lib files you instructed it to look in) it couldn't find it.
That usually happens because you forgot to let the linker know about a lib you want it to search in.
Most libraries come with a set of instruction that is supposed to help you set up everything correctly and avoid running into these problems.
This problem has been solved lately. I installed the incompatible library of PointGrey. That's why it didn't work. But this says something between "incompatible library" and "unresolved exertal symbol error"

unresolved external symbol __imp__Inf and __imp__Nan

I just tried to build Qt for WinCE7.0 using VS2008 after lots of code modification I successfully compiled main libraries.
While Compiling the QtScript library I received the following linker errors:
1> Creating library ..\..\lib\QtScript4.lib and object ..\..\lib\QtScript4.exp
1>BytecodeGenerator.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__Inf referenced in function "public: static double __cdecl QTWTF::FloatHashTraits<double>::emptyValue(void)" (?emptyValue#?$FloatHashTraits#N#QTWTF##SANXZ)
1>Executable.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__Inf
1>MathObject.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__Inf
1>DateMath.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__Nan referenced in function "double __cdecl QTWTF::parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters(char const *,bool &,int &)" (?parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters#QTWTF##YANPBDAA_NAAH#Z)
1>JSValue.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__Nan
1>..\..\lib\QtScript4.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
I have absolutely no idea which libraries I missed to link with!
If you're using Windows, I'll assume you're building in MSVS. I often start projects WITHOUT default libs and if I happen to touch "out of reach" terriotry from another lib, I add what I need as I go along.
Fortunately, MSVS is great at helping me with this. Just turn VERBOSE compiling status and see what libs it's trying to access, then just add them:
right click the project, linker, show progress -> select VERBOSE
Another method is when I check MSDN for Microsoft functions and see the lib they are declared in and add it (since VERBOSE can be overkill on my poor output window). I don't know if Qt has a detailed reference documentation (also stating the libs) but it's worth a shot.
When all else fails, just add all libs Qt could possibly want (make sure IGNORE STANDARD LIBS is disabled) then check VERBOSE and only keep those in the list.
Assuming you have all the libraries in the project, another problem is mismatched dependencies (right click the solution, startup project -> select the one you need, [project dependencies -> map each dependency for the specified libs).
Also make sure when you import an extern the lib is defined in Linker->Input.
However, if you modified the source (either adding new functions/global or static vars or you modified function signatures), the unresolved external reference means a function/var definition has no associated body. Either implement one or add { } in the definition; so if that's the case, check the functions/vars from the error message.